Thursday, January 16, 2014

Using the Body Pendulum vs. Dieting: Re-Connecting with Your Body with Gratitude & Loving-Kindness

It's the middle of January, and I'm already hearing stories of New Year's resolution dieters being frustrated with their weight-loss goals. So, rather than listen to people beat-up some more on themselves, critiquing and judging themselves--I'll share a little something SIMPLE that will free you from the tape measures, scales and goal-setting. And instead, re-connect you with that GIFT of a BODY you've been so blessed with. That beautiful body of a human BEING that you've become so disconnected from. You're so disconnected from yourself, that you're no longer even present in your bodies (embodiment)--thus the reason for many of the weight and disease issues each human experiences.

Let's get you back into those bodies--with utmost GRATITUDE for you--ALL of You!

...and that will free you from many of those issues you've burdened--literally WEIGHTED--yourself with.

Diets never worked for me. First, they're loaded with rules--and I have a tendency to challenge and break the rules in my own rebellious kind of way. Rules are too limiting and constricting, and the more I try to control and monitor myself--the more the very thing I'm trying to avoid pops into my reality.

My sister and I used to have sugar bets, where we tried to see who could avoid eating sweets for the longest time. It was our way of getting into shape--I seem to remember having made a few New Year's resolutions of my own in the past. The moment the bet started, I found myself "thinking" I was hungry and craving something sweet. I'd graze my way through the cupboards, trying to avoid the sweet stuff, and I'd end up eating way more than I did when I allowed myself the bit of sweetness in life that I so craved. The less I ALLOWED myself to indulge in the sweets, the more focused I became on my hunger and lack of joy in life. I changed nothing about my weight, and I grew less appreciative of myself. I was literally fighting with myself.

I grew up very health and diet conscious. My parents were fairly organic foods conscious--much of our diet was home-grown on the family farm. My sister has a degree in foods and nutrition. I was never much of one for taking a lot of medications or going to the doctor. I've been aware of that KNOWINGNESS within, that nudges and reminds me, that everything I need to live abundantly and healthfully in the world is right here INSIDE of ME. I don't need rituals and rules to follow, nor do I even need food to live--but I can enjoy the sensual gift of it all--this experience in the human body.

I used a tool called the BODY PENDULUM to re-establish a loving and compassionate, and more importantly, an APPRECIATIVE and SELF-AWARE relationship with my body.

The Body Pendulum:

While standing with your feet about a shoulder's width apart, hold the food (or medication or clothing) item in BOTH hands up against your heart.

Close your eyes...take a deep breath...

If you feel your body leaning FORWARD (rocking onto the balls of your feet) into the food item--it means "YES!" Your body is saying, "I will enjoy it, and feel this moment in time."

If you feel your body leaning BACKWARDS (rocking onto the heels of your feet) away from the food item--it means "NO!" Your body is saying, "I don't want that--not AT THIS MOMENT in TIME."

Keep in mind, that NOTHING is PERMANENT. People often get tripped up with food allergies by BELIEVING that the allergy is a permanent issue in their life--and that FEAR feeds the reality manifestation--so they experience being STUCK with a food allergy. Utilize the body pendulum before ingesting anything you might normally be allergic to. If you get a "Yes" on something you usually were allergic to, step back out of the story, and give yourself the time and space to FEEL into whether or not you want to actually try it. You don't have to ingest it at all--especially if you FEEL any FEAR or DOUBT at all.

Be responsible for your own well-being:

Make sure that if you do CHOOSE to try something, try just a tiny, miniscule amount (a homoeopathic approach)--and make sure you have whatever medication you use for an allergic reaction ON HAND. The channelings has some excellent material on why homeopathy works: Click the following links: "The Mysterious Innate" and "Moving Into 2014."

Just remember: A "NO" answer just means "NOT AT THIS NOW MOMENT in time." It's not permanent.

DON'T eat ANYTHING you perceive as poisonous to yourself--just to test yourself--because you'll probably poison or kill yourself. TESTING oneself in such a way is idiotic--and you'll probably just die and have to be born all over again.

The more you play with using the body pendulum, the more you realize that some days it feels good to drink orange juice, for instance, but on other days, when orange juice doesn't really even sound appealing to you--you feel better by not drinking it. All that the Body Pendulum does is put you back in touch--into awareness with yourself in the PRESENT MOMENT at hand.

You'll find yourself eating, and enjoying, all kinds of foods you didn't even like in the past, or that you craved, but felt guilty about indulging in because some SUGGESTED BELIEF or BIASED SCIENTIFIC STUDY said it was "wrong." Over the years, I've observed the egg being believed to be all bad, to just the yolk being bad, to the white being the culprit, to the whole egg being good for you--depending on the latest diet and medical trend. All scientific studies--even the double-blind ones--are biased according to the consciousness of the person/s involved in them. I don't follow the advice of scientific studies anymore. I haven't for a long time.

What is good for one person, doesn't mean it's good for everyone, because we're each a pinpoint of consciousness, each having experiences, and perceptions of those experiences, that are unique to that individual. None of us see or experience things exactly alike. This is why diets and exercise regimens don't work. They may get you to a goal, but so often, we back-slide once the goal is reached, or the diet and routine has limited us so much that even though we look and feel healthy in our bodies, we're not enjoying living our lives--and that opens the door for some other form of DIS-ease to manifest.

I don't even need to use the body pendulum anymore. I just used it as a stepping-stone means to get back in touch with my own body.

I eat WHEN I feel hungry--not according to the three well-rounded meals-a-day schedule I was taught in grade school. I sometimes eat left-overs, if I have them, when I'm alone during the day. Sometimes cheese and crackers are appealing. Yesterday, I fried an egg and made toast. I nibble something here and there during the day, and I usually enjoy at least one evening meal with my husband on days that he works. We have cappuccinos and a snack in the afternoon when he gets home. Eating together, whether at the table or while sitting on the couch, watching a movie--it's a time for the two of us. And, yes, there are days when I'm not in the mood for cooking--and we eat fast food or frozen stuff that people often refer to as junkie, processed stuff. McDonald's French fries are still one of my favorites--and I allow myself to enjoy them when I crave them.

Some days, I crave chocolate--and I give myself chocolate in whatever form FEELS appealing to me in the moment. Sometimes, that means I bake us a decadent chocolate cake or brownies. Sometimes it's a Snickers candy bar or a piece of Dove dark chocolate. I may go a week or more eating a little chocolate every day, and then suddenly, I don't desire it anymore.

I never used to have a potato chip in the house, but now I enjoy kettle-cooked potato chips dipped in sour cream. Not a french onion dip either. I like just plain sour cream--something I had never even tried before this past year. And my husband likes them that way too, now--and, in the past, he wasn't much into using sour cream even on a potato.

I enjoy fruits and vegetables--raw or cooked or baked. I love how they color up a plate. Presentation of the food is as much fun for me now, as the eating. My latest favorite dressing for a fresh salad consisting of Romaine lettuce, sweet pepper, cucumber, carrot, sunflower seed and tortilla strips--is:

 2 Tablespoons of freshly squeezed Lemon or Lime Juice
 2 Tbsp. Sugar
 2 Tbsp. Grapeseed or Olive oil
 Fresh-ground pepper and salt to taste

I like how the salad pretties up the slice of pizza or whatever other food I serve it with. Sometimes, the salad alone is satisfying.

I love potatoes in the form of French fries--it's a comfort food, and brings up fond memories with my dad and my mom. Dad used to order a heaping plate of fries at the restaurant for whomever was at the table to share. Mom used to tell me I had to eat my hamburger first before eating my fries. Back when I was little, eating a meal consisting solely of greasy French fries meant Mom was probably going to have a kid with an upset tummy. To this day, I often become aware of myself quickly eating up my hamburger in order to get to my favorite French fries. My husband still gets a chuckle out of it. It's the one thing I'm faster at eating than he is.

I enjoy meat, too, and crave it at times--but I don't desire it every day.

I don't eat nearly the quantities of any foods that I used to--but I cook with whole milk, cream and butter. I also use grapeseed, olive and vegetable oils. I use whatever TASTES BEST--all without FEELING GUILTY. It all depends NOW on what FEELs appealing to me in the moment I'm creating a meal or a snack.

Even the cooking or baking has become a more sensual and joyful expression and experience. I play with recipes and spices--smelling and imagining potential combinations of textures and flavors and colors.

I can eat anything just to pacify a hunger pain, and not worry about it's effect on me.

I've found that I can even seemingly over-eat, and not feel painful consequences because of it. It's easy to over-indulge during the holidays with friends and family, when eating and enjoying the moment with others--and I've discovered that because I'm ALLOWING MYSELF to enjoy and appreciate all the sensuality of this life in the moment at hand, without radiating out GUILT--but with GRATITUDE instead--my body reacts in kind.

As for exercise--I keep it LIGHT and ENJOYABLE. I walk because I love to walk, whether alone or with company--especially outside in nature. I'm not a power walker--I lollygag and breathe in the moment sometimes, and sometimes I stretch out my stride, relishing the feel of my body in a faster gait. I bought active-wear clothing that is warm in winter and cool in summer--just because it makes my walk more enjoyable and easier. I do a few light yoga positions to BREATHE and STRETCH sometimes, especially at night when I awaken in the wee hours with body aches. It helps get me back into my body, and flows my energies. I also drink 4-6 ounces of water first thing in the morning, and as the last thing before going to sleep at night, because WATER helps FLOW CONSCIOUSNESS and energies, too--whether you drink or bathe in it.

So throw away those weigh scales and stop perusing yourself in the mirror with judgment, or comparing yourself to some other "more beautiful and fit" person "out there" somewhere. I've found that when I got caught up in comparing myself to others I always found someone out there more attractive and more beautiful than myself.

Instead, I take the WEIGHT of PRESSURE off  by actually hugging myself, while FEELING GRATITUDE for all that I've been and experienced, and for all that I am right now. I love my life. I love being here on earth. I love this sensual experience of a human just being...and discovering who I really am...

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