Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's Simply about Beliefs--the Ones You FEEL True

There is nothing mystical or magical or intellectual or esoterically out of the grasp of any single human being in living as a self-master of one's illusion reality playground. Each of us has been co-creating our reality with the Universe from the moment we were born. We've just been doing it unconsciously.

The more SELF-AWARE you are, the more you are able to manifest a reality that matches your actual desires--but in order to do so, you have to get comfortable being alone with yourself at times. You have to be willing to step back out of the illusion you currently have going in order to take stock of matters. You need to view it as a detached observer--an audience member--instead of the emotion-radiating actor who doesn't realize he's more than that act in the middle of a dramatic scene.

Most of us have been creating our worlds by FEELINGLY accepting SUGGESTED BELIEFS by others outside of us as our own truths: "This is how the world is. This is what you have to do to live--get educated and perfect yourself (through worshipping a god or idol out there, or not), get a job to make money in order to make a living, find a partner, have a family, vote, compromise, pay taxes...and repeat..." 

Close your eyes--can you feel your body bracing with all the pressure from those expectations of you? That's the "feeling belief" I'm referring to.

As long as you're constantly busy "out there" playing in, and according to, those belief systems, you're not likely to really know your inner true self. This is what I mean by BEING ASLEEP in a belief system--you play by the rules and you don't question any of it.

The more aware you are of how you're feeling in the moment at hand--and the thoughts triggering those feelings--the more you can then just simply CHOOSE to breathe and release out of your reality those obsolete manifested truths you played with yesterday.

You can then begin consciously choosing and attracting the experiences you desire. One of my favorites is breathing, smiling with eyes, mouth and heart, and radiating out that "All is well in all of Creation."

Releasing oneself from an old belief simply involves first becoming AWARE that you feel that to be so. We have layers upon layers of beliefs we've made our truths to the point we don't realize they are there. It takes time to uncover all those beliefs. When I feel myself bracing or cringing inside, I almost always recognize the uncovering of an old belief. Take a breath or two when you recognize one, then choose to let it go: "No more! We're done! Thanks for the experience. Now I choose..."

Don't analyze it. It simply provided you with an experience--period. And with every experience WISDOM is GAINED. How could you then not feel at least a bit of gratitude, at least from the viewpoint of your soul?

There is no woo-woo formula or secret held by an elite few. It's truly all about what you believe is true and real--and so it becomes to match whatever you radiate out as your truth.

Until I get accustomed to the new consciousness, I'm keeping my choices simple and non-specific like "I choose to live a life of outrageous abundance and joy." And when I inhale and exhale a breath with that choice, I actually feel myself open up to embrace it. I often close my eyes in order to FEEL into myself.

I think part of the reason we complicate it so much is because we're afraid that once we understand and know how to run the game, that it will lose its excitement for us. That without the old dramas, we'll get bored--and then what? 

So we try to stretch the old soap operas out longer by continuing to dabble in our same old familiar identity stories and belief systems--making money, religion, politics, business, family, relationships, sports, health, etc.

But really, is being able to create your own realities to experience with ease going to be boring? Is it boring to consider going beyond what you once thought possible? Will it be ho-hum getting to experience potentials never even conceived of or imagined before? Are you afraid of what others may think of you for having the balls (yes, we females can have balls, too) to dare take that step into embodied self-master?

What if you can travel without using a machine? What if you've been traveling beyond space and time all along, but didn't realize that's what you were doing? What if you can communicate without speaking words? What if you can manifest with ease and grace in place of a lot of sweat and efforting? What if you can enjoy the company of others without energetically feeding off one another? What if soldiers become obsolete because there is no such thing as war or strife or hunger?

If anyone tries to sell you on a method or discipline to "help" you ascend or be a better person--that's energy feeding, the sexual energy virus. The seller or the preacher is asleep yet. Everything you need to be however you choose--it's all right inside of you. Just get to know yourself really, really well. And let yourself be more flexible in how and who you are than "this is how I am...blah, blah, blah..." That's an ego identity trap. For instance, I have the body of a woman, but I have a masculine half within myself that balances her so I have the capability to think like a man, too--and I do utilize that ability at times.

And what you did in your past--even the previous breath--doesn't matter, unless you make it matter. The past is done, and if you stole some energy from someone outside of you in that previous breath--it's just illusion--not anymore real than a future breath that may, or may not, manifest. The only breath that matters/materializes is THE PRESENT BREATH--the reality RIGHT NOW. What happened yesterday need not have any effect whatsoever on today. What I'm saying is LET the GUILT GO! Your guilty feelings will perpetuate a story or an experience that you may not desire to live out ever again. Let it go! None of it is real, until YOU MAKE IT SO.

Always ASSUME the stance of a self-master--keep acting the part, FEELING the leveled chin, broad shoulders and straight spine, that chest that displays your heart, the eyes that twinkle with good humor, the gusto laugh that echoes out into your world, the easy-breathing, the smile that delights with the I-just-opened-the-greatest-present realization of what a gift life is...

Keep acting the master, especially when doubt would have you second guess yourself. It's always been just an act anyway--and deep down, you know that's true...

Or you can keep acting out the role of victim--which we've all done. I've played that role to ad nauseum--so I'm liking acting like the master of my own life. I no longer have to try so damn hard...


  1. Hi Penny:

    At the risk of intruding upon this beautiful "gift to yourself" -- and after reading through almost your entire site -- I feel compelled to thank you for your courage and honesty and AWESOMENESS in putting this out there. Your take -- and the topics you've chosen to focus upon, the sources you've been drawn to -- feel so close -- so UNcoincidentally similar -- to my path. It looks like you've been at this longer than I -- and amongst all the beautiful moments this path has given me it's all so strange and turbulent at times -- so it is comforting to see -- right here in front of me in words I can feel into -- I'm not alone.

    Blessings always -- and of course, Love,


    1. WOW!!! Thank you SO MUCH for literally hearing me out, my beloved friend. It's truly an honor that you took the time to read through it. Your kind and loving words just upped my enjoyment of writing and expressing myself. It doesn't matter how long any of us have seemingly been at it, I'm realizing we all have a specific flavor and placement in all things. We're doing this together always, even when one thinks we've wandered off the path--which happens a lot--ha! Thanks for commenting and letting me know I'm not alone! I'll be rereading your comments for ages to come.

      Love and blessings also,
