Monday, July 22, 2013

Money Only Matters when You Make It Matter

Money becomes an issue in your life creations ONLY IF you MAKE it an issue.

The quickest way to bring any creative idea to a complete stop is to make money an issue in it. The fastest way to pervert or distort an originally beautiful creative desire to the point it has no integrity left is to introduce the issue of financing into the idea. You can make money off it--bundles of it--but that shouldn't be the goal. In fact, don't even set a goal--that limits things and stops the creative flow, too.

If  LACK or LIMITED RESOURCES is a foundational belief of the person/s creating something, then the flow of abundance is naturally limited in that endeavor. This is why businesses using "cost-cutting" (lack consciousness) actually perpetuates the "not enough" story. Watch those businesses--they won't be flowing abundance. They're literally choking themselves to death.

The best creations are those you do for the "self-express" joy of creating--express your choice and then give your creations their freedom to flow without you trying to control or manipulate them. Energy flows through the least obstructed and least limited path, so step out of the way of your creations. DON'T EFFORT so much. INSTEAD, close your eyes and check in with yourself to note how you FEEL about it all. Take some breaths to calm and center yourself in the moment at hand.

It basically all boils down to this: ENERGY, in unconditional service, arranges itself to materialize into being whatever CONSCIOUSNESS CHOOSES to focus its attention on.

When you (a pinpoint of CONSCIOUS AWARENESS)are breathing easily and are present and centered--you are then allowing the energies to flow and serve you naturally with grace and ease, and you're allowing yourself to simply receive the experience with ease.

If you choose to create something, don't ask others for opinions if they aren't participating and vested in the creative process--you'll get a big effing story and drama, and a creation that's been run off its tracks. Nothing ticks me off more than someone sitting at the table of imaginative flow who's throwing in statements like, " know how people are...they'll never go for it or actually do it... It all sounds like fun until it comes time to actually do it...blah, blah, blah..."

If that's the way you view your life and are CHOOSING to live it, you may as well leave your dreams and ideas behind and get on with your miserable life--because I won't play with you. I'll manifest my dreams elsewhere.

Money: In the past, and on up to this current day, it's been used to play the "Let's Pretend" game of  "Some Have Power, Some Don't."

The truth is, though, that no one can steal another's power over their own life unless that person gives them that power--on some level, there's been a mutual agreement between the two parties to play that game. If it's in your life, YOU CREATED IT to be so, and ONLY you can CHOOSE to un-create it.

The monetary system is simply an energy pattern that has been repeated through the ages. It's a long-established belief system initially based in peaceful trading (energy flow) between sovereignties or individuals. But as has happened with most human belief systems, it's been infiltrated by the sexual energy virus, aka energy feeding and "stealing,"--a game of victims versus perpetrators.

Stepping out of a long-established BELIEF SYSTEM (aka, mind programming) is like stepping back after having walked into a spider web. Its sticky threads cling to you, and the more you struggle and fight within the web of belief, the more entangled you get. So first go sit down in that AUDIENCE CHAIR and OBSERVE the plays and dramas from a distance.

Years ago, Adamus encouraged us to just consider the idea that maybe we don't have to pay bills or taxes, etc., but he DID NOT encourage us at that point to withdraw from the system because we were too unconsciously enmeshed in the belief system yet, too afraid of the consequences. We weren't fully aware of how deeply we were asleep--there were layers upon layers of beliefs to become aware of. At that time, my feelings of guilt over not paying bills and taxes, or fearfully believing I needed to fight some conspiracy entity (like a bank or wealthy person of power) in order to survive, etc. would have had me EMOTIONALLY creating some dire stories and experiences for myself--AGAIN. I actually did that years prior to hearing Adamus and Tobias--and it was one hell of an experience, as you can read about in my various posts on this blog.

My conscience couldn't handle it at the time and I wasn't fully AWARE of my FEELINGS that were triggering my reality manifestations.

For instance, I used to get a lump in my throat, bees in my stomach and a constricted feeling in my chest when bills arrived in the mail. I'd pay the bills according to due dates and the balance in my checking account, which seemed to just barely have enough to cover things, even though I balanced the thing monthly and kept track of every penny I spent.

After considering what Adamus's words meant for me, I CHOSE to start FLOWING my abundance in little ways that I could live with, and not feel too scared. In terms of money, that meant, for me:

I take a few deep-down into my stomach breaths to get centered, then:

1. I pay bills the moment they arrive in my mail in order to keep my mind and my desks and countertops clear--and to simply keep the energies FLOWING.

2. I write "Thank you" on the memo line of the checks I write. Gratitude flows energy more easily than fighting. It's just airy numbers we're dealing with here, after all. So we can count how many beans or marbles we hold--does it REALLY MATTER?

3. I quit balancing that old accounting consciousness "barely enough" checkbook of mine. I make a note of having written checks just for reference sake, but I no longer balance it or record cash or debit card use.

4. I pay my credit card balance off IN FULL EVERY MONTH. I have only one credit card and I use it only TRUSTING MYSELF to have the funds available in the moment needed--like I have the cash right there, right NOW. I don't play the debt or credit game of LACK of ABUNDANCE. The whole paying on a mortgage for a home should someday become obsolete--that's foolish energy feeding story.

5. I DON'T use COUPONS or buy something just because it's on SALE or CHEAP. Those practices perpetuate the "lack of money" or "just barely enough" stories. I buy quality. I generate less garbage that way, too.

6. I practice consciously REMINDING myself out loud that I'm KEEPING ENERGIES FLOWING and I BREATHE that constantly to keep my inner feelings at ease and peace, so that's what I'm radiating out to the UNIVERSE.

I no longer tremble at the idea of bills and money or having enough. I haven't felt those old anxiety symptoms much at all in the last couple years. When I no longer have a mortgage--I'll let you know of that, too, and what it was like to let it go. I currently just pay it and don't worry about it.

It gets better and easier every day as I've gotten accustomed to flowing energy in the form of money. I just pay money, and allow myself to receive money, with ease and flowing grace....and I ALLOW MYSELF to enjoy my gift of life. You are gods also--you can do the same thing, if you choose.

Money just shows the flow of relationship energy between parties. Its value as an easy-to-carry trading tool was once upon a time based on labor and on precious metals like gold and silver--but it hasn't been based on much of anything like that since around 1971. It's pretty much airy-fairy fantasy. Its worth depends solely on you, the individual who determines how much power you give it to influence your life and CHOICES.

If you decide "you don't have enough money" to create and do the things in your life that you'd like--so it is! The Universe matches your radiation. I played with that particular radiation much longer in my life than I care to remember, but it gave me fodder to share here with you.

Adamus has said,
"The amount of abundance (in all forms, in all aspects) in one's life is directly proportional to that person's will to live."

Do you view your life here on earth as a GIFT? How much do you want to be here on earth, having all this experience? How much joy do you choose? How easy or difficult do you choose to make it? Whatever your choice--the Universe will lovingly match it to make it so. If you choose to whine like a victim over money issues that you made materialize--the universe will give you exactly what you're radiating out.

So if you don't take ownership of, and accept full responsibility for, the entirety of your own gift of a life, you're going to experience lack in some form.

It takes as much--or even more--energy to perpetuate a state of lack story (lots of "poor pitiful mes") as it does to just simply allow the natural flow of one's abundance co-created with the Universe.

Unfortunately, people like to commiserate too often about their "money issues" with one another, which just keeps that story in play then. My best advice: Close your mouth and leave the conversation.

When I was a junior in high school I was given the opportunity to observe two creations materializing about the same time by approximately the same group of people. With the first one, I got to watch a desired creation manifest simply, without much worry or fuss when you didn't make money the issue. And with the second, I got to observe what happened when you made money an issue in your creation.

In September of 1980, when I was 16 years old, the fair board failed to put on the traditional teen dance in the quonset during the county fair. We kids wanted a dance. We were all only 15-17 years old--not able to legally sign any contracts, so one of the parents did that part for us. One person in our group knew of a rock band to hire, and did so. Another rented the building and someone hired a cop, as required by law, to monitor the gathering. Other classmates stood at the door and charged a $3.00 cover charge for the event. Others helped clean up the building afterwards.

We not only made enough to pay all the bills, we made enough profit to put on more dances throughout the year. We ran into one glitch when we scheduled a dance at the same time of another dance somewhere else in the area, and we weren't able to cancel the band in time. We had to still hold the dance, and I think that gouged our funds. But there was evidently still enough in there to buy some booze to spike the punch bowl at the prom that spring. Okay, so that probably wasn't the wisest use, and if someone tried that today, the penalties would be pretty dire. The point is, we simply CHOSE to DANCE--and instead of whining about the fair board doing us a wrong and not having any money to do it, we manifested a dance. The money was there when we needed it.

In contrast, our junior class had two adult advisors and a class fund that was monitored. We got over-zealous with the prom decorations and ended our year with our official junior class in debt. We spent a good portion of our senior year earning the money selling concessions (that the class behind us should have had) to get ourselves in the black before graduation. Our prom was quite beautiful--we had a mural and waterfall and a bridge and wishing well--and I still have to laugh at the story. But it goes to show that maybe we should take a deeper look at what money really is--and how old concepts like "money management" beliefs and bean-counting practices influence our realities.

What if we've just MENTALLY and EMOTIONALLY COMPLICATED something that is natural and simple to flow--our own ABUNDANCE?...

Related posts:
What Is Money--Really?: An Exercise in Inner-Knowingness
Walk Like a Master

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Why Don't Humans Explore Faith Beyond the Dogma and Doctrines?

Because they're afraid of the answer.

It's easier to repeat rituals and traditions, quote scriptures and talk about people and their miracles that happened over 2000 years ago than it is to explore the possibility of living the miracles out--for example, such as life after death--in one's own life.

Why aren't humans looking more closely at the possibility that death is just an illusion?

Why do humans prefer a funeral and grief and despair over and over and over again instead of challenging and going beyond that old consciousness? Is there truly more comfort in the "expected misery" versus anything else? Is there something we haven't experienced yet that could be more painful than grief and sorrow?

Be honest--do you like the drama of it all? We must, or we wouldn't have perpetuated the death story for so long.

In the days, hours, and moments leading to my own dad's death, I found that I couldn't believe in hell as a final and eternal destination for ANYONE, nor could I imagine any true, unconditionally-loving FATHER/MOTHER-like god condemning ANY child to such a fate. The Old Testament god even stayed Abraham's hand from making a sacrifice of his own son, Isaac--yet that same god in the New Testament, according to the dogma taught by sleepers, supposedly sent Jesus here to be a sacrifice? Hmmm.....

And I certainly didn't want Dad even entertaining the idea of an abomination such as hell in his final breaths--we even had a discussion on that very subject.

You can imagine, then, my astonishment when a devout woman told me how sad she felt when a dying friend said to her, "Keep doing what you're doing, but as for me, I know I'm destined to go to hell and there's no hope for me..." And she lamented to me how he just accepted his hell of a destination. I still wonder at the incredulity of it--the mass consciousness hypnosis that runs so deep. I struggled with trying to figure out if I was supposed to agree and commiserate with her? ABSOLUTELY NOT! She was simply stuck living out a god- (and human-) limiting belief system doctrine--one that caused her deep anguish. She wasn't at peace with the ending of that story in that way either. Her Christian faith had carried her through many a dark tunnel, and her Light shines bright with it--it's not just a bunch of repeated words for her. She listens to the spirit within and follows its nudgings and wisdom. But that long-held belief in the doctrine of Heaven or Hell was't resonating with her either, and it takes courage to explore and question something you've believed true your entire life.

That was the experience she was in at that particular moment, and she wasn't looking for me to fix it or have an answer for her. Throughout her life, she's challenged many of those old doctrines that suddenly didn't fit what she knew deep inside, and I have a strong feeling she was in the midst of looking at that one, too. It doesn't matter where she is with it--this is her life and her experience, and I honor that, and love her dearly. She is an amazing friend.

Deep down, people can't possibly really believe that heaven and hell crap (no apology for my language here because no other word fits)--otherwise they would be moving Heaven and Earth to save loved ones! The ones that really accept that as their truth, and who immerse themselves deeply in that belief system seem to often go mentally off-balance for a time. But those that just dabble in letting someone else spiritually lead them around without exploring it for themselves, on their own, like the juiciness of the story; but they aren't out saving anyone, other than handing out pamphlets and tisk-tisking about the dirty deeds of people. Instead, some of them sit upon little human ego pedestals of superiority shaking their heads at the sad state of humanity, ranting about the imminent end of the world, enjoying the game, the illusion, and the drama of it all--even the perversity, gore and trauma of it all!

Who, in their FULLY-AWAKENED (most of humanity is pretty deeply asleep in the old consciousness) and ENLIGHTENED mind and heart and soul would allow someone on their deathbed to believe they were going to hell?  Mercy, grace, compassion and the true unconditional love of God/The Source of All--for me, those are the attributes of true Christianity--and we humans are capable of the expression of all of them with ourselves, and with one another. (Christ Consciousness: Rest Assured--No Soul is Truly Lost).

People seem to think it's safer to try to make rules for others and then effort to try to get as many to follow them as you possibly can, than it is to punch holes in belief systems eons old--simply for oneself.

According to all that distorted religious dogma in ALL religions (few of the oldest established faiths resemble the teachings of the self-masters credited with their beginnings) it takes a lot of deeds, efforting and energy to try to conform and control the masses outside of oneself. But are you truly deep-down buying what you're doing, or are you just trying to keep yourself so busy you've convinced yourself "you don't have time to go there"?

Maybe you're enjoying playing that illusion game--and that's fine if you are. It no longer matters to me what anyone outside of me chooses. I'm just done playing the old game with anyone. If you're interacting with me, we won't be gossiping about trauma-dramas anymore.

It's more secure talking about old miracles performed by someone else perceived as being smarter than oneself than it is to risk realizing that maybe there really is no such thing as a miracle--that maybe "I am that I am" is all there is...

By eliminating superstition and sacrifice does one then eliminate hope in something greater than the simple lowly little human?

What if you take a step outside that box of beliefs, step over that threshold into something one can't begin to even imagine...

Do you dare?

What IS that thing called "Faith"?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's Simply about Beliefs--the Ones You FEEL True

There is nothing mystical or magical or intellectual or esoterically out of the grasp of any single human being in living as a self-master of one's illusion reality playground. Each of us has been co-creating our reality with the Universe from the moment we were born. We've just been doing it unconsciously.

The more SELF-AWARE you are, the more you are able to manifest a reality that matches your actual desires--but in order to do so, you have to get comfortable being alone with yourself at times. You have to be willing to step back out of the illusion you currently have going in order to take stock of matters. You need to view it as a detached observer--an audience member--instead of the emotion-radiating actor who doesn't realize he's more than that act in the middle of a dramatic scene.

Most of us have been creating our worlds by FEELINGLY accepting SUGGESTED BELIEFS by others outside of us as our own truths: "This is how the world is. This is what you have to do to live--get educated and perfect yourself (through worshipping a god or idol out there, or not), get a job to make money in order to make a living, find a partner, have a family, vote, compromise, pay taxes...and repeat..." 

Close your eyes--can you feel your body bracing with all the pressure from those expectations of you? That's the "feeling belief" I'm referring to.

As long as you're constantly busy "out there" playing in, and according to, those belief systems, you're not likely to really know your inner true self. This is what I mean by BEING ASLEEP in a belief system--you play by the rules and you don't question any of it.

The more aware you are of how you're feeling in the moment at hand--and the thoughts triggering those feelings--the more you can then just simply CHOOSE to breathe and release out of your reality those obsolete manifested truths you played with yesterday.

You can then begin consciously choosing and attracting the experiences you desire. One of my favorites is breathing, smiling with eyes, mouth and heart, and radiating out that "All is well in all of Creation."

Releasing oneself from an old belief simply involves first becoming AWARE that you feel that to be so. We have layers upon layers of beliefs we've made our truths to the point we don't realize they are there. It takes time to uncover all those beliefs. When I feel myself bracing or cringing inside, I almost always recognize the uncovering of an old belief. Take a breath or two when you recognize one, then choose to let it go: "No more! We're done! Thanks for the experience. Now I choose..."

Don't analyze it. It simply provided you with an experience--period. And with every experience WISDOM is GAINED. How could you then not feel at least a bit of gratitude, at least from the viewpoint of your soul?

There is no woo-woo formula or secret held by an elite few. It's truly all about what you believe is true and real--and so it becomes to match whatever you radiate out as your truth.

Until I get accustomed to the new consciousness, I'm keeping my choices simple and non-specific like "I choose to live a life of outrageous abundance and joy." And when I inhale and exhale a breath with that choice, I actually feel myself open up to embrace it. I often close my eyes in order to FEEL into myself.

I think part of the reason we complicate it so much is because we're afraid that once we understand and know how to run the game, that it will lose its excitement for us. That without the old dramas, we'll get bored--and then what? 

So we try to stretch the old soap operas out longer by continuing to dabble in our same old familiar identity stories and belief systems--making money, religion, politics, business, family, relationships, sports, health, etc.

But really, is being able to create your own realities to experience with ease going to be boring? Is it boring to consider going beyond what you once thought possible? Will it be ho-hum getting to experience potentials never even conceived of or imagined before? Are you afraid of what others may think of you for having the balls (yes, we females can have balls, too) to dare take that step into embodied self-master?

What if you can travel without using a machine? What if you've been traveling beyond space and time all along, but didn't realize that's what you were doing? What if you can communicate without speaking words? What if you can manifest with ease and grace in place of a lot of sweat and efforting? What if you can enjoy the company of others without energetically feeding off one another? What if soldiers become obsolete because there is no such thing as war or strife or hunger?

If anyone tries to sell you on a method or discipline to "help" you ascend or be a better person--that's energy feeding, the sexual energy virus. The seller or the preacher is asleep yet. Everything you need to be however you choose--it's all right inside of you. Just get to know yourself really, really well. And let yourself be more flexible in how and who you are than "this is how I am...blah, blah, blah..." That's an ego identity trap. For instance, I have the body of a woman, but I have a masculine half within myself that balances her so I have the capability to think like a man, too--and I do utilize that ability at times.

And what you did in your past--even the previous breath--doesn't matter, unless you make it matter. The past is done, and if you stole some energy from someone outside of you in that previous breath--it's just illusion--not anymore real than a future breath that may, or may not, manifest. The only breath that matters/materializes is THE PRESENT BREATH--the reality RIGHT NOW. What happened yesterday need not have any effect whatsoever on today. What I'm saying is LET the GUILT GO! Your guilty feelings will perpetuate a story or an experience that you may not desire to live out ever again. Let it go! None of it is real, until YOU MAKE IT SO.

Always ASSUME the stance of a self-master--keep acting the part, FEELING the leveled chin, broad shoulders and straight spine, that chest that displays your heart, the eyes that twinkle with good humor, the gusto laugh that echoes out into your world, the easy-breathing, the smile that delights with the I-just-opened-the-greatest-present realization of what a gift life is...

Keep acting the master, especially when doubt would have you second guess yourself. It's always been just an act anyway--and deep down, you know that's true...

Or you can keep acting out the role of victim--which we've all done. I've played that role to ad nauseum--so I'm liking acting like the master of my own life. I no longer have to try so damn hard...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm Going to Be Writing about Everything Under the Sun Here!

I've noticed a strange phenomena lately. Ever since I posted about CHOOSING to cross that threshold into sovereignty and just giving myself that diploma of self-mastery, it's like I dropped all the guards I had in place supposedly protecting me at one time--turns out that was just a Little Human Ego thing--and I torpedoed myself out of hiding.

All because I started expressing myself openly to the public, the world, by writing a simple little blog about my experiences and insights and perspectives. It still doesn't matter if no one else reads what I have to say, and I don't even care if someone rejects me because of what I might write anymore--none of it matters.

All that matters is that I'm ALLOWING myself to FREELY EXPRESS and EXPERIENCE for the first time ever.

With the arrival of warmer weather, I've been walking pretty much on a daily basis, and when I walk, I find myself coming up with titles and topics and anecdotes to share. In the last two walks alone, I have about five post-it-notes filled with writing "reminders" crammed in every which way and two posts in rough drafts here on the blog. Which comes to at least four topics for posting on this blog. And they vary from money to napping to families and the young people and the pets in our lives. And still more keeps flowing in.

I've given myself permission to write about anything and everything--and if anyone reads this and takes anything at all with them from it, I hope it's the encouragement to do your own thing your own way. Give yourself that diploma of Self-Master.

It's like once I opened the spigot of ALLOWANCE, the water of consciousness just came pouring out--but it's coming in a good-feeling way. I'm smiling a lot and I'm not taking things so seriously anymore. I'm having fun and discovering there is so much to enjoy in life.

I'm simply the sovereign master of my own life, now wondering what I was so afraid of by graduating myself. Much of it was because I was afraid others would hear me say those words and would think to themselves, "So--she thinks her shit doesn't stink..."

Yeah, don't we all wish that...

More coming soon!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Physical Symptoms of My Awakening, Part 2

A friend of mine recently shared with me about having difficulty with being so sensitive to smoke that he was having difficulty sleeping, to the point he was exhausted all the time. He made me aware of some awakening symptoms of my own that I forgot in the first post (Physical Symptoms of My Awakening Self-Awareness) or glossed over. Some of them I've experienced for so many years that I don't even think of them anymore--I just got in the habit of doing things that help me feel better.

I, too, am extra-sensitive to smells and odors--and I've been that way for at least a decade. That's why I didn't remember to mention it before. Smoke bothers me, whether it's tobacco or wood smoke--doesn't matter. And I don't like to make a big deal of it when socializing with people (I grew up around people who smoked cigarettes)--I'm not out with people because of wanting to criticize them. If we go anywhere there is smoke, I take a bath or a shower before even trying to sleep at night.

I can smell cooking odors in my hair--so I wash it every night before bed in order to help me sleep. It may sound almost obsessive-compulsive, but it's not. I don't feel dirty--it's just what I've found helps me keep the energies flowing through me, instead of my holding them. The odors can be a yammering mental distraction that can keep me awake. I take baths to help with sore and aching muscles, too--and it's a time for mental and emotional release, as well.

Often I take a bath or a shower in the morning, too, to help me get moving--we do so much more work in the night, and while we appear to be sleeping during a nap, than a person is aware of. We appear to be resting in this dimension, but we're doing myriads of other things in multiple dimensions while doing so. Just because our bodies appear to be unmoving doesn't mean we're being lazy--our consciousness is always flowing. It's heavy-duty work shifting one's reality landscape and foundation--and that happens on so many different levels of consciousness.

My friend mentioned exhaustion--and that was a HUGE one for me for a number of years, but not so much so anymore. About ten years ago, I remember awakening in the mornings feeling so exhausted I couldn't function. All I could do was manage to lay back down and I'd be asleep for another 2-3 hours easily, only to find myself still struggling to be fully immersed back into my body upon re-awakening, even then.

It wasn't just depression at that time, either--though you do experience, and move through, depression when awakening because your world is shifting and changing and the whole foundation of your reality is being shaken up. I was literally mentally and physically exhausted. I was releasing all kinds of old stories and beliefs that had been a part of me for so long I was unaware they even existed. So I had this mass exodus of energies, some of them stuck in old wounds and scars like a several-car pile-up, while I had this in-flow of brand new consciousness energies, knowingnesses and insights--many which were overwhelming to my human mind. It was a relentless bombardment of the senses, on my entire body of consciousness (body, mind, spirit/divinity, knowingness). To be honest--sometimes I just wanted to die in order to be released from the onslaught.

I encouraged my friend to not fret over the exhaustion thing--to let go of worrying about not getting enough sleep. Just  take everything moment by moment. The less you worry about something, the more you tell your human mind to "shut up" when it gets into yammering "this-and-this-and-this-is-wrong" mode, and focus on breathing and calming yourself, the easier it all is.

I don't experience exhaustion from lack of sleep anymore, and it's not because I'm getting 8 or more hours of sleep a night. I can actually toss and turn with aches all night long every now and then, and still wake up refreshed as if I'd slept soundly. I wake up at least 2 or 3 times a night--seeming to sleep in blocks of 2-3 hours at a time. I always use the bathroom upon coming to--the excretory system (bladder and bowel functions and sweat glands and tear ducts) flows and releases energies from the body. Sometimes I do a couple light yoga stretches; and at least once in the wee hours of the morning, I escort my lover cat down to her food dish. Yes--the kitty has me wrapped around her paw, but she does help me keep my energies flowing.

I also drink about 4-6 ounces of water before going to sleep and first thing every morning--even before my coffee. I drink water and other beverages throughout the day, according to what my body says it wants--and  it's nowhere near the recommendations suggested by "studies." I just listen to my body. I've also found that I can drink too much water or tea to the point I've depleted what feels like the electrolytes that keep me balanced--I experience painful leg cramps and deep bone aches. That's when I let myself enjoy potato chips with sour cream (my latest whimsy--never used to have a chip in the house) or something else salty with some chocolate on the side and tonic water (quinine) tastes refreshing. And then one day something else is the desired food of the moment.

Once when I'd been sick with flu-like symptoms and a cough for a couple months, I found I craved sea-salt water baths--again it felt connected to the electrolyte balance in my body because I'd been drinking a lot of tea and lemon-water in an attempt to keep my sinuses and things flowing. I used sinus rinses, ph-balanced, too. Adamus Saint-Germain, Kryon and The Group have all reminded us over the years to be aware that once or twice a year the body will naturally balance itself--even embodied self-masters experience this--and it'll feel like the flu (influenza).

In June of 2007, I experienced 24 hours of dizzy, clammy, profusive sweating, nausea and diarrhea where I spent the night between sleeping on the bathroom floor or agonizing on the toilet followed by being bed-ridden the next day, even when everyone else in the city was hunkered in basements while the tornado warning sirens went off. I didn't even care. My beloved Max-cat stayed with me the whole time--never left the foot of my bed. He also purred away a very cramped and painful stomach on another occasion--these pets are amazingly intuitive helpers--and their service to all of us should never be over-looked or taken lightly and for granted. There was no flu going around at the time and I hadn't eaten anything that my symptom-free husband hadn't eaten, too. Before the other lightworkers brought up the subject, I had already intuitively concluded it was my body re-balancing itself.

In 2001, I put myself through a traumatic body-cleansing where I learned what a "toxic rush" was after the fact--scared both me and my husband at the time. After eating apples and drinking water for 3 days, I was supposed to drink a 1/2 cup of extra-virgin olive oil and take a sea-salt water bath in order to re-balance my electrolytes. I felt fine until day two, and suddenly was so dizzy I didn't dare get out of bed, and so nauseated that I was afraid to sip any water for fear of vomiting it up. I especially don't like to vomit. It's traumatic for me--ha! Anyway, in desperation, I called my brother and he said it sounded like a toxic rush--which made sense. All of those toxins (lead, for one) that my body had taken in for years were probably not going to be pleasant coming out. And it wasn't pleasant, believe me! I lost all dignity from having to have my husband support me in the bathroom after drinking some water and my finally accepting the fact that I might be sick at both ends. Everything moved out after that--I was cleansed. Shortly after that ride on the toilet, I had energy and clarity like I'd never experienced before. It was euphoric--but I'll NEVER do it again, and I don't recommend it for anyone else!

You don't need to put yourself through that. That was back in the old consciousness days when the energies were pretty dense and stagnant yet. I'm writing about this because I hope you'll choose an easier path of transformation--you can do it quicker, easier and more gently NOW than I did THEN. The consciousness is flowing better, even if it appears extremely chaotic in the world--there are a lot more awakened and awakening people in the world today.

I should also let you know that I used to be very, wholefoods conscious. It began with my parents. My mom used to grind flour and make whole-grain everything from the wheat my dad raised. We lived pretty much off the organic garden vegetables we grew, and the poultry and cattle and pigs that were raised by my family. We were organically inclined back in the days before it was popular. My older sister has a degree in foods and nutrition so that had a tremendous influence on my diet and exercise consciousness.

As I grew the deeper relationship with my own body I starting tossing out all of my old rules on healthly diet and fitness--simplified everything. I had a ton of mental facts and teachings that were obstructing my flow. I was going beyond the old human mind consciousness and beliefs. That stuff is deeply tied into a person's ego identity, too--we use our scholarly (hard-won, lots of efforting) knowledge in order to get people to listen to us and accept us. Who am I then, when I'm no longer a health and diet and plant-growing expert? It's scary to let those identities and roles go--to strip oneself of all those titles. But it's worth it in the end because you don't have to grapple to memorize and then try to recall gads of information from your over-burdened human mind. I'm clearer now and I trust myself in having the answers for myself in the moment I need them.

I discovered whole-wheat breads don't agree with me--I bloat up from them unless the grain or flour has been soaked overnight, which seems to break it down enough so my body can utilize it better. For a long time, orange juice and tomatoes just felt too acidic--I'd notice canker sores in my mouth. I also noticed that with garlic and began lessening that in my diet. Then time passes, and suddenly they're just fine and I feel myself craving them. I've learned to pay attention, to eat only when I feel hungry and what appeals to me in the moment at hand. I don't keep a breakfast, lunch and dinner/supper schedule anymore, nor do I try to fit all the food groups into one meal--it's often more than I want, and my husband knows that and is fine with it. We've been splitting our meals for years. Restaurants could serve me half the food and I'd be more satisfied. My husband is also experiencing symptoms of awakening.

When I'm invited to eat a meal in other people's homes, I can eat whatever is put in front of me--my body will support me in that. There is nothing I hate worse than someone complaining about or telling about their personal issue with some food someone has kindly served them. Don't eat it if you believe it will be harmful to you (like an allergic reaction), but you don't need to make a big deal of it either. It's called sensitivity and common courtesy. I've discovered I can over-eat, but my body is able to naturally balance that, too--simply because I'm enjoying myself and allowing it to support me as it was designed to do, without me getting all analytical and diagnostic over it.

In fact, the more analytical I am about where, what, when and how I eat--the worse my experience with the food--weight gain, indigestion, blood sugar spiking and dropping, etc.

I do best when I just allow myself to be in the present moment SENSUALLY ENJOYING whatever I ingest.

I don't enjoy poison, nor do I have to prove to someone else that I can ingest something I deem poisonous and stay alive--THAT IS STUPIDITY reserved for insane religious nuts.

I also have a strong knowingness that I don't really need to eat in order to healthfully survive--but right now I eat when the notion strikes, and often it's just a way of socializing and connecting with my husband and friends. I let myself garden, bake, cook and eat for the sheer sensual pleasure of it--my enjoyment of my gift of life.

When I feel or think of painful or frustrating symptoms, I think of it as stuck energies looking for the quickest release from my body of consciousness, and I deal with all of it by focusing on FLOWING the ENERGIES.

I keep 5 things in mind to help FLOW consciousness energies:


Breathing: I close my eyes a lot and inhale a breath through my nose deep down into my diaphragm (put your hand on your tummy below your rib cage, making sure your diaphragm pushes your hand up), and I exhale it out of my mouth. That simple little act lowers the heart rate and blood pressure and centers me in the NOW moment. I used to have to make a conscious effort to do this because I was constantly feeling on guard, attacked even. So I breathed to lower my guard and just breathe all energies through. You can breathe it all through you--even the negative and dark stuff. My conscious breathing is pretty automatic these days compared to years ago.
Also, I use focusing on my breathing when I experience the mind-chatters.

Rest: I can't stress this enough--give yourself permission to nap--to lay down when you're feeling the need to get horizontal, whether it's just a few minutes or a few hours. YOU ARE NOT BEING LAZY! You need this in order to get balanced mentally and physically. There is such a bombardment of energies on a person who is going beyond the old mind and physical body that if you don't allow yourself a time-out, you're going to blow your circuits and either go crazy or get mortally sick. You can do that if that's the experience you want to have, but frankly, why put yourself through that if you don't have to?

Exercise (Gentle and Light): You only want to flow the energies, not hurt and stress an already over-whelmed physical body with high-impact exercise. We're already changing from the deepest levels of our DNA on outward--our physical bodies are transforming from caterpillar to butterfly. A few gentle yoga stretches and an easy walk outside in nature are my personal favorites. Swimming, dancing--it doesn't matter what you do--just DO NOT set goals to lose weight or tone muscles because it screws with simply LOVING YOURSELF UNCONDITIONALLY. The toning and well-being happens naturally when you let go of the mental goal-setting. Sometimes I lengthen my stride when my hips and back give me the okay and it feels good to do so, but otherwise I just walk in order to spend some alone time with me, away from my home-life routine. I have my best conversations with myself and insights when I'm walking out in nature. And some days--that nap is more important than the walking.

Water: is one of the best consciousness energy movers and balancers--drink it, bathe in it, and enjoy a swim when you have the opportunity. As I shared above--I use water (fresh and sea-salt) to help me clear and flow energies all the time.

Our Earth is currently experiencing shifts (some are experienced as natural disasters where there is a significant human population to notice it) related to the flow and re-distribution of water throughout the planet. This is happening because it shifted on its axis. She's allowing herself to naturally balance. The Earth, like each of us humans, was created so she could naturally heal and balance herself without needing anyone to fix her--just love her and appreciate her and allow her the freedom to do so. Sending humans on guilt trips for harming her actually stops the flow--just put down the pointing fingers and stop spreading fear-based stories like "global warming," and start focusing on her beauty and love of us instead. Breathe consciously with her, celebrate her while enjoying the gift she is.

Nature: Go for walks, sit on a rock or lay down in the grass, dangle your feet in a pond or wade in a brook. Just get out there and feel the earth and all of her life pulsing and breathing and singing with you. The plant and animal kingdoms are here to connect with us and to enhance our life experience. Those sunrises and sunsets are displayed all for you--laugh and dance in them. If you experience vertigo or dizziness--a common symptom of awakening for me, get yourself down (laying or sitting) onto the ground of the earth, take off the shoes and socks and stick those tootsies and palms in the grass--she will help you get balanced. If all else fails just choose to fall into the experience of the dizziness of the awesomeness and wonder of it all.

While my friend may not think so at the moment because the symptoms of awakening are not fun--I find myself giddy with excitement at discovering there are more people awakening around me. It's thanks to him that I'm writing a bit more on the subject--telling more personal anecdotes. I understand the fears, having gone through many of them myself, but I have come out on the other side of them, and I know it all works out. That there is an appropriateness to everything--and to just breathe that in and trust myself. Adamus reminded us a few months ago that even embodied masters (still physically alive) will probably still experience symptoms at times--and I still do--but I know it all balances eventually. Our bodies are denser than our consciousness, so in essence, though we've already arrived at self-mastery, our bodies are being pushed to catch up with the rest of us. It's just taking more time for them to do so.

Be kind, compassionate and gentle with yourself helps!

Related Posts (Click on the highlighted titles):
Physical Symptoms of My Awakening Self-awareness
I Don't Like Diagnosing or Labeling Dis-Ease: Here's Why...
My Candid Heartfelt Thoughts about Cancer
"I need..." Indicates the Sexual Energy Virus Is Present
All Is Well in All of Creation

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Christ Consciousness: Rest Assured--No Soul is Truly Lost

How many lightworkers does it take to change a world? 

Just one.

This was a question asked and answered years ago by the entities known as The Group, channeled through Steve and Barbara Rother of And the answer resonates as strongly with me today as it did back then, because it means to me that I can change my world and you can change your world, and neither of us has to preach to the other from pulpits, podiums, street corners or blogs--or try to convince anyone outside of oneself to get on our unique bandwagon in order to do so. It means I can be compassionately hands-off and honor others in the experiencing of their individual lives while loving my own sovereignty--my own gift called life.

That inner knowingness of mine had me aware, for many years, that the only way I was going to change my world was by getting to know myself better first; then, when choosing to make more conscious change in me, my world would naturally follow suit. I've known I shouldn't have to grapple with, and try to force, the world outside of me to fit. I knew it had to be easier than that.

I have watched politically-minded, religious-minded, and legal-minded individuals fight and try to convince the outside world to do it their way, and end up compromising so much that all integrity is lost--freedoms are taken and handed over on platters--and still the struggle to live together in harmony continues. It has been done so for eons.

I encourage you to take a look at all the laws in the books--legal and religious. There are laws that don't even make sense anymore. If you cannot read and understand those letters of the law (even though they're written in what appears to be your first language)--without a lawyer--should you be responsible and accountable for that law? Does it even make sense to try? I used to try to follow all those laws perfectly--and I was a perfect example of a walking ulcer.

And just because you maybe had a traumatic experience due to a certain situation, is it your place to force your fears and beliefs (based on that singular experience) on someone else by making a law that takes away another's freedom, their discernment as to the most appropriate action or reaction in their own unique moment at hand? Have you thought, instead, about sharing your story and insights gained from your experiences in order to increase awareness--that maybe you don't need a frickin' "I'm-on-my-self-righteous-high-horse-because-I'm-feeling-powerless" law to bring about a change?

Laws should be few, simple, flexible and clear--honoring all of life--instead of prolific as rabbits and as whimsical as fashion trends, full of small print and muddy terms.

Of course, we need living-in-harmony guidelines for things such as traffic so everyone knows what to expect and who should go first, etc. so we can reduce the number of collisions with one another--again, that's common sense. But maybe we should start thinking in terms of guidelines in place of lettered, written-in-stone laws.

Have you noticed how uncomfortable a government employee (a trained monkey) is when you give them an answer to a question that doesn't match the ones that can be nicely checked off in a box on an "everybody-else-needs-to-save-a-tree-but-us" pile of paper? Any time I see anyone shuffling a bunch of forms (hard-copy paper or computer) with small-print legalese I think, now there's someone trying to look busy in order to justify keeping their--you know it just has to be miserable--job.

Self-awareness and conscious presence will eventually one day make even those safety guidelines obsolete--we just have to start using it.

Is it just me, or does anyone else notice that mass consciousness ASSUMES everyone is a CRIMINAL first?

Case in point, stop in your local library and check out the ever-changing tax codes and their definitions and wording. And then just breathe that in for a bit and allow your inner knowingness COMMON SENSE to rise to the forefront. There really should be no such things as special legal definitions of commonly used terms such as "person, individual, citizen, employee, official"... Some of those legal terms make YOU--a natural freeborn being--a "subject of" (the slave of) an outside party--that, my friends, is energy-feeding, the sexual energy virus. Someone is asking you to give your personal sovereignty away to them--many don't ask, they just tell you it's "the right thing to do."

Don't be afraid to start asking questions about these things--especially when you can first ask it of yourself, and discover how you really feel and think about your life and the situations you experience. You've got absolutely nothing to lose by asking yourself the question first--except maybe some fears start to fall away. Keep it simple, and allow yourself to make changes and exceptions for different scenarios and situations--be willing to walk a mile in another's moccasins, to shift your viewing perspective around A LOT for the clearest choice with the most integrity and honoring of freedom for all.

Should you be accountable for breaking laws you're unaware of? When you sign a contract, shouldn't the other party have to sign an accountable name for their party, as well--and be held accountable when their practices aren't up to par?

When you enter into a contract shouldn't you do so voluntarily, with full comprehension and knowingness? How many of us were taught that in our formal education in K-12 grades when we were taught how to fill out an income tax form and sign our name to a one-sided contract? I sure wasn't. I wasn't taught anything in all my years of formal schooling about how to be a self-responsible sovereign living in harmony with fellow sovereigns.

I was basically taught to be a slave to the system in place (you know, like get a job that totally defines my identity and worth in this world, and then vote for the lesser of the two or three evils running for some office, supposedly representing me and my views). Most of those perpetuating that belief system aren't doing so with any sense of awareness. They're deep asleep in a belief system--and you don't want to fight with people in the middle of their nightmares. They're like cornered beasts--they do things cruelly and intimidatingly, out of a sense of personal survival and ego identity. And they will do everything in their power to try to keep you afraid and intimidated, to keep you under control--all in hopes of them feeling safe and secure.

In the Old Testament story about Moses, it tells about his big ah-Ha! moment with the burning bush--he walked away from that shrub of awareness realizing, pondering and repeating to himself,  "I am that I am...hmmm..."

When I looked into declaring my own sovereignty two decades ago, the top of the documents we were taught to file stated the words, "I am that I am--natural, freeborn..."

So when Adamus Saint Germain of began every shoud/channel with the with words, "I am that I am, Adamus Saint Germain of sovereign domain...,"--I KNEW this was it! This was my key to my own self-sovereignty, and it didn't require filing any documents or arguing or fighting with anybody. It was doing like Moses did--going forward in my life with that as the foundation of every breath I breathe, every self-expression and every experience.

Frankly, self-aware sovereign of my domain that I am, I'm nothing to be afraid of--but I'm nothing to be messed with anymore either. I no longer play the old games--I command sleeping suckers (visible or invisible) to transmute/change/"play nice" or leave my presence.

I love the parables Yeshua/Jesus used to share his messages--two of my favorites have been about the Prodigal Son and the Shepherd Who Brought Home Every Single Sheep. In the story of the shepherd and the scattered sheep, not one sheep was left alone and lost, no matter how long it took to connect with him/her. Time and distance didn't matter.

People who are deep-asleep in their illusion-realities are afraid of their own shadows, and so they try to control everyone and everything around them in order to feel safe--and they often try to do so by making rules for others to follow...

My friends--you're not sheep who need a master shepherd (for instance, someone like a "Savior Jesus"--I honestly don't feel that was his point to the parable) to run to the furthest corners of his pasture in order to find those of you who wandered off, got lost, stuck in a ravine in a flood, hung up in a fence, or trampled over and suffocated in a blizzard while following the blindest sheep--you know, that buck who's only at the head of the flock because he's high on fear adrenaline and running in sheer terror from some unknown evil out there. The rest of the sleepy, yet panic-stricken, sheep are following the raving lunatic simply because he's moving and appears to be headed somewhere.

I've always felt that Jesus was referring to something other than himself as the shepherd of humanity. That he was instead teaching about the CHRISTED ONE WITHIN EACH of US--that Divine Spark that remembers our eternal connectedness to the Source of All that Is. All of his other teachings seem to be saying the same thing. Don't look outside of yourself for teachers. They're going to say, "Look over here, look over there...Do this. Do that." Some of them might put on an entertaining show that provides a bit of distraction, but that's all it is.

Everywhere I've ever been, anything I've ever explored--the one teacher I always and only return to--IS ME--the one inside, the Christed light of god of my life that I am. I have discussions with myself all the time--and I'm damned proud of it!

My BELOVED SOUL has had many lifetimes of myriad expressions and roles--many of them I've spent as  a human on this awesome gift of self-discovery on a beloved jewel of life called Earth. In some of those expressions I know my all-alone-feeling human identity was lost, deep asleep, terrified enough to have done some evil acts--but loss of my soul was never an issue.

The Eternal Source made certain FROM THE BEGINNING that NO SOUL would ever be truly and completely lost. No matter how many eons or lifetimes it took, every last one would eventually remember and realize the CHRIST WITHIN ONESELF and would naturally then bring HOME to being wherever she/he is. And that by doing so, she'd also integrate into her whole BODY of CONSCIOUSNESS all those other "once-upon-a-time, lost-sheep soul expressions."

The awakened you is the shepherd who brings home, and integrates, all the other life expressions--the lost and the enlightened--of your ONE SOUL. That's the shepherd Yeshua was talking about in the parable.

In short, there's nothing you have to do (no paperwork to file) to claim your sovereignty--that's what "I am that I am--Sovereign of My Domain" means. You simply live it out.

I worship and bow to no one, but I honor and appreciate all of this gift called LIFE--and I bless it with FREEDOM--and I choose to live in harmony with all that is. And so it becomes...

These are some of  my answers to my questions. I encourage everyone to ask and discover your own.

An IMPORTANT reminder:

Are you humorously walking like a master--The Master--of your own life? 

You don't have to search for the other life-expressions of your soul in order to integrate them--ALLOW your ENLIGHTENMENT, breathe consciously until you tingle, and just invite them HOME (to you), with hands-off compassion (not pity), while continuing to act like the master that you are.

There are old wounded aspects of your soul who tend to have tantrums and try to take over your life. You'll become aware of the stories and feelings they bring up in your being by the dramas, or sometimes physical or emotional symptoms, happening in your current life. When you do, COMMAND them to integrate peacefully, or leave your presence until they choose to come HOME gracefully. Tantrums don't need to be tolerated...

I had some tantrum-throwers, and they liked to run my show--always chattering in my head, clamouring to be heard above all the others. At first, it was frustrating discerning them because it all felt like it was me, but CLOSING MY EYES and practicing the CONSCIOUS, SELF-AWARE BREATHING-until-I-TINGLED got me centered in my own PRESENCE, and at ease enough so I could separate out the naughty, sometimes self-pitying brats.

The more you BREATHE CONSCIOUSLY and are at EASE in YOUR OWN SKIN, the more, then, you realize who you really are--the steadfast and flowing master of your own life--and the easier it becomes to perceive all other aspects and life expressions of your soul.

YOU ARE the LIGHT of HOME...close your eyes and feel that warm and tingling awareness when you breathe, and say, "I am HOME..."

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dorothy Lynch Chicken Salad with Grapes

Dorothy Lynch Chicken Salad with Grapes
Submitted by Penny Lewton Binek

This is one of Leona Lewton's family's favorite recipes for summer gatherings at the farm or when fishing down at Haley Dam--she's the one who started adding Dorothy Lynch Dressing to a chicken salad with grapes in it, and I decided to spice up the chicken.
Dorothy Lynch Salad Dressing must be a mid-western thing, so in case your grocery store doesn't carry it, I'll include a recipe for it. I usually just dump the salad ingredients together, adjusting amounts depending on how full my bowl looks so my measurements here are approximations.

1 lb. Chicken Breasts, cooked and cubed (I often cube a package of chicken breasts and brown it in 1 Tbsp. of oil, then simmer it 5 minutes--until cooked through--with a packet of Chicken Taco seasoning and a 1/2 cup of water. Set aside to cool).

1 box (4 c.) Dry Medium Shell Macaroni (cook according to package instructions, rinse with cold water and set aside to drain)
3-4 Stalks Celery, chopped
1 Cucumber, quartered lengthwise and sliced in 1/4-3/8 inch wide pieces (I like English Burpless Cucumbers with the peelings on if available, but I've peeled the cucumber, too)
2 c. Red Seedless Grapes, halved
1-2 c. Grated Colby-Jack or Pepper Jack Cheese
1-2 c. Dorothy Lynch Salad Dressing
Romaine Lettuce (optional)
Fresh-ground Black Pepper to taste

Place all the salad ingredients in a large serving bowl. Pour 1 cup of the salad dressing over the rest of the ingredients and gently toss until everything is coated, adding more dressing as needed to desired taste and smoothness. Chill and serve in a large bowl or over Romaine lettuce on individual plates. I like to serve this with kettle-cooked potato chips on the side. Approximately 6 servings. Prep. time: 30 minutes.

Also--this is just a standard recipe--I encourage creativity in exploring more fruits and vegetables to add. I've added apples in the past. Fresh pineapple might be good, too.

Dorothy Lynch Salad Dressing

1 c. Sugar (or 2/3 c. Honey)
1 tsp. Celery Seed
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder
1 tsp. Black Pepper
1 c. Salad Oil
1 tsp. Dry Mustard
1/2 c. White Vinegar
1 can Tomato Soup

Blend in blender. Store in refrigerator.

We love this dressing! We use it in crab salads and as a table salad dressing, too. It's also a delicious condiment for meats--works great as a BBQ sauce for grilling.