Friday, October 24, 2014

So! Blood Is Thicker Than Water, Huh?

I often wonder about the insanity of the conflicts in this world, and I think to myself:

"How hard is it to JUST CHOOSE to get along with one another?"

I can't count the number of times I've seen re-postings of some Facebook blurb about the importance and love of one's family, whether it be siblings, parents, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. Supposedly nobody else will understand you or accept you unconditionally like your family is willing to do.

What I read, and what I see actually practiced are two opposite things. Lately, there's been a whole lot of verbal bashing of Muslims going on, but people seem to forget that anyone making the sensational news headlines are extremists and terrorists. They aren't representative of everyone in that culture or faith--they aren't representative of most people.

Christians who are fighting Muslims, and vice versa--they're fighting FAMILY. The Muslim, Jewish and Christian faiths all came out of the family of Abraham. They are all one big, not-so-happy family at this point.

If we trace humanity's roots all the way back to where we ALL are the children of the Source of All That Is--well, we can include Buddhism and Hinduism and all other religions in our family. ALL of humanity--all races--become one big family.

So why are people trying to kill off their brothers and sisters and cousins, and spewing vile and totally IGNORANT nonsense about each other? Why are people trying to control others instead of allowing themselves, and others, freedom? Why aren't family members seeking to resolve their disputes? Why are people choosing the destruction and tragedy and trauma-drama of war--conflict-- instead of consciously CHOOSING to live in harmony?

It's because the old consciousness, off-balanced to the masculine extreme, has been about POWER and CONTROL. It was based in an aggressive survival of the fittest concept, and had very little to do with love and compassion. Being off-balanced to the Feminine would have also been detrimental in its own way, which is why the new consciousness is balancing the Masculine and Feminine in full partnership.

The sexual energy virus is here as a means of making us aware of that imbalance--it makes us aware that looking for acceptance outside of oneself first makes one subject to a great deal of trauma and drama. Eventually, I quit looking for others to prove they loved me, and allowed me to accept my own unconditional love first. I freed myself. When I did that, anyone outside of me was easy to compassionately accept. I don't mess in other's lives--I allow myself and everyone else their freedom and sovereignty. The virus served me well--I took ownership of my life and I began to live it as a gift instead of a test or burden.

A basic tenet of war: Divide and conquer.

Pretend, for instance, that you're trying to get control of the masses:

How do you go about it? You breed inner turmoil--within the one self, thus it spreads to the entire family. You get people to believe they're separate, and too different from one another to get along peacefully. You perpetuate the idea that they have nothing in common. You encourage self-righteousness and get them invested in perceived slights. You feed VICTIM/PERPETRATOR-CONSPIRATOR scenarios--the sexual energy virus in consciousness. You get people to fear themselves and what they're capable of--get them to identify with being a "sinner." You teach them to not trust themselves, yet you pump up their egos by telling them they are superior to the other members of the family. You nurture insidious lies in order to get people to forget that they're actually family.

That way they kill each other off--by the millions sometimes--and you dub them macho hero warriors, giving them and their surviving families worthless shiny metals for valor and sacrifice. Then you get to be the last one standing.

How does that feel, oh Blind, Deep-Asleep-In-A-Hypnotic-Belief-System Little Human? You perpetuated the shedding of a lot of blood just to make yourself feel safer. Do you feel safe? Or are you still tip-toeing around in fear of that shoe that's going to squash you?

If you wake up from that hypnosis of believing you're just a Little Human and forgive yourself for doing heinous things while being asleep in a belief and not remembering who you really are--your life will change. That shoe doesn't have to drop. I've written over and over again in this blog about accepting responsibility for every aspect of ones life, of loving oneself and of forgiveness of self; so I'll leave you to peruse, if you choose, any other post here that captures your attention.

Remember, Christians, the story of Saul, the persecutor of Christians, who renamed himself Paul after realization of the Light of Christ within himself while on the road to Damascus. He renamed himself because his nature had changed. He was no longer that killer of Christians. That murderer/warrior act was NOT who he really was. It was a character-role he played until he AWAKENED and CONSCIOUSLY CHOSE to step out of it--to release himself from that old identity--and play a different, enlightened one.

It's been my experience that even immediate family members don't always get along as nicely as those Facebook posts like to try to pretend. I grew up with seven siblings, and I had my fights and disagreements over the dumbest things, just like everyone else.

One of my favorite back-door war tactics was to go tell Mom what so-and-so did, instead of taking my beef to the person involved in order to work out a resolution with them. I did it both as a child and as an adult. It was so damn easy to run and whine and complain to Mom (who allowed me to do that instead of telling me to shut up and go talk to my "naughty" sibling myself). Mom held a lot of energy for my family--and it took its toll on her health. We dropped all our emotional baggage about other family members on Mom.

One of the best things Mom did when we were little and fighting with each other was to simply send us to our separate rooms for some time and space away from the dispute. Emotions cooled and clarity often replaced the crazy survival of the fittest mechanism. Time outs are good, my friends and family. You get the chance to get really clear about who you are and what really matters when you spend time alone with yourself, away from the confusing mass consciousness of other people--including that via the TV, the phones, and the computers.

It was a difficult and scary thing to take matters into my own hands and talk with individual family members about changing the dynamics of how I related with them. It seldom came out pretty and easy, mainly due to me having suppressed my true feelings for so long. And, honestly, once I allowed myself to express myself truthfully to the person in the moment, I realized it had NOTHING to do with trying to change the other person. It was about me letting me leave that old familial "Penny" character role that I'd been unconsciously and automatically playing for my entire life until now.

I still love my biological family members--each and every one--but it's definitely a more unconditional and appreciative and Hands-Off compassionate love than the one I felt before when I pretended to be the insignificant and unworthy Little Human Penny who tried to be perfect, and failed. I tried to be pleasing to everyone, to be agreeable and supportive of every one's passions--but I did it at the expense of not allowing myself to truthfully express myself. I did it at the EXPENSE of MY FREEDOM. I put everyone else before me--and then I wondered why I felt so angry and resentful and taken for granted at times? When you hold all of that energy inside of you for so long--it blows up on you, either physically or emotionally or both.

I realized no one outside of myself was going to love me, or even could love me enough--ever--until I loved, and opened up and allowed myself to RECEIVE it, first in my own consciousness and life. The fact that each of us exists--that "I am...I exist!"--is all that actually matters to each of us, but we've been mentally programmed by mass consciousness to feel guilty about that. We have mental tapes running away inside our heads telling us that that is a selfish and completely unacceptable way to be!

So every one of us humans has this inner conflict going on inside ourselves: 

"I am actually all that matters to me, but I can't admit or accept that because that's such a 'WRONG' way to be."

That old consciousness POWER PLAY perpetuates the born in sin bullshit belief. People don't trust themselves, so they let others outside of themselves act as mediums between them and their OWN Divinity/their own Source of Life--between them and their own soul. They accept others SUGGESTIONS and SUBJECTIVE PERCEPTIONS about health, money, love--basically about all forms of abundant living. They unquestioningly allow others to tell them how to perceive life experiences, how to be, and what to do.

People let others tell them how to live their own unique life expression--and we wonder where the passion for life has gone?

People whine and complain to, and about, their leaders and neighbors--just like I did to my mom. But those leaders and neighbors--FAMILY MEMBERS--are only acting out the scripts each of us writes for them to play specifically for each of us. Humans worship all kinds of idols and relics and get invested in silly games and rivalries over slights most no longer remember the origins of. They hypnotically live out lives of boring MEDIOCRITY, and seem to dig up something to squabble over just to break the monotony, to try to convince themselves they're alive.

What if there's something new and better--more passionate--to experience and all it takes is to unconditionally ACCEPT and FORGIVE all the old identities and roles--to release ourselves and all our family members from the old acts? Admittedly, it wasn't easy having those talks with loved ones in place of running to my mom. I bawled and I screwed up my sentences--and probably didn't make much sense to the other person.

But I did it, and I knew in my heart where I was coming from--that was ultimately all that mattered. I had chosen to more clearly and responsibly look at my own creations--the relationships I CREATED with others--and all without physically harming anyone or blaming anyone for what I had chosen to put myself through. I released each of us from my old story of us.

And I left a door open to re-connect with each person in a new, sovereign, and more consciously aware--and enjoyable--way.

Here in the United States of America, we've already lived through a Civil War, where brother fought against brother. It wasn't pretty, it left our land in rubble, and it scarred our relationships with each other. It haunts us somewhat to this present day.

ALL the conflicts going on all over the world are CIVIL wars. When it all is said and done--brothers and sisters and cousins are warring with each other, no matter what religious, national or other organizational flag they fight under.

Years ago, during my walks alone, I heard myself singing these lines over and over to myself:

"The answer lies within you--
I found it here in me.
How much more must we endure before we're all free?"