Monday, March 2, 2020

Should I stay or should I go?

"Should I stay or should I go?"

Go ahead, sing the above line along with The Clash. Feel into it...

Don't worry--this won't make you suicidal. If anything, it will calm away any suicidal thoughts.

Choosing to stay here embodied on Earth, or choosing to leave for the other side of the Veil of Forgetting (to die).

This one little choice made in full conscious awareness was a life-changer for me. It changed my perception of life and, therefore, it changed my reality.

And, while I chose to stay, I realize now that it didn't matter which choice I made. There is no right or wrong answer here. Because, either way, simply asking and honestly feeling into answering the question made me more present in my current reality. In that moment I was embodied. I was still going to live life more fully whether I embraced being here and enjoying my human life, or whether I was living each moment as though it were my last. can always make a different choice. You're not locked in to one or the other. Some days I felt like leaving, but more and more I found myself choosing to stay because it felt like I was onto something magnificent and new, and I didn't want to miss out. It's more about realizing you have a choice.

Whenever, wherever consciousness is present, life blossoms into beingness.

Ascended Master Tobias, channelled by Geoffrey Hoppe of noted in one of the shouds that many of us Shaumbra were in a state of being more out-of-body than here in it. We were finding life among other deep-asleep, programmed humans quite challenging. We'd been through personal traumatic experiences. I'd lost both my mom and my dad by this time. He invited us to answer this question in order to more fully anchor ourselves here--to stay embodied while we were alive on Earth in human form. We weren't doing ourselves, or anyone else much good by being wishy-washy about being here.

Recently I realized that many of our loved ones who suffer from what is called dementia and alzheimers are pretty much doing the same thing as I once was. Many of them have suffered traumatic losses in their human experiences--maybe having lived long enough to have lost all their peers and friends to the other side of the Veil. Maybe they've lost children or a spouse. Maybe there is a deeply wounded aspect that they strongly identified with and didn't know how to release from their life. Whatever the cause, the outcome has been the same: They aren't staying embodied.

And when we aren't consciously present in these physical bodies, that neglect opens the door to physical and emotional and mental decay and disease.

People suffering from dementia are often their happiest when out in the Near-Earth Realm visiting with their friends who have crossed over. Consciousness is eternal. It lives on whether it has a body or not. These people are actually having a REAL multi-dimensional experience. They've created it.

The only problem is that they don't know that they are the Creator and that they have A CHOICE in how they perceive their created experience. They don't know that they can be fully embodied humans here...and...explore all their many mansions of created realities at the same time. They can both whole-heartedly interact with friends and loved ones who have passed and with those who are still here. I do it all the time. We've been looking at all of this from a perspective of something is wrong. 

Our culture of medicine diagnoses them with these disease labels, and then we watch them slowly decay as their loved ones look on feeling helpless to connect with them. I watch their loved ones enjoyment of their own lives get hijacked by being centered around the perceived suffering of one.

Maybe, just maybe, all these people who have lived and died through these perceived illnesses have been helping us become aware of the more that we each are. What gift are they bearing me in being exactly as they are? I have chosen to let my old limiting identity go, too. Is there really any difference here?

One thing I do know, without a doubt anymore, I sit up each morning in bed and I say, "I am here!"

And most days, even if I feel a bit or a lot of pain, I'm still grinning with that choice to be!

This is my life, these are my creations, and I am diving into experiencing all that I create and all that I am!

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