Monday, October 3, 2022

The Revelations of Dreams: My Human Dance with My Divinity

The Song of Solomon

In the Old Testament of the Christian Bible is a story referred to as The Song of Solomon. The gist of the story is about a bridegroom searching throughout the lands for his one-and-only true love, the other half to make him whole, his beloved bride. In the end, he realizes she was with him the entire time--he'd just been looking in the wrong places--places outside of himself. His bride had been with him all along, through everything he'd experienced.

The core energy of many of my old recurring dreams was similar to King Solomon's experience: 

The Dance of the Asleep Human with Its Divinity....

I've written about some of my most puzzling recurring dreams in previous posts. One that often left me feeling so alone upon waking up in the mornings was where I was waiting for this man that I so loved to notice me and want to be with me. 

Sometimes the guy was my first boyfriend who initially appeared angry with me because I had moved on and married someone else after he died instead of waiting for him. Of course, I realized even at the time of the dream that he was coming in that way because I was the one having trouble allowing myself to move forward into living a full and happy life without him. 

In other dreams, it was a different guy who seemed to initially act like he was attracted to me, yet he never noticed me after that first startling connection. I was always on the outside looking in, longing to be seen....

Later, the dreams changed. my old boyfriend kissed me and told me he was proud of me--I had realized some profound life-changing things in my actual life that had set me free of that old survivor's guilt. 

Then the other guy came in bearing gifts and wanting to spend time with me, but I put off allowing myself to receive his gifts and his presence because I was distracted by taking care of other people and their issues--by thinking I had to take responsibility for other's creations.

This morning I finally made the profound connection that these dreams were also making me aware of my own experience similar to that of King Solomon. Sometimes I was seeing through the eyes and feelings of the bride in my dreams--my own Divine Self, and sometimes I was the groom--my Human Self. 

Me as My Humanity in my dreams--

I was never good enough:

I'd had some tough human experiences where I felt betrayed by "god," which was basically my own Divinity, and so I got angry and turned my back on god. I twirled my Divine dance partner out and away to the far side of the ballroom floor. I ignored her, and went about doing my own thing.

Then more difficult things happened where it seemed beyond my human abilities to deal with, so I began my search for god, but it was a god I perceived as being disappointed in me. I'd go to use the bathroom facilities--needing them in the most urgent manner, but I'd have an audience and the toilets would be overflowing with sewage, unusable. I would be a mess--soiled and embarrassed. Showers didn't work either. It was all so revolting and repulsive. I could never get cleaned up. 

In my dreams I found myself actually swimming in disgusting human waste. I wasn't feeling worthy enough for some god-out-there's attention. My own awareness was so densely polluted with the garbage of other's ideas about who, what and how I was that my Divine Self had a tough time staying as close within me as it really wanted to be. She could only handle short amounts of time. 

To the human facet, "god" felt so elusive and slippery. What worked to make that connection one time didn't seem as effective the next. Basically my belief of being a worthless sinner got in the way of my connecting properly with my own soul or my Divine facet. Plus, that whole idea of Jesus sacrificing himself in order to wash me clean just didn't make sense to me--I didn't want someone dying in order to save me. That just felt icky and loaded with conditions and more limitations.

It helped to replace the idea of being a "sinner" with simply being an "imperfect human" whose limitations were actually gifts to its soul, not something to atone for. We were never meant to be perfect here. That understanding has set me free in a huge way and has made me more open to a more realistic relationship with my own divinity.

Mass consciousness and mental processing are extremely prominent features here in the Earth reality, and they get in the way of our more spiritual or pure conscious awareness of oneself.

Mass consciousness is all the suggestions accepted by the majority of people as the truth about the way life is, who and what you are, and how you go about it. 

It is a dense mine field to navigate. It's a cesspool of polluted consciousness--it's loaded with aspects created by humans who have an extremely limited concept of who and how they are in this world. So no wonder my dreams were so disgusting....

Me as My Divinity in my dreams:

In the meantime, my Divine self (the feminine half) ached with such longing to be noticed by my human self (the masculine half), and to be included in his daily life. I'd try to find just the right clothing to fit in, but somehow it would disappear from my drawers or my suitcases. My favorite comfortable, elegant clothing that made me stand out, yet feel a part of things, just vanished. 

My human's perception of himself as being unworthy was blocking me out. I couldn't ask him to invite me in or force my presence on him--I had to wait for my human self to be ready and ask for me to come in of his own free will. I had to honor his free choice. He had to surrender to simply being imperfect--to allow himself to be without any judgment about it. Only then could I--my divinity--show him what a gift he was being for me by playing the imperfect part....all for me....

The Darkness is Your Divinity

We've been taught to fear the darkness--that which lies both within us and outside us. It's the source of evil, "they" say. Humans by their very nature are sinners, we've been taught.

Even as a child, I had a great respect and fear for what was waiting for me out there in the dark, especially when it was my turn to head out into the dark of night to close the door on the chicken coop in order to keep out nighttime predators. However, those earthly entities weren't the ones I was afraid of--I was more afraid of the ethereal things that I could sense were there but couldn't see. I made sure my trusty dogs were with me on the mad dash there and back, and when I'd get back to the house I'd take a few deep breaths to compose myself, and then walk inside to my family and act all nonchalant about it all.

And when my parents were away, out dancing for the night, I'd avoid looking out the windows--actually not even taking a glimpse in their general direction--for fear of what might be looking in at me. I pretty much felt watched all the time--sometimes it felt good, sometimes it felt sinister. 

One of the first few channels that I read from ascended master, Tobias, of the Crimson Circle, stated that our darkness was our divinity. And that our divinity was connected with our compassionate feminine part that was hidden away within us, but now coming forth at this epic time of raised consciousness on the planet. 

Both Tobias and Adamus Saint-Germain have stated that our darkness wasn't something to fight, like our stories passed down through the ages have told of the grand battle between the light and the dark, where only evil came from the dark. 

Actually evil comes from creative humans who are scared and vulnerable-feeling. Who don't know they are the creators of their own realities so they are trying to get control of their external world by desperate means. Pretty much like a blind person backed into a corner, flailing and striking out at anything it perceives as a danger to his existence. That has a tendency to cause one to fight dirty. All honor and scruples fly out the door.

Instead, our darkness simply contained potentials that we couldn't see yet. It's pretty much the same story as Solomon's. It's hidden away within, and our five human senses couldn't perceive within too well, especially while being distracted with an outer world. "Invisible realm" would probably be a good replacement for the word, "darkness" and take away the common misperception that dark equals all bad.

In short, our human awareness was too limited to be able to clearly and constantly perceive our own divinity within and around oneself....until now....

The Christian fish symbol

In my dream, I watched as he rode away from me on his horse, and, though I knew he had a noble purpose in leaving, I grieved the loss of him in my life as he gradually faded into the mists....

The Christian fish symbol depicts the dance of the Divine and the Human facets. The mouth shows that both the Divine and the Human parts come from the same Eternal One or Source. The body depicts their movements away from the other, and then their paths finally move closer together and finally intersect and integrate together at the tail. It's open-ended from there....

It's a new kind of dance with the two in full awareness of, and companionship with the other....

What is Mastery?

Claiming my own mastery, giving myself that diploma of Embodied Ascended Master was perhaps one of the greatest gifts I could have given myself in this experience. It changed my entire demeanor--how I saw myself, how I presented myself, how I perceived my experiences and myself in them. I gave myself all my experiences--no one else did it to me.

Mastery isn't this thing you have to have an X-amount of schooling in in order to master a subject and earn a degree in, or in this case, a title. There is no set program or a sequential to-do list. Nobody else decides if or when you graduate into mastery--it's all up to you. 

When I embraced my own mastery, I changed, and my world began to follow suit. My old energies began to neutralize and rearrange themselves to match my new consciousness radiation. Please note--it's been a gradual change, often felt and experienced within myself in a subtle way before being manifest in my outer world. Sometimes it feels agonizingly slow-going, but it's happening, nonetheless. I especially realize it when looking back to how and where I was a month, a year, or a decade or more ago.

And there is nothing woo-woo about being a master. It's simply you looking around and within and realizing, "I created this....Yes, I created that....and that....and that, too...all of it...."

The human delights, "What an experience, this being in a human form has been and is and can be now that I KNOW I am so much more than the Little Human just trying to survive! I am not alone. I never have been alone. Thank you, my Beloved Divinity for waiting for me, for being with me even when I didn't realize it, and for coming in to dance with me when I opened myself up to the possibility of you and invited you to join me...."

And your divinity and soul celebrates as the master gifts its grains of newfound wisdom. The master takes all its human stories, perceptions and experiences and burns away the details (pain, suffering, and misery), leaving only polished gems of wisdom. The polished part is that it is a compassionate wisdom--one that only experience as a human being can hone and buff to a loving shine.

Your soul, your I am! self breathes with joy, "Thank you, my Beloved Human, always for being in all your ways....and now that you remember I am here with you, we can really dance...."

And so I dance....

I used to be so worried about how I looked dancing and what others thought of me. I was all stiff and restricted in my movements. I held myself in. And that's exactly the way my life played out.

This dance with my divinity hasn't made me any holier or more saintly-acting, not really. I'm just flowing through my life more freely, more wholly Me....

and I'm perfectly imperfect, and proud of it....

The Dance

By Penny Lewton Binek

Passion and his beloved Compassion

glide a path together--

sometimes breaking apart,

sometimes framing the other, heart-to-heart--

waxing and waning

'round the floor of the Flagstone Terrace.

They dance through the annals of the ages,

the picture book that is my mind,

to the wildly whirling-twirling,

strangely-peaceful dervish

that is my heart,

in rhythm to the song

that is my soul....

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Seeds of Fear: What Kind of Harvest Do I Want to Reap?

This is a wild and crazy ride at this stage of the game in our world. Everything is changing, and it's changing quantumly--coming from all different directions, within and without. We're used to a linear world where you have a cause and its effect, and it happens in a sequential order. 

But that's old-school, and nothing works that way anymore. This is more about what consciousness I'm radiating out that my own field of potential energies then takes form to match. My old world is literally coming apart at the seams. It's exciting, frightening, frustrating, and surprising at times. It's both boring and dramatic, and it's sometimes traumatic for us because so many humans are crossing over to the other side of the Veil/River instead of staying here with us. 

Many are finding it too difficult and challenging--this shift from all we've ever known into something we have never experienced before. A world so brand new in concept that we can't even really anticipate what it will be like.

Yeah--change and the unknown potentials it holds can be scary and daunting.

So, I have to ask the question: 

Why would anyone want to scare the bejesus out of everyone when we're already walking on pins and needles? What's the reward in this?

There are so many conspiracy theories flying around and they are being promoted and perpetuated pretty much by egos wanting to be in the know or feel like they're smarter than someone else, and by those who feed off the energies of drama and trauma. And pretty much I can feel it being done out of sheer boredom with one's life in general. 

I hear all kinds of people wanting the old systems to collapse. I watch eyes gleam with the idea of doom and gloom, but while they get stoked about world calamity, I'm hearing few of them converse about possible resolutions and solutions to the perceived problems that might make the transition easier and more graceful without fewer people or our planet and it's myriad of lifeforms getting harmed in the process.

I've played in the conspiracy game--and it's a dark hole that just sucks you in and keeps you in terror and depression. At least, that's what it did to me. Why be here if we believe we're all destined for hell in a handbasket anyway?

Back in my old fight the conspirators days, I watched terrified people become as scary as those they felt threatened by--myself included.

All this talk of evil and Satan and the Devil being loose in the world? If I wanted to unleash evil into the world all I'd have to do is scare the crap out of some human who doesn't know who they really are (the creator and perceiver of their own realities). Tell them they are unworthy sinners. Get them feeling backed into a corner with no hope of a way out except by resisting and fighting--and, Wha-la!--I've got evil like you wouldn't believe.

Do I want to be a part of the solution, or do I want to expand the problem? How much drama and trauma do I want? How bored am I?

It's not an entity named Satan nor are there Devil-possessed people out there committing those inhumane, atrociously horrific acts. Unconscious, unaware, unawakened humans are the ones who commit the evil atrocities...and...they are the ones who spread the seeds of fear through conspiracy theories because--wait for it--they are scared shitless themselves! And probably bored, too.

Yes, the old systems of this world are obsolete, imbalanced and don't serve our planet or humanity in its expanded consciousness. And....yes, I put them in place and participated in them in the past....and I choose to allow them to be released from manifestation, their energies neutralized so they can gracefully shift into a new form that better serves me and my ascended world.

I choose to plant the seeds of freedom and self-sovereignty for all....

I choose to dwell in hope and graceful resolution....

I choose to be open to and cultivate win-win solutions.... 

I choose to dwell in anticipation of a new world expression in which I can joyfully participate....

So....what do you choose, my fellow sovereign creators?

P.S. "Remember, Pen, there is no 'they'--these are All Aspects of my own soul coming in for integration. These are all my creations--don't muck about with them if you truly desire to go beyond all the old stuff...."

It always helps anchor these things more firmly in my reality by writing them all out here as if I'm talking it out with someone other than myself. By doing this I can more clearly view the thoughts and feelings and concepts looping through my mind--actually through my entire body of consciousness. Otherwise, I'm constantly wrangling with these things within myself and it perpetuates a feeling of being stuck.

I'm reminded once again to just take a few good deep breaths and to drop any armor or any idea that I need to convince anyone else of anything. To just take a breath and open up....

Friday, September 16, 2022

True Freedom: Can I Handle It?

 Do I want the responsibility of truly being free?

A late friend of my dad's was a guest of one of the princes of Saudi Arabia back in the mid-to-late-seventies. At that time my parents considered moving us there while my dad helped the Saudis establish their own farms using irrigation systems, but after researching the idea my dad and his partner discovered that financially it was too costly--that they could import less expensively than produce their own. Farming is very dependent upon the weather--my family watched many a glorious crop disappear in the blink of an eye, whether it was hail or grasshoppers, or army worms, rust or some other disease or weed; or no crop at all due to drought. 

Anyway, I remember this friend of dad's telling me that the prince had offered his people the chance of freedom beyond the class system that was traditionally in place....and they didn't want it....

In 2004 I discovered a group called Crimson Circle. I didn't tell a lot of my friends about it because it was channeling, and frankly, most people weren't open to that, especially at that time. Geoffrey Hoppe and his wife, Linda Benyo, first channeled Tobias--an ascended master from long before the times of Yeshua (Jesus). I discovered some things about myself when my dad died back in 2003, and these channels resonated with that experience and those realizations. 

No religious organizations or academic institutions were addressing these types of things or the profound questions I had. But these people constantly reiterated to me to go within to discover my true self. To trust myself to have all my answers, and take up my mantle of self-sovereignty and freedom. To take full responsibility for the creatorship of my own realities and how I perceived them--instead of playing at being the victim of a harsh and cruel world at the mercy of someone or something other than me. To realize that the experiences I attracted to myself depended on the consciousness I radiated out to the field of energies that served only me.

Adamus is the current ascended master being channeled by Geoff. He's a facet of the soul of Saint-Germain, who was an embodied master in the 18th century. In that lifetime, he worked with many heads of state in Europe, trying to introduce to the people the idea of freedom and personal sovereignty. Of course, the ruling royal families of the time didn't want to give up the power and control, but astonishingly, the serfs and peasants didn't want the responsibility of their own freedom either.... 

That's why the whole freedom experiment was brought to America. There was no class system here yet. But even we Americans don't have a clue about what it means to be truly free....

The Basic Tenet of Power: In order for me to win, someone else must lose.

There is only room for one on the pyramid peak of power--everyone else has to be dropped down a few notches.

Friendly competition is one thing, but when it becomes a monopoly where everyone else is wiped out, that's power and control at its zenith....and....eventually every giant gets knocked down and replaced by someone newer, stronger, more famous, more beautiful, richer....and that cycles on and on and on....

Freedom and Power cannot co-exist.

I am the only true representative of my sovereignty--this, my domain. All other government officials or any individuals who would try to dictate the actions of others--they are playing the Power Game, and are not recognized by me as being of any significance in my world. 

Freedom doesn't mean I run roughshod over anyone else either. The power game illusion works both ways. Freedom means honoring the sovereignty of others, as well as my own.

It takes two to tango or have a relationship

A bully is obsolete when he or she doesn't have anyone to victimize. Assume your sovereignty, live it out every moment--No one tells me how to be!.... Give up the pretense of being the victim, and the bully has nothing to sustain itself--no one is feeding it so it will go out of existence. It's all illusion--that whole power story. Death is not real. No one can actually shove you out of existence or take any of the energies from your own personal field of energy. Take a few deep-down into you breaths, feel into your true inherent freedom, into your true self that is so much more than a little human just trying to survive in the story of a cruel survival-of-the-fittest world.

Asleep humans don't know what to do with someone who shines their light--who has a clarity and awareness about who we each and all truly are beyond the old stories of this world.

I've finally personally realized that throughout my entire life I've had a very different awareness of this world compared to most of those around me. I didn't know it. I just thought it was common sense on my part and that most people would naturally see it the way I did. Some were drawn to me because they felt safe. Some liked to feed off my energies by literally dumping their frustrations in my lap. Some actually emotionally and verbally attacked me. Others tried to handle their own sense of unworthiness when around me by trying to make me feel unworthy. Some sought to look me in the eye, others avoided eye contact at all costs.

This realization at this depth has only hit me in the last month or so. It's liberating me from a prison I had myself in that I wasn't even aware was still here. My beloved human brothers and sisters--this stuff goes deep and there are many layers. We all have these experiences of our own personal creation--and I will acknowledge that there are some manifestations that happened even in my adulthood that I didn't know how to cope with--shame and guilt was still felt by me. When the worst of these things happened, I remember going into a trance-like state where I became more the observer than the participant.

I see now that I had so much conflict happening within me--a very empathetic, sensitive person--that it caused me to freeze, to allow things that I wouldn't have normally. I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings because they were already desperate and on the edge, yet what I allowed them to do--to harm me--truly wasn't helping them either. But at the time, I coped the best way I knew how to--I left my body.

The only way I've managed to open the door on this one is to remember that all these human experiences are "Let's Pretend" acts from which all the details are separated away like chaff from the kernels of grain. Yep--I'm still imperfect--go figure! Ha! Ha!

Those acts are being done and allowed by scared, vulnerable-feeling humans who have no real idea of who we truly all are. After the experiences, on the other side of the Veil/River, the details are burned away--the energies transmuted and neutralized--while the germ of wisdom gained from the experience is retained and gifted to the soul.

In short, there are awful memories that truly can be forgiven, and then forever forgotten--but first you have to allow yourself to look at them with compassion and all-accepting love for you, the courageous human experiencer, who has been through all of it--the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful--out of love for All That Is, out of love for our own souls.

Self-sovereignty and Mastery 

You don't have to retain the memory because once you've garnered the wisdom, there is no need for re-enactment. You don't need to worry about holding onto the memory so it doesn't happen again. It's all done--once you've allowed your human self on this side of the Veil/River to recognize the wisdom gained. This, my beloveds, is mastery--everything is realized while still in human form on this side of the River Jordan, instead of after what humans think of as death.

Because I've looked at it all with this clarity and compassionate love for myself, I know it won't happen ever again. I'm too clear about things now, and that lets me relax and breathe easier.

A "Bring that which is hidden into the Light" moment:

When I began writing out this particular post a few days ago, I had no idea or plans to out my little secret up there. But in allowing myself to channel my true self, I see now that this post could not be written without it because I've gotten to the true core of the matter of power and the sexual energy virus--for me....

You see, I now fully recognize that my outer world reality is merely a reflection of what is going on within me. It's a mirror image of the relationship I have with myself and all the aspects I've ever created. The outer world that I perceive is actually ALL MY OWN FIELD OF ENERGIES SERVING ME!

I am my Bully....and....I am its Victim.

Only I can set myself free....and Only I can practice my freedom....

and choose to Do No Harm, nor Allow Harm to Myself....

Being free means I take full responsibility for myself--every single moment. It doesn't mean I get to demand from the outer world something I'm unwilling to do for myself. I, alone, am responsible for allowing my energies to manifest food and shelter and love and enjoyment of life for me. Dying soldiers and civilians do not set me free or ensure my liberty or my being fed and clothed. Blaming any others outside of me for my situation is a fruitless waste of my energy. If I'm in a situation, I put myself there, and I'm the only one who can take myself out of it.

I alone am the Source and Center of any reality I create. I  alone am the Sovereign of my domains/creations.

When I'm good within, about and with, myself--my outer world should reflect that.

There is no "they"'s all me....

There is no one outside of myself that I need to free myself from--"they" are all my own energies in service to me. It's just a matter of letting go of old ideas about who and what I am and how my world works.

Oppressive governments, dictatorships, corrupt individuals or corporations, religious or educational institutions who want power and control over the masses--anyone who would tell me how to be--basically they are all aspects that I created. Just as those like Adamus Saint-Germain, Tobias, Kuthumi, Kryon, The Group from Espavo--anyone who inspires and encourages my embracing of my inherent freedom, self-sovereignty and creatorship--they are all aspects of me also.

All these aspects created from this lifetime and all other life expressions of my soul are coming in to integrate back into this current ascended body of consciousness. They are neutralizing (returning to zero point) so that they are available to serve me in a brand new way that is more fitting to who I realize I am now.

So it's about letting go of fighting and tangling with those outer manifestations and focusing on relaxing and allowing my energies to go through their shift and change in order to accommodate my more open, less-limited conscious awareness of myself. Yes, it looks and feels very chaotic because this is a quantum change, not linear. It's just a matter of maintaining this outlook through all of  the releasing, rearrangement, and rejuvenating of all my energies in my own personal field.

In short, I'm okay....and yes, I am ready for my true freedom and sovereignty....

I don't have to fix anyone or anything, or prepare for the worst....I am safe....and so is my own particular manifestation of the world....

So....we shall see....

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Got Chops? Speaking Up for Myself: It's Both Uncomfortable and Liberating

Pretty much most of my life I've identified with being a practical, common sense-using, responsible, considerate person. I don't like confrontation and fighting, nor do I like to get angry. A common occurrence for me has been that someone flakes out on some sort of project, then I step in and just get it done or smooth things over, just because it's often less fuss and nonsense. It's less time-consuming than whining about the situation. 

Expecting perfection from everyone feels like a waste of my attention and energies. I often allow other humans their foibles because I know mistakes happen to all of us. One moment I'm present and aware. and the next I'm dreaming and off in another dimension, running a red light....and feeling so stupid and chagrinned afterward. 

And....I've finally learned to not beat myself up and hang onto that stuff. I'm doing my best. We're all doing our best, retarded as it may appear at times....

These last few months I've found myself in the darnedest situations. It seems I'm practicing the whole "stating my truth" (regardless of what someone else might think of me) and "standing up for myself" over and over again, in all different kinds of circumstances. And guess what? My initial reaction to many of these events is anger. Yep, blood-pumping, seeing red, How dare you mess with me! anger. I really don't like feeling that particular the same time, it gets my juices flowing, so much so, that ultimately, I liberate myself from stupid old obsolete ways of being that really no longer serve me.

No more playing the role of Miss Dependable Doormat

Especially this past year, I've found myself letting go of causes. Being a part of any group seems to wane with time for me. I just end up going back to doing life my own way and letting go of feeling like I have to be responsible for other people and their chosen reality creations. Looking back, I can see where it was more of a way to connect and socialize with people than it was about the cause or idea.

I love people and interacting with them can often be fun....and....sometimes humans have a way of creating the same old story over and over, never making a choice to do anything differently even after being miserable in what they have going. Some people just love to fight with self-righteous abandon. All of that gets old very quickly. I've done enough of that on my own to where I'm letting go of my past and making different choices--at least attempting to see if I can get something new, something more enjoyable than what I had going before....all without trying to convince or change anyone else.

Alas, there are a lot of people steadfastly hanging onto their old perspectives and perceptions no matter what the cost, no matter that they aren't considering another's freedom to just be. Normally I choose to just distance myself from those people, and if they want my assistance, it's up to them to come to me and ask. But it gets stickier and harder when you live with them. Getting a bit of distance from those closest to you truly helps with the clarity, but sometimes even that feels tricky.

Which role do I play this time: Responsible Slack Picker-Upper or the Silly Flake?

This time I allowed myself to play both parts, and the Flake was especially liberating....

Despite adamantly stating last fall that I was not bringing someone into my home and playing the role of nursemaid and caregiver for them, this spring, I found myself doing that very thing. Another person who had told my husband to go ahead and make arrangements to move this 90-year-old woman out of assisted living in a city on the other side of the state and into her own small-town home flaked out the day before, said she couldn't do it.

So, there we were. I couldn't leave my husband unsupported, so we packed her up and moved her in with us for an indeterminate length of time. As her chosen power of attorney, he had to make arrangements to clean out and sell her old townhome, get her finances in order, and a new home found. I checked in with myself to see if I felt truly okay with allowing it, and it seemed like the best path in the moment. I figured my soul must have had a purpose for me in this.

She's a lovely lady, someone I admired and loved and appreciated, though she wasn't my relative. The clincher here is that she hasn't been staying embodied. Her short-term memory isn't there unless something happens that strikes her emotionally--usually in a negative way--and then it's as though it's forever stamped on her brain, and to be brought up with great clarity when she's feeling a bit on the naughty side.

She didn't want to be an imposition, but she really didn't make any effort to be helpful. Understandably so, it just didn't matter to her anymore. She'd have moments of clarity and realizing she needed to get her ducks in a row, but that's as far as any of it went. 

Sometimes when she'd come to after having been out in other dimensions, she'd think she was still in her old home, she'd have a scowl on her face and be a bit bossy and mean. Mostly, she just laid around, snacking all day long, telling me how kind I was to her. 

The worst part was I discovered I couldn't leave her alone, not even to go for a walk on my own. She'd slip out of her body and wouldn't remember me telling her where I planned to be, and then return and find herself afraid and disoriented. Plus, I didn't want to leave my cats alone with her. She wasn't a pet lover and was too unaware to make sure they didn't slip outside on her. My girls were amazing with her, however, and managed to keep her entertained even though she didn't want them touching her.

From the start, I told her that I was tickled to have the time with her, and that I was going to make the most of it. She wasn't the easiest person to cope with at first, but I allowed it because she was experiencing a huge change at a speed she hadn't known in the last two years of a pandemic shutdown. 

Not my circus, not my monkey, dammit!

After rearranging my life around her for seven weeks, and even finding myself clipping thickened claw-like smelly toenails (shudder), I realized I'd had my fill of the whole story. I consciously let myself immerse in the role of Silly Flake and she got me out of the zoo. This once tidy, mature woman who would have been repulsed with the idea, wasn't bathing properly either, and I was beginning to smell that on my furniture and in my own home, which is my safe and sacred space. 

She kept repeating, "You work so hard and I'm so lazy. You're so kind." It began to grate on my nerves because she absolutely made no effort to change anything about her circumstances. Being told I was being so kind was the same as being told I was so nice--it's a line energy suckers use--and this boob was effing done! 

Yep, I got angry. I didn't express it with her, but I let my husband know in no uncertain terms that I needed a break. Living to a ripe old age of 90 doesn't mean you get to have me wait on you, hand and foot, or boss me around. I wouldn't do that to another person. The only ones I let boss me around are my cats....

I found myself thankful that my parents died when they did. My mom was actually afraid of getting Alzheimer's or dementia, and being a burden to her loved ones. It felt way too soon to lose them, yet, they both crossed over with dignity and with their faculties and awareness intact.

Our guest really didn't want to be alive here anymore. Like Adamus Saint-Germain has said, the die/kill switch had been activated but the body and mind were still running through their established patterns. Her consciousness wasn't present in her body most of the time. She was off exploring other created dimensions. She didn't know she could just walk out of her body, stay out, and be done. And it didn't seem like I was supposed to say anything in that regard. It felt like I was dreamwalking her (helping her through a major transition not necessarily ending in death), allowing her her own chosen experience, and making sure she had a dignified exit instead of her dying alone in her home, only to be discovered maybe days later.

It all worked out. We got her affairs in order and her house sold--something that honestly would have been more complex and drawn out if we were having to work with her from a distance....and....I really didn't mind her company up until the point where suddenly I had enough of that experience and was done playing the role I had going.

We took her to stay with the person who originally planned to have her stay with her until a possible opening in an assisted living facility in town came about, though I don't think she could handle even that anymore--she needed closer supervision. After two weeks away, with me coming to the decision that my part was absolutely done, and her sister discovering that she liked having her with her, we left her there. 

There have been a few other events where I observed I was standing up for myself, sometimes a bit more vocally passionate than others. I used some "colorful" language that seemed appropriate for what was going on, and on those particular occasions it actually worked for me, though it felt as though I was stooping to the other person's limited level. But it seemed the only way to get the other person to hear me out rather than trying to mollify, placate, or talk down to me.

Other times, it was a system that failed because we are imperfect humans, after all, and humans unintentionally "make mistakes"--all of us. I get no enjoyment out of putting someone who's trying to help me on the spot--trying to serve the public is often the hardest job one can do. Yet, sometimes things fall through the cracks, and I found out I needed to speak up (this time I didn't need the colorful words) and give my version of the story so I wouldn't be unjustly held responsible for something I had nothing to do with--the loss of an item I had borrowed and had made certain I returned promptly. For me, it was a matter of honor. I would gladly pay to replace anything I borrowed and lost--if I was the one who lost it. 

After two weeks of fretting and then finally going in and stating my piece, two days later I received a phone call telling me they had found the items. I had put the whole situation in play in order to get myself practicing the art of simply standing up for myself....

I have hope....

So, my friends, that's my latest musings in this crazy, chaotic, anger-fueled, wobbly world. Yes, I know it's a roller-coaster ride of mountain tops and deep ocean floors. I find I'm checking in with myself in my lower moments to see if I really want to be here yet....and....frustrating and heart-breaking as it can be at times, there's this something inside me--some diamond-hard foundational rock--that reminds me, without doubt, that this is what I came to be here for in the first place (pull up your big girl panties, Pen!), and I'd be so disappointed if I didn't see it all the way through.

I'm here to stay for quite a bit longer....I've got stuff to do and experience in a brand new way....

Monday, April 11, 2022

Me Playing the Role of Victim--I Created That....

Warning: This will take the oomph out of any "Poor Pitiful Me" Stories.

I cast myself as the Victim in all the stories where I was victimized, and in all the stories where I played the Villain, I cast myself in that role. I did it. Everything I experienced, I put it there....and....that realization has set me free.

Why would I put myself through such an awful experience of playing the Victim? Whether it be molestation or rape, being bullied, used, abused, neglected, taken for granted, killed--being treated as less than, unworthy--none of those parts sound appealing from this Little Human standpoint. I wouldn't willingly put myself through that.

However, back in the day, some 30 years after the fact, when I finally faced having been the victim of molestation when I was little--one key aspect stood out for me: I knew I had agreed on some greater level with the one who played the part of molester (and who later apologized) to act out that scenario. 

I KNEW it, without a single doubt....and....yes, it was uncomfortable from my human standpoint to admit that at first, because I felt it made me look bad to a world that might not understand where I was coming from. Who, in their right mind, would want to be a victim?

And, I also knew I agreed to that entire experience in order to be able to place Light in a darkened area. To highlight potentials of actual resolution that were unseen before.

I made the decision to play those parts--Victim and Villain--on the other side of Veil of Forgetting who I really am. Before I incarnated as a human. I did it when I knew it was all just a "Let's Pretend" act, when I knew no one actually would be harmed. When I knew that even death was just an illusion. When I knew we all Eternally exist and nothing and no one could actually take that existence away.

Maybe it was an agreement made with the partner/s in crime, maybe it was Karma. Karma is something we put in place here to help us deep-asleep humans maintain a balance in the spectrum of our experiences here as a human. It wasn't something someone else or some god out there did to us to keep us in line or to punish us for our bad deeds. I put Karma in my life to help balance my human self until I awakened to who I really am, at which point, I no longer needed it.

Regardless of whether it was Divine mutual agreement or Karma, if it's in my life I put it there--all of it--the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly.

This Villain and Victim role-playing we've been acting out on Earth is actually the Sexual Energy Virus in consciousness in action. It's the imbalance between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine that exists in each of us individuals, regardless of gender. 

We have two hemispheres to our brains, bridged by the corpus callosum. The right side is the Divine Feminine that realizes its connection to All That Is. The left side is the Divine Masculine that realizes itself as a separate being, or a single pinpoint of consciousness that's aware that it exists. 

Together--in partnership--they passionately create and compassionately experience all that we are. And from all that experience, the Master Observer distills out all the unnecessary details into a compassionate wisdom gifted for our souls. What an amazing design! What a gift to experience all of it with this realization now of who I really am in all of it!

The imbalance is the Divine Masculine being unaware that its Feminine partner exists within him. They are not separate entities--just two halves of a whole. This is what is talked about in our sacred scripts such as the Song of Solomon in the Old Testament, where the bridegroom searches all over the lands for his beloved bride only to discover she has been within him the entire time.

As unawakened humans we were unaware of this Divine Feminine--this inherent connection to a spiritual facet of ourselves. She was hidden away within us in a place our physical eyes couldn't see. Have you noticed that in order to really feel into things, to feel into yourself--into your spiritual side--you have to close your eyes?

If it's in my life, I put it there--all of it--out of the love of my Divinity, and its Human Experiencer, for my Soul.

So, I encourage you to dare to be so bold as to see any Victim role you played as being a part you cast yourself to play on the other side of the Veil. True forgiveness will reign and lead to sincere gratitude for all parts played--all, just for you....

Related Post:

Bring That Which Is Hidden Into the Light: Overcoming the Victimhood Addiction

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Stopping the "If only I woulda, coulda, shoulda, didn'ts..."

 "You made your bed, now lie in it."

Kind of puts a lot of pressure on a person to make sure they make the right choice, doesn't it? Then to add to that, you maybe had some prior experiences, based on choices you made, that turned out to be not so much fun and laughs. Some were even traumatic--some were real life-changers. So your trust in your ability to make right choices is all laying down there in the pooper. 

You have a traumatically painful experience--someone dies, someone breaks off a relationship with you. In both instances it feels like rejection. It hurts like hell. You're in a void, frustrated that you're still breathing (barely) and  dammit! still waking up to new days of no tomorrows worth living.

So you settle. You join ship with someone else who's agreeable with you (but in your mind it's your second choice), and you both base an entire lifetime on having made that choice to settle, while trying not to admit it to yourself. You try to protect yourself from hurting so much again. You try to control and monitor yourself, and you try controlling and monitoring everyone and everything around you to make that safe-seeming, self-compromising choice the right choice. Because there is no going back and changing your mind after all that, is there? But maybe there is....

Settling often means we're holding onto a guilty secret, and while we feel ashamed about it and try to tuck it away from our awareness--try to make the best of things--it has a way of staying in our cells and creeping into our lives when our guard is down. It influences how we perceive and react to things no matter how strongly we think we have it under control. It influences how we create the reality, the experiences in our present lives. We're the ones in its prison cell. 

And the only way out is to honestly acknowledge to oneself that it's there. 

We each actually put it all there,....and....we alone are the only ones who can release ourselves from it. Not the other person....

But you have to go beyond the linear timeline that you were most probably on when you made that choice. You have to open your perspective up to see the bigger picture: 

It was all just a collection of experiences. You built up an identity around them and in response to it all when you thought you were just this Little Human--but none of that is who and what you are. That identity is the human costume you wear while having experiences out of love for your soul. There is actually no right or wrong choice--it's all just experience--period. 

You are so much more than that cut-and-dried identity you made yourself to be....

When you open yourself to seeing things from your soul's viewpoint, you realize there is no time and there is no space. There really is no right or wrong....

It's just an experience from a soup of potential experiences you attract to yourself based on your awareness of yourself and how limited that awareness is. 

They are all your energies in a soupy field of energies--free of Time and Space--solely in service to you. 

They were just potentials you experienced in what seemed like a certain sequence because you were playing in the duality game--a game of contrasts and polar opposites. You had a very limited idea of who you were that then naturally limited the experiences you attracted to yourself and your perception of them. 

You believed you were in service to time and space instead of them being energy patterns serving you. You believed there were definite right choices and there were definite wrong choices. It was all black and white in there until you hit some gray areas where the choice wasn't so clear. That's when self-doubt kicked in.... and....that niggly doubt built upon itself, and with it came a rash of experiences that added to the chaotic confusion. 

You no longer trusted yourself....much less, your ability to make a good choice....

So, now you know you can view it all differently. Now you have a broader perspective if you choose to use it. You have the tools to understand it and set yourself free. Just dive into that stuff--acknowledge they've been tugging at you--those finger-pointing whispers you've been trying to avoid looking at and listening to for so long. They are your demons that haunt just didn't know what to do with them, until you knew....

So what if you settled. So what if you wouldn't, you couldn't, you shouldn't, you did or didn''s not the cut and dried if only way you once thought it all was. Give yourself a break. Go ahead--step out of line. Go beyond the linear timeline and set yourself and your world free. Your decisions, your past--your identity--truly is not who you are.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Opened Eyes

Opened Eyes

Words and music by Penny Lewton Binek

I was driving down the highway
Thinking through my past,
When suddenly it came to me
As clear as crystal glass:
I have thanked you for the good times,
It's time to thank you for the bad.
All the parts we play, you see,
Show me who I am!

These are my footsteps, my battles--
A contrast, every one,
To the Light which I see within me
Dawning as the Sun/Son.
The love that I sought was in me,
Buried beneath a film.
From the sorrows of a blinded heart
To the joys of opened eyes!

Thank you to the doctor 
who could not cure my ills
All we seemed to see 
was the sin in me
which we tried to fix with pills.
It made me look past my pained condition
to the perfection that's my soul.
I never could have seen it,
much less, believed it,
had you done anymore than MY will!


To the lawyer who lost my cases
and the systems which seemed to fail--
We always seemed to be persecuting me,
condemning me to jail.
It made me ask the deeper questions
and search my heart for what felt right.
I see truth in me, unending liberty,
a loving justice that's prevailed!


Mom and Dad, you know that I have adored you
From the moment I was born.
Imagine my dismay, when I found one day
That to your views I'd not conform!
It made me look deep inside,
And question my pride,
For with this I must not be wrong!
But what better way to see the strength of my faith--
Than have to"go against" the two of you...
