Sexual Energy Virus: Victim & Abuser

The SEDUCTION of playing VICTIM is that I don't have to ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the state of my life. I can blame my own abusiveness, my going nowhere, my unhappy and bored life--my fears, paralysis and stagnation--on someone or something else. I can blame it all on some God out there separate from me, some abuser, some disease, some situation. I can even blame my past.

"Woe is me! I'm just a poor, miserable little human victim...that's just how it is...there's nothing I can do to change any of it..."

What isn't often remembered though, is that, in all of this, I have free choice, if I choose to exercise it. What if my life as a human being can be so much more than all that misery and boredom and hard work? What if relationships can be truly fun for all parties? 

I can set boundaries of LOVE. I can insist on loving-kindness for and from myself, incoming and outgoing. I can choose to let ALL judgment go. 

I can practice COMPASSIONATE SELF-FORGIVENESS, which makes the forgiveness of any others a piece of cake.

If you're perceiving yourself as a victim in any way--you are dealing with the sexual energy virus. 

Even the perpetrators--the abusers--perceive themselves as a victim. 

Both sides of the story--victim and abuser--are seeking power and control over their outer worlds. They are terrified and desperate, feeling backed into a corner, lashing out at perceived enemies, feeling there is no way out. 

When there are no more victims, there is no more abuse--and the entire POWER game is replaced by unlimited FREEDOM.

I don't condone the atrocious acts of abuse committed by these blind-to-who-they-truly-are divine beings in human costumes. But I don't condemn them either. As Yeshua (Jesus) stated, "They know not what they do." We only have so many jail cells....and....that is not a solution to bringing forth a true healing of this virus, one that simply shows us all the imbalance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies within mass consciousness. 

Humans did not create this virus. It was in consciousness prior to the creation of Earth. We actually lowered our vibrations to have the human experience in order to address the sexual energy virus that was affecting all of creation. Humans are not sinners--you are, we all are, each a gift to All that Is by being here and playing out all our parts together.

I'm writing about this imbalance to bring it out into everyone's awareness so each individual can look at it honestly within their own life--a safe and sacred space where one can look at what terrifies them the most about themselves and discover their solutions within.

Pointing fingers at others may feel good for a moment, but it doesn't address those feelings that eat away at one within. It's not a true solution or resolution. When you allow self-forgiveness and wisdom from it all for yourself, you heal your entire blood line, forward and backward....

Our Distorted Reality Due to the Sexual Energy Virus

Are You Short, To the Point--Or Long-winded and All Over the Map?

Spiritual Energy Is Sexual Energy

The Dark Lady & Me: A Lesson On Self-Awareness and Self-Forgiveness

Bring That Which Is Hidden into the Light: Overcoming the Victimhood Addiction--this is my personal story, the one that made me aware of the Sexual Energy Virus long before the phrase was coined.

I am the Alpha and the Omega In All My Relationships

Sensitives: The Art of Walking a Mile in Another's Moccasins

Victim--Love Your Enemy

I Know I'm Playing, "Let's Pretend"

Feeling Like the World Is Out to Get You?

So! Blood Is Thicker Than Water, Huh?

The Seduction of Being a Victim

The True "Word of God" is Written Upon YOUR Heart

"I DESERVE to be treated with Loving Kindness": Releasing Oneself from Abuse

How Long Do I Choose to Play "Victim"?: That Is the Question

True Love: Admitting "I Don't Care" while Facing the Guilt Monster

Grudge or Gratitude?

Forgive Yourself: We're All Just Role Playing Together

"I need..." Indicates the Sexual Energy Virus Is Present

Being Self-Aware WITHOUT Judgment, vs. Battling Victimhood

Allowing Me in My Enlightenment

Moving Beyond Prejudice and into Enlightened Living

Guilt--The Elephant in Your Room

Trying to Save Face when Personal Shame Haunts

Accepting Full Responsibility with Self-Compassion

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