Saturday, January 18, 2025

Feeling Backed-Into-a-Corner Desperate? There's a Way Out For Absolutely Everyone

Have you done and said things you wish with all your heart and soul that you'd never done and said? Especially dark and harmful things? Well, my beloveds, there is Good News for you! There is a way out. Close your eyes, take a few good deep-down breaths into your heart, your diaphragm, your toes, and into the real you--your Divinity, your very own Soul....

Wake up, my beloved, from your nightmare....

You're just dreaming and in a dreamscape that feels so real, so solid that you believe it's you and that it's all there is to you.... but you are, every single human is SO MUCH MORE! Just as it is with all your other nighttime terrors--wake up and let it go.... Step out of the rollercoaster car.... That isn't who you really are.... and.... it's never too late!

Hit the "Delete" key if you don't like the direction or the outcome of your story. 

Select something new from all that wisdom you have gained from that old story. It may be a slight alteration in direction or a 180 degree shift--whatever works for you.

We all have a Divine and Eternal origin, and in joy of its awareness of existence, that divinity of each individual has been on an exploration of its own library of potentials, discovering who and what it is, and how this library of energetic potentials works for each of us. 

The HUMAN EXPERIENCE is the most sensual, grounded, gritty, real-feeling dream of all dreams. We create and get to immerse into experiencing our own creations! Just, WOW! Our feet touch the ground, the winds reverberate in our ears, our skin tingles with awareness and touch, our hearts pump, our eyes not only see, but they connect us with others--and we laugh, smile, cry, feel grief, pain and joy. We create music and art and we dance. We know love--the real pure kind that has ultimate compassion and wisdom and is completely unconditional. This human dreamscape is so real we even get to experience getting stuck, feeling lost and alone, with no way out. But, you can and will wake up from it--and it will happen NATURALLY when you're ready.... 

What a GIFT this human dream is! What a gift YOU are, I don't care how dark or horrendous you believe yourself to be at times.... that isn't the real you, the fullness of you. It's just  a tiny droplet of you exploring potentials to experience--none of them is set in stone. Let it go. Wake up from your night terror--that is not the real you. It's all just a dream and it can change in an instant--but only if YOU LET IT.... 

But don't just take my word for it. Close your eyes, take some good deep breaths to quiet your mind so you can access your heart in the quiet. Your soul is right there within you waiting to be invited in by you to have a relationship with it. It will not force itself on you. Ask for its perspective and allow it to dance with you in this human dream--and watch as the terrors disperse into nothingness.

YOU ARE SO LOVING and COURAGEOUS, beloved human, and SO LOVED!

All is truly well in all of Creation! This is just a dream....

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