Thursday, March 19, 2020

YOU are so much more than you realize!

You--yes, you reading this--are so much more than that Little Human character you're playing. You're not just an ordinary person, no matter whether you're a manual laborer of some sort or royalty or a celebrity or...even homeless or institutionalized. You are grandly extraordinary. You've just fallen asleep so deeply into the human story and its multitudes of hypnotic overlays and systems that you've forgotten who you really are.

Yes, you play a limited human are SO much more! You are unlimited divinity. You are a chip off the old block, the first Source. And from that parent you inherited all its qualities and creative abilities. You (not someone or something outside of you) are the creator of everything you experience. You passionately create a circumstance, and then you dive in and experience it, joyfully gaining compassionate wisdom from everything--without judgment.

You have spiritual gifts--special awarenesses unique to you--that you may be using everyday and not realize you're doing it. You've probably been doing it all your life. It comes so naturally to you that you just assume everyone perceives things like you do. But your perceptions, like you, are the only of their kind.

When you sleep at night or take an afternoon nap, those dreams you are having is you traveling beyond time and space. Sometimes you leave your body to rest and rejuvenate while your energetic light body goes exploring and creating new realms. If you feel a sense of paralysis--can't move your limbs while asleep and can't wake up--it means you're having an out-of-body experience. You can choose at any moment to leave those dream dimensions and return here to this reality simply by choosing it--"I choose to return to (Your name here)." And so you are.

Every now and then someone comes into my life, and we share with each other our experiences of We Are More Than This Limited Little Human. It makes for such a fun interaction because I never know what to expect, and I come away from our visits so passionate and excited about being here in this world and manifesting the types of relationships and stories I desire to do so right now, in this gift of a lifetime that is mine.

The answers lie within you 
I found them here in me
How much more must we endure
Before we're ALL free?

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