Thursday, September 22, 2022

Seeds of Fear: What Kind of Harvest Do I Want to Reap?

This is a wild and crazy ride at this stage of the game in our world. Everything is changing, and it's changing quantumly--coming from all different directions, within and without. We're used to a linear world where you have a cause and its effect, and it happens in a sequential order. 

But that's old-school, and nothing works that way anymore. This is more about what consciousness I'm radiating out that my own field of potential energies then takes form to match. My old world is literally coming apart at the seams. It's exciting, frightening, frustrating, and surprising at times. It's both boring and dramatic, and it's sometimes traumatic for us because so many humans are crossing over to the other side of the Veil/River instead of staying here with us. 

Many are finding it too difficult and challenging--this shift from all we've ever known into something we have never experienced before. A world so brand new in concept that we can't even really anticipate what it will be like.

Yeah--change and the unknown potentials it holds can be scary and daunting.

So, I have to ask the question: 

Why would anyone want to scare the bejesus out of everyone when we're already walking on pins and needles? What's the reward in this?

There are so many conspiracy theories flying around and they are being promoted and perpetuated pretty much by egos wanting to be in the know or feel like they're smarter than someone else, and by those who feed off the energies of drama and trauma. And pretty much I can feel it being done out of sheer boredom with one's life in general. 

I hear all kinds of people wanting the old systems to collapse. I watch eyes gleam with the idea of doom and gloom, but while they get stoked about world calamity, I'm hearing few of them converse about possible resolutions and solutions to the perceived problems that might make the transition easier and more graceful without fewer people or our planet and it's myriad of lifeforms getting harmed in the process.

I've played in the conspiracy game--and it's a dark hole that just sucks you in and keeps you in terror and depression. At least, that's what it did to me. Why be here if we believe we're all destined for hell in a handbasket anyway?

Back in my old fight the conspirators days, I watched terrified people become as scary as those they felt threatened by--myself included.

All this talk of evil and Satan and the Devil being loose in the world? If I wanted to unleash evil into the world all I'd have to do is scare the crap out of some human who doesn't know who they really are (the creator and perceiver of their own realities). Tell them they are unworthy sinners. Get them feeling backed into a corner with no hope of a way out except by resisting and fighting--and, Wha-la!--I've got evil like you wouldn't believe.

Do I want to be a part of the solution, or do I want to expand the problem? How much drama and trauma do I want? How bored am I?

It's not an entity named Satan nor are there Devil-possessed people out there committing those inhumane, atrociously horrific acts. Unconscious, unaware, unawakened humans are the ones who commit the evil atrocities...and...they are the ones who spread the seeds of fear through conspiracy theories because--wait for it--they are scared shitless themselves! And probably bored, too.

Yes, the old systems of this world are obsolete, imbalanced and don't serve our planet or humanity in its expanded consciousness. And....yes, I put them in place and participated in them in the past....and I choose to allow them to be released from manifestation, their energies neutralized so they can gracefully shift into a new form that better serves me and my ascended world.

I choose to plant the seeds of freedom and self-sovereignty for all....

I choose to dwell in hope and graceful resolution....

I choose to be open to and cultivate win-win solutions.... 

I choose to dwell in anticipation of a new world expression in which I can joyfully participate....

So....what do you choose, my fellow sovereign creators?

P.S. "Remember, Pen, there is no 'they'--these are All Aspects of my own soul coming in for integration. These are all my creations--don't muck about with them if you truly desire to go beyond all the old stuff...."

It always helps anchor these things more firmly in my reality by writing them all out here as if I'm talking it out with someone other than myself. By doing this I can more clearly view the thoughts and feelings and concepts looping through my mind--actually through my entire body of consciousness. Otherwise, I'm constantly wrangling with these things within myself and it perpetuates a feeling of being stuck.

I'm reminded once again to just take a few good deep breaths and to drop any armor or any idea that I need to convince anyone else of anything. To just take a breath and open up....

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