What if you actually aren't a "two-bit, four-flushing, dirty-rotten, low-down, indiscriminate-clod of a sinner?"
....and....maybe you've played the part and are actually feeling like one, and would like to change that?
What if it's all just a game of temporary experiences and stories based in a limited consciousness (limited self-awareness)--and nobody and nothing is actually hurt or killed? What if it's all just "Let's Pretend"?
Ever since the Apocalypse (The Great Revealing of Self-Divinity/Soul--March, 22, 2023) I've felt myself releasing and integrating like never before....and....two concepts have jumped to the forefront of my awareness lately:
Don't take yourself or your creations too seriously....laugh!!! Laugh a lot!!!
You're worthy of receiving all the joyful abundance life has to offer--just because you exist....
....not because you deserve it by being a perfect, hard-working, self-sacrificing, suffering human.
"Original Sin" is one of the worst SUGGESTIONS made to humans.
It's been so deeply ingrained in humanity as a truth for so many ages that even I was still being tripped up by it.
Even though I haven't bought into that particular belief system for decades anymore, I can still feel it within myself, influencing my perception of myself in my world, thus warping the consciousness I radiate out into my field of energies that serve me alone in the creation of the present reality I experience.
And it's not even about being worthy--those aren't the right words to communicate the energies of what I'm feeling.
I am the source, center and creator of my own realities--why wouldn't I choose to give myself joy-filled, abundant experiences now that I remember that?
There was no original sin. Nobody fell from grace. As the progeny of The Original Eternal One, we ALL simply forgot for a time who we each really are....
And we immersed our consciousness into suffocatingly, lower-vibration, dense, unnatural states of being--human biology--in order to help our own soul experience and get to know thyself, and to understand how our own energies serve us. Who am I? How did I get what I got? How do I create what I want? We're all here out of love for our souls, for each other, for ALL THAT IS....
And when you forget that you're this magnificent creator being with all the inherent qualities and freedom of your original source parents (Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine All in One)--well, this planet feels like a huge and daunting, often scary, place. You feel puny, terrified, doubtful of yourself, and at the whim of circumstances and things and beings you perceive as being outside of you. All your answers lie within, but you're distracted by and focused on your outer world.
The consciousness of Fear and Self-Doubt radiated out just begets you more things manifested--by you--to be afraid of and defend against. Along with constant self-questioning of whether you did right or wrong.
Then you die, and those experiences get stored in mass consciousness as memories so that as you reincarnate lifetime after lifetime, associations get made and the stories get bigger and more dense. It gets really hard to see clearly--you're just lashing out at the demons you alone created. And though you fight and struggle to defeat them, get control of them, monitor them--the fact that you're giving them all that attention just keeps them in play in your own virtual reality game. The harder you fight, the more there are, the more overwhelming it gets....and so it goes....
Everything is a SUGGESTION of what you can choose to make your own personal truth--therein lies your answer out of the imprisoning puzzle....See it--close your eyes and FEEL it--as the suggestion it is, and laugh....
Choose to have a great sense of humor--be willing to laugh at yourself first....
I have realized that being able to view myself from a humorous perspective of having played the human role in the old Blind Man's Bluff, I Forgot Who I Am Game is a fun way to clear out my old cob webs. When I realized that I basically created my own bullies and then punched at them and it ultimately resulted me in being slapped up and down one side and another--all by myself--well, what's not to laugh at? Me--fighting with myself! Throwing punches at air, punches that somehow come back at me and knock me out.
And laughter is a fun way to get energies released and flowing again. Anger works, too, to an extent, but at a certain point it's got a bit of a victimy feel to it that can get one feeling stuck in a circle. Laughter seems to bring it all to flow....
When it's all said and done, I've been fighting with myself....and....
I'd rather be laughing and
"danc-ing with mysel-elf...." (I'm singing that last part--what song is that, anyway? David Bowie?)
How about you? The choice is yours. In my book, nobody here is a sinner. We've all done crappy, horrid--even evil--things when we thought we were no-good pieces of shit that some god out there was punishing and chastising into some warped, prudish, do-gooder of perfection. Not to mention, only one was worthy enough to be called a "son of god"--and his reward for that title was to be sacrificed--nailed to a cross to suffer a horrible, drawn-out demise--as an offering for the rest of us lost causes. Pretty bleak....and....pretty hilarious when viewed from the broader perspective that I gave all that to myself....
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