Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Taking the Sting out of Being Judgmental

You can quit kicking yourself for being a judgmental Judgy Judgerson. I did that for most of my life and it got me absolutely nowhere but more frustrated.

What most humans aren't aware of is that when we judge anyone or anything, we are actually trying to monitor and control oneself. 

Don't just take my word for it, feel into it for yourself. I've found it helps to close my eyes in order to be more aware of what's going on inside of me.

We're trying to perfect ourselves by studying and measuring oneself against those outside of us.

So, is that really such a terrible thing? Especially when our conscious awareness of ourselves was so limited at the time? We're just doing the best we know how in the awareness we have in the moment. We're "trying" to be a good human being.

Humans aren't meant to be perfect. It's our imperfect human contrast which allows our perfect souls this Earth realm experience.

Before a negative judgment ever leaves my lips or settles in my thoughts, it runs through me first, mentally and emotionally. I tell myself first, "That's no way to be."

When I feel into that judgment as I am making it, I feel myself pull inward, closing myself down, limiting myself for fear of being a way that I don't like. I am self-monitoring.

Or...maybe it's a way of being that I like. I judge it as being good. I may look at something and call it right and good, and "try" to attain it, perhaps because I don't recognize it's already within myself. I can still feel myself emotionally reacting to that judgment, and I feel its shackles of expectation. It's controlling, too.

Judgment is judgment, whether it's good or bad, right or wrong. It's always a limiting perspective that limits our personal creations.

Jesus understood judgment. He understood that comparison between two unique individuals just doesn't really work.  His admonition to "Judge not, lest you be judged the same," was not a finger-pointing, That's No Way to Be condemnation. He was reminding us that our judgments--our reactions to circumstances in our realities--were manifesting things in our experiences that we maybe didn't want. And the way to go beyond that was to realize how we were creating such things in a black and white world of duality ( polar opposites) where the practice of judgment reigns.

Basically, we are limited--self-imprisoned--by what we judge.

Being judgmental is simply a suggested way of being, and it creates a certain type of experience then. A limited one. Humans are used to being that way. It's accepted by mass consciousness that that's just the way we are.

You really aren't as bad as you've judged yourself to be, dear human. Set yourself free, let yourself off the hook with:

"That's a way to be." It's a tool I use to create consciously with then, instead of out of a personal emotional reaction. It helps me allow myself to just be--I am okay with being human, in all my glorious imperfection.

After all, being judgmental is a way to be, too. It's your choice. It's your experience.

Related Posts:
"That IS a Way to Be": Letting Go of Judgment

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