Saturday, December 7, 2024

"Love Thy Enemies": Can I Do That Purely and Sincerely?

"Love thy enemies.".... "Love your neighbor as yourself."...."Judge not lest you be judged the same." The parable of the Prodigal Son. These are a few of my favorites.

The enlightening and unburdening messages of Jesus/Yeshua--the actions he encouraged every person to do and feel into being--seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle of making him into a savior and a god to be worshipped. They instead get used as a finger to admonish someone else out there because most humans are afraid to look at themselves, afraid of what they may find. I know I was, especially after having grown up in the dense mental mass consciousness of the planet that had many of us believing we were No-Good Humans.

But it all changed when I got honest with myself and dared myself to look at my own secrets....

When I took to heart Yeshua's messages and actually asked for help in how to love my enemies and myself. "Dear god within, show me how to truly and sincerely love and accept my neighbors without judging them, so I don't judge myself."

"Help me see the value--the gift--of my existence instead of feeling so unworthy, so stuck in an identity that I can't seem to fix, undo, or avoid...."

"Help me to forgive myself...."

There's really no such thing as a secret....

.... because somebody always knows.... the owner of the secret.... and if it's a dark secret it will haunt you until you open up to a relationship with your own soul--that part of you that's aware you exist: "I am." Your own divinity within will help you shift perspective and see things from a much broader perspective--one that the Little Human can't see on her own.

Years ago, I read a book that gave this example on perspective and what seems to be true until you see the same situation from a much broader viewpoint.

Imagine a close-up of a caveman: He's viciously evil in demeanor. He appears devoid of morality. He's selfishness personified and it seems he is willing to do anything to win.

Then expand out to a larger perspective of the scene he's in. You'll see that he's backed into a corner, placing himself between a woman and child and an attacking huge saber tooth tiger. There's no way out. He's desperate....

As I opened up and began acknowledging there were things about myself that I feared, regretted, didn't like, my own divinity began to show me there was so much more going on at the time than that one little slice of a negative memory my mind kept looping through me as I attempted to monitor and keep myself under control. Some experiences you just don't want to ever happen again....

We currently have several celebrities, bureaucrats and politicians threatening to leave the country because Trump was elected. Some have already left. The fact that all of these people are stating the exact same narrative tells me they are being coerced, blackmailed, threatened in some way. It's obvious, isn't it? It's that caveman backed into a corner all over again.

I'm truly not interested in seeing and hearing about all their skeletons (been there, done all of that with myself). If they knowingly acted in evil ways, well, some part within them had to be nudging at them that they weren't going to get away with anything like that forever.

You see, I know there is goodness within all of us. It's just the individual's choice as to whether or not they allow it. And if you choose to play in the power illusion game, well, all that mean crap you put out is going to return to you--only it's going to hit you, the creator and originator of it, harder....You're better off coming clean to your own god within and being honest with yourself first rather than waiting for a list or incriminating videos to be revealed. Desperation can bring out the worst in people.

Put some Light there by inviting in your own soul to be a part of your life. No one is forever lost.... you played a role of persecutor and betrayer, and now that I know who I am and what I am truly about--that I can forgive myself and anyone who betrays me--I can remind you that you really aren't that awful being you pretended to be either.... but you need to realize and embrace that for yourself....

I don't need no stinkin' babysitters--Do You?

Jab or No Jab: It doesn't matter either way if one makes it insignificant in his own reality....

I realized all my perceived enemies pretty much peter out when I create a life or reality for myself in which I'm immune to the deeds of others. In truth, all the "they-s" out there are all my field of energies in service solely to me. No one can affect me unless I choose to make it appear so simply because I want to experience that type of situation--for a temporary time, if I choose. It doesn't have to be permanent. I don't have to stay stuck in anything if I choose to opt out.

I have watched humans grab onto the whole vaccination thing and run with it with gusto--some even deciding to let it kill them off or leave them suffering from life-altering, chronic imbalances. Some use their own fear of getting sick to point fingers at someone else who didn't get vaccinated or who refused to wear the gangster facemasks. Can't you see that the whole jab/no jab thing has been used as a fear-based distraction and manipulation to get humans fighting AMONGST themselves? A way to keep people "warring" with their own friends and loved ones? I'll be damned if it didn't work for a while....

Don't you know that the best way of dealing with bullies is to make them insignificant?

Jab or No Jab--just don't be affected by either.... and.... Whether or not someone gets vaccinated or doesn't get vaccinated is none of my damn business. That's just how we masters roll--those of us who accept total creative responsibility for our own lives and realities. If it's in my life, I put it there. It's serving me in some way....

When I look at the whole scenario from the viewpoint that I am the creator of my own perceived reality, well, it doesn't matter what others may only SUGGEST to me is true. It only manifests in my own life if I CHOOSE to make that particular suggestion a truth for myself.

What a distractive game we humans have going over vaccinations: People CHOOSING to tell someone else they have a duty to get it, while others CHOOSE to get deathly ill from getting jabbed. I actually watched an unvaccinated person delight gleefully over hearing that their close vaccinated friend got sick from Co-VID. It made me sad and horrified to witness such an awful, insane thing. That's how much fun humans were having over the dramas and traumas.

I've watched people giving up a healthy, joyful life all in order to prove they're "right." They're better off just ignoring the SUGGESTIONS and living their own life, instead of being the poster child of suffering. You don't have to tell anyone what you did or didn't do. It's your own life, dear sovereign creator, and just like I did, you alone gave your bullies life (brought them into being), and you either feed them and keep them in play by acting as their victim, or you opt to feed something more pleasant. Your choice....

Simply quit making any SUGGESTIONS you're tired of playing in matter at all!

How absolutely bizarre is it that people need some law enforced as to what bathroom they should use? REALLY?

.... my head is really shaking, and my eyes are rolling that this type of argument made it into the topics of what humans should consider highly important.... You've been duped, my beloveds, if you've allowed yourselves to get seduced and distracted into this one.

Here's a good rule of thumb--a guideline--if you choose to be respectful of yourself and of others:

It depends on your wee-wee, not on the kind of clothes you choose to wear: Is your wee-wee an outie or an innie?

Outies use the boy's bathroom. Innies use the girl's bathroom. If you happen to have been born with both, well pick one and use it consistently.

Of course, if it's an emergency and you don't have access to the right one for you, go ahead and use what's available. Just be courteous and explain the situation if other people are in there. Seems stupid to think some law has to be enforced. I would suggest letting the whole "issue" become no issue at all. I mean.... (still shaking my head).... really????

The old stories and belief systems are obsolete and are being revealed as they are being released and returned to zero point.

This past year, I observed the political and world scene more than I have probably ever.

I joined X two years ago simply because our beloved Elon Musk bought out Twitter and freely chose to allow it to be a free speech platform, no matter the cost. I just love the guy--he has such a joyful energy and passion for life and a profound love of humanity and for inventing stuff. A real standard of what anyone can be--even without being a genius. I even bought a blue check/premium account because I chose to invest in myself and in freedom of speech. You know--feed the things you love....

I delightedly watched as Vivek Ramaswamy appeared here and had heartfelt conversations with people of all walks--he listened to people, no matter whether they agreed with him or not, and he shared his passion of returning our beloved country back to the basics of freedom upon which it had been founded, free of bureaucracy and power-plays. He went unscripted--and just visited with people openly. It was refreshing to watch.

I know political speech when I hear it--politicians reading scripts, saying what polls tell them their audience wants to hear and then forget their promises after being elected. That's the reason why I haven't played the politics game and chose the self-sovereignty route. It was irritating to listen to nonsense intended to distract people from accepting their own freedom and self-sovereignty.

Then RFK, Jr came on the scene--open and authentic about his past stories with substance abuse and rising beyond it.... and.... passionate about the health of our people and the land that serves us. I could feel it--and my own heart sang. He chose Nicole Shanahan as his VP running mate and I listened to her with joy. It wasn't about fixing others, but more about giving people the opportunity to be more aware and to freely choose any options they felt worked best for them, the individual, and for their own children. Ultimately, humans are going to have to decide what kinds of lives we each choose to live and decide for ourselves what is and isn't poison for oneself, but they are looking at clearing out a lot of B.S., so people can make clearer, freer choices. It's a start in a newer, expanded direction.

I watched President Donald Trump--the catalyst of all the change in our government--as he miraculously kept on going no matter what was thrown at him while in office and the four years after. I keep seeing blurbs now that CO-VID was a lab-created bioweapon, and I had written about it being so way back in 2020, when a "friend" of mine had me censored and fact-checked on Facebook (Zuckerburg, I'm holding you accountable) for saying such things. Really--what are people doing messing with the creation of diseases anyway, except to weaponize them. Duh! It also hasn't escaped me that when the Russian Hoax was failing against Trump, the corona virus just "magically manifested" his last year in office. Everyone has great hindsight about what should have been done, especially with all the unsuppressed information we have now, but imagine yourself in President Trump's shoes at that time for just a little bit... He was pretty much covered in attacking jackals....

I'm pretty certain the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, but I think it all turned out for the better because of the contrast provided by the following "Biden administration," or whatever the hell that was. It just brought more of the "controlling and manipulation of the masses" B.S. out into the Light of Day and revealed that just maybe Trump was onto something.

I can't tell you how often I've heard people through the years say, "The government needs to take care of such and such people." I just had to shake my head (yeah, I know it's a thing with me).

One, I tried taking care of people who insisted I needed to do that for them--the poor, pitiful things--and nothing changed. They didn't get better because they didn't have to. They had a cushy deal with me running around for them. I just got pissed off and resentful and finally realized I could still be a kind and actually more compassionately loving person by simply deciding, "No more." And going off on my merry way.

Two, I found anytime I looked for someone else outside of me--especially a bureaucratic government agency or insurance or medical corporation--I was going to spend most of my life, energy and time being sick or at least having yearly boob-squishing exams and being prodded and poked in places I'd rather not be prodded and poked. Very invasive and unnecessary as far as I'm concerned--for myself. I've got the gift of a life to freely enjoy and frankly, I'm not interested in spending it in waiting rooms and hospital beds--and contrary to all the hypnotic education around me, I actually do enjoy a quite balanced life without needing the attention of medical professionals on a regular basis.

The mainstream media kept trying to portray Trump as the Hitler of the 21st century but when I listened to him with my own heart, I felt his profound love of our beloved USA and the freedom for all that it stands for. I felt his genuine love of its people. I saw it in his actions when he didn't know he had an audience. I love that he chooses to end our wars, to quit the funding of any wars anywhere in the world....

Then I watched as these few people I've mentioned above and so many others set aside their differences in order to unite to basically restore the United States of America to a freedom for all foundation once again. They were forced to do so, as the old systems attacked them from every which way as it's been screaming and lashing out in its final death throes. The old power-playing survival of the fittest game is not going quietly.... but it is going. It can no longer sustain itself in a world that's had its fill of the power illusion experiences. We're done feeding those stories.

And yes, of course I am open to people lawfully immigrating here. Many of our own ancestors immigrated here and contributed to making our America the great land it once was. Some of us even have native American ancestors--something I'm grateful for because they have such a spiritual connection to the planet and the plant and animal kingdoms--such a respectful gratitude for their services to humanity. All I ask is that you learn our English language so we can communicate more clearly with each other, so we have less misunderstandings. And take responsibility for oneself. Keep your new homeland thriving and healthy--a place you're proud of creating and being a part of. Don't look for a government to take care of you. That's not something any government of sovereign people is meant to do.

I'm observing the Dementia-ravaged puppet Biden being manipulated by a few Last-Hurrah world controlling elitists into creating all sorts of laws and policies in an attempt to thwart the elected President and his cabinet appointments and the bureaucracy-clean-out in these short weeks he has left.

I've watched as they try to get our country into a nuclear war....

Once again, what do you do with bullies? Make whatever they try to do insignificant. So what if they put policies and laws into play? You don't have to abide by them, my beloved fellow sovereigns--let those suggestions float on by without attaching yourself to it.

Besides, our constitution doesn't support those kinds of nefarious activities, for one.... and.... Putin is intelligent enough to know that We the People--the true sovereigns of the United States of America are not condoning war of any kind, anymore.... We are NOT the ones attacking, and we won't settle for anyone claiming to do so in our names. Whoever bombs you, bomb that person alone or whoever is trying to play puppeteer. That'll end it.

After all the experiences of gaining and losing freedom that we've been through since starting out as the first nation ever to recognize freedom and self-sovereignty, I think we're all much wiser about liberty and what it truly means even than at the time of our founding forefathers. We've grown up and are much more mature about it.... I'm seeing and hearing more and more of that maturity all around me.... and it warms my heart and soul....

When you're at ease and embracing the relationship with your own soul--that eternal I am! facet that's been within us all along though we just couldn't seem to see it--well, freedom and self-sovereignty feels less and less scary and much more joyful. Let's embrace it with all our hearts!

Yes, it's a chaotic mess out there--but take the time to be alone with the real you so you can navigate it more clear about who and what you are. It's okay to feel anger. Don't suppress it. It's a legitimate feeling in these trying times. Just allow it in a space and manner where you're not actually harming yourself or anyone else. I'm a kid who grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere--I had lots of space to move all kinds of crap out of my system and I had nature to hug me when other humans couldn't. Life taught me I could also create a safe and sacred space in the middle of a city in the midst of a crowd. I could bring it in no matter where I physically was.

Creating your own SAFE SACRED SPACE wherever you are will help you maintain a balance as we transform into a higher consciousness planet where each human feels a sincere sense of love and gratitude for all....

I discovered something magnificent when I finally invited my soul--my own divine self--to join me in this human life. I, too, had done terrible things I prayed to have never, ever have done. Things which seemed impossible to undo. "You made your bed, Hon--now lie in it." That idea left me hopeless, just wanting to die. Where do you go when you seem to have placed yourself in a hell you alone are responsible for making?

You surrender.... beloved human.... Your soul has got this. Just like the Prodigal Son--let the Source of you welcome you home and nourish you with a real feast and celebration of the heart, body, mind, knowingness.... Your own soul has the Light and the Way just for you....

Not only did I find that I could actually forgive and love my enemies, I found myself thanking and loving my worst enemy of all--ME!

It's happening.... Nurture hope.... Nurture celebration of the gift that is you so you can easily do that with all others....

In love,

The Benevolent Rebel

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