How many Consciously Aware Beings does it take to change a world? Only one--myself.
And all those scary corrupt public officials, bankers, abusers--essentially the monsters and demons I'd been fighting with back in my conspiracy-fighting days? They were just bits of plasma role-playing for me, the Creator of my own world, aspects of myself that got lost in her/his human experiences. It was just for a limited time, though, not forever.
Whatever I put out ultimately returns to me--that is why CLEAR LOVE will not tolerate being abused by another being, because the abuser is the ultimate last victim receiving his own abuse. It will come back to him many times more intense, and distorted, if it isn't stopped at the first victim. I am the Alpha and the Omega--I am the origin of the consciousness radiating out that determines how the energies serving me return to me and manifest in my life.
This is why it's important for the victim to say "No more! I am done with this story of energy stealing! We are done with this story, you and I! We are done! I set us both FREE!" It's the most compassionate thing a victim can do--set a boundary of love.
Because whatever I put out ultimately returns to me, even across multiple lifetimes. If I am experiencing abuse of myself--playing the part of victim--I was the creator of that abuse that I'm struggling with. It originated with some life expression of my soul, and as such I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN NEUTRALIZE IT. I am the only one who can choose to end that story by setting boundaries of love in which I no longer allow myself or anyone else to harm me.
Whatever I do to another outside of me, I am ultimately doing that to myself...
This is why it's of utmost importance that I accept and love all of me first, so it's easier for me to accept and have compassion for all others. It's not choosing love of another over oneself or vice versa--it's "and," it's both.
Many modern day religions are teaching that you're selfish and narcissistic if you love yourself. "That's no way to be!" they say.
So be kind to oneself...and...all others.
If you're harming others, you're essentially hurting yourself...and...if you're harming yourself, you're hurting others.
The key point in both of those is to be kind to all. I know from personal experience that loving and accepting all aspects of myself first makes it easy for me to compassionately, hands-off accept all others in my life. I allow us all our freedom to be.
To Judge Is To Limit.
"What goes around, comes around."--that's pretty much karma. "I am the alpha and the omega--I am the beginning and the end." I am the ultimate recipient of what I put out.
The funny thing about that karma phrase, though, is that the person often using it is making a judgment about another person, and they aren't aware of it. It's like wishing another person ill, basically casting a spell at the other person, and that act of power eventually returns to the one making the judgment.
"Judge not lest you be judged the same." When we judge someone else, we're actually judging our self. We're limiting our self.
We can dislike what someone else chooses without condemning them, without pointing fingers of blame. "That's a way to choose to be...and...I don't like that so I'm making a different choice." This is an example of using the tools of "And" & "Allowing."
Love Sets Boundaries
CLEAR LOVE will not tolerate being persecuted and abused. Clear love steps out of the story and sees that it was all just an acting job on all parts.
The sexual energy virus--a victim who allows the perpetuation of her abuse is as much the abuser as the one play-acting her persecutor. Just step out of the role-playing.
The ultimate act of playing Victim is pretending others' choices affect you--that is playing in the power game.
"They" can make all the freedom-nullifying laws "they" choose, but if you're standing in your own sovereignty claiming your own world, your own freedom--you can live out your own FREE life, and those playing in POWER won't even see you. Do NOT compromise or negotiate with them because that is playing in power. Stand within yourself! BE free!
We're all quite the characters--actors, that is--role-playing together. These are stories of my awakening, my remembering realization that Home/Heaven is wherever I am. That I am not the puppet on someone else's string. The search is over. I simply FREELY CHOSE to quit searching outside of myself, and realized all my answers have always been within.
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