Thursday, March 24, 2016

Acceptance and Discernment vs.Trying to Justify Judgments

Every time I make a judgment
--good or bad--
I make my world LESS SAFE for ME to be in.

I've realized I don't need to try to justify the awful things humans do to themselves and others anymore. My simple acceptance changes my world.

I don't need to get into the details of why some commit the inhumane things they do. I KNOW they're just pretending to play a character role, and they've forgotten that they are more than that singular human being act they have going. They've forgotten that they're a sovereign consciousness having an experience of themselves.

And when I see those human atrocities and tragedies from this perspective, I know that this, my friends, is the place of pure acceptance--unconditional love and compassion. There is nothing for me to try to fix.

When I look at myself and anyone else around me as more than the roles they play as a human being--when I acknowledge this to myself and/or to them--then, for me, what we do, or don't do, doesn't matter anymore.

My acceptance releases them from being stuck in that role--but only for me. This is why any generally applied political policy or law will not work. You, alone, and the people with whom you're interacting with in the moment at hand are the only ones aware of the nuances of your interaction. Your personal energies are arranging themselves to manifest a reality that matches what your consciousness is radiating out as your truth in that specific moment.

Acceptance is simply acknowledging, "That IS a way to be. Thank you for the gift of wisdom I gained from that experience...period. (No judging about our being right or wrong, no expecting some god out there to justify our judgments of ourselves, or any other, as righteous)."

Acceptance does not judge. Acceptance neither condones nor condemns. Acceptance opens and flows....

I've long wrestled with trying to figure out the difference between discernment and judgment. I've heard so many people quoting their "Word of God Bible," using literal words in blatantly judgmental manners...and they call that discernment. They say they're leaving the judgment up to God--but, would an All-Loving god be judgmental at all? In Jesus's parable of the Prodigal Son, the character of the Father embraced his son and threw a feast at his return. There were no recriminations, no judgments--just a celebration at their being reunited.

Judgment says, "That's no way to be." manifests a prison--stops the energy flow and builds a construct, a barrier.

Discernment says, "That is a way to be...AND...I know there are other ways--other possibilities--and I'm open to allowing MYSELF to experience and perceive those as well." allows the energies to continue flowing on through and by without creating a construct--aka, a reality to experience--until its master (you) chooses to play out a concept appealing to you....

I don't believe discernment forces itself upon anyone else, it doesn't play the power game--instead, it honors sovereignty, it honors freedom--for everyone.

I've read that sacred book of stories, and it says NOT to study the literal words, but to weigh things in with your own heart--and utilize and apply only that which resonates SOLELY--or SOULY--with YOU! In other words, trust yourself first and above all others outside of yourself. You're the only one living that life of yours, and you're the only one who knows what is the easiest and most graceful way of being for yourself. You're the one who actually lives with yourself.

And once you trust yourself, it's then easy to trust everyone outside of you--to allow them their own sovereignty over their own reality creations, their own life.

For me, acceptance is simply another word for unconditional, undistorted, pure LOVE! And that resonates with me!

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