There's such a feeling of shame and embarrassment at having been someone's patsy. I've recently been there and done all of that.
I had the realization that all the "Theys" and all the "Yous" were actually my own personal field of energies in service to me, alone. I was the one who had made them my truth and put them into play in my world experience...and I put it out that I was receiving all of them--on social media!
The thing with opening oneself up completely to receiving all your energies and old-created aspects, you have to keep yourself totally vulnerable in order to flow them in so they can be returned to zero point--inactivated, neutralized--in order to be re-activated as something new. A creation more reflective of one's present, ascended consciousness. You're not supposed to judge any of it as bad or good energy--just breathe it all in because it's all one's own energies anyway. The key is to stay fully open to their return and release and keep them flowing.
The thing is, we've learned to call a lot of frustrating and rough experiences "bad" or "wrong," and those feelings can cause the experiencer to put up a guard or barrier in an attempt to prevent being in such awful situations again. It's called being "smart, intelligent, savvy." But that barrier is a highly creative consciousness radiation from within--and a person is suddenly feeling attacked because the energies in service to you read that barrier as an "I am choosing the experience of being attacked."
The Fool allows in energies the Intellectual would put a stop to.
The "Fool" in me recently helped me allow in some malevolent manifestations--energies that I put into play in my own life based on SUGGESTIONS of how it is and how you handle such things. It's only after I fully saw the experience through that I realized how "stupid" and "foolish" I'd been. You know how it's so easy to look back to see that I only saw what I wanted to see, even though there were blips, nudges, sometimes outright sirens sending out the beware of this--it's nasty, something's not quite right signals. But I did it anyway....and I'm pretty wise....
It's caused me a bit of concern--the biggest one being that I looked like an absolute fool to my world--an idiot. And all this writing and talk of mine about allowing my realization and self-mastery and the embodiment of Free Energy. One can be manipulated and abused for a time--and--the key is how to release oneself from that story when you want out, free and clear of it. I put it into play....
Now how do I get rid of it and move onto something new?
I've learned that trying to control and wrangle with a manifestation is a sure way of keeping myself occupied being imprisoned by it. The way out is to drop all the weapons and guards, breathe it in....but I've had eons of practice of trying to manipulate and control my outer world and inner feelings. Letting go and letting my soul is a whole new approach and's a way of life I'm going to have to get used to repeating until it's as automatic as the former....
I've realized with all of this that life in all its messiness is still going to happen for me--even in my own mastery I'm going to find myself in scrapes and conundrums. I just will get more practiced at letting them go and not being stuck in them or suffering.
As for the Fool that I am--the more I'm sitting with this, the more I'm appreciating her, actually rather liking her....because, you see....she's open and very loving, always looking for the best in people and beings even when they aren't behaving that way....
and....Man, can she open to, and flow, the energies!
I'd rather live and die a laughing and loving fool than be a grumpy cynic who was always guarded, closed in, "intelligently" looking for the worst....
Related Post on using the "And" Tool:
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