Saturday, May 6, 2023

Boring Conversations: Ailments, Relationshit, and "Poor Me" Excuses

I'm sick of people making up excuses for CHOOSING to not live their best life, and I'm tired of listening to the same old stories, ad nauseum....


I've wasted too much of my energy participating in conversations about someone's latest diagnosis or ailment, especially when they really don't want to get past it. They just want someone to listen to them drone on while they pretend to have no clue why they put it into their experience. They're having fun....and....I'd rather be somewhere else....

Another all-too-common occurrence is commiserating over bad relationships, but continuing to stay in them for stupid reasons. And if you're miserable in that relationship--they are all stupid reasons. If it's in one's life, we're liking it--enjoying it on some level--because we're the only ones who can make the choice to let it go. The only way we resolve a bad interaction is to communicate directly with the other person--not by running to the kids, mommy, daddy, brother, sister, beer-, bong-, or w(h)ine-buddies....and....lawyering up is so cliché. Grow up.

Same goes for the idiots trying to get control of the masses--if each individual accepts total  responsibility for their own life and circumstances, the bullies have no one to bully anymore and the crap they put out will just return to them (the rightful owner) all that much quicker.

If I hear another "Poor me--I had such a difficult childhood" excuse for getting sympathy instead of taking responsibility for the life you've created, I'll probably puke. Childhood, puberty--growing up isn't easy really for anyone, and you're not going to get any reward for having the worst one. After all, it's what we do with those experiences that matters, isn't it?

Our ancestral bloodlines and our own personal karma were often the driving forces behind the families we were born into and the communities of people in our lives. We have a tendency to reincarnate along the same bloodline because we're familiar with it, pure and simple. Familiarity breeds a sense of security, false though it may be. Karma is what we angelic humans put into play as a means of keeping our range of experiences balanced here while we were unaware of who we really were and playing in a world of dualities. 

I'm also done with power game conspiracy crap. Jab or no jab, sick or not sick with a bug--it doesn't matter what you do or don't do. Your perception--your attitude about life and your enjoyment of it will determine the reality you experience. You can see the flu or coronavirus or whatever symptoms as just your means of personally releasing some old energies from your body to make room for the new; or you can blame it on someone other than yourself, get nasty sick, maybe even die. 

Ultimately, it's your choice, dear sovereign creator....maybe it's time to have a little mercy and compassion for yourself instead of looking for it outside of oneself....

You're actually the sovereign creator of your own life, your own realities....

Did we each learn anything about oneself with this whole CO-VID nonsense? You know, it was a chance to go within yourself to do some deep inner reflecting, decide what SUGGESTIONS resonated with you, and what didn't. But most people didn't do that. It got turned into a self-righteous fight--someone telling someone else how to be and do, instead of butting the hell out.

Riots???? Really???? Shame on anyone who participated in such an awful thing--and I do not throw the word shame out lightly....Ultimately, I can forgive and forget most anything, and I do that even with's a damn shame people in this day and age are still capable of this and so many other atrocities that BLIND, DEAD-ASLEEP zombies commit. The thing is that whatever we do to another, we are actually doing to ourselves when it's all said and done.

People played into the bogus it's-the-law game spoon-fed you by the agenda-driven media by trying to fight within the corrupted system using the same old approaches. Protests are so yesterday, especially when you are your own sovereign. Usually it's just best to shut your mouth and go about your life on your own terms instead of arguing with someone else about things you're never going to agree on. The old social media was used as a means to promote and perpetuate fighting among family and friends and communities, pure and simple. 

A technological gift that allowed us a means to connect with each other around the world was sadly barbarically weaponized. Censoring free speech and biased fact-checking had nothing to do with friendship, self-responsibility or honoring freedom. I socialize with people in order to enjoy myself while in the company of others. Period. 

Just because someone outside of you tells you what you're supposed to do, doesn't mean you have to do it. Those people who are ill all the time often don't take their medicines or therapies anyway because they don't really want to be healthy. Because how else will they get the attention they so crave? But do we label them as criminals and throw them in jail?

I've found it effective to just leave the presence of whomever is annoying me in the moment and get on with living my own life. It's really not that difficult....

There has been a whole lot of superstitious, witch-hunting nonsense going on....and from elitist humans who are supposedly so evolved and civilized....

I am so ready to have some new, enlightening and fun conversations full of solutions, joy, humor, with no more pointy fingers and whiny dispositions....We definitely all are so much more than all that old boring shit....

I dare you to allow yourself to be SELF-SOVEREIGN! All those answers to everything you choose to know lie within you....


"Let go and let soul...."

I guess my Coat-It and Coddle days are officially over....