Friday, February 6, 2015

I Know I'm Playing, "Let's Pretend"

Playing in the dramas/traumas of the sexual energy virus is a seductive game--it's easy to get caught up in self-doubt and mental details that keep you worrying over things you can't control (and aren't meant to control). I realized this morning an easy way to pop myself out of playing in drama. Taking a conscious breath, I remembered this:

"I KNOW within that we're playing games of 
'Let's Pretend':

  • Let's pretend I'm insignificant--that what I have to offer or say is meaningless to the rest of "more important" humans and their stories.
  • Let's pretend we've got a disease and we're fighting it, trying to cure it...
  • Let's pretend so-and-so is dying and leaving us permanently...
  • Let's pretend we just can't seem to get along...
  • Let's pretend I am POOR...
  • Let's pretend you have POWER over me...
  • Let's pretend we're fighting wars (pretty much like the Cowboys and Indians pretend games from my childhood)...
"I KNOW that these human bodies are the costumes we don in order to play our pretend games."

"I KNOW these human identities are simply a limited act--they aren't the whole or true me."

"I KNOW I am the master creator of my own reality, and that I can simply choose to harmonize with all you other master creators."

"I KNOW that All is well in All of Creation..."

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