Sunday, September 25, 2016

Walking On...Beyond Death With Steve, Part II

Click this link for Walking on...Beyond Death With Steve, Part 1

When Steve was 14, he crossed over the Veil, and the love and music that he experienced while there profoundly affected the course of his life: He told me his greatest desire was to bring that all-accepting love here to this Earthly reality world. He could also read people's hearts from the aura around them. 

He joined a Christian church in search of something that would resonate with that experience, and though it did help him develop his voice and musical gifts, it ended up being a stepping stone. It was limited, and it wasn't answering all the questions he had, so he left; and he opened up to receiving his answers from myriad sources throughout his life: often something he read in a book or heard from a person, from a vision or an experience he had, and mainly from his own knowingnesses from within.

In the most recent August 2016 Shoud, Adamus shared with us that in the last year over 100 Shaumbra--meaning awakened and conscious human beings--found themselves unexpectedly on the other side of the veil. They didn't commit suicide, their bodies just gave out. Some of them suffered strokes or heart attacks or some such--and they simply found themselves on the other side.

This awakening and enlightenment and transfiguration isn't easy stuff--everything about you is released and changed biologically, mentally and spiritually all the way back through a person's ancestral, both biological and spiritual, beginnings. It changes your very DNA.

Everything goes new, and even though it happens naturally and there's no going back, it's a difficult and tremendous shift. Steve and I both had lower back issues that affected our ability to walk. You may experience head and upper back pains, and pains in the heart, the sides and stomach, and pains in your limbs and extremities. You may have skin issues. Your vision is affected. Your thinking and mental processes don't work so well. Sometimes you can't sleep enough, and other times you don't sleep much at all. I've experienced hot and cold flashes, like menopause, only this affects both men and women and is more intense. It lasted for nearly half a year, and just when I thought I was done, it showed up again after Steve left.

It's all unique to the individual, and often there's really very little a doctor can do--our medical system has a "diagnose and let's fix this thing that's wrong with you perspective"--and truly nothing is wrong, not from our viewpoint. We are just changing, going through a metamorphosis. All of it is very personal and it's often hard to find the words to share with other people. 

There is a deep and profound passion that keeps one pressing on, even when the body hurts, and I've found myself enduring more pain and hardship than I need to because of my desire to get past this part of our story. I've been reminded lately that truly loving myself means taking the pressure off my already-challenged body and using whatever therapy occurs to me in the moment to help give myself a reprieve, to take the edge off so I can enjoy this now moment, and not get so focused on the future. I have all the time in the world to serve me, and I gave myself this particular gift of experience--I should savor it instead of trying to race my way to some finish line.

I have recently given myself a little help through homeopathy for the allergic symptoms and for the hot and cold flashes/spinal energy surges. Homeopathic remedies, administered in minute dosages, basically induce the body to experience the same symptoms, only less intensely, so that it stimulates one's innate body to balance itself naturally, as it has always known how to. Kryon, as channelled through Lee Carroll, has spoken quite clearly on the benefits of homeopathy. BUT, for emotional issues, as Adamus notes, I would NOT use it--homeopathy means "more of the same," so if you're already depressed, you'll be even more so before it swings the other direction. I use it only for the physical symptoms.

Adamus has recommended to have simple body work done, like massage and Reiki, to help flow the stuck energies. I have had my husband and Steve rub out the sore spots from time to time, but I've yet to treat myself to a massage from a trained therapist. 

Baths and water therapy helps, and I walk quite a bit out in nature or spend time outside gardening and playing with our cats. Our pets are some of the most supportive beings in this journey, and Steve's cat, Buddy, was one of his best friends, too. On Father's Day last year, Buddy brought him a live, unharmed baby bunny. He dropped it in Steve's hands.

Adamus Saint-Germain has told us many times over the years that people who transition across the Veil of Forgetting (aka, people who die), their consciousness (which is eternal) actually leaves their bodies sometimes weeks in advance of their bodies physically dying--and that it happens regardless of whether it's an illness or a seeming accident. It's been helpful for me to know this because Adamus said that they don't suffer with pain then, even though the person may appear to be in pain--that's just the body, the human shell, going on in its established patterns and stories. Also, their human minds can continue chattering long after the physical body has died.

With that said, when I remember my last visit on the phone with Steve a couple weeks prior to the wedding, he mentioned looking deeply within at your fear surrounding death as one way of gaining full understanding of going beyond--that a human's fear of death is what keeps one imprisoned in this old consciousness reality. In short, I believe he was trying to tell me even then that he had already died, so to speak--though as unexpectedly on his part as much as mine. I didn't go there with him at the time because I didn't expect him to die--we were going through this together, both staying embodied in our enlightenment on this side. At least, that was our hope, because both of us know not to get too attached to an outcome or human plan.

The Saturday morning of our last coffee date, I realized I was drinking my coffee from the red fiesta ware cups that the restaurant uses. Steve commented that the servers there knew not to serve him using that color. He had an aversion to that specific red--red is the root chakra color, the one most connected with the Earth energies. It's a grounding energy, and when I commented that I had no problem with it, Steve replied that he was having a hard time grounding himself--staying embodied--here. 

I just thought at the time that this was more of the same conversation we'd had for years. It wasn't news to me that he was having difficulty with this--all of us Shaumbra have dealt with the difficulty of keeping our energies anchored with the Earth story. Now, I think he was trying to tell me once again the news I didn't want to hear, the twist and turn in my road. I see all this stuff in retrospect--hindsight is 20/20.

In looking back, he was trying to tell me he had already crossed over by blinking at me while on the ventilator in the hospital, but I was focused on it being transfiguration symptoms that would eventually balance themselves, and human Penny only saw what she wanted to see. Things truly did work out--and even though I persisted in my errant belief at the time--I was still always open to anything and everything that happened, even his possible and what ended up being, for all of us, his very real death. 

Synchronicities happened throughout this experience in the hospital, his transition, and the burial of his ashes on the hill, with people who knew his various wishes and attitudes towards life appearing at just the right time and place. We truly couldn't have planned it any better. His caregivers were sensitive and compassionate. Everything just flowed. Love and gratitude and kindness truly was all around. 

Even when someone thought they'd made a mistake, it turned out to be the best thing that could happen. An example is when our youngest brother read his invitation wrong and missed the wedding. But because of that, he was close to Bismarck and was able to meet Steve when they flew him from Bowman (a 3 hour drive for the rest of us) to the Sanford Hospital ICU. It was important to all of us that Steve see a familiar and loving face when he got there.

So, as I'm writing this, I'm realizing more clearly that Steve really had already found himself on the other side of the veil, probably at least 2 weeks prior to his son's wedding, an event he really wanted to be present for. During our phone visit, he told me he'd been writing a song for his son and new daughter-in-law, and he was excited to spend time with his daughter and her family while they were back. 

One of the great things about embodied enlightenment is that you take your energetic body with you when you decide to leave this life, and that it's then easy to incarnate at will afterwards. It's my understanding that we don't leave a corpse behind for someone to have to deal with. Remember Yeshua/Jesus--his body disappeared from the tomb, and days later, his loved ones and apostles were able to perceive him.

This situation left us with a dilemma. We had a physical body here yet, and Steve had some unfinished personal things he sincerely desired to see resolved. Basically, he made it through the wedding celebration, and then we managed to extend it a week and a half after the major stroke in order to bring everything to resolution, and to allow those of us especially close to him the time to come to some semblance of inner peace and let go.

I developed a twitch in my left eye the first day of his stroke that I realized meant I was connected with Steve on another consciousness level. Whether I was at home or while sitting beside him, I'd feel myself moving from one dimension to another--feeling slightly off-kilter and a bit nauseated, not fully in my body. While in this state, I channelled his wishes to his kids. The annoying twitch left after his body shut down. I think of it as my dreamwalking twitch.

Steve and I talked often about how blessed we were to have the biological family that we shared--we have amazingly sensitive and freedom-honoring parents and siblings. We don't get in one another's business, and while we may hold different viewpoints on some subjects, it's never really mattered--ultimately, we're there for each other, no matter what. And it's done in a quiet way--we're not, any of us, much into making speeches, even at our loved ones celebrations.

Steve loved nature, and he adored those divine beings who played the roles of his children and grandchildren, nieces, nephews, siblings, parents and friends. He and I saw all of us as being more than our human roles. His children weren't his to own or control--they were gifts in his life--sovereigns of their own life, and free to be. His desire for all of us was to have happy, abundant in all ways, lives.

I know I wasn't off in my understanding that Steve was going through transfiguration--it's been going on for quite some time. He was enlightened, meaning he knew he was the source and center, the creator and perceiver of his own realities, and he accepted full and compassionate responsibility for everything in his life--blaming nothing and no one outside of himself, not even himself. We know it's all just a matter of giving ourselves the chance to express and to know thyself more profoundly through experience. 

Adamus described Yeshua as experiencing a shortness of breath and chest pains during his transfiguration, as witnessed by a couple of the apostles--that he initially thought he was having a heart attack after his trek up the mountain, and that he wasn't in the best of physical shape at the time either. And remember, he also said that someday we would do all the things he did, and more...

...and as far as Steve was concerned, it's all about LOVE...the real all-accepting LOVE he knew and practiced...

Related Posts:
Walking On...Beyond Death With Steve
Walking On...Beyond Death With Steve, Part III
Steve's Legacy of Songs: Finding Your Own Words

Friday, September 23, 2016

Walking On...Beyond Death With Steve

On Friday, June 3rd, 2016, I returned to my hometown of Bowman, ND to celebrate my nephew's wedding the next day. Saturday morning, my cell rang at 6:15 a.m. It was my brother, Steve, telling me to get my ass up to Jabr's for coffee. He said that I could sleep all I wanted at home, but we had things to do while I was in town.

On Sunday, the morning after the wedding, I awoke right on the dot of 6:00 a.m., intending to use the bathroom, when my cell phone rang. Again, it was Steve, father of the groom, and he slurred out to me that he thought he was having a stroke...two weeks later, after a traumatic hospital experience, we buried his ashes next to Mom and Dad's on the Big Hill on my family's farm.

It's all just a dream...

What I used to call my reality, I now understand, is really just one dream of many. This Earth dream realm--with its time and space and gravity--is just more sensual and dense--more real-feeling--than any others.

When I try to manipulate or fix something from within my dream persona--for instance, like I'm a prisoner trying to break out of a jail cell using a tool--it doesn't work out. In recurring sleep-state dreams I try to clean myself, clear myself. I find myself  in bathroom scenes where showers and toilets are non-functioning, or I have a public audience when I want privacy. I search for clothing for some occasion, clothing that I just knew I had at one time, but cannot find. In these dreams I end up being thwarted in all my attempts and I awaken to this world feeling frustrated.

These dreams were reflections of how I try to perfect my human self by trying to control and manipulate myself and others outside me from within this dense and sensually gritty dream world. This is impossible to do from within a limited I am only human consciousness. I can't POWER my way through something in order to change it.

This earthly dream world is not as fluid as the other dreaming dimensions because humans are unaware that we're each just having a dream. We believe it's our only reality. As long as my conscious radiation is one of a limited, "imperfect/need-to-fix" human, I will continually have energies serving me up a dish of nightmares filled with me in an undesirable state.

So how do I change a dream?

First, I wake up from it. It isn't called "awakening into enlightenment" for nothing.

Then I remind myself it was "just a dream," to take a few deep breaths to re-center myself and let it all go and relax. If it was a nightmare, I tell myself to quit thinking about it and I focus on a different subject. Later, when I'm open and at ease, the wisdom gleaned from the nightmare comes to me, and it's a gift that transforms the negative dream experience into something to celebrate.

Get out of your own way!

I always gain wisdom from my dreams regardless of whether they're nightmares or enjoyable flights of fancy. Don't judge anything or anyone as being either good or bad because judgments LIMIT the dream experience and stop the unfolding of THE MORE that is possible.

Judging is how we get in our own way.

There are potentials of perceiving a loved one who has crossed the veil that are kept from manifesting in this earth dream because the DEATH illusion is so accepted as truth in the majority of the consciousness of humans on this planet.

But I can perceive loved ones who have supposedly died, and I have been doing so for years in my dreams...I just didn't REALIZE that I was doing so because I was deep asleep in this DEATH is my only reality mass hypnosis. I would awaken from those dreams into this one, reminding myself that they were actually really dead.

I kept my past manifesting as my present experience because I was re-membering the feelings of the negative traumas; and, due to their supposed death, I was feeling the loss of positive joys I would no longer experience with the individual.

Steve wasn't just my biological brother. He was my spiritual brother, a Shaumbra brother. We talked of learning how to change our reality, of being truly sovereign and free, even of going beyond death. We were each other's phone call when a new profound insight or experience happened.

Through this latest experience with Steve, it came roaring to the forefront for me of how the focus of the crucifixion of Yeshua (aka Jesus) was on the pain he suffered; yet little is said about what Mary Magdalene and all his loved ones experienced watching all of this happen to him, not knowing how it was going to play out or what to expect. My beloved humans--it's not romantic to have your loved ones suffering hospital waiting rooms, or having them watch you struggle for breath or life while you're playing out being the victim of some disease or tragic accident.

All the while this act of Steve dying of a stroke was playing out, I had the sense that he and I were doing this in order to blow a hole in the old consciousness, to open up a new perspective. And the only way you do that is by living it out yourself.

The hospital experience with him was hellish and traumatic and difficult...and yet, it was easier for me this time because I was in a place of allowing and knowing that no one did, or could do, anything wrong. I felt gratitude and freedom in letting go of an outcome, and I knew Steve was of a similar attitude. I was at ease just being a clear, powerless, and loving presence with him in his transformation. Still, it was a hard nightmare to have it play out the way it did.

The Limited Human feeling of loss I felt at the death of a best friend was devastating. He wrote songs of such love, unconditional acceptance, and compassion based in messy experience that no one else but me would ever hear. He played guitar and sang his poetry with the height and depth of angelic choirs. The music would initially come to him in different languages or tongues, and as he played it, the English translation would emerge. My humanity raged and sobbed in despair--and this has lasted over two months.

I had to tell myself to quit dwelling in the past, to just let it all go.

Let the nightmare go, Pen...and don't try to control or drive the future...

Just wake up, take deep breaths and relax right now. Feel the freedom of the release from awakening from the nightmare. Allow yourself to enjoy the feeling of freedom and ease and gratitude that it was all just a dream...

I didn't lose a thing, not really... 

Just like Steve's story of his own recurring nightmare of the hand from the creek on our farm grabbing his loved ones, one-by-one, with him as the last victim, only to discover that, instead of the hell he expected, it was a big party and celebration with everyone there.

Just like in the Old Testament story of Job, I lost everything and everyone I loved in that old nightmare...and when I awakened, not only was every single loved one still here with me, but it was all so much more precious because of all the wisdom I gained from this Earth dream that I once believed was my sole reality...

The prison of this limited Earth dream in a human avatar set me free...

Related Posts:
Walking On...Beyond Death With Steve, Part 2
Walking On...Beyond Death With Steve, Part 3
Steve's Legacy of Songs: Finding Your Own Words