A couple of the big social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have "Follow" buttons to connect their users, and, intuitively, I just have never liked that button. It rubs me the wrong way when it comes to my sovereignty and that of the rest of humanity, most of whom don't remember that they are unique and sovereign individuals. Following keeps everyone in the Mass Consciousness Zoo loop--a type of hypnosis....and we are each and all SO MUCH MORE....
If you follow anyone other than your own soul or divinity within, you are going to experience betrayal.
On purpose, we shut down our ability to remember that we all are divine creator beings who are here essentially to experience our own creations and learn how our personal energy fields serve us. In the realms prior to Earth, our creations were instantaneous and existed only in the moment--we had no memory, no basis from which to discover how we got what we got.
The grand Earth experience allowed us to lower our vibrations into a limited spectrum of creation where we could experience the contrasts of duality. Thus, we each have a brain with two hemispheres. One half is feminine and intuitive and knows it's connected to All That Is. The other half is masculine and logical and knows it's a separate and souled being--a sovereign individual.
Also, the experience of linearity here on Earth helped us have a sequential, cause-effect type of relationship with our creations, and those entertaining "story lines" which had a past, a present and a future, greatly increased our understanding of ourselves.
We basically programmed ourselves to believe we are just Little Humans. That someone or some other entity outside of us knows us better than we do ourselves:
Either we're sinners who need to suffer having our inherent wrongness punished and honed out of us, or we're humans littering our beloved planet by simply existing because someone thinks we're overpopulating it and there won't be enough resources for everyone to survive.
As a kid, I remember playing a game called "Follow the Leader." One person was picked as the leader, or proclaimed themselves so, and everyone had to step in the same steps of the leader and do all the actions he did.
"Simon Says" was another game where one person played Simon. Woe to you if you jumped when the person told you to jump without them saying, "Simon says, 'Jump!'" You had to go to the back and start all over again.
I know it feels safer to just lay low and to follow someone else's lead. I've been there and done all of that. The thing is, all those other people I followed eventually disappointed me in some way, and I'd eventually drop them and return to me--my own truths and realizations that resonated solely/soul-y with me.
I idolized my sister. She was confident and at ease in large groups, popular in school--a homecoming queen. Basically she was everything I longed to be, but just wasn't. I was shy, large groups of strangers made me queasy, and I had difficulty completing my sentences. I would later realize all of that was because I was pretty highly sensitive in the empathy department, and the bombardment of all the emoted energies from the world around me just rendered me speechless, especially when I felt put on the spot.
I so wanted to be like her. I was in third grade, following her and our cousin around the county fair, when, for a lark, the two of them jumped onto the moving Merry-Go-Round and rode it a short distance before jumping back off. I followed suit, but I didn't jump off soon enough. The ride operator spotted me and chewed me out.
I felt so awfully ashamed--I actually carried the guilt of that moment well into my adulthood. It's finally been released where now it makes for a silly story that makes me laugh at myself and the memory of what a conundrum it often was to be a young human trying to learn the ropes of how to be and do in this world. You see, I just wanted to belong.
Humans long for the fellowship of being a part of a twosome or a group.
Being a follower has pretty much ultimately backfired on me every single time. I had to start looking at all those experiences of following this group or that person as stepping stones that betrayed me at a certain point so I'd always end up turning back to myself for all my own answers. Their failing me helped me remember who I really am.
I often hear of people joining a church or some type of spiritual group just to have the fellowship and to have a sense of belonging.
I observe people joining political parties or other causes in order to have that same sense. Back in the nineties, I discovered politics was not my passion, whatsoever. It seemed to focus on a few individuals, who didn't know me at all, asking me to vote for them so they could negotiate and compromise me into giving my own sovereignty away. Needless to say, I don't vote because I'm the best representative for myself, and I know I trust myself to do my best and I choose to do no harm. Imagine my lack of surprise when it came out that elections could be rigged.
I don't like someone else thinking for me or taking care of me. God, I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone say, "The government needs to take care of ill or handicapped people." Yep, we all experienced first hand with the whole CO-VID crisis how well the governments around the world served their people. Proper medical care and Do No Harm oaths were thrown to the wayside in order to get more power and money for their various agencies and institutions. Mandated vaccinations and fresh-air-restricting facemasks??? People telling someone else how to be and what they should be doing? What the hell, people?
As for you--the ones I see driving by, alone in your car with a face mask on, looking like a robber headed for a bank heist....Wake the fricken up already!!!
Plus, everyone knows most of the medical and insurance systems are monstrous power and control entities, too, bilking people out of finances way out of proportion to the services actually provided. More people die of the barbaric treatments used in too many diseases than are actually cured completely. I've heard all the insurance stories where the company refuses to pay out, yet everyone still jumps on the old insurance bandwagon, and I continue to hear the same old insane tragic victim of insurance stories over and over and over again.
There are better ways and they can come in, but, my beloved friends, we have to open ourselves up to allowing them to come in, instead of hanging onto dysfunctional systems that obviously don't really work. I'm convinced that people like getting fucked over just to have something to commiserate over and talk about over beers. I think they're just wanting to belong, too.
It borders on--no, it embraces the ridiculous. I look back on the last few years--we all experienced tragic losses of loved ones and friends--and I watched people just let someone else take responsibility for them, even to their deaths....
But that's what we can expect to get when we identify oneself as being a follower instead of a self-sovereign. Common sense tells me that, as an adult, I shouldn't expect someone else to take care of me....
If I'm handicapped in some manner, I most likely chose that experience on the other side of the Veil, or it's Karma helping me to balance something out from other lifetimes. Either way, I put myself in that situation for a purpose probably greater than the Little Human's limited understanding. I'm going to need my soul's eyes, or viewpoint, to help me see the bigger picture.
So, once again, choosing to take complete responsibility for me in all my situations--seeing myself as a Divine soul in a human costume--opens me to so many more potential solutions than choosing to continue playing out the victim role through all of it.
You can be an amazing light in your world, but soliciting pity can only go so far. Open up to hope....and your own imagination....obviously, when you put yourself into that handicapped role you weren't concerned about belonging or fitting in with the rest of the world. You're no follower...
As for that "Follow" button:
MeWe has a platform similar to Facebook, but without all the conspiratorial fact-checking agenda and promotion of the fighting dysfunction. People with differing viewpoints are all pretty much allowed their say, as long as it isn't violent or inciteful or hacking. They don't allow ad-infestations, censoring, or privacy-invading B.S. Most importantly to me, they don't have a "Follow" button--and I really appreciate that.
I left Facebook two years ago when people I had thought of as friends turned out to be "fact-checking" nightmares. I witnessed, firsthand, the conquering of a nation by getting the people to fight amongst themselves, tearing apart families and friendships based on political views and nonsense--basically a bunch of sheep following some self-proclaimed, know-it-all leader. To be a part of reactive "mob rule" where everyone is feeling like the victim of some outer entity is to act on insanity, not self-sovereignty.
I KNOW we are all so much more than that, and that everyone is capable of thinking and speaking for themselves....especially when you get quiet and spend some quality time alone with yourself so you can hear and feel your own soul speak. So I moved to MeWe. Unfortunately, most of my friends and family didn't come along, and they don't know what they are missing....
I was not an active Twitter user and thought I'd deactivated my old account prior to leaving Facebook, but evidently didn't get it done properly. I decided to rejoin (though tweeting isn't really my thing) when Elon Musk bought Twitter, and I saw that he was allowing their previously corrupt censoring and banning practices to be revealed. That is, to me, a step in the right direction. There is a certain power-loving contingent that obviously isn't happy with that and is trying to get him to step down from running his own company, but I have a sense that bunch will just be shooting themselves in the behind (as it should be) when it's all said and done.
While Elon Musk has done us a service, and I applaud his imagination and creativity and his ability to manifest financial abundance by doing the things he's passionate about--we can each and all thank him graciously for his service--but don't literally follow him or anyone else. Go ahead, push the "Follow" button and enjoy whatever tweets and posts you like....and....remember:
Honor what he and other freedom-honoring souls have done by assuming your own freedom and sovereignty. Learn what it is about and put it into your daily practice, and you'll no longer play the role of Victim. Well, you can play it if that's the experience you want to have, but you'll no longer feel stuck in that role--or any other--for the rest of your human life.
So, what is sovereignty? Let's start by looking and feeling into its contrast--limited freedom, servitude, slavery, answering to someone else. We know all about these, don't we? And we release them with ease by appreciating the wisdom we gained from having such limiting experiences. Even our physical bodies are a limitation to our freedom, from which we discovered so much about ourselves.
When something has been taken away, we don't take it for granted the next time around, and we appreciate it all the more simply because we understand it so much more....
Sovereignty means basically "to rule over." So self-sovereignty means I accept total responsibility for all that I am, all that I create, all that I perceive, and all my experiences. I am not the victim of anyone or anything--except myself and my own blindness to who I really am....
And....sovereign creators give their creations their own freedom just as our Eternal Source did with us....no trying to control, fix, or manipulate....because, somehow, we know it will ultimately all work out and find its natural state of balance if we just keep our sticky fingers out of it.
I am, you are, we all are meant to ultimately be free and to be the sovereign of our own life right here, right now....
Don't wait for someone else to give it to you--that's just not going to happen....
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