Warning: This will take the oomph out of any "Poor Pitiful Me" Stories.
I cast myself as the Victim in all the stories where I was victimized, and in all the stories where I played the Villain, I cast myself in that role. I did it. Everything I experienced, I put it there....and....that realization has set me free.
Why would I put myself through such an awful experience of playing the Victim? Whether it be molestation or rape, being bullied, used, abused, neglected, taken for granted, killed--being treated as less than, unworthy--none of those parts sound appealing from this Little Human standpoint. I wouldn't willingly put myself through that.
However, back in the day, some 30 years after the fact, when I finally faced having been the victim of molestation when I was little--one key aspect stood out for me: I knew I had agreed on some greater level with the one who played the part of molester (and who later apologized) to act out that scenario.
I KNEW it, without a single doubt....and....yes, it was uncomfortable from my human standpoint to admit that at first, because I felt it made me look bad to a world that might not understand where I was coming from. Who, in their right mind, would want to be a victim?
And, I also knew I agreed to that entire experience in order to be able to place Light in a darkened area. To highlight potentials of actual resolution that were unseen before.
I made the decision to play those parts--Victim and Villain--on the other side of Veil of Forgetting who I really am. Before I incarnated as a human. I did it when I knew it was all just a "Let's Pretend" act, when I knew no one actually would be harmed. When I knew that even death was just an illusion. When I knew we all Eternally exist and nothing and no one could actually take that existence away.
Maybe it was an agreement made with the partner/s in crime, maybe it was Karma. Karma is something we put in place here to help us deep-asleep humans maintain a balance in the spectrum of our experiences here as a human. It wasn't something someone else or some god out there did to us to keep us in line or to punish us for our bad deeds. I put Karma in my life to help balance my human self until I awakened to who I really am, at which point, I no longer needed it.
Regardless of whether it was Divine mutual agreement or Karma, if it's in my life I put it there--all of it--the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly.
This Villain and Victim role-playing we've been acting out on Earth is actually the Sexual Energy Virus in consciousness in action. It's the imbalance between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine that exists in each of us individuals, regardless of gender.
We have two hemispheres to our brains, bridged by the corpus callosum. The right side is the Divine Feminine that realizes its connection to All That Is. The left side is the Divine Masculine that realizes itself as a separate being, or a single pinpoint of consciousness that's aware that it exists.
Together--in partnership--they passionately create and compassionately experience all that we are. And from all that experience, the Master Observer distills out all the unnecessary details into a compassionate wisdom gifted for our souls. What an amazing design! What a gift to experience all of it with this realization now of who I really am in all of it!
The imbalance is the Divine Masculine being unaware that its Feminine partner exists within him. They are not separate entities--just two halves of a whole. This is what is talked about in our sacred scripts such as the Song of Solomon in the Old Testament, where the bridegroom searches all over the lands for his beloved bride only to discover she has been within him the entire time.
As unawakened humans we were unaware of this Divine Feminine--this inherent connection to a spiritual facet of ourselves. She was hidden away within us in a place our physical eyes couldn't see. Have you noticed that in order to really feel into things, to feel into yourself--into your spiritual side--you have to close your eyes?
If it's in my life, I put it there--all of it--out of the love of my Divinity, and its Human Experiencer, for my Soul.
So, I encourage you to dare to be so bold as to see any Victim role you played as being a part you cast yourself to play on the other side of the Veil. True forgiveness will reign and lead to sincere gratitude for all parts played--all, just for you....
Related Post:
Bring That Which Is Hidden Into the Light: Overcoming the Victimhood Addiction
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