One short thought here:
None of us ever truly did anything wrong, even though we humans have done such evil atrocities to each other throughout the ages. They were all temporary experiences done by a lost and terrified, trying-to-survive Human costume who had no idea of his own creatorship or sovereignty. It didn't even perceive its own soul.
Our human aspect was the Experiencer for our soul's understanding of itself. It sacrificed itself over and over, sometimes doing things that cannot, nor should be, justified.
"So, if all the bad things I did can't be justified and excused away how can you say I never did anything wrong?"
From the Eternal soul's broad standpoint, it was all just experience created by brave and loving angels pretending to be Little Humans, and playing out different scenarios and roles together. Death is not real. Energy stealing is not real.
Admit and Release
While you can mentally begin to grasp this concept, on the other hand, within the emotional and physical level of your being, you are still feeling guilty and ashamed.
And no amount of trying to tell yourself otherwise will get you out of that loop of FEELING of wrongdoing until you admit TO YOURSELF that you did something wrong.
That is the key: Admit to yourself that you did something wrong.
That opens the door for your own Wisdom and Soul to come in and help you release permanently all that pain and guilt and anguish you carry around.
Admit your feelings of guilt and sadness and shame over your own perceived wrongdoings...and that will truly set you free.
That, my beloved brothers and sisters, is what happened with me all those years ago as I was washing dishes and asking the god within me why I was having such difficulty with judging others when I was trying so hard not to. My soul's wisdom came forth and told me it loved me always and in all my ways.
"Well, what about this time? I really am so ashamed of myself. I wish I could have a do-over so I would never have made the choice to do it in the first place."
"Penny, I loved you even then. Tell me more of the things you feel guilty about."
"This one is when I REALLY screwed up. I just want to curl up and die. God! How could I have done this?"
"Yes--even then I still loved you. I love you, Penny--always. In all your ways. Unconditionally accept and let yourself love you as I do first, and then everyone and everything else in your world is easy to love. All judgment disappears."
And with that conversation with my own soul within, my world began to fall apart and begin anew...all because I had the courage to go within and to quit running away from myself and some truly hard truths.
Open up your own conversation with your own god within, allow yourself to admit to being the imperfect human that you are, and set yourself free...
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