Monday, January 21, 2013

The Nature of Debate: The Argument Perpetuater, Resolution Procrastinator

Mental debate and argument--has an actual resolution ever come out of the process? And by resolution, I don't mean compromise. I mean win-win for everyone. I mean an actual solution to a perceived problem, where it is no longer an issue, end of story.

Here are some debates that come to mind: Abortion, Gun Control, Politics, Tax. For as far back as I can remember being aware of them as issues, I've heard and read a lot of arguments on both sides. Some make sense, others just make my eyes roll. But I have yet to hear an actual applicable solution come out of any debate over them--lots and lots of words, little substance. Too many are just trying to win their chosen side of the argument--kind of like our American football games. 

I know it's an ego-thing running the show, yet I also "really know" at the heart of the matter, deep in the core of each of us, most of us want a change--not a compromise, but a true solution, a win-win for all. Only most of humanity doesn't believe it's possible, so few actually consider going beyond the debate. That would mean getting quiet and opening their hearts and looking inside themselves for the solution. Most people are afraid of who they really are--that was me at one time. Add trusting thyself to the mix, and well...things feel like they come screeching to a halt, don't they. So back to the debate we default, and around the mental merry-go-round (or misery-go-round) it goes.

When I look back at my education experience--I was taught how to debate and how to mentally figure out problems using methods and established patterns. In public speaking, we were given a side to take and then had to come up with arguments to defend that side--even if we didn't fully agree with that, or either, side. In math problem exercises, I had to show every step of my reasoning to the solution. I've seen a lot of young people who "just knew" the answer to the problem, but didn't show their reasoning--and they got docked points, even though they'd arrived at the correct answer. 

Our intuitive, inner knowingness doesn't currently get cultivated in our school systems--at least not on a large scale that I can see yet. Nor does exercising our hearts--things like compassion for, and unconditional acceptance of self--which, I've discovered, then leads to my ability to extend that outwards to others with ease. The old school system curriculum is all pretty mental yet--based on creating intellectuals. I've met some great intellectuals who weren't very adept at honoring and respecting others--they simply didn't have the experience in sensitivity to cultivate that.

There was talk of asking questions with open-ended answers even twenty years ago when I was taking education classes, but I'm not sure any of us really grasped what that elusive concept meant back then. I know I was a bit afraid of the idea at the time, especially how to teach using that approach. You have to let go of control and not use the old standards of measurement. Kind of blows the grading approach out of the water.

We're taught to make laws and follow rules and we're expected to conform to some outside idea of how we're supposed to be (politically correct). We're told to care about the planet and how to take care of her (recycling) but not how to freely nurture our individual relationship with her.

When was the last time you had a discussion anywhere about claiming your own sovereignty, much less discussed it in school or at home with your family? Does it seem like a foreign impossibility? Have you found yourself ridiculing the idea simply because you didn't understand it?

In grade school, I was taught how to balance a checkbook--an exercise that actually perpetuates lack consciousness. We only have a limited amount to work with so we'll make compromises and allocations and try to cut costs in order to have just barely enough. Flowing abundance wasn't even a blip in my formal education awareness. And here we are, still trying to balance the budget? Oh, looky there--another debate...any time I hear talk of balancing that budget, all I hear anymore is blah, blah, blah.

I was taught I had to have a perfect work ethic in order to earn my way properly--and that if life flowed too abundantly easily for me, then I was doing something wrong. For anything to have proper worth, you need to sweat blood and tears to have it. We've been a society trading and competing in angst.

We've been taught to compare ourselves, grade ourselves, be slaves and compete. How about encouraging each person to "get to know thyself"? And we're not all writers--so the arts are extremely helpful in exploring oneself--yet many schools are without them in the curriculum, due to LACK consciousness, and society's idea of what is important. Is it really any wonder then, that some kids just blow up--just like certain adults at times? What good are facts and figures when you feel absolutely yucky about yourself and your life? Does the cultivation of an ace debater make for a better life?

I have nothing but the utmost appreciation for teachers--past and present--but we need to expand our consciousness so they can freely teach today--in the moment--with the intuitive passion and compassion that I know the true teacher has. That compassion and acceptance thing begins at home, right inside you, moms and dads. Really, is any of this debatable?

Rules used flexibly as a guideline have been of the best service to me, rather than the all or nothing, polar opposite ends of the spectrum ideas that seem to find their way into arguments.

I generally don't pick up hitchhikers. But the two times I did stop, I was listening to my intuition and heart--not my head. And they were both benevolent experiences. With the second instance, I had decided ahead of time that when I arrived in Belfield, I was going to give a hitchhiker a ride if I saw one there. And sure enough, there he was. I had driven a few miles down the road with him before I recognized him. He was actually someone I had treasured enough to want the chance to meet him again in order to tell him thank you for his treatment of me years ago. Though I haven't had the nudging to pick up a hitchhiker since, flexing that rule in that moment gave me that opportunity and blessing.

Back in the days when I was reading the Bible, I was always amazed at how Jesus seemingly pulled a solution out of nowhere whenever a Pharisee or someone else tried to trip him up by bringing him an argument that seemed to have no solution without Jesus compromising himself. I'd expect him to have to pick a side and then defend it, but he actually resolved it without picking a side. He'd gone outside the box of expectations. And I wanted to do that myself, in my own life.

For example, when presented with a woman accused of adultery by her husband, I anticipated him picking either the side of the wife or the husband. But he picked neither. His reply was something like, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..." And everyone walked away. 

This is probably why I see it as silly to get involved in the relationship between two other people by taking a side. I've found it best to encourage people to feel into themselves first, and then to communicate from their heart to the other person (not me) what they really desire in their relationship. It's so damn easy to tell everyone what's wrong that we've forgotten how to express what we truly desire to each other. It's a challenging shift, I know--whining came so easily for me, too.

Is being the winner of an argument more important than a true solution? 

"I TOLD YOU SO!"--is being right more important than connecting at the heart?

Is the debate a distraction?...only you can determine that for you. 

I listen to a lot of arguments, but in the final moment, I'm aware that I always walk away from it  determined to do it all my own way anyway...Does that make for wasted breath and words?...probably...

Friday, January 18, 2013

I Don't Like Diagnosing or Labeling Dis-ease: Here's Why...

"I am"--it's one of the most powerful reality-creating phrases I know, when it's loaded with emotional energy that gives it its creative potency. Which is why I don't use it without being aware of what I'm truly feeling about myself inside.

I always feel myself cringing whenever I'm reading a book or watching a movie where a character is attending an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, and I hear them say these lines, "My name is fill in the blank, and I am an alcoholic."

Because, the belief system FELT behind that statement says that once you are an alcoholic, you're always an alcoholic--a permanent, unchangeable way of being.

That's NOT the way I believe anyone to be. Have people abused alcohol, drugs, food, doctoring, their sexuality, etc. as a means to escape their life, numb their feelings, cope with pain, get attention and love, and all that? Of course--YES! We all do a lot of weird shit when we're asleep in having forgotten who we are and our connection to our Source. It doesn't mean that we will continue on that same path--we can, if we choose--but we can also choose other paths. If enlightenment is one of your choices, I contend that you'll one day be able to enjoy a glass or two of wine, or whatever, without harm. 

Is it wise to abstain from drinking alcohol for a good period of time after having used it abusively? OBVIOUSLY, YES! Dry yourself out, en-lighten up (get honest with yourself about yourself), learn to laugh at yourself and the antics and roles you played in the past, and, most importantly, forgive yourself. 

If forgiving yourself means--for you--that you feel the desire to apologize to others for the pain you caused them in the past when you were asleep, then do it--because the better you feel about yourself right at this moment, the more compassion you rain upon yourself, the more you then freely radiate out into your world. Life opens up.

I haven't played the alcohol/substance abuse game, but I have done and said things that I regret. And while it helped me to apologize personally at times, I knew the one I hurt wasn't interested in my rationalizations of why I did or said the harmful things I did in the past. I just wanted them to know I was sorry to have hurt them--end of story.

Same idea applies to people who get themselves diagnosed physically or mentally. Imagine for a bit how that label causes you to perceive yourself--the emotion-filled stories your mind concocts. People who get diagnosed for cancer often perceive that as a death sentence, or a fight for life. People labeled with mental illnesses such as bipolar believe themselves to be that something's-chemically-wrong-with-me way, permanently--and they act out the role permanently--whether they stay on their medications or not.

Saying, "I AM a dis-ease of some sort" is pretty much a way of saying "I am a VICTIM of LIFE." That is a perception that gives me the heebie-geebies! Victims of their own lives are energy-suckers--and I won't tolerate being in their presence any more--I've had my fill. I don't care about the stories people play in--that's each individual's free choice of experience.

Close your eyes and FEEL INTO what all those labels mean to you.

People who call themselves diabetic will live out the reality of being a diabetic, and their pancreas will support that reality whole-heartedly, as long as that person feelingly believes (not just a mind thought or mantra) that to be a permanent state of being for themselves. Our bodies honor our beliefs about them.

I encourage everyone to invite their bodies back into a relationship with oneself. Are you one of those people like I used to be who looked in the mirror and only saw flaws? When is the last time you hugged yourself, or even touched yourself, feeling thankful for your own being?

And what if our bodies are NATURALLY self-balancing and self-healing? But because we've been taught to look at all the wrong and bad stuff that can happen in ourselves, and thus, in the world--and feelingly believe it all to be so--our bodies, in loving service to us, match our beliefs about the suggestions we accept as our own truths.

What if our overwhelmed, information-overloaded, "intellectual" human minds and emotions have gotten in the way of this whole body of consciousness's simple and natural ability to self-balance and flow through life abundantly and easily?

What if applying the latest fad medication, vitamin, diagnosis or diet is causing your body more harm than help? Isn't all of that pretty much the same as telling your body, "You don't know how to take care of yourself naturally"?--AND SO IT IS!

 Am I urging you to drop cold-turkey all medications for all these diseases and labels you've gotten? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! You'll possibly do more harm to yourself than help if you've been taking those medications for awhile, and then suddenly drop them. Just FEEL into yourself...and start listening to that which is within you--YOU! Breath at a time, moment by moment...

All I am encouraging everyone to do here, is to start having a real relationship with yourself as a WHOLE Body of Consciousness (body, mind, spirit, inner knowingness). 

Invite your body to NATURALLY take care of you the way it knows best--invite your divinity/spirit to guide you into freely living. Don't be surprised if you initially find yourself sick and laid up for a bit. It's your Body of Consciousness saying, "Hon--let's just get quiet for a bit, rest--eliminate some really putrid, obsolete stuff--so you and I can get to know one another all over again..."

Simply become aware of your "I AM..." statements and consider the possibility that EVERYTHING is TEMPORARY--and the only way we continually experience a certain longevity of something in our life is because we're choosing it to be so--on some level--and that we're getting some benefit from it being present.

For me, the key in all of those dis-eases and losses was merely the fact that I WANTED TO WAKE MYSELF UP TO WHO I REALLY AM so I could finally MORE FULLY live and enjoy this experience of life on Earth while in human form.

Related Posts (Click on the highlighted titles):
Physical Symptoms of My Awakening Self-Awareness
Physical Symptoms of My Awakening, Part 2
My Candid Heartfelt Thoughts about Cancer

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Weaponry, Wars and Killing: It’s All Barbaric Bullshit

And I’m sick and tired of hearing and reading all this debate on the issue of guns, weapons, wars, conspiracies by those who are just spouting macho crap and haven’t really spent time alone with themselves to contemplate and feel into it fully.

Here's something to contemplate and feel into: 

What is the difference between a government sanctioned military act that has "collateral damage" (killing of innocent civilians-even if unintentional) and a deranged individual using an automatic weapon of war in a school of children? Is one MORE RIGHTEOUS than another? Is one life less precious than another?

Awhile back there was an article in the news about a man who had lived without having to eat anything for forty years. I’ve come across other materials that have stated this is possible—and it actually resonates with me, though I haven’t tried it out yet. In the article, some people not only doubted the truth of it, but it was said that the military was looking into it in order to make a better soldier/weapon. Yeah, I rolled my eyes at the absurdity of it, too. Here was something to look more closely at as a possible means to end world starvation—and someone’s looking to turn it into a means of overpowering others. Okay, I’m rolling my eyes again.

For those of you who think the government, by law, should regulate or forcibly take away something from anyone—especially here where those government representatives are supposed to be serving you, the sovereign of your life (if you choose it)—take a look at history. Any time force is used, you get a reaction—just like the one you’re getting regarding gun control. You’re getting people pissed and you’re creating a situation where the defenses go up. Hot-headed people are NOT thinking clearly. You just created a situation of civil unrest.

And honestly, since when has any regulation entity provided you with true and complete security?

I’m done with LACK consciousness, where someone has to lose in order for someone else to win.

I look forward to the day that every single country/sovereignty voluntarily dismantles their military. When weapons are completely obsolete because each individual has looked deeply into his/her heart and discovered they would like to be an influence in flowing abundance and self-empowerment in the world, rather than the controller of it and feeding off of fear.

Maybe we can just be neighbors who are no longer out to try to control, or use, each other. Granted, this wish of mine seems far out in the future of possibility. But, frankly, if you desire it to be so, you have to first express that desire, that vision. And I look forward to THAT day.

As for those of you stockpiling weapons in order to self-righteously defend yourself and family. Oh, the movies and TV make killing another person look so easy and so righteous—even romantic. Might want to determine whether what you’re killing is actually evil, or if it’s some mentally crazed fear inside of you pointing a warped finger of blame at someone outside. Maybe you should sit down with a soldier who’s served in those dumb-ass wars—you’ll probably get a hint that when it all is said and done, killing is not so easy, and macho isn’t the glorious thing it’s made out to be. Hell--I wince any time I see road kill.

I’d like to think that if someone had a solution to gaining our independence well over 200 years ago without having to fire a single shot, that the founders of our nation would have gone with that instead of a war. But human consciousness and awareness and technology and communication was different then, wasn’t it—so don’t try to make what worked in the past, your truth for today. Imagine beyond that…

I love this earth and the life that populates it, and I’d really like to experience living together in peace and acceptance and gratitude—really, what is there to argue about? Look at all the energy, lives and time wasted…for what?…

My personal armor is off, my weapons are no more….

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Anyone Can Freely Ascend

Consciousness Ascension (awakening to one's true self) is freely--and PRACTICALLY--there for anyone who simply chooses it. Actually, ascension happens naturally, and you just suddenly realize that you're perceiving the world and the old beliefs in it differently--that most of it doesn't really resonate with you. 

You find yourself asking questions about death and god and prophets like Jesus and Buddha and Mohammed and about Satan that religions and government and educational systems don't answer clearly enough for you. You discover you're the only one with the answers solely for you, and preaching and debating things with others flies out the window--there isn't any desire to win an argument at all costs. Others can have their own ideas and beliefs...and that doesn't have to affect you unless you choose to play the victim of someone else's perception of what is real.

You don't have to be spiritually adept, or highly intellectual, nor do you need gobs of money to pay for someone outside of you to teach you. You don't even need to read a special book or follow a step-by-step method. It's simply there the moment you stop your seemingly hamster-wheel busy-ness (where each day looks and feels the same as the last decade of days), and take stock of your life and the things you've been telling yourself matter (most, which in my case, I realized didn't). You just have to ask the question (from your heart), "Is there more to life?" And then desire it with a passion that won't accept anything less than that which resonates within you.

Initially, you'll probably want to spend some quiet time alone--yes, talking with yourself--for the first step out of the old world is simply stepping off the wheel or roller coaster ride. You don't have to fight your way off. If you find yourself in a struggle with another being, that's the universe's helpful reminder reflecting your own inner battle of self-acceptance and love. Usually it's an old aspect of yourself who is trying to keep you on the familiar road. It's just a matter of, standing upright and unwavering inside yourself, saying, "NO MORE!" You might even feel your eyes spark with determination.

The old "I'm just a little insignificant human" mind finds comfort in patterns, so when you walk off that expected path, it will start chattering and yelling at you that you're probably being silly, you're going to get rejected by all your old friends, you've been a bad person and there are so many things to feel guilty about, you'd better be right and not make any stupidly wrong choices--YOU COULD LOSE EVERYTHING!

And you'll probably discover all of that to be true. You'll probably discover that those old friendships that didn't survive the shift in your consciousness were actually really sucky and you don't miss them anyway.

As for having done bad things in the past--we've all done them--but they were done while being unaware and asleep as to who we truly are. And I discovered that when I re-visited my past with my enlightenment, it too became more than I gave those moments credit for; and all the guilt and shame and sorrow fell away to be replaced by gratitude for all of it (everyone and all the parts played), including me. See an example of this in my earlier post by clicking here: Overcoming the Victimhood Addiction.

I realized that all the traumas and losses I experienced in my past I had placed there as a means of shaking myself awake from the hypnosis of mass consciousness. It wasn't something someone did to "poor victim me". It wasn't some outside god punishing me for being a wayward, disgusting child--it was just me trying to come awake so I could discover MORE of ME, of life. So I could actually begin to KNOWINGLY CHOOSE what I desired to experience, and finally truly enjoy this EXPERIENTIAL GIFT I see as my own life.

And with being awake, comes the realization that it doesn't matter what choice you make. Because you're aware now that you can no longer get stuck in an experience you don't like--you just choose again. There's no longer any emotionally-charged guilt or shame about having made a wrong choice, because you realize that every choice is made from a place of naivete--we can't really know fully in advance what will happen. Because we each bring a brand new set of experiences to every single moment, no two moments or breaths or manifestations are ever alike. So the outcome of every choice is potentially different in some respect than the last time that same choice was made.

In short--there is NO SUCH THING as a WRONG (or right) CHOICE! You, no one, has really done anything wrong--ever! It was all just an experience, and when all is said and done--everyone still exists!

And my next greatest desire is to experience it with other awakened sovereigns--relating in ways that are TRULY FREE and way more fun than the wars and the energy-feeding and stealing--the POWER play-acts of the past.

It's a brand new world just waiting for each of us to say, "YES! I choose to be awake, to allow, and to receive and flow all the abundance I can breathe...I AM THAT I AM!--and that's all that matters...."

And so it is....welcome HOME to you!