Love and fear (not hate) are polar opposites.
Love is open and flowing. Fear is closed in, stuck and restrictive. Hate has fear as its core foundation.
Fear rolls itself up into a ball of offense and defense. It blames others--that world outside of itself. It armors itself with protective gear and weapons and places barriers all around itself. It lies to itself. All of that causes the personal creation of situations where the creator and perceiver of that reality attracts even more attacks on itself. You have to stop pointing fingers at others--and at yourself (meaning you have to be compassionate with, and all-accepting of yourself)--or that fighting stuff never ends for you.
Love lets go. It allows energies to freely flow without trying to manipulate or control them. It recognizes that all energies are in service to you alone so there is nothing to barricade out. The energies in service to all-accepting love manifest and then neutralize--or return to zero point--where they are then free to manifest again in a new manner that continually serves its creator, experiencer, perceiver.
This is all the difference there is between being expanded and consciously aware and awake versus being asleep in a greatly accepted hypnosis--a mere suggestion--about who and what you are. Are you a pinpoint of consciousness aware that it exists that's created a human costume in which to learn about itself, or are you an All-Alone Little Human just trying to survive on a speck of dust in the universe? Is there a purpose in you existing?
I see all of this as my own amazing virtual reality experience--outfitted solely/soul-y for me.
At its deepest, it's the fear of being absolutely alone in a void that drives beings to doing probably the worst acts in all of creation....
I liken it to trying to save a drowning victim who's so terrified that they lash out even at the one saving them--some to the point of even drowning their would-be savior.
I get manifested in my reality what I radiate out as being my truth in each present moment.
The Projector: I am the pinpoint of consciousness that radiates (shines) out onto a blank global screen of waveforms about 12.123 feet in radius all around and within me that then coalesces into matter according to my perception of myself, of creation, of existence.
Every potential exists (both manifested and non-manifested) within that energy field that solely belongs to me. It's my way of communicating with myself. Everything is actually "right at hand"--all the heavens, all the realms, even places on the opposite side of Earth--physical and nonphysical are accessible by me. You see, I never actually move--my consciousness (my awareness) is eternal and still. Somewhat like an omni-theater screen, my energies move and flow in and out of manifestation according to my perception--what I accept as truth--of what I observe.
Most human marriages are karmic in origin....
That means two people are drawn back together (not necessarily as marriage partners in all lifetimes) time and time again in order to gain the wisdom to resolve whatever imbalance they got stuck in. Often the roles of victim and persecutor are switched back and forth until one of them wakes up and releases the story.
Many of my awakened peers either left marriages or never partnered with anyone in this lifetime of our realization and embodied mastery. You see, it's all about freedom and self-sovereignty. You can't bring anyone else along or even gift it to them--to do so would be to rob them of the ultimate joy of having their own realization their own way.
With that said, I am currently in a marriage that has lasted over 33 years. While I'm certain karma has had an influence on it, part of me also recognizes that we've lasted so long together because we'd made an agreement on the other side of the Veil to do it together for as long as it served us to do so.
So, what am I getting out of this marriage? How is it serving me?
I've discovered what a web of entanglement and self-delusion it can be to be in a relationship in the sense that it's so easy and convenient to blame any situation I put myself in as my spouse's faulty way of being. I can dump all responsibility for not loving myself or taking proper care of myself, not being kind and compassionate to myself, not allowing myself joyful abundance in any way, shape or form on him--because he just doesn't understand me and know, or even care, what I need. It's always all about him. He doesn't let me do stuff...blah, blah, blah...Oh the pity! Turns out that that can be a major, major seductive stumbling block of a distraction away from my realization.
I'm grinning because, yeah, I've thought, said and done all of that above stuff repeatedly....and I'm going with the idea that I did it so I could write about it in this particular blog post. Ha! Ha! long as I keep shoving responsibility for how I perceive and experience my life upon anyone but me--well, I'll never be free and sovereign ruler of my own life.
If it's in my life, I put it there--even if I'm miserable from it, I'm getting something out of it, or it would no longer be in my reality.
These are not finger-pointing blaming words either. I have found that realizing I'm the creator of everything I perceive means only I can un-create it. I just have to realize how to do that--and I can't do that from the Little All-Alone Human's very limited and narrow perspective. I need my soul--that divine facet of me that has the broadest, greatest viewpoint of all that I am.
I remember a time back in my tangent into world and government conspiracies when I was so terrified for the well-being of myself, my loved ones, humanity and Earth that I wanted my perceived enemies to just drop dead. It seemed the only solution--but I was crazed with fear. I kept hearing Yeshua's (Jesus's) admonition to "Love your enemies."
And I knew that I had to know how to do that with sincerity, not with syrupy B.S. that everyone knows isn't truly felt. I had to shift my perspective around to see what gift even my perceived persecutors were bringing me in being exactly as they were....What were they helping me discover and experience about myself?
Ultimately, no one has done or does anything to me that I haven't allowed--or consented to acting out with whatever role-playing scene is currently onstage in our lives. It's ALL been for me....and that recognition has helped me to allow myself to be human and divine, to be perfectly imperfect, to go beyond this human identity I've built up over the years.... being in a state of utmost gratitude for all parts played--just for me!