Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Savior, The Martyr, The Superhero: Are They Overrated?

The Savior 

Do I need, or even want to be saved? 

For me, the whole savior concept has felt a bit off. I never resonated with it even when I explored the Christian religion. I very much loved and appreciated Yeshua (Jesus). I soaked up his messages and his parables and anything I could find about his entire life story from his birth to his death. I perceived him as a beloved brother and friend, and I still do. I also recognized him as a standard of beingness possible for me. But he's not my master and he's not my mediator with my own divinity, my own soul, or my Eternal Source. I'm the only one who can fulfill that role for myself.

I've written previously about a Good Friday experience my husband and I had that completely put me off the whole savior thing. In a twisted way, they did me a service, but not the way they intended, I'm sure. The church we attended handed out nails to everyone, and we were told to hammer it into the cross at the altar in order to remind us what we did to Jesus and the sacrifice he made of himself in order to save us from our sorry-assed, sinning selves. Yeah, I'm still a bit perturbed at that one, and also laughing at myself now that I've had several years of distance from the whole ordeal.

The Martyr

Truly, do you want someone nailed to a cross and strung up there to die in such a ghastly way for you? Close your eyes and feel into the weight of carrying that around throughout your daily life....It's a riot, isn't it? It causes my shoulders to hunch, and at the same time shreds me up, and spits me out all over the place to be walked on by all manner of foot wear.

So many current Christian religions preach of Jesus being the one and only son of god, and people are quite defensive in that viewpoint, but when I read the Christian Bible, Jesus stated that there were those who would come after him who would do all the things he did and more. He also seemed to me to be showing anyone who'd listen that each person could have the same type of relationship with divinity as he did--that Heaven was right at hand for anyone open to it.

But people want the comfort of what they've lived out most of their lives. They are pretty much afraid of what they might do if they let themselves off that leash.

Sacrifice and martyrdom are highly valued ideals in this world. I even tried it out back in my conspiracy tangent days. I thought I could withstand going to prison if it meant saving my world and the children I so loved from power-loving humans who'd created corrupt systems of taxation, law, medicine, education, etc. in order to get control of the masses. 

I tried to change it from within the system by filing a sovereignty claim in the courthouse--but that only got me more power plays, more fighting, more harassment. It ended up being quite costly financially, with no resolution. 

And when I saw people I knew going to jail, it brought the hard truth home to me that it wasn't as romantic as I'd made it out to be in my head. That maybe I didn't want to rot away inside four walls for reasons most wouldn't understand--that the very people I was sacrificing myself for had no idea that's what I was doing. It was quite a humbling realization--I was still basically an unimportant nobody in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Ultimately, all that was gained was the compassionate wisdom I got from the experience, and the understanding that I couldn't change the world--that it would then in turn try to change me. I realized that all change had to start within me--me with myself. That I was never meant to change anyone else. All my answers were meant solely for me, and I was reminded of that by this little melody that began playing over and over within me as I walked on beyond my toe-dip into conspiracy days:

"The answers lie within you,

I found them here in me.

How much more must we endure before we're all free?"

The Superhero: A combination of the savior and the martyr.

My husband and I used to enjoy watching the comic superhero films like Spiderman, Ironman, Captain America, Thor, Wonder Woman, to name a few. They were entertaining for a time, but lately, we both find our interest in the whole superhero concept waning. The actors are great, but the story-lines are the same. The heroes all have a tragic and angsty past, as do those playing their nemesis and their love interests. 

It's just all the same formula, and, once again, I don't feel as though our planet or humanity needs saving by a masked superhuman or alien. At this point, I just can't seem to relate with the idea, much as I'm finding it more and more difficult to relate with individuals who choose to abuse and misuse drugs, sex, alcohol, etc. for escapism and recreation and self-flagellation. 

Nor can I relate to individuals who insist on playing out the martyred victim role in their relationships. I've been there, done that, and I've had my fill. I just don't want to dive into that old, now really boring stuff anymore.There is so much more, we are so much more....

Do humans need to appreciate and take more responsibility for loving and treating with respect the planet which supports us? Yes....and....once again, that's up to each human being to freely choose how their individual world reality manifests itself. I'm responsible for my own creation--no one else's.

I love this gem of a planet. I love the beauty of nature, the animal kingdom, the plants, the minerals, the waters, the mountains, plains, the skies! I love humans--some more than others, depending on their behavior here....and....even when I don't like them much at all due to the roles they are playing out here for me, I still realize that I wish no one any ill will....and....I really love that!

The master is of greater service than the servant....or the savior....

So, who is the master? I am! You are!

Becoming a master is actually quite simple and natural--everyone will experience it eventually. It's dependent upon the individual's preference for how long or short he or she chooses to make their own journey into the remembering realization of who they actually are. My realization just came to me naturally over the course of some very challenging experiences. And then I wholeheartedly embraced the fact that I created absolutely everything in my life--all of my experiences. That I am experiencing a world of my own making.

Nobody actually did anything to me that I didn't allow to happen in the first place. I put it all right here, right now, and no one but me can un-create it, or neutralize the energy of the manifestation back to zero point pure energy.

That understanding was my realization of true freedom--my saving grace, if you will....I didn't need a savior, a martyr or a superhero....

I'm excited about experiencing my daily manifestations now that I've realized who I am and what I'm capable of....I'm no longer stuck in a prison that was of my own making to begin with.

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