The answer lies within you,
I found it here in me!
How much more must we endure before we're all FREE?
Spend a little time alone with yourself. Go inside, feel into the love and compassion and wisdom that's all YOU! Those dark little guilty secrets you shy away from--lie back, close your eyes and take some good deep into your diaphragm (lower rib cage) breaths to get yourself relaxed. Open your energy field wide and feel into and explore those emotional and physical pains. Beneath every single one is a bright and shining gem of compassionate wisdom gained all because an unbelievably brave soul in a human costume forgot who she/he was and dived into experiencing her own creation out of love for all that is.
The old consciousness power players are having their last hurrah. They know they are on their way out--there is too much light and awareness in the world for them to stay hidden in shadow anymore. They've had their era, done their service for humanity through the extremes of duality that we all experienced. All that was kept in secret is rising to the surface for release and healing. It takes being deeply asleep and unaware of who one truly is in order to do dastardly deeds here. I send them all mercy and grace as their own karma will quickly address whatever harm they put forth.
I shudder at the idea of people placing all their trust in externals like "fact checkers" and biased news and censoring social media. It all seems intent on keeping everyone fighting with friends and loved ones--destroying our nation from within. It's such a blatant effort at freedom limitation and mass control that I just have to shake my head that it's lasted as long as it has. It shows me how programmed we humans have been to stay in the box and not question the status quo.
I also don't like pity and victimhood being used as a motivator to get people to behave according to some convoluted idea of what's right and what's wrong. Anyone using pity is asleep yet and they are having nightmares.
In my many truth-seeking forays into various belief systems like government, politics, health, business, family, spirituality, education, death--even simple consciousness--I found that even though initially I resonated with certain ideas and seemed to find a safe spot to be for awhile, eventually I'd end up feeling betrayed and standing on the outside, and I'd toss away a whole lot of baggage, and return souly to me and the bright and shining truth I felt of love and gratitude for all.
Even people I admired and held dear eventually let me down.
I discovered the futility of trying to control the behavior of others, and instead looked deeper into the hearts of those around me to see who they truly were and how they were serving me by being whatever way I was perceiving them to be--dark or light.
And it was all appropriate and in loving service to me, because they all caused me to drop the outer world and go within, where I discovered this Christed, loving, wise and compassionate, benevolent rebel of a being.
False prophets and teachers will say, 'Here is the Christ! Jesus is coming! Look over here! Look over there!'... But the true teacher is the one within your heart. Listen to that one. Listen to that heart part instead of the hypnotized head. Love leads the way and does no harm.
In those last moments of blessing my dad through his feet, even when my mind yelled at me that I was crazy for doing it, my heart felt such all-encompassing love and gratitude that it outshone any hypnotic mental overlay that tried to keep me in check--docilely in the matrix, so to speak.
Years ago, I had a dream where humanity's focus on the external rather than each individual's internal wisdom was made blatantly clear to me:
All around me were big movie screens that captured and held the attention of other fellow humans. They were entranced by commercials and dramas and games and self-perfecting practices. I was throwing out seed to feed the chickens, but only these iridescent, translucent birds (invisible to the other humans) saw it to eat it. Everyone else was too busy looking outside of themselves--watching a metaphorical TV--to realize the beauty and mastery that was always present within themselves.
"Don't throw your pearls before swine." This phrase always comes through with the memory of that vision. It doesn't mean humans are a bunch of pigs. It just means they are so deeply immersed into a hypnotic overlay and into an identity of playing the role of a sinner in a mucky pig-pen, that they aren't seeing themselves for who they truly are. And they won't until they're ready...everyone is playing their unique part in this tremendous planetary transition in conscious awareness.
Everything has led me to this profound realization that I now deeply trust myself--first and foremost.
I know I'm not going to harm anyone. Am I going to offend some people? Probably--but that's their own issue. I know the love and acceptance I am coming from. I am not blaming anyone--I'm thanking them for all parts played out just for me in helping me realize and understand how my consciousness radiation and my own field of energy serves me.
Intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing.
Smart people are not necessarily wise. You can be extremely intelligent and be immature in conscious awareness of yourself. Wisdom comes from the distillation of all your human experiences. It means it's full of compassion that only can be truly experienced by having been there, done that.
Technology can be of grand service to our world--but remember it's external. Consciousness is always within you. Only your conscious awareness of yourself will determine whether technology is benevolently or maliciously used in your realm--your own sovereign domain.
Trust that crystalline realm within your own heart to be your guide first, and then the external will follow suit.
Choose to be free yourself first by feeling into how freedom feels and openly shining that as you go about your day.
And then create the kind of world you enjoy being in by setting it all free, as well--instead of trying to control it externally.
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