Victim, love your enemy--you created that monster. And you're the ONLY ONE who can CHOOSE to let that story be released from your reality.
Have you heard it said that we're each our own worst enemy?
If it's in your life, YOU put it there.
You created your monsters--every single one--but you created them unconsciously.
You were unaware that you created your reality every single breath, every single moment.
You were unaware that you, the pinpoint and source of consciousness of your own bubble of human reality, were radiating fear, that you had protective barriers and guards and weapons erected all around and within yourself--and that that armor was actually distorting the energies in service to you.
That consciousness armor was saying, "I don't trust myself. I don't trust others. If I let my guard down, someone or something will attack me."
So the energies, in loving service to you (the script-writer of your reality) match that guarded consciousness radiating from your center, and they attack you, they give your guards a reason for being in place.
Karma is for the unawakened creator. It was a balancing mechanism put in place for ensuring that we had a fullness of experience, a range of experiences along a duality spectrum with polar opposites of darkness and light. It was so we didn't get stuck in one polar experience, lifetime after lifetime.
If you're being abused in any way in this lifetime by a specific person or group, most likely you played the abuser for them in another lifetime. This is why self-forgiveness is so important. When you forgive yourself, you naturally then forgive all others. You see the beauty of this gift of experience that we call Life on Earth.
When you choose to let go of the past, you choose to release yourself and all others in your life from Karma. You've chosen to release all the actors from re-enacting over and over again the same old script, the same old story. You start your day brand new. You start each day of the rest of your life fresh, free and clear of the sleepy past. When you CHOOSE to AWAKEN from the limited human consciousness state, Karma then becomes obsolete, unnecessary. You simply CHOOSE to release yourself from Karma--and so it is.
Self-forgiveness is simply realizing that that abuser is not, and was not, an awakened human being. They were dead asleep in believing that they were simply a Little Human just trying to survive in a cruel world. They're most likely re-acting, or re-enacting your story together over and over again, simply because you're both afraid--and most of that fear is of one's own shadow. Neither of you trusted yourself, much less anyone else.
In the past, I knew simply saying "I forgive you" to someone else wasn't enough if I didn't sincerely CHOOSE to do that in my own heart. I did a great deal of soul-searching prior to those words, so I could say them and mean them with all my heart and soul. I CHOSE CLARITY, and I ACCEPTED FULL RESPONSIBILITY for my created reality. Accepting full responsibility meant that I did so with infinite SELF-COMPASSION! There was no room for blame or beating on myself--that's like beating on someone because they're simply in a coma.
Are you an Old Game Player,
or are you a Game Changer?
The choice is yours.
"God forgives you" or "God loves you" didn't cut it for me, because saying it that way was a roundabout way of actually saying, "I don't forgive you" or "I don't love you." And frankly, we can all spy pasted on smiles, fake, and mush from miles away. It's a waste of breath and time saying those words without meaning it, or without at least having the sincere desire to mean it. Having a sincere desire to mean it at least indicates that I've chosen to open the door to real forgiveness. And all we have to do is open up--open a door and invite it in.
Forgiveness is yours when you make it your own, instead of looking for some idol outside of you to do it. You're capable of unconditional love, infinite compassion and forgiveness--all those things humans used to believe only some higher-god-being outside of themselves was able to do. In fact, your soul, your Divinity, is always already doing that very thing.
Self-forgiveness is realizing that monster act that I played in the past was not really me, nor is the monster abusing me the real you. Those were scared, all-alone and insignificant-feeling Little Humans sound asleep in the midst of a terrifying nightmare. Panicked and frightened Little Humans do bizarre and crazy, crappy stuff. We created and acted out a play together based on that limited state of consciousness--and, yeah, it was ugly and repulsive to experience. The only way to get free of it is to choose to let our past scripts for ourselves, and each other, be released. To clear the script.
Don't be afraid of being honest with yourself. Don't be afraid of letting yourself be honest with the monsters in your life. You do know, it doesn't make sense to try to talk honestly with someone who is inebriated--alcohol and drugs get used as an excuse to be assholes and to do atrocious things. But if you feel safe when someone is sober, and you actually want to change the dynamics between the two of you, then open the door to speaking your heart with them. You can clear the air and change your relationship simply by MUTUALLY CHOOSING/AGREEING to talk honestly and openly with each other all the time. You can choose to create a SAFE and SACRED SPACE together.
Don't expect someone to read your mind about your desires--if you're truly done playing the Victim/Abuser game.
Love sets boundaries--you don't allow someone to harm you. That's where the victim plays the part of abuser. I've actually told someone who was ridiculing me, belittling me, that what they were doing was no longer acceptable for me. "You don't treat me like that. I won't allow it anymore."
Love lets go--so if you're afraid for your well-being in the scene that you have playing--please leave the scene. Get the heck out of the picture. Take the loved ones who need protection with you, and don't poke the bear. Don't stay in the same town feeding the gossip, taunting your created monster with your presence and the old story. Until you get that clarity and a true heart-felt feeling of forgiveness and trust of yourself--stay away. That's called giving oneself SAFE and SACRED SPACE.
Give yourself the TIME and SAFE SPACE to get clear about the story you have in play.
Give yourself the chance to choose true FORGIVENESS of self, and thus, all others. To realize that wasn't the true you.
Give yourself the chance to DROP the ARMOR, to open up that closed-in energy field.
Give yourself the chance to RADIATE new SELF-TRUST to create a CONSCIOUS REALITY--a life you actually enjoy living.
Take some deep and conscious breaths, bless the experience for the compassionate wisdom gained, and then let it go. Believe me, when I SIMPLY CHOSE let the past go that I used to feel so ashamed of myself in--it returned to me in a much grander perspective. I chose to FORGET the PAST, and in doing so, I set myself free. I realized so much more was going on within and around me than I gave myself and others credit for in my old limited Victim/Abuser consciousness--in that fight for power over and control of things and beings outside of oneself. I saw the true loving and compassionate being that I was and am--and it's a gift that is still expanding to this day and beyond. I found myself thanking all us actors for all parts played, whether right or seeming wrong. I finally experienced the joy of letting LETTING HUMAN JUDGMENT go.
All these years, I've personally had the sense that forgiveness wasn't complete until I had felt true GRATITUDE for all, in all ways. I'm happy to say, I actually do feel gratitude for everything and for all my experiences in this gift of play-acting together called My Life on Earth. It sings in me...
Related Posts:
Overcoming the Victimhood Addiction
We're all quite the characters--actors, that is--role-playing together. These are stories of my awakening, my remembering realization that Home/Heaven is wherever I am. That I am not the puppet on someone else's string. The search is over. I simply FREELY CHOSE to quit searching outside of myself, and realized all my answers have always been within.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Friday, February 6, 2015
I Know I'm Playing, "Let's Pretend"
Playing in the dramas/traumas of the sexual energy virus is a seductive game--it's easy to get caught up in self-doubt and mental details that keep you worrying over things you can't control (and aren't meant to control). I realized this morning an easy way to pop myself out of playing in drama. Taking a conscious breath, I remembered this:
"I KNOW within that we're playing games of
'Let's Pretend':
"I KNOW these human identities are simply a limited act--they aren't the whole or true me."
"I KNOW I am the master creator of my own reality, and that I can simply choose to harmonize with all you other master creators."
"I KNOW that All is well in All of Creation..."
"I KNOW within that we're playing games of
'Let's Pretend':
- Let's pretend I'm insignificant--that what I have to offer or say is meaningless to the rest of "more important" humans and their stories.
- Let's pretend we've got a disease and we're fighting it, trying to cure it...
- Let's pretend so-and-so is dying and leaving us permanently...
- Let's pretend we just can't seem to get along...
- Let's pretend I am POOR...
- Let's pretend you have POWER over me...
- Let's pretend we're fighting wars (pretty much like the Cowboys and Indians pretend games from my childhood)...
"I KNOW these human identities are simply a limited act--they aren't the whole or true me."
"I KNOW I am the master creator of my own reality, and that I can simply choose to harmonize with all you other master creators."
"I KNOW that All is well in All of Creation..."
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Got Pain?
Got Pain?
Lie down.
Close your eyes.
Take a deep, down-into-your-belly breath:
FEEL into it...
EXPLORE the pain...
Pain is a sensual experience. If you try to avoid feeling it, that will prolong your suffering of it, because you're already in the experiencing of it. If you get out of your way, and ALLOW yourself to feel all the sensations of it--breathing it in and through and out, while exploring all your feelings, thoughts and emotions while in it--you'll FLOW it through and out of your reality much easier and quicker. You'll heal faster.
I often focus in on feeling into the throbbing, the ache, or the piercing, stabbing, burning, tingling--and I make the conscious choice to follow that pain to its source and center. Even if it makes my breath hitch--I take another breath and choose to feel into the hitch. Just dive in there and feel it! It actually can't hurt you any more than it already does. Just give yourself a SAFE SPACE and TIME to FEEL IT THROUGH.
We often think of pain as something bad, to be avoided. Look at the plethora of treatments and drugs humans use to try to handle and control pain. But look at the gift of a human who can feel pain. Paraplegics who've experienced the loss of feeling in their limbs would probably love to be able to feel the sensation of that doctor pricking his finger or toe. Being able to feel pain means we're also alive! Numbing a pain--physical, emotional, mental or otherwise--keeps it in place and the pressure builds from it not being allowed and released. It gets worse. Instead, KEEP FLOWING...
I unconsciously grabbed the barrel of my very hot curling iron a couple of days ago. I'm in a very different place now where I didn't berate myself for being stupid. That's the first thing I would have done in the past--I would have judged and cussed myself out for being such a mindless idiot. I knew it happened for my personal enlightenment, for my own freedom from an old consciousness approach--and I made the decision, then and there, to see it through with compassion for myself.
Anyway, I looked at my three very red fingers and noticed a blistering starting to appear so I plunged my hand under the cold water in order to stop the heat--and I kept it there until I got it cooled down. I knew I was putting off feeling it, but I also knew it was going to hurt eventually, and I was choosing to experience the whole thing consciously. After all, I was already immersed in the whole experience. I couldn't turn back time and undo the deed. I managed to curl my hair and fix lunch without using that hand too much. I even broke down and asked my husband to take care of washing the dishes for me.
Afterwards, I grabbed a throw and I layed down on the couch, closed my eyes--and feelingly explored the sensations. I didn't put anything on it--not even lotion or medications. I simply felt it--the white-hot prickly-tingly sensation similar to how it felt when I was a kid and my fingers and toes warmed up after freezing while out sledding. At a certain point--freezing and burning pretty much feel the same, or so it seems to me.
On into the evening, I felt the pain every now and then, but it had already dissipated quite a bit--even to the point that my warm bath water didn't hurt as badly as it had with burns in the past.
By the following morning, the redness had mostly faded, the skin was a bit dry, but none of it was uncomfortable anymore. I could fully use it once again. Today--two days later--I can't even see or tell that I burned it. I used to have scars for weeks on my neck from curling iron burns.
Now, this whole insight on pain--I've had for well over a decade--and I use it all the time. I've moved a lot of pain through over the years. Medications no longer work for me--I just end up stuck in the pain, along with more side effects and other symptoms. I've found it works best to just get out of my own way, and immerse and feel and explore the experience through. Don't be afraid to cry--tears can actually help flow the energies.
Lie down.
Close your eyes.
Take a deep, down-into-your-belly breath:
FEEL into it...
EXPLORE the pain...
Pain is a sensual experience. If you try to avoid feeling it, that will prolong your suffering of it, because you're already in the experiencing of it. If you get out of your way, and ALLOW yourself to feel all the sensations of it--breathing it in and through and out, while exploring all your feelings, thoughts and emotions while in it--you'll FLOW it through and out of your reality much easier and quicker. You'll heal faster.
I often focus in on feeling into the throbbing, the ache, or the piercing, stabbing, burning, tingling--and I make the conscious choice to follow that pain to its source and center. Even if it makes my breath hitch--I take another breath and choose to feel into the hitch. Just dive in there and feel it! It actually can't hurt you any more than it already does. Just give yourself a SAFE SPACE and TIME to FEEL IT THROUGH.
We often think of pain as something bad, to be avoided. Look at the plethora of treatments and drugs humans use to try to handle and control pain. But look at the gift of a human who can feel pain. Paraplegics who've experienced the loss of feeling in their limbs would probably love to be able to feel the sensation of that doctor pricking his finger or toe. Being able to feel pain means we're also alive! Numbing a pain--physical, emotional, mental or otherwise--keeps it in place and the pressure builds from it not being allowed and released. It gets worse. Instead, KEEP FLOWING...
I unconsciously grabbed the barrel of my very hot curling iron a couple of days ago. I'm in a very different place now where I didn't berate myself for being stupid. That's the first thing I would have done in the past--I would have judged and cussed myself out for being such a mindless idiot. I knew it happened for my personal enlightenment, for my own freedom from an old consciousness approach--and I made the decision, then and there, to see it through with compassion for myself.
Anyway, I looked at my three very red fingers and noticed a blistering starting to appear so I plunged my hand under the cold water in order to stop the heat--and I kept it there until I got it cooled down. I knew I was putting off feeling it, but I also knew it was going to hurt eventually, and I was choosing to experience the whole thing consciously. After all, I was already immersed in the whole experience. I couldn't turn back time and undo the deed. I managed to curl my hair and fix lunch without using that hand too much. I even broke down and asked my husband to take care of washing the dishes for me.
Afterwards, I grabbed a throw and I layed down on the couch, closed my eyes--and feelingly explored the sensations. I didn't put anything on it--not even lotion or medications. I simply felt it--the white-hot prickly-tingly sensation similar to how it felt when I was a kid and my fingers and toes warmed up after freezing while out sledding. At a certain point--freezing and burning pretty much feel the same, or so it seems to me.
On into the evening, I felt the pain every now and then, but it had already dissipated quite a bit--even to the point that my warm bath water didn't hurt as badly as it had with burns in the past.
By the following morning, the redness had mostly faded, the skin was a bit dry, but none of it was uncomfortable anymore. I could fully use it once again. Today--two days later--I can't even see or tell that I burned it. I used to have scars for weeks on my neck from curling iron burns.
Now, this whole insight on pain--I've had for well over a decade--and I use it all the time. I've moved a lot of pain through over the years. Medications no longer work for me--I just end up stuck in the pain, along with more side effects and other symptoms. I've found it works best to just get out of my own way, and immerse and feel and explore the experience through. Don't be afraid to cry--tears can actually help flow the energies.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Clarity for the New Year
Close your eyes and FEEL into this:
"When I demand that I treat myself with Honor, Love, and Gratitude--when I accept nothing less than that from myself first--then my world naturally follows suit."
My life is a gift to me. If I don't view it or allow it as such, no one else will either.
"When I demand that I treat myself with Honor, Love, and Gratitude--when I accept nothing less than that from myself first--then my world naturally follows suit."
My life is a gift to me. If I don't view it or allow it as such, no one else will either.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Feeling Like the World is Out to Get You?
Are you feeling as though your world is falling apart and you have no control over it? Your mind is whirling trying to figure out how to stop the craziness, your emotions are all over the map, and your gut just tightens in WORRY.
How do you quit this fighting to survive stuff? The key is CONSCIOUS ALLOWING--allowing in full awareness that all of the above is going on within you, and realizing you don't have to figure out what to do about it--you just experience the experience....
Conscious Allowance is acknowledging that:
"If it's in my life--I put it there."
If it's in my life, I've adopted it into my own reality landscape--no one forced this on me.
Be aware of the mental programming inside that wants to keep me playing the Victim--because acting out that role keeps whatever issue in my reality--it densifies it even more.
Close your eyes and feel into this CONSCIOUS ALLOWING:
If it's in my life and I put it there, I'm the only one who can CHOOSE to let it go: "I'm doing this to myself."
If I fight with it or try to control it, it'll stay.
So I take a deep and conscious down-into-my-belly breath and I OPEN my energetic field and just FEEL myself FLOWING; I drop my weapons and my protective armor. I let go of the story and its details.
If I accept that I PUT IT THERE and IT'S SERVING ME on some level, that I'm benefiting from it (maybe because I like playing "Victim")--just CONSCIOUSLY ALLOW IT, while honestly admitting that it irks me--everything will change.
It will change because I'm now consciously aware of it--that conflict within myself--and I'm choosing to ALLOW my own FREEDOM of being.
Everything will change because I've opened up myself without judgment--my consciousness--and the energies that serve me in manifesting my reality--my radiation of consciousness--match that radiant ease and grace.
I take another conscious breath--and I just CHOOSE to ALLOW myself to RECEIVE JOYFUL ABUNDANCE in EASE and GRACE. And so it is--no need to try to mentally figure anything out.
Open and Allow...Allow...Allow yourself to be...
YOU ARE the CREATOR of your own life experiences--your own reality.
The New Lullaby
I love you, and your daddy does, too,
Conscious Allowance is acknowledging that:
"If it's in my life--I put it there."
If it's in my life, I've adopted it into my own reality landscape--no one forced this on me.
Be aware of the mental programming inside that wants to keep me playing the Victim--because acting out that role keeps whatever issue in my reality--it densifies it even more.
Close your eyes and feel into this CONSCIOUS ALLOWING:
If it's in my life and I put it there, I'm the only one who can CHOOSE to let it go: "I'm doing this to myself."
If I fight with it or try to control it, it'll stay.
So I take a deep and conscious down-into-my-belly breath and I OPEN my energetic field and just FEEL myself FLOWING; I drop my weapons and my protective armor. I let go of the story and its details.
If I accept that I PUT IT THERE and IT'S SERVING ME on some level, that I'm benefiting from it (maybe because I like playing "Victim")--just CONSCIOUSLY ALLOW IT, while honestly admitting that it irks me--everything will change.
It will change because I'm now consciously aware of it--that conflict within myself--and I'm choosing to ALLOW my own FREEDOM of being.
Everything will change because I've opened up myself without judgment--my consciousness--and the energies that serve me in manifesting my reality--my radiation of consciousness--match that radiant ease and grace.
I take another conscious breath--and I just CHOOSE to ALLOW myself to RECEIVE JOYFUL ABUNDANCE in EASE and GRACE. And so it is--no need to try to mentally figure anything out.
Open and Allow...Allow...Allow yourself to be...
YOU ARE the CREATOR of your own life experiences--your own reality.
The New Lullaby
I love you, and your daddy does, too,
Guiding and loving the best we can do.
Remember this thru' time's trickling sands:
You're in the most loving hands.
Life has its sorrows, and life has its joys--
Scraped knees and tumbles, soft kisses and sighs.
Taste it all, understanding in full
The purpose for this time.
When you've tired of fighting lost fights,
Your dreams all seem broken, no hope left in sight.
You'll pick yourself up and dry the tears from your eyes,
And separate truth from lies.
Life has its sorrows, and life has its joys--
Scraped knees and tumbles, soft kisses and sighs.
Taste it all, understanding in full
We need Our Darkness to see Our Light!
I love you, and your daddy does, too,
Guiding and loving the best we can do.
Remember this thru' time's trickling sands:
You're in the most loving hands--
You're in the most loving hands--
You're in Your Own loving hands...
Monday, November 3, 2014
Taking the Fear Out of Making a Wrong Choice
In new conscious awareness, you can't make a wrong or bad choice. You can even make a choice that you'd think was obviously a bad one, and have it turn out to be an enjoyable manifested experience. Here's why:
It's all about you consciously RADIATING FULL TRUST of YOURSELF--the energies that serve you will match that radiation of integrity.
Where there is full TRUST of SELF,
there is NO SELF-DOUBT.
where there is JUDGMENT,
there is SELF-DOUBT.
A hint of radiated self-doubt, a hint of FEELING as though one's INTEGRITY in any situation is not fully intact--that will warp your point of conscious presence enough that you put up an energetic protective barrier around your field of energy.
The energies coming in to serve you match your radiated consciousness. They feel that friction, that barrier of unease, that attempt to monitor or control them, and they give you something to protect against, some type of conflict then gets created in your experience.
If you are RELAXED, OPEN and consciously ALLOWING--FEELING this--then no matter what choice you make, even if it seems like it could be a bad one, the energies that serve you are flowing to you and through you without hindrance. There are no guards or walls--and because of that openness, they respond in kind. Your body of consciousness is allowed to be at ease without being caught up in some constructed conflict. Simply because your inner pinpoint of awareness is not conflicted in the first place--you're flowing and allowing and at ease.
You cannot choose potentials that you cannot perceive.
In the first place, you have to open yourself up to the possibility that those OTHER potentials actually exist.
What if we believed we only live in a black and white world because that's all we see, yet there are multitudes of color to select and experience, but we don't open up to the possibility they're there because all we see is black and white? We tell ourselves that either black or white is all we have to work with, so just pick one, dammit! That's just the way it is, and just get used to it.
We're used to our choices seeming to always head down one very narrow path with very limited expectations about the outcome. Judgment (regardless of whether you deem something "good" or "bad"), and the deeply ingrained self-doubt that one feels, also LIMITS the potentials that one can see. A PERCEIVED limited potential set of choices then keeps the outcome limited. Basically, we keep repeating our past experiences over and over again, they're just packaged differently.
For instance, I recently had someone tell me about an investment opportunity they had. They weren't looking for me to invest, but my JUDGMENT of the thing was, "It's a scam." I didn't tell the person that, but I did warn them to beware of such things, all the while knowing I had to honor their sovereignty and choice of experience. I honestly wasn't at ease with our conversation--I was scared for the outcome, afraid I was going to have to allow them to get hurt. But then I became aware that it was JUST MY JUDGMENT of the deal that was the only thing limiting my body of consciousness--MY EXPERIENCE. My friend was simply an actor for a script I HAD WRITTEN.
What I first JUDGED as a BAD CHOICE suddenly opened up. I saw potentials my friend could experience because of making that choice--and instead of the BAD OUTCOME I was first certain was headed his way, I saw really great possibilities for his journey, and grand things that could come out of it. The original, very limited, set of seemingly bad potentials opened quantumly-wide to an infinity of potential experiences. Anything became possible--even something miraculous--and it all originated from the making of what intially seemed like a "WRONG" choice.
In the end, it didn't matter what choice my friend made--all that mattered, ultimately, was really how I perceived it. That was all that mattered all along. By consciously choosing to feel into the situation, and by honestly acknowledging how I felt and that I had indeed been judging the situation and trying to make a right choice--I became aware of my own radiation of consciousness. I then opened up to viewing it from different perspectives--like what could possibly happen across a broader stretch of time, rather than a few singular traumatic moments--and I wrote a new open-ended script for my friend. I set us both free, and my world changed.
For one thing--I got this huge Ah-HAA! out of the deal!
The conversation with my friend was synchronistic for me in that I'd just heard someone ask Adamus Saint-Germain for advice on where to invest a windfall that they'd come into. Adamus said to just avoid anything secretive and to simply make sure they had what they needed in the present moment to enjoy living. A great stock portfolio or having a lot of money in the bank didn't necessarily mean a person was LIVING ABUNDANTLY. His point was that stockpiling anything, even money, wasn't allowing abundance in a person's life. Hauling around and storing loads of anything is a burden--that's not necessarily a joyful living experience. I have observed some wealthy people display paranoid behavior--a fear that everyone was out to steal from them. That didn't look like a fun life to me.
Adamus's point was that each of our inherent abundance is in the present moment--no worries or cares about where it came from--you just have it the moment you need it. And that we've all been abundant always--many of us have just chosen to focus on pretending to have an abundance of a LACK of ABUNDANCE.
I also realized that it was the SECRECY aspect surrounding any investment that Adamus was referring to, more than anything else, that was probably the biggest factor affecting how one gets their financial income. Secrecy implies a LACK of INTEGRITY. And anywhere there is a FEELING of a lack of integrity, you have FEELINGS of SELF-DOUBT.
That self-doubt, lack of self-trust, distorts everything in a twisted way. Self-doubt pretty much equals conflict.
So, it still simply comes down to this:
Don't judge.
Don't think.
Don't worry.
Don't analyze.
Let go of expectations of an outcome.
Simply be aware of how I'm FEELING inside, and take a simple breath and CHOOSE to:
1. OPEN UP my field of energy...weapons down, armor off...
2. ALLOW the energies to serve me in grace and need to try to figure out how or what...
3. RELAX...take it easy...this enlightenment happens naturally if I stay out of my way...
It's all about you consciously RADIATING FULL TRUST of YOURSELF--the energies that serve you will match that radiation of integrity.
Where there is full TRUST of SELF,
there is NO SELF-DOUBT.
where there is JUDGMENT,
there is SELF-DOUBT.
A hint of radiated self-doubt, a hint of FEELING as though one's INTEGRITY in any situation is not fully intact--that will warp your point of conscious presence enough that you put up an energetic protective barrier around your field of energy.
The energies coming in to serve you match your radiated consciousness. They feel that friction, that barrier of unease, that attempt to monitor or control them, and they give you something to protect against, some type of conflict then gets created in your experience.
If you are RELAXED, OPEN and consciously ALLOWING--FEELING this--then no matter what choice you make, even if it seems like it could be a bad one, the energies that serve you are flowing to you and through you without hindrance. There are no guards or walls--and because of that openness, they respond in kind. Your body of consciousness is allowed to be at ease without being caught up in some constructed conflict. Simply because your inner pinpoint of awareness is not conflicted in the first place--you're flowing and allowing and at ease.
You cannot choose potentials that you cannot perceive.
In the first place, you have to open yourself up to the possibility that those OTHER potentials actually exist.
What if we believed we only live in a black and white world because that's all we see, yet there are multitudes of color to select and experience, but we don't open up to the possibility they're there because all we see is black and white? We tell ourselves that either black or white is all we have to work with, so just pick one, dammit! That's just the way it is, and just get used to it.
We're used to our choices seeming to always head down one very narrow path with very limited expectations about the outcome. Judgment (regardless of whether you deem something "good" or "bad"), and the deeply ingrained self-doubt that one feels, also LIMITS the potentials that one can see. A PERCEIVED limited potential set of choices then keeps the outcome limited. Basically, we keep repeating our past experiences over and over again, they're just packaged differently.
For instance, I recently had someone tell me about an investment opportunity they had. They weren't looking for me to invest, but my JUDGMENT of the thing was, "It's a scam." I didn't tell the person that, but I did warn them to beware of such things, all the while knowing I had to honor their sovereignty and choice of experience. I honestly wasn't at ease with our conversation--I was scared for the outcome, afraid I was going to have to allow them to get hurt. But then I became aware that it was JUST MY JUDGMENT of the deal that was the only thing limiting my body of consciousness--MY EXPERIENCE. My friend was simply an actor for a script I HAD WRITTEN.
What I first JUDGED as a BAD CHOICE suddenly opened up. I saw potentials my friend could experience because of making that choice--and instead of the BAD OUTCOME I was first certain was headed his way, I saw really great possibilities for his journey, and grand things that could come out of it. The original, very limited, set of seemingly bad potentials opened quantumly-wide to an infinity of potential experiences. Anything became possible--even something miraculous--and it all originated from the making of what intially seemed like a "WRONG" choice.
In the end, it didn't matter what choice my friend made--all that mattered, ultimately, was really how I perceived it. That was all that mattered all along. By consciously choosing to feel into the situation, and by honestly acknowledging how I felt and that I had indeed been judging the situation and trying to make a right choice--I became aware of my own radiation of consciousness. I then opened up to viewing it from different perspectives--like what could possibly happen across a broader stretch of time, rather than a few singular traumatic moments--and I wrote a new open-ended script for my friend. I set us both free, and my world changed.
For one thing--I got this huge Ah-HAA! out of the deal!
The conversation with my friend was synchronistic for me in that I'd just heard someone ask Adamus Saint-Germain for advice on where to invest a windfall that they'd come into. Adamus said to just avoid anything secretive and to simply make sure they had what they needed in the present moment to enjoy living. A great stock portfolio or having a lot of money in the bank didn't necessarily mean a person was LIVING ABUNDANTLY. His point was that stockpiling anything, even money, wasn't allowing abundance in a person's life. Hauling around and storing loads of anything is a burden--that's not necessarily a joyful living experience. I have observed some wealthy people display paranoid behavior--a fear that everyone was out to steal from them. That didn't look like a fun life to me.
Adamus's point was that each of our inherent abundance is in the present moment--no worries or cares about where it came from--you just have it the moment you need it. And that we've all been abundant always--many of us have just chosen to focus on pretending to have an abundance of a LACK of ABUNDANCE.
I also realized that it was the SECRECY aspect surrounding any investment that Adamus was referring to, more than anything else, that was probably the biggest factor affecting how one gets their financial income. Secrecy implies a LACK of INTEGRITY. And anywhere there is a FEELING of a lack of integrity, you have FEELINGS of SELF-DOUBT.
That self-doubt, lack of self-trust, distorts everything in a twisted way. Self-doubt pretty much equals conflict.
So, it still simply comes down to this:
Don't judge.
Don't think.
Don't worry.
Don't analyze.
Let go of expectations of an outcome.
Simply be aware of how I'm FEELING inside, and take a simple breath and CHOOSE to:
1. OPEN UP my field of energy...weapons down, armor off...
2. ALLOW the energies to serve me in grace and need to try to figure out how or what...
3. RELAX...take it easy...this enlightenment happens naturally if I stay out of my way...
Friday, October 24, 2014
So! Blood Is Thicker Than Water, Huh?
I often wonder about the insanity of the conflicts in this world, and I think to myself:
"How hard is it to JUST CHOOSE to get along with one another?"
I can't count the number of times I've seen re-postings of some Facebook blurb about the importance and love of one's family, whether it be siblings, parents, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. Supposedly nobody else will understand you or accept you unconditionally like your family is willing to do.
What I read, and what I see actually practiced are two opposite things. Lately, there's been a whole lot of verbal bashing of Muslims going on, but people seem to forget that anyone making the sensational news headlines are extremists and terrorists. They aren't representative of everyone in that culture or faith--they aren't representative of most people.
Christians who are fighting Muslims, and vice versa--they're fighting FAMILY. The Muslim, Jewish and Christian faiths all came out of the family of Abraham. They are all one big, not-so-happy family at this point.
If we trace humanity's roots all the way back to where we ALL are the children of the Source of All That Is--well, we can include Buddhism and Hinduism and all other religions in our family. ALL of humanity--all races--become one big family.
So why are people trying to kill off their brothers and sisters and cousins, and spewing vile and totally IGNORANT nonsense about each other? Why are people trying to control others instead of allowing themselves, and others, freedom? Why aren't family members seeking to resolve their disputes? Why are people choosing the destruction and tragedy and trauma-drama of war--conflict-- instead of consciously CHOOSING to live in harmony?
It's because the old consciousness, off-balanced to the masculine extreme, has been about POWER and CONTROL. It was based in an aggressive survival of the fittest concept, and had very little to do with love and compassion. Being off-balanced to the Feminine would have also been detrimental in its own way, which is why the new consciousness is balancing the Masculine and Feminine in full partnership.
The sexual energy virus is here as a means of making us aware of that imbalance--it makes us aware that looking for acceptance outside of oneself first makes one subject to a great deal of trauma and drama. Eventually, I quit looking for others to prove they loved me, and allowed me to accept my own unconditional love first. I freed myself. When I did that, anyone outside of me was easy to compassionately accept. I don't mess in other's lives--I allow myself and everyone else their freedom and sovereignty. The virus served me well--I took ownership of my life and I began to live it as a gift instead of a test or burden.
A basic tenet of war: Divide and conquer.
Pretend, for instance, that you're trying to get control of the masses:
How do you go about it? You breed inner turmoil--within the one self, thus it spreads to the entire family. You get people to believe they're separate, and too different from one another to get along peacefully. You perpetuate the idea that they have nothing in common. You encourage self-righteousness and get them invested in perceived slights. You feed VICTIM/PERPETRATOR-CONSPIRATOR scenarios--the sexual energy virus in consciousness. You get people to fear themselves and what they're capable of--get them to identify with being a "sinner." You teach them to not trust themselves, yet you pump up their egos by telling them they are superior to the other members of the family. You nurture insidious lies in order to get people to forget that they're actually family.
That way they kill each other off--by the millions sometimes--and you dub them macho hero warriors, giving them and their surviving families worthless shiny metals for valor and sacrifice. Then you get to be the last one standing.
How does that feel, oh Blind, Deep-Asleep-In-A-Hypnotic-Belief-System Little Human? You perpetuated the shedding of a lot of blood just to make yourself feel safer. Do you feel safe? Or are you still tip-toeing around in fear of that shoe that's going to squash you?
If you wake up from that hypnosis of believing you're just a Little Human and forgive yourself for doing heinous things while being asleep in a belief and not remembering who you really are--your life will change. That shoe doesn't have to drop. I've written over and over again in this blog about accepting responsibility for every aspect of ones life, of loving oneself and of forgiveness of self; so I'll leave you to peruse, if you choose, any other post here that captures your attention.
Remember, Christians, the story of Saul, the persecutor of Christians, who renamed himself Paul after realization of the Light of Christ within himself while on the road to Damascus. He renamed himself because his nature had changed. He was no longer that killer of Christians. That murderer/warrior act was NOT who he really was. It was a character-role he played until he AWAKENED and CONSCIOUSLY CHOSE to step out of it--to release himself from that old identity--and play a different, enlightened one.
It's been my experience that even immediate family members don't always get along as nicely as those Facebook posts like to try to pretend. I grew up with seven siblings, and I had my fights and disagreements over the dumbest things, just like everyone else.
One of my favorite back-door war tactics was to go tell Mom what so-and-so did, instead of taking my beef to the person involved in order to work out a resolution with them. I did it both as a child and as an adult. It was so damn easy to run and whine and complain to Mom (who allowed me to do that instead of telling me to shut up and go talk to my "naughty" sibling myself). Mom held a lot of energy for my family--and it took its toll on her health. We dropped all our emotional baggage about other family members on Mom.
One of the best things Mom did when we were little and fighting with each other was to simply send us to our separate rooms for some time and space away from the dispute. Emotions cooled and clarity often replaced the crazy survival of the fittest mechanism. Time outs are good, my friends and family. You get the chance to get really clear about who you are and what really matters when you spend time alone with yourself, away from the confusing mass consciousness of other people--including that via the TV, the phones, and the computers.
It was a difficult and scary thing to take matters into my own hands and talk with individual family members about changing the dynamics of how I related with them. It seldom came out pretty and easy, mainly due to me having suppressed my true feelings for so long. And, honestly, once I allowed myself to express myself truthfully to the person in the moment, I realized it had NOTHING to do with trying to change the other person. It was about me letting me leave that old familial "Penny" character role that I'd been unconsciously and automatically playing for my entire life until now.
I still love my biological family members--each and every one--but it's definitely a more unconditional and appreciative and Hands-Off compassionate love than the one I felt before when I pretended to be the insignificant and unworthy Little Human Penny who tried to be perfect, and failed. I tried to be pleasing to everyone, to be agreeable and supportive of every one's passions--but I did it at the expense of not allowing myself to truthfully express myself. I did it at the EXPENSE of MY FREEDOM. I put everyone else before me--and then I wondered why I felt so angry and resentful and taken for granted at times? When you hold all of that energy inside of you for so long--it blows up on you, either physically or emotionally or both.
I realized no one outside of myself was going to love me, or even could love me enough--ever--until I loved, and opened up and allowed myself to RECEIVE it, first in my own consciousness and life. The fact that each of us exists--that "I am...I exist!"--is all that actually matters to each of us, but we've been mentally programmed by mass consciousness to feel guilty about that. We have mental tapes running away inside our heads telling us that that is a selfish and completely unacceptable way to be!
So every one of us humans has this inner conflict going on inside ourselves:
"I am actually all that matters to me, but I can't admit or accept that because that's such a 'WRONG' way to be."
That old consciousness POWER PLAY perpetuates the born in sin bullshit belief. People don't trust themselves, so they let others outside of themselves act as mediums between them and their OWN Divinity/their own Source of Life--between them and their own soul. They accept others SUGGESTIONS and SUBJECTIVE PERCEPTIONS about health, money, love--basically about all forms of abundant living. They unquestioningly allow others to tell them how to perceive life experiences, how to be, and what to do.
People let others tell them how to live their own unique life expression--and we wonder where the passion for life has gone?
People whine and complain to, and about, their leaders and neighbors--just like I did to my mom. But those leaders and neighbors--FAMILY MEMBERS--are only acting out the scripts each of us writes for them to play specifically for each of us. Humans worship all kinds of idols and relics and get invested in silly games and rivalries over slights most no longer remember the origins of. They hypnotically live out lives of boring MEDIOCRITY, and seem to dig up something to squabble over just to break the monotony, to try to convince themselves they're alive.
What if there's something new and better--more passionate--to experience and all it takes is to unconditionally ACCEPT and FORGIVE all the old identities and roles--to release ourselves and all our family members from the old acts? Admittedly, it wasn't easy having those talks with loved ones in place of running to my mom. I bawled and I screwed up my sentences--and probably didn't make much sense to the other person.
But I did it, and I knew in my heart where I was coming from--that was ultimately all that mattered. I had chosen to more clearly and responsibly look at my own creations--the relationships I CREATED with others--and all without physically harming anyone or blaming anyone for what I had chosen to put myself through. I released each of us from my old story of us.
And I left a door open to re-connect with each person in a new, sovereign, and more consciously aware--and enjoyable--way.
Here in the United States of America, we've already lived through a Civil War, where brother fought against brother. It wasn't pretty, it left our land in rubble, and it scarred our relationships with each other. It haunts us somewhat to this present day.
ALL the conflicts going on all over the world are CIVIL wars. When it all is said and done--brothers and sisters and cousins are warring with each other, no matter what religious, national or other organizational flag they fight under.
Years ago, during my walks alone, I heard myself singing these lines over and over to myself:
"The answer lies within you--
I found it here in me.
How much more must we endure before we're all free?"
"How hard is it to JUST CHOOSE to get along with one another?"
I can't count the number of times I've seen re-postings of some Facebook blurb about the importance and love of one's family, whether it be siblings, parents, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. Supposedly nobody else will understand you or accept you unconditionally like your family is willing to do.
What I read, and what I see actually practiced are two opposite things. Lately, there's been a whole lot of verbal bashing of Muslims going on, but people seem to forget that anyone making the sensational news headlines are extremists and terrorists. They aren't representative of everyone in that culture or faith--they aren't representative of most people.
Christians who are fighting Muslims, and vice versa--they're fighting FAMILY. The Muslim, Jewish and Christian faiths all came out of the family of Abraham. They are all one big, not-so-happy family at this point.
If we trace humanity's roots all the way back to where we ALL are the children of the Source of All That Is--well, we can include Buddhism and Hinduism and all other religions in our family. ALL of humanity--all races--become one big family.
So why are people trying to kill off their brothers and sisters and cousins, and spewing vile and totally IGNORANT nonsense about each other? Why are people trying to control others instead of allowing themselves, and others, freedom? Why aren't family members seeking to resolve their disputes? Why are people choosing the destruction and tragedy and trauma-drama of war--conflict-- instead of consciously CHOOSING to live in harmony?
It's because the old consciousness, off-balanced to the masculine extreme, has been about POWER and CONTROL. It was based in an aggressive survival of the fittest concept, and had very little to do with love and compassion. Being off-balanced to the Feminine would have also been detrimental in its own way, which is why the new consciousness is balancing the Masculine and Feminine in full partnership.
The sexual energy virus is here as a means of making us aware of that imbalance--it makes us aware that looking for acceptance outside of oneself first makes one subject to a great deal of trauma and drama. Eventually, I quit looking for others to prove they loved me, and allowed me to accept my own unconditional love first. I freed myself. When I did that, anyone outside of me was easy to compassionately accept. I don't mess in other's lives--I allow myself and everyone else their freedom and sovereignty. The virus served me well--I took ownership of my life and I began to live it as a gift instead of a test or burden.
A basic tenet of war: Divide and conquer.
Pretend, for instance, that you're trying to get control of the masses:
How do you go about it? You breed inner turmoil--within the one self, thus it spreads to the entire family. You get people to believe they're separate, and too different from one another to get along peacefully. You perpetuate the idea that they have nothing in common. You encourage self-righteousness and get them invested in perceived slights. You feed VICTIM/PERPETRATOR-CONSPIRATOR scenarios--the sexual energy virus in consciousness. You get people to fear themselves and what they're capable of--get them to identify with being a "sinner." You teach them to not trust themselves, yet you pump up their egos by telling them they are superior to the other members of the family. You nurture insidious lies in order to get people to forget that they're actually family.
That way they kill each other off--by the millions sometimes--and you dub them macho hero warriors, giving them and their surviving families worthless shiny metals for valor and sacrifice. Then you get to be the last one standing.
How does that feel, oh Blind, Deep-Asleep-In-A-Hypnotic-Belief-System Little Human? You perpetuated the shedding of a lot of blood just to make yourself feel safer. Do you feel safe? Or are you still tip-toeing around in fear of that shoe that's going to squash you?
If you wake up from that hypnosis of believing you're just a Little Human and forgive yourself for doing heinous things while being asleep in a belief and not remembering who you really are--your life will change. That shoe doesn't have to drop. I've written over and over again in this blog about accepting responsibility for every aspect of ones life, of loving oneself and of forgiveness of self; so I'll leave you to peruse, if you choose, any other post here that captures your attention.
Remember, Christians, the story of Saul, the persecutor of Christians, who renamed himself Paul after realization of the Light of Christ within himself while on the road to Damascus. He renamed himself because his nature had changed. He was no longer that killer of Christians. That murderer/warrior act was NOT who he really was. It was a character-role he played until he AWAKENED and CONSCIOUSLY CHOSE to step out of it--to release himself from that old identity--and play a different, enlightened one.
It's been my experience that even immediate family members don't always get along as nicely as those Facebook posts like to try to pretend. I grew up with seven siblings, and I had my fights and disagreements over the dumbest things, just like everyone else.
One of my favorite back-door war tactics was to go tell Mom what so-and-so did, instead of taking my beef to the person involved in order to work out a resolution with them. I did it both as a child and as an adult. It was so damn easy to run and whine and complain to Mom (who allowed me to do that instead of telling me to shut up and go talk to my "naughty" sibling myself). Mom held a lot of energy for my family--and it took its toll on her health. We dropped all our emotional baggage about other family members on Mom.
One of the best things Mom did when we were little and fighting with each other was to simply send us to our separate rooms for some time and space away from the dispute. Emotions cooled and clarity often replaced the crazy survival of the fittest mechanism. Time outs are good, my friends and family. You get the chance to get really clear about who you are and what really matters when you spend time alone with yourself, away from the confusing mass consciousness of other people--including that via the TV, the phones, and the computers.
It was a difficult and scary thing to take matters into my own hands and talk with individual family members about changing the dynamics of how I related with them. It seldom came out pretty and easy, mainly due to me having suppressed my true feelings for so long. And, honestly, once I allowed myself to express myself truthfully to the person in the moment, I realized it had NOTHING to do with trying to change the other person. It was about me letting me leave that old familial "Penny" character role that I'd been unconsciously and automatically playing for my entire life until now.
I still love my biological family members--each and every one--but it's definitely a more unconditional and appreciative and Hands-Off compassionate love than the one I felt before when I pretended to be the insignificant and unworthy Little Human Penny who tried to be perfect, and failed. I tried to be pleasing to everyone, to be agreeable and supportive of every one's passions--but I did it at the expense of not allowing myself to truthfully express myself. I did it at the EXPENSE of MY FREEDOM. I put everyone else before me--and then I wondered why I felt so angry and resentful and taken for granted at times? When you hold all of that energy inside of you for so long--it blows up on you, either physically or emotionally or both.
I realized no one outside of myself was going to love me, or even could love me enough--ever--until I loved, and opened up and allowed myself to RECEIVE it, first in my own consciousness and life. The fact that each of us exists--that "I am...I exist!"--is all that actually matters to each of us, but we've been mentally programmed by mass consciousness to feel guilty about that. We have mental tapes running away inside our heads telling us that that is a selfish and completely unacceptable way to be!
So every one of us humans has this inner conflict going on inside ourselves:
"I am actually all that matters to me, but I can't admit or accept that because that's such a 'WRONG' way to be."
That old consciousness POWER PLAY perpetuates the born in sin bullshit belief. People don't trust themselves, so they let others outside of themselves act as mediums between them and their OWN Divinity/their own Source of Life--between them and their own soul. They accept others SUGGESTIONS and SUBJECTIVE PERCEPTIONS about health, money, love--basically about all forms of abundant living. They unquestioningly allow others to tell them how to perceive life experiences, how to be, and what to do.
People let others tell them how to live their own unique life expression--and we wonder where the passion for life has gone?
People whine and complain to, and about, their leaders and neighbors--just like I did to my mom. But those leaders and neighbors--FAMILY MEMBERS--are only acting out the scripts each of us writes for them to play specifically for each of us. Humans worship all kinds of idols and relics and get invested in silly games and rivalries over slights most no longer remember the origins of. They hypnotically live out lives of boring MEDIOCRITY, and seem to dig up something to squabble over just to break the monotony, to try to convince themselves they're alive.
What if there's something new and better--more passionate--to experience and all it takes is to unconditionally ACCEPT and FORGIVE all the old identities and roles--to release ourselves and all our family members from the old acts? Admittedly, it wasn't easy having those talks with loved ones in place of running to my mom. I bawled and I screwed up my sentences--and probably didn't make much sense to the other person.
But I did it, and I knew in my heart where I was coming from--that was ultimately all that mattered. I had chosen to more clearly and responsibly look at my own creations--the relationships I CREATED with others--and all without physically harming anyone or blaming anyone for what I had chosen to put myself through. I released each of us from my old story of us.
And I left a door open to re-connect with each person in a new, sovereign, and more consciously aware--and enjoyable--way.
Here in the United States of America, we've already lived through a Civil War, where brother fought against brother. It wasn't pretty, it left our land in rubble, and it scarred our relationships with each other. It haunts us somewhat to this present day.
ALL the conflicts going on all over the world are CIVIL wars. When it all is said and done--brothers and sisters and cousins are warring with each other, no matter what religious, national or other organizational flag they fight under.
Years ago, during my walks alone, I heard myself singing these lines over and over to myself:
"The answer lies within you--
I found it here in me.
How much more must we endure before we're all free?"
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