Saturday, December 5, 2020

Boosting Your Immune Systems During CO-VID, Flu, and Cold Season

Rather than just reacting to getting sick, how about changing perspective and taking action to give yourself support before contracting any virus or disease? And if you're in the midst of it or you've already had the virus, help build your immunity and strength back up?

For starters, get back into your own body and become aware of what is happening within you. Lie back, close your eyes, take a few good deep breaths into your diaphragm below your lower rib cage: Inhale through your nose (1,2,3,4). Hold the breath in the diaphragm (1,2,3,4). Exhale the breath out through your mouth (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8). 

Now, feel into your heartbeat and keep gently breathing. Then do a body scan, and if you notice any points of pain or tense muscles, place your awareness there. Take another deep breath, remind yourself, "I'm okay," while you explore and feel into the tension and describe the pain to yourself like you're researching it. Diving into fully experiencing the pain this way helps me shift out of the fear of it and the mental-emotional trigger of it. All of this will help you get relaxed, and the more relaxed you are, the less the fear, the less the pain. If you cry, that's good, because tears help you release toxins--just be sure to hydrate yourself.

Sometimes I've needed some pain medication or therapy to help lessen the severity of the spasms so I could relax enough to do this. I've even resorted to using a cough syrup once when I had the flu a few years back--it was settling in my chest and was so painful even steaming myself and all my other alternative remedies weren't relieving it.

Always stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.

The Body Pendulum: 

I use the body pendulum while standing upright. For those who are accustomed to using a crystal as a pendulum, this is the same thing. You just don't need a tool to carry around because the tool is you!

The body pendulum is a simple tool I use to ask my body and inner awareness or intuition yes or no questions to help me discern if certain foods, medicines, items are something that are supportive to what I'm looking for in that specific moment. 

I hold the object to my heart area with both hands, close my eyes, take a deep breath, and ask, "Is this right for me?"

If I lean forward towards the item, onto my toes or balls of my feet it means YES.

If I rock backwards onto my heels it means NO, not at this time.

If I don't lean at all, that means it's NEUTRAL, and won't matter either way.

Using Vitamin C to Boost Your Immune System

Vitamin C is a fat-soluble vitamin. You need to take it with fat in order for it to be absorbed and utilized by your body. Otherwise you just pee it out without getting its benefits. So take it with your meals. I grew up taking Shaklee vitamin C and other supplements because my parents were determined to keep us healthy and balanced--there were eight of us kids--and prevention was cheaper than doctoring.

Vitamin D and Sunlight

I walk outdoors quite a bit, and I don't like sunglasses so I get plenty of vitamin D by absorbing it through my eyes. But there are people in these northern, cold-weather climates who aren't out enough for this, and so find a D supplement is helpful. You need to determine whether it's something for you or not--use your own intuition, ask your doctor, ask a pharmacist. Your answer will come to you--just ask the question.


One of the common symptoms of CO-VID is loss of taste or smell. I lost my sense of taste with a flu/cold virus back in 2017/18. Many homeopathic cold remedies have zinc in them, and sometimes people getting the corona virus feel like they are just getting a cold. 

They've discovered that zinc helps patients restore their senses of taste and smell. 

 Lemon Slices (with the zest) and Honey in Hot Water

I've discovered that a slice of lemon with 1/2 teaspoon honey placed in an already boiling cup of water helps me clear my sinuses and lessen coughs. Don't microwave your lemon and honey--put it in the water afterwards. Straight lemon juice in water doesn't agree with my stomach, but if I use a real lemon slice, the yellow zest on the peeling seems to alkalinize it so it's easy for me to ingest. Honey has natural anti-bacterial properties, too. And, most importantly--it's a rather tasty and comforting drink, as well.

The 16-17 Hour Fast

I don't resonate with all these diets. They tend to be a fad, sell us a little something, work for a limited time, and then we fall back into our old habits and put on even more weight.

While in my consciousness awareness it resonates that I should eventually be able to eat or drink most anything without consequence, my biological body and mind are still in a denser state and are trying to keep up with this awareness. Also, as my awareness has heightened, my incoming free energy or light body is highly sensitive to the dense mass consciousness, so I have allergic reactions and symptoms like I never used to have. So, it's been my experience that I can push myself too hard into the new, and hurt myself in the process. I put on some weight, especially around my stomach, and no amount of exercise and eating such and such made much difference.

A month ago, a friend told me about seeing a video on how beneficial it was to just quit eating by a certain time of the evening and allowing our natural circadian rhythms to do their thing. I asked my husband to try it with me because I cook for both of us. We quit eating after 8:00 P.M. and, other than our morning cappuccino, generally don't eat again until noon the next day. We're both sleeping better and my clothes are fitting me much better. We eat homecooked meals and I bake us sweets for our afternoon coffee or for an evening dessert, and make sure we mix in some fresh fruits and vegetables--and we order out for fast food probably once a week because I like French fries. But we're eating less and stopping by 8:00. 

As with all things--we use this as a general guideline, not a written-in-stone law, and it's helping at this particular moment.

Stretch-sitting and Glidewalking

Walking in nature is one of my favorite and most self-balancing and centering activities, but as my spine was making adjustments out of an ancestral pattern of scoliosis, the pain limited my ability to walk with any sense of joy in the process. A couple years ago, a disc in my lower back bulged and I crawled around on my bed for 7 days and nights straight without sleep. A very compassionate chiropractor helped me get some relief along with using ibuprofen/Advil. But I realized I needed to strengthen my back and abdominal muscles--get myself moving again.

My sister told me to google Esther Gokhale and primal posture. She has videos all over YouTube and a book out with all the exercises. It was my saving grace. She teaches Stretch-Sitting which helps lengthen the space between vertebrae, and acts like putting oneself in traction while sitting. Glidewalking is a natural and elegant form of walking that uses the gluteus muscles meant to be used for the purpose of walking and running. I now walk, sleep and sit without pain. I do both practices all the time, and my physical endurance has noticeably increased. I even shovel snow and garden and lift without injuring myself. 

Sea-salt or Epsom Salt Water Baths

Our bodies are mostly salt-water--just like our Earth and its oceans--and sea-salt water baths help us clear and balance our energies also. Water and salt water help to keep consciousness and energies flowing.

Bathe in salt water, as it both helps to clear toxins and balance your electrolytes.  

Drink water to keep yourself hydrated. Gallons of it isn't necessary, just make a point to sip on it throughout the day. I drink a few ounces upon awakening each morning, and I do a few ounces right before bed, as it helps my organs to function more smoothly. 

In the past, when coming out of a flu or cold, I have intuitively felt like I'd reached a saturation point with drinking just plain water or even the lemon water. I instinctively wanted something salty to help balance it out. Use your own inner awareness with your body to guide you.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Water Footbaths

Our cat had urinary tract infections, and because I hated taking her to a vet and trying to get her to swallow the antibiotics, I decided to look up a holistic alternative. Turned out, it broke down the crystals which caused the infection. For both cats and dogs, they recommended either parting the fur at the nape of neck and squirting in a dose, or dipping both front paws in a solution of 1/2 c. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and 1/2 c. Distilled Water 3-4 times a day for about 3 days or until symptoms are gone. Mix it up and store in the refrigerator.

The skin is the largest organ so we can absorb medications through it that our digestive tracts find hard to ingest. Vinegar, for all its benefits, didn't agree with my stomach.

I started keeping a squeeze bottle in the fridge to squirt a small amount into my palm and rub into my hands when out gardening or doing something that dried out my hands--it soothed and smoothed rough skin like no amount of lotion seemed to do. 

My husband and I both soak our feet in a bucket filled with enough warm tap water to cover our toes and a cup of apple cider vinegar. It takes care of toenail fungus and rough feet.

These are just a few ideas that have come my way that I've found useful. Hopefully, they may help some of you. I've always had the best outcomes after realizing that I was responsible for my own life and well-being and deciding to take care of myself. 

Don't take my word for any of it, feel into it, see if it resonates. Try out the body pendulum. You are your best guide.

Much love, everyone!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Being Present with Loved Ones in Isolation and ICU

Someone very dear to me has someone very dear to her in ICU with CO-VID, and it's because of a conversation with her that I've felt nudged to share a few ideas and perspectives that helped me out when two of my beloved brothers and a very dear sister-in-law, on separate occasions, ended up in ICU in the past. One of them, Steve, crossed over, and my other brother, survived Guillain-Barre Syndrome and endured an incredibly long hospital stay. My sister-in-law was in hospital for several months also with a rare form of lymphoma. All of them had touch-and-go moments. 

And it's tough on the families and loved ones watching them go through it--hours and hours spent in hospital waiting rooms or beside beds with the person who's sick connected to all kinds of machinery--tubes down their throats, respirators and IVs. It all turns into an exhausted blur of just trying to survive, moment by long-drawn-out moment. And your heart aches...

And, have you noticed how the energies of hospitals feel heavy the moment you walk in the doors? And they get heavier still when you go to the ICU floor? We took the elevator up a few floors to see our brother, and even my sister commented, unsolicited by me, on the heaviness of  the area of the ICU in relationship to the other hospital floors. It's noticeable when you feel into it.

Rather than sit in those dreadful energies of hospitals, I encouraged some of my nephews and nieces who lived some distance from the hospitals to return to their own homes and families, and to continue to go about their days--that they could do that and still be an energetic and conscious presence with their dad--a light of love and compassion and grace.

We are multi-dimensional beings, and can be consciously present in many places at the same time. It doesn't matter where our physical bodies happen to be. In fact, I was channeling the wishes of my brother, Steve, while here in my own home, one hundred miles away. I was clearer, more present and balanced with them, whether here at home or on my quiet drives to the hospital than I was when I was physically with them in the hospital. I'd walk into those rooms with all that machinery hooked up to them and fall apart into a blubbering idiot when I tried talking with them, or I'd feel myself shut down and shrink into a ball of survival mode. Just endure it.

With that said, my heart goes out to all of you who've endured those hospital stays--whether as a patient or a visitor. And this year of 2020 with the CO-VID virus--due to isolation--so many have not been able to physically be with their loved ones in the most critical of moments.

That's why I'm offering this perspective to feel into for yourself--see if it resonates.

Dreamwalking isn't only for escorting loved ones who've died to the other side. You can dreamwalk a birth into new life. You can dreamwalk to other times--past and future. You can dreamwalk with someone isolated in a hospital bed.

You can dreamwalk with your loved ones, no matter where any of you are physically. Just be an agenda-free all-loving, all-grateful presence walking beside your loved one. No talking, no directing--just be.

You probably are already doing it and not realizing it. For me, I recognize it's happening now when I suddenly can hardly keep my eyes open and feel a need to lie down and nap. I'm usually out for a couple hours, and it takes a bit of time to feel fully embodied afterwards--kind of groggy and not quite all here yet. I'm dreaming, but often I don't recall anything upon awakening. 

Even if that happens, just trust that on some level of consciousness you're connecting--it's often hard to bring that awareness back into this dense earth level. Trust your own loving and compassionate intentions, and it will be so.

Steve and I made a choice to connect with each other in a different realm back in 2006. It actually happened. We did it while asleep in different rooms one night. In my dream I was cheering that we'd done it, and made a note to myself to be sure to remember it and bring it up to Steve in the morning. I forgot it, and then suddenly remembered it, but Steve didn't remember a thing. The only way he knew he'd been travelling in other realms was he woke up dizzy and nauseated, which was a common occurrence for him when he dreamwalked. People he'd visited would remember him, but he wouldn't recall anything. He'd just awaken off-kilter.

My sister and I were definitely dreamwalking with our dad weeks before his death. I'm guessing other family members were, too, though I haven't discussed the idea with them. 

You don't necessarily have to nap and get horizontal to choose to energetically be with someone.

As you go about your daily tasks, stop a moment here and there, take deep calming breaths and talk with your loved ones.

You may find you're coming from a place of more clarity and acceptance and gratitude when you're calm and more relaxed and in your own safe and sacred space of home. I feel I'm doing everyone in my world--my loved ones and their caregivers--more good when I'm radiating that out rather than anxiety and worry and guilt.

Much love, my friends. You're not alone. I'm here with you in love and gratitude for the gift you each are to me--no matter where our bodies are physically.