Self-Awareness Healing

I've always believed holistic healing made the most common sense of any modality--and that our bodies, minds, spirits, and INNER-KNOWINGNESS (bodies of consciousness) were created to INNATELY and NATURALLY heal and re-balance themselves. These gifts of life in the human form have become dis-ease ridden and imbalanced due to our forgetting who we really are and no longer being in touch with our own bodies, feelings, minds, spirits.

Humanity has become outwardly, left-brained mental focused. And a great deal of science has only recognized that which can be seen and measured--not taking into account the spiritual, invisible, inner-knowingness, and the hypnotizing seduction and distraction of belief systems.

The way back to full body-of-consciousness health seems to be to simply CHOOSE to become more present in the moment, thus more self-aware. And to do that, a person needs to get quiet and comfortable with being alone with oneself, until you can be fully centered in the presence of others without giving your sovereignty and life into the hands of another outside of you.

The co-creative energies supportively match whatever TRUE FEELINGS you're radiating out as your personal truth. It started for me by literally CLOSING MY EYES and scanning my body for tense, ready-to-defend areas, taking a deep breath when I found them, exploring the experience, and reminding myself:

1. It's all just been A VERY LIMITED REALITY created by all of us blind and sleepy co-creators (none of us EVER did anything WRONG--not really). 

2. There's NO-thing I have to figure out or do.

3. All is well in All of Creation....

The Key to Using the "I never did anything wrong" Tool
"I did it. I put it there. Why?": Going Beyond Having Done Something Wrong to Deserve Pain and Trauma
Boosting Your Immune Systems During CO-VID, Flu, and Cold Season
Being Present with Loved Ones in Isolation and ICU
Invite Your Pain to Tell You Its Story
Trouble getting past the guilt and shame of being "wrong"?
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Stop Fighting with Cancer: Use It as a Tool for Self-Awareness
4 Questions to Help You FEEL Through and Release Painful Old Stories
Quit Using the Words "Try" & "But": You're More Than That
Taking the Sting Out of Being Judgmental
That IS A Way To Be: Letting Go Of Judgment
The Villain, The Prodigal Son, & The Gossip
Spiritual Energy Is Sexual Energy
The Dark Lady & Me: A Lesson On Self-Awareness and Self-Forgiveness
Where did my joy in simply being alive go?
Self-Honesty & Conscious Awareness: Breaking the Bonds of B.S.(Belief Systems) and Dis-ease
Overcoming the Victimhood Addiction: Sexuality/Sensuality in Childhood: One of my personal examples of the Sexual Energy Virus in consciousness.
Sensitives: The Art of Walking a Mile in Another's Moccasins
Life: An Assorted Mess of Sensual Personalized Gifts
Got Pain?
Clarity for the New Year
Bringing Down the Walls
Using the Body Pendulum vs. Dieting
Being Self-Aware WITHOUT Judgment, vs. Battling Victimhood
Forgive Yourself: We're All Just Role-Playing Here
We Are More Than the Choices We Make
Healing the Guilty Gossip in Me
FEELING Pain Through, and Out, by Breathing and Staying Present
Napping while Awakening
Walk like a Master
Life is a Gift--NOT a Test
Discerning the Pity Trap
Thank Your Moms and Dads
Trying to Save Face when Personal Shame Haunts
Guilt--the Elephant in Your Room
Mental Breakdowns are TEMPORARY
Why Self-Awareness Should Take the Place of Comparison and Conformity
What Story Am I Radiating?
The Word "Fight"
I Don't Like Diagnosing or Labeling Disease: Here's Why...
Hey There, GUILT--We're Done!
Let's Loose the Shackles--Guilt, Shame and Misery
Physical Symptoms of My Awakening Self-Awareness
Physical Symptoms of My Awakening, Part 2
Can Death Be Transcended?
My Candid Heartfelt Thoughts About Cancer
An Ah-Ha! About Guilt
A Painful Lump, An Answering Dream, and Love of Angry Me
Anger--That Tricky-Feeling Emotion
The Gift that "Autism" Is
The Plus Side of Being Able to "Bawl My Eyes Out"
When in Pain, Just Breathe
My Beloved Mirrors
The Blessing of My Dark Side
My Big Ah-Ha!/Yahoo Moment
Accepting Full Responsibility with Self-Compassion
With this Body...
Trust Yourself--Your Inner Knowingness

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