Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Walk Like a Master

This is about as simple as I can make it, and when life feels chaotic, and out of control, you want something simple to help you laugh through it: Close your eyes, take deep (down into your belly) conscious breaths until you feel yourself tingling, and carry yourself like you own that Gift of Life that is YOURS! Be the OBSERVER/Master of Your Life--and watch the dramas fall away...

Most of us leave our bodies more than we're PRESENT in them. The conscious tingling-aware breath brings us back into them, and says, "I exist! I'm here! I accept all that I am!"--the energies ABUNDANTLY rush in to support that CHOICE to LIVE and to BE. It's that simple.

The way I see it--you could skip reading everything else I've written in this blog, and focus instead on walking around like, acting like, a master. Like you're the MASTER of YOUR OWN LIFE. EVERY SINGLE MOMENT. EVERY BREATH...

This is all just an ILLUSION tailored to you--
own your unique world, take charge, and
walk like YOU are the MASTER of it...

Well, because you are.

My perspective is this is my life--my reality illusion--and I'm the source and center of this specific bubble of biology. A few months ago, Adamus Saint-Germain of crimsoncircle.com reminded us to "Act like a master until you realize--as did all the (self-)masters before--that it's all, life is, just an act."

Consider the posture of a master. In my eyes--everyone is a potential self-master, even those currently utilizing a wheel chair or a bed. Just close your eyes and feel yourself, your body stand erect--forget about studying your reflection in the mirror to see if you're holding yourself upright--CLOSE THOSE EYES AND FEEL THE REAL YOU standing tall!

Masters carry themselves with confidence, whether sitting or walking or lying down. They breathe with such ease that it's automatic. Their shoulders are straight--not rounded or hunched over in apology or shame or woe-begone self-pity. Their heads are level--like a runway model who's taught to balance a book on the top of her head while imagining a taut thread running along her spine and out the crown.

A master's eyes are direct, twinkling and unflinching. He steps with complete trust in himself--and if she trips, she's the first to laugh at herself with gusto!

Self-masters know there are no right or wrong experiences. There's simply a master choosing to have an experience.

Masters don't whine. Ahhhhhhhhhh...... Commiseration and pity would be obsolete.

Masters don't have to spend years processing painful old stories and emotions from their past. They just realize and accept that they gave themselves ample opportunities to drive themselves inward to find their treasured inheritance within, thus to shake themselves awake to their own inner mastery.

Masters don't second-guess, analyze or doubt themselves. It is what it is in the moment--and it's naturally appropriate. I used to mentally revisit my past interactions over and over again, trying to figure out if I said things the "right" way, castigating myself for my "wrong" actions and reactions. What a massive amount of energy devoted and directed to something that is no longer even real--the past. When a moment is done--it's past. And the next moment is a chance for something new and different, if the master chooses.

Masters don't hurry due to feeling time constraints--they enjoy each step of their journey. It can be a running step or a lolly-gagging meander--doesn't matter. The master knows that time will serve her, if she chooses to allow it to do so. They don't metaphorically or literally punch a time clock--rushing around like the Mad Hatter (of Alice in Wonderland), EXTREMELY BUSY racing around like a chicken with its head cut off. Unfortunately, I know exactly what that looks like--I used to have to help Mom butcher chickens.

Busy rushers aren't present in the moment--they're so far ahead into the future, fear is one of the foundations that they're creating from. CLOSE YOUR EYES sometime when you're feeling hurried and rushed (not when driving, of course)--that clenched jaw, shoulder-tightness, stomach-braced-for-a-punch energy you're emoting is what you're radiating out into the Universe as a personal truth: "I'm in a hurry." And so it is--the Universe lovingly places things in such a way as to keep you "hurrying." As I've tried to impress before--"I am..." STATEMENTS are potent creators, especially when supported by your EMOTIONS.

Masters simply don't hurry. They don't rush around like rats in a maze scrambling for a bit of sweet instant gratification from someone else out there (the human who built the maze and doles out the treats).

Masters don't worry, because they understand that this life on Earth is an illusion playground where we can act out all kinds of stories and things to relate to (remember Einstein's Theory of Relativity), and without true harm being done to anyone or anything. Think about it for a moment--stories are a way to RELATE with each other--Einstein gave the theory that simple name for a reason. This earth experience is for each of us, our very own virtual reality game being played out like the characters did in the holodeck of the starship, Enterprise, on Star Trek: The Next Generation--only WAY MORE COOL!

Masters realize life is their gift to live their own way--they aren't living it according to some limited, freedom-stopping whim of fate or destiny. The Source of ALL that Is, said, "Go out, my beloved children--express and experience and discover all that you are..." No conditions attached--there didn't need to be any.

Life doesn't live the master. The master LIVES life.

I'm going to keep this one short. I spend a great portion of my days checking in with myself to feel if I'm carrying myself as the master I do know that I am. And in those moments and situations when I feel myself overwhelmed and caught up in some old story that I know is sucky--I always return to reminding myself to CLOSE MY EYES--BREATHE CONSCIOUSLY and DEEP until I TINGLE--go out and walk, sip that cappuccino, or nap, like a master, and I'm soon restored and at peace.

So PLAY with acting like a master--use that wonderful sense of personal humor...it's honestly the most profound advice I could share with you...

You don't have to spend decades, like I did, learning to walk like a master--from this point on, JUST WALK LIKE A MASTER. It's really that simple.

Much love and appreciation, my beloved fellow sovereign master- friends. I see you as such, and that's how I choose to interact with you...

You da Butterflies!

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