I don't need anything from you....
I am the source, center, creator, experiencer, master of all I perceive....If it's in my life, I alone put it there. Whether it be money I do or don't have in the moment at hand, popularity or unpopularity, heaven or hell experiences, uplifting or irritating people--I manifest all of it, on my own, with my own field of energies that serve me alone....
And....you don't need anything from me....
Don't follow me. I'm nobody's guru, savior, super-hero, or martyr. I don't have anybody's answers. You are not my responsibility. You have your own personal field of energies in soul/sole service to you. If you choose to take up your own embodied mastery, I will support you all the way, meaning I will let you fall if you persist in avoiding looking honestly at an issue you think you have....I have no tolerance or patience anymore for whiny little human shit. No mollycoddling.
We're just playing "Let's Pretend," and it's time to quick taking myself so seriously, much less, anyone else.
Money-Making Schemes and Friendships:
"I need to find a way to make a living doing something I love doing."--Really???
I'm extremely bored with this and tired of hearing and watching people's schemes to make a buck.
"I've got to create a business in order to make money" is a huge hypnotic belief system based in the Power Game Illusion. It's never made sense to me. Remember the old pyramid schemes like Amway? I tried it for one short moment (because I'd been approached by a dear friend of mine) until I realized that in order to make it work the way I was told it should work was for me to view my new and old friends and family members as someone I could make money from. It just didn't sit well and I never sold anyone anything.
I've lost count of the people I've met through the years who've insisted on trying to create some sort of money-making business out of the "spiritual" (a much over-used and distorted word) or conscious realizations they've experienced.
Most get nowhere with it, because you've placed a limitation on yourself. You're so deep into the hypnosis and focused on the linear--ABC--steps of how to make money using the business pattern, that you aren't keeping yourself open to your own flow of wisdom.
You get sidetracked in details, and that will bog anyone down in a heartbeat. Instead of concentrating on, and flowing, the answers within (standing firmly in your mastery), you get focused on what's outside of you, and that just leads you astray and deeper down the rabbit hole.You're dinking around trying to manipulate your outer world creations and it just basically keeps you wrangling with yourself, ultimately.
You're better served by first asking yourself, "What SUGGESTIONS about money have I made my truth and how are they playing out in my reality, my life? What am I getting by making these ideas my own truths?
Am I flowing abundance in all forms--or am I lacking in areas because I believe I have to compromise this for that? For instance, am I lacking in joyful relationships (a form of abundance) because I have to devote my time to working hard (a suggestion you can make your truth) instead of enjoying companionship? Do I really have to make all kinds of sacrifices (also a truth you can make your own) in order to eke out a living in order to do a few things I enjoy? Can I have it all?
Have you taken a few good deep breaths, closed your eyes, and allowed yourself to feel into feeling free and allowing abundance in all forms to flow to you, no hard work, no tedious analysis involved, no obligations or duties, whatsoever? Practice it. You might like it....Breathe it in--the sensual feeling of being absolutely FREE.......
If you start gaining a clientele doing what you love doing, regardless of what it is, then, by all means, charge people (including friends and family) for it--and charge well for it--because any of us who've been through awakening and into realization of embodied mastery, we recognize there has to be an energy exchange for the good of both parties involved--otherwise, you end up with an energy-feeding dynamic, and that's just sucky.
All the money or all the friends in the world don't hold a candle to my actually living my life out as an Embodied Master....
All the pretty--and ugly--words I write mean absolutely nothing to me if I'm not truly living my life out as the free and sovereign creator and experiencer of my own realms. I'm ready to check out and head to the other side of the Veil (just walk out of my body, no suicide necessary) if it doesn't fully manifest here soon. I'm a better friend by being a standard of what a master is like. By being an example of what each and every individual has to look forward to realizing for themselves--in their own unique style and way--at some point in their own human sojourns here on Earth.
I am so ready for the complete transformation into my Light (Free Energy) Body. The last Crimson Circle Shoud for the ALT series really resonated with me in this--I can feel this change imminent and in the very air I breathe....
It was an absolutely beautiful gathering to participate in....except for a few women who I evidently put in place as a means to remind myself what a realized master friend is and isn't.
Masters don't waste my time putting on a show, trying to play the clown (it wasn't funny) while avoiding answering a question she was told she was going to be asked last month, and then stomping off in a drama-queen huff when she was asked several times over to step into her own mastery. Frankly, she needn't return if she continues to refuse to master up. I certainly won't miss her. We could all see right through you--and truly, the only one that mattered that you let down was yourself....
I had a dream about you personally that following night: There you were, sulking and pouting in a corner, as beside me this conscious being--your own soul and divinity--stood ready to meet you, to take your hand. A putrid, puss-filled,sickly creamy-yellow mass of a river full of clumps of hair and chunks of god knows what began flowing through the room, flooding it floor to ceiling. I felt chunks clunking around in my mouth as we were all immersed in this polluted river of Mass Consciousness. I reached through it, twisted the knob of a door to get out of it, and we passed through free and clear--myself and your soul--but you stayed behind....
All because you were having too much fun pretending to play the role of "I'm a Fighting Victim." You wanted to do that rather than follow your own soul....Your choice. Draw out the old game as long as you want to.
Then there was the woman who identifies with playing in politics. I'm not interested in what you see as your amazing intellect or your political views or opinions. And I'm aware of what they are because you can't seem to shut up about it--for many years now. You're obviously not using your wisdom in this, or you'd see the futility in taking sides in politics in any way, shape or form. Shouds are not a place for the distracting farce of politicians and those sucked into their conspiracy nonsense--that is the sexual energy virus in full force. And you don't use my Shoud--my (and other masters') safe and sacred space as a means for your own misguided agenda. You showed the world what mastery is not about....
As for smart/idiot phones--shut the damn things off, especially when you are in the midst of friends and in a safe and sacred space where you can allow your own soul within to be realized....When you weigh it out, is an interaction on a gadget of more value than fully immersing yourself into your own realization among friends who are energetically, if not also physically, present with you? Are you--are all of us--that unimportant to you?
I've had the realization, in the past month, that I really can't waste time or space....
Time and space are my energies in service to me--I can have an experience of pretending to waste them, but that's all it is--a temporary experience, play-acting that time/space can be wasted here while in a human costume.
So, even those playing the roles of time and energy wasters in the Shoud--your gift in being just as you were--annoying as hell--wasn't actually wasted on me. I got it, thank you very much....
Wealth, status, fame--none them matter to me.
I really don't care to be the star in anyone else's show other than my own. I don't need your money or your kudos. This blog can go on being obscure and read by only a few or no one at all, my name unrecognized.
I am here shining my own Light, highlighting the very true potentials for all of FREEDOM, of SELF-SOVEREIGNTY. Of other possibilities that can manifest from pure consciousness being received and embraced here and in other realms....that's all that matters to me. That, and experiencing it all for myself firsthand....I'm not waiting for some other master to allow it first....
I have decided that friendships between masters is simply the joy of hanging out together, enjoying food, music, art, playing "Let's Pretend" in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way--and swapping stories, laughing at oneself and the conundrums we brought upon ourselves through the ages....
All the best....always, my friends....even those of you who irritate the hell out of me at times in this play-acting of being human....
Read my earlier post on why it's important to practice stepping up and answering questions like a master instead of saying, "I don't know.":
Saying, "I don't know" Is Copping Out On Yourself