Monday, November 16, 2020

How are YOU allowing CO-VID 19 to serve you in your personal interactions?

Are you using CO-VID as a way to maintain compassionate friendships, or are you alienating friends and family and neighbors? Some are using it as a weapon of being self-righteous, no matter what the cost--including giving their own sovereignty away to someone outside of oneself. Regardless of where and how it originated, we all have a personal choice of how we're going to use it in our own world.

I have utmost appreciation and compassion for all who have experienced CO-VID, or have lost loved ones because of it. I don't wish it on my worst enemy--though I don't really have enemies. I see everyone playing a role for me, out of the love of their soul, even and especially those pretending to be my enemies. I know they've forgotten who they really are, and I'd rather help them remember that than fight with them. Fighting is a waste of my time and energies. I just really don't like to fight.

One thing I realized I could do was to help ease the fear surrounding the virus by listening to those who've had it share what it was like for them, and what they did to take care of themselves through it. 

The symptoms vary in intensity according to the individual; and some medications work for one, but not for the next. One person lost only his sense of taste, some with allergies said initially they thought it was just their allergies acting up, and that it felt like they just had a cold. Some have had the fever and dry cough and extreme knock-you-off-your-feet exhaustion. One had no fever or cough at all, and was just extremely exhausted. Others tell of having terrible back aches and pains. 

I've heard people say they were following all the precautions, wearing the masks, testing their temperature daily at their place of work, washing their hands, and they still contracted CO-VID. Like any other flu or cold virus, it's out there, and I choose to help support us all through this the best way I know how.

As for medications, one of my friends was given the same mini-dosage steriod that was administered to Trump, and that person found it helpful--said they never had a fever or a cough, but lost their sense of taste and was extremely exhausted for about 2 1/2 weeks. This particular person suffers from allergies and admitted to being afraid of contracting it. They said it was no picnic by any means, but was relieved they were done with it. 

A friend told me about a doctor who realized his asthma patients weren't having the distressing symptoms as badly as others, and he made the connection that the steriod budesonide was in their asthma inhalers. He was prescribing a mini-dosage of the steriod for those CO-VID patients that needed it.

Tylenol is recommended for fever and chills, but Advil seems to make things worse.

Another was given cough medication but said it was worthless for them. 

Zinc supplements, which are found in many cold remedies and eye strengthening supplements may also be linked to helping individuals get back their sense of taste.

Those were just the few things that have come to mind for me, and by no means am I saying they were for everyone. You really have to close your eyes and feel into all of it to discern if any of it resonates with you personally. Your own intuition is your best guide.

If someone makes a blanket judgment it doesn't sit well with me. And if someone chastises everyone else for something one individual did, that doesn't sit well either. It actually gets my back up, and I probably won't "play" with them anymore. Would you? 

A couple of wise individuals I've talked with recently both said they had chosen to stay off social media because they were tired of people saying things on there that they wouldn't dare say face-to-face. Emotional triggering by unawakened individuals is manipulating people into doing and saying the craziest stuff. Everyone would be well-served to shut off the news and shut off the social media so they can calm down and get centered within themselves. We are at our clearest and best when we're calm and trusting of oneself first. And simply being that way is more of a service to one's world than shouting from a soapbox or walking in protest marches--you actually have more benevolent impact. Everything else just naturally falls into place in our lives then, too.

As for anyone or any group out doing malicious acts--we don't have to worry about trying to deal with them. Anyone intent on dark acts--their own karma is going to hit faster and harder then ever before. Our conscious awareness on this planet is too high to support anyone intent on power and control. 

This is all ultimately about freedom for all and using the technology we've been gifted with for the good of all. 

It's up to each sovereign individual how they're going to use it in their own uniquely created world.

It's all up to you--how you choose to experience this--and that's as it should be.

I'd just rather do it united than rather than divided.

P.S. If you happened to be one of us humans who found yourself emotionally triggered in all of this to say or do something that you regret, don't feel alone. We've all been there and done that, myself very much included. We're all human and we're feeling our way through all these planet-changing, life-changing epic events. Fear always accompanies any change just because we're out of our comfort-zone of familiarity with the old, so give yourself a break. What we did in the past doesn't even exist right now. The present is all we have. We're all just simply doing our best to cope in each moment at hand, even if it might look pretty bizarre to someone else.

Much love and light and blessings to all. Thank you all for your service to me in helping me realize who I am.

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