Friday, March 29, 2013

What is Money--Really?: An Exercise in Inner-Knowingness

Money is an energy--a belief system (a mind pattern), actually--that pretty much every human has made an issue, at some time or another, in their life experience.

I'm going to use it as an example of how you can tap into your inner knowingness on any subject--and walk away feeling more free and flowing than you did going in.

Knowingness doesn't require any research or special books, tools, gurus, etc. I no longer own any self-help books. I haven't read one in years, though I still read a lot of fiction--which I've noticed I've gotten pretty picky about. A couple of days ago, I donated some huge reference volumes--concordances, bibles, and such--to the library. What a relief to let go of those heavy things! They were collecting dust downstairs, and that was it.

I did a whole lot of searching and research, years and decades of it--needlessly, as it turns out--to discover the simplicity of what I'm sharing here. Most of it has just been working up that inner trust in myself and giving myself permission to say this: You are everything you need in the moment. You are the master of your life: "I EXIST...and that's all that matters, really."

"I am that I am!"

The beauty of inner knowingness is that it's always with you, ready for you every moment, every breath--you just have to EXPECT it to be there

The reason that warm and tingling, expansive breath of Ah-Ha! seemed so elusive to most of us in our past, is we just didn't EXPECT or ASSUME it to be that simple...and so it was--difficult, mysterious, teasingly just beyond our grasp...

"Dear God--where are you? Are you listening to me? I can't hear you! Am I ever going to be good enough to have an actual conversation/relationship with you? I've been waiting an awful long time here--PATIENCE, my arsonage!"...

So keep it simple: ASSUME and EXPECT your inner knowingness. It's there, and the more you practice that expectation, the more you experience it.

How am I feeding my illusion?

The trick of releasing yourself from being stuck in a belief system is to become aware of the things/ideas you feelingly believe to be true and then just simply choose to let it go: "NO MORE! We're done!"

I take a breath into my belly, and then exhale, and feel myself actually taking a step back out of the story--like stepping out of the car of a roller coaster ride. You can't CHOOSE TO LET GO of something you're unaware of having in the first place.

What foundational stories are you currently playing in? I use the term, stories, in place of the word, thoughtsbecause we have zillions of thoughts flowing through our minds, but it's the thoughts that have a story form--a relative meaning for us--that trigger emotions that cause us to focus our attention (our pinpoint of consciousness) on them, thus energize them into being. Once again--remember that AVOIDANCE is also an emotional focusing of your attention--enough to manifest something you don't actually want.

Am I braced, cowering, trying to avoid, armed, defensive?--Or am I simply allowing myself to beam and breathe with ease, smiling, openly-naked, and proud of it, flowing those zillions of thoughts through with ease, not worried about if it's a "right" or a "wrong" thing to think or feel?

Those feelings are what we radiate out into the universe. The universe, then, co-creatively and unconditionally, mirrors them back in service to us as manifestations for our souls to experience through us in our human realities. Our souls love experiencing, not caring about good or bad, right or wrong--it's all a gift of experience to our soul.

Now, let's get back to the issue of money.

What is money--really?

What does it mean to me? What are my stories about money? HOW DO I FEEL about money? Do I trust myself having outrageous wealth, or having none at all? Do I, can I exist without money?

Write down the underlined part just to ground the question in your reality, and then forget it, and go do something else...

EXPECT your INNER KNOWINGNESS to let you know the answer. You'll recognize it coming in through the expansive warmth and tingles within, and the joyful exhalation of a breath.

I jot down notes for myself to help ground my knowingnesses more firmly in my reality.

You see, I could write the mental definition of money for you here. I could tell you a bit about the history and evolution of monetary systems, give you stock market tips, etc.--but it won't mean crap to you. It would probably just add to the confusion and clutter. And none of it matters--wasted words, the way I see it.

Here are a few beliefs about money that I used to keep feeding an old lack of abundance illusion story and identity--if it helps to get you started, let yourself feel into them:

"If I only had enough money, I'd...create and do great things..."-- I heard this a lot growing up. I wonder how much money it took to create me? I also used my lack of money as an excuse to not experience, or do, great things--or not have to do things I didn't really want to do.

"Money is power--you need money to live."--I gave money power over me, and I used it to limit the amount of joy I allowed myself to have in my life. And...ah...who came first--me or money?

"Money is the root of all evil."--Therefore, I believed I couldn't be both enlightened and live outrageously and abundantly.

"Money can't buy true happiness."--Grandpa tried to hang onto it (suspicious of anyone around him when it came to his money), and Dad tried the opposite extreme of giving it all away to the point that it hurt himself--self sacrifice and martyrdom. This is where I replaced the term "money" with the term "abundance"--no more limitations in the living of my life by using too specific terms." I choose to live my life abundantly and outrageously."

"You don't value money enough if it comes to you effortlessly, too easily."--Prove yourself through your knowledge, intellect, blood, sweat and tears that you're worthy enough to have it. I no longer work in order to"make a living." I haven't slaved at a job for ten years, and I now live more fluidly, expressively and joyfully abundantly, than I did when we had at least double the income from two of us working jobs we were miserable in.

"Money doesn't grow on trees."--Handle money responsibly. Don't be frivolous. Balance that JUST-BARELY-ENOUGH checkbook. For me, balancing the checkbook was actually perpetuating a lack of money consciousness. I have one credit card that I pay off every month--I use it ONLY believing I have ALL the money to cover the entire expense available in the moment I'm buying something. I never use it as a loan, or for I-don-t-have-the-money-right-now credit. I no longer worry about coupons or what's on sale or bargain shop--I buy quality, and subsequently generate less garbage.

"Poor people who gain instant wealth will most likely lose it all again, because they don't know how to handle it."--Okay, why bother, Pen, if you're going to end up poor anyway--it'll just hurt more because then you'll have a taste of something you just can't have.

I could go on here, ad nauseum, with my personal stories, but I trust you can see where I'm going with all this.

What MATTERS to--or, manifests for--you is how aware you are of your own stories about money.

You can only SEE OTHER POTENTIALS, thus make CLEARER, more self-empowered CHOICES about money, ONLY by being aware of the suggestions about money that you've made your truths that you're acting on now, or have played out in your past.

So--What is money? When you ask that question of yourself, and answer it for yourself, using your INNER KNOWINGNESS, you'll probably discover you're well on your way to freedom from the old "I-need- Money-to-have-Power-over-MY-LIFE" belief system.

This is the most self-empowering reminder I can share with you:

If it's in your life, you created it. (Even if it's an abundance of LACK). On some level, you like it--it's serving you and you're getting some benefit from it.

The beauty of realizing, and taking responsibility for, your having created the things in your life that you don't like is YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN UN-CREATE THEM. You are the only one who can truly release yourself from the experience. 

And you do so SIMPLY BY CHOOSING to end the experience, commanding (standing tall inside of you), "NO MORE! We're done!"

Or, if you're bold and trust yourself fully, you could skip everything I wrote up above and simply
ACT (with NO doubting or testing yourself) LIKE THE MASTER of MONEY--and you ARE!

Mom used to say, "Cook, bake whatever you want, Pen. Just wash the dishes when you're done." I'm thinking maybe that applies to all the beliefs I played with in the past--there's a lot of garbage, obsolete stuff, ideas floating around out there, in here. The only way I currently know of cleaning them out is by simply becoming aware of them being--and then bidding them farewell. 

INNER KNOWINGNESS--it's what's happening right now... 

Related Posts:
Money Only Matters when You Make It Matter
Walk Like a Master

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