Friday, January 18, 2013

I Don't Like Diagnosing or Labeling Dis-ease: Here's Why...

"I am"--it's one of the most powerful reality-creating phrases I know, when it's loaded with emotional energy that gives it its creative potency. Which is why I don't use it without being aware of what I'm truly feeling about myself inside.

I always feel myself cringing whenever I'm reading a book or watching a movie where a character is attending an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, and I hear them say these lines, "My name is fill in the blank, and I am an alcoholic."

Because, the belief system FELT behind that statement says that once you are an alcoholic, you're always an alcoholic--a permanent, unchangeable way of being.

That's NOT the way I believe anyone to be. Have people abused alcohol, drugs, food, doctoring, their sexuality, etc. as a means to escape their life, numb their feelings, cope with pain, get attention and love, and all that? Of course--YES! We all do a lot of weird shit when we're asleep in having forgotten who we are and our connection to our Source. It doesn't mean that we will continue on that same path--we can, if we choose--but we can also choose other paths. If enlightenment is one of your choices, I contend that you'll one day be able to enjoy a glass or two of wine, or whatever, without harm. 

Is it wise to abstain from drinking alcohol for a good period of time after having used it abusively? OBVIOUSLY, YES! Dry yourself out, en-lighten up (get honest with yourself about yourself), learn to laugh at yourself and the antics and roles you played in the past, and, most importantly, forgive yourself. 

If forgiving yourself means--for you--that you feel the desire to apologize to others for the pain you caused them in the past when you were asleep, then do it--because the better you feel about yourself right at this moment, the more compassion you rain upon yourself, the more you then freely radiate out into your world. Life opens up.

I haven't played the alcohol/substance abuse game, but I have done and said things that I regret. And while it helped me to apologize personally at times, I knew the one I hurt wasn't interested in my rationalizations of why I did or said the harmful things I did in the past. I just wanted them to know I was sorry to have hurt them--end of story.

Same idea applies to people who get themselves diagnosed physically or mentally. Imagine for a bit how that label causes you to perceive yourself--the emotion-filled stories your mind concocts. People who get diagnosed for cancer often perceive that as a death sentence, or a fight for life. People labeled with mental illnesses such as bipolar believe themselves to be that something's-chemically-wrong-with-me way, permanently--and they act out the role permanently--whether they stay on their medications or not.

Saying, "I AM a dis-ease of some sort" is pretty much a way of saying "I am a VICTIM of LIFE." That is a perception that gives me the heebie-geebies! Victims of their own lives are energy-suckers--and I won't tolerate being in their presence any more--I've had my fill. I don't care about the stories people play in--that's each individual's free choice of experience.

Close your eyes and FEEL INTO what all those labels mean to you.

People who call themselves diabetic will live out the reality of being a diabetic, and their pancreas will support that reality whole-heartedly, as long as that person feelingly believes (not just a mind thought or mantra) that to be a permanent state of being for themselves. Our bodies honor our beliefs about them.

I encourage everyone to invite their bodies back into a relationship with oneself. Are you one of those people like I used to be who looked in the mirror and only saw flaws? When is the last time you hugged yourself, or even touched yourself, feeling thankful for your own being?

And what if our bodies are NATURALLY self-balancing and self-healing? But because we've been taught to look at all the wrong and bad stuff that can happen in ourselves, and thus, in the world--and feelingly believe it all to be so--our bodies, in loving service to us, match our beliefs about the suggestions we accept as our own truths.

What if our overwhelmed, information-overloaded, "intellectual" human minds and emotions have gotten in the way of this whole body of consciousness's simple and natural ability to self-balance and flow through life abundantly and easily?

What if applying the latest fad medication, vitamin, diagnosis or diet is causing your body more harm than help? Isn't all of that pretty much the same as telling your body, "You don't know how to take care of yourself naturally"?--AND SO IT IS!

 Am I urging you to drop cold-turkey all medications for all these diseases and labels you've gotten? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! You'll possibly do more harm to yourself than help if you've been taking those medications for awhile, and then suddenly drop them. Just FEEL into yourself...and start listening to that which is within you--YOU! Breath at a time, moment by moment...

All I am encouraging everyone to do here, is to start having a real relationship with yourself as a WHOLE Body of Consciousness (body, mind, spirit, inner knowingness). 

Invite your body to NATURALLY take care of you the way it knows best--invite your divinity/spirit to guide you into freely living. Don't be surprised if you initially find yourself sick and laid up for a bit. It's your Body of Consciousness saying, "Hon--let's just get quiet for a bit, rest--eliminate some really putrid, obsolete stuff--so you and I can get to know one another all over again..."

Simply become aware of your "I AM..." statements and consider the possibility that EVERYTHING is TEMPORARY--and the only way we continually experience a certain longevity of something in our life is because we're choosing it to be so--on some level--and that we're getting some benefit from it being present.

For me, the key in all of those dis-eases and losses was merely the fact that I WANTED TO WAKE MYSELF UP TO WHO I REALLY AM so I could finally MORE FULLY live and enjoy this experience of life on Earth while in human form.

Related Posts (Click on the highlighted titles):
Physical Symptoms of My Awakening Self-Awareness
Physical Symptoms of My Awakening, Part 2
My Candid Heartfelt Thoughts about Cancer

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