Here's the deal: We've all played the Power Game roles involved with Survival of the Fittest. Ad Nauseum, for me. You have the good guys/gals vs. the bad, and always in the mix is a victim at the mercy of some villain or disease or addiction.
It basically boils down to some fight or struggle with your outer world--and that's simply just a reflection of the struggle going on within you, created due to suggestions about life that you've made your own truths.
We are all sovereign creators of our own life experiences. We have been all along. We just were unaware of that fact for eons of time here. And enough people awakened from the hypnosis around the same time that it pierced an opening in the Veil of Forgetting (aka, the Apocalypse) so that, for those who truly desire it, everyone has access to a conscious relationship with their own soul--their own divine self--while still in human form. No more need to search for god.
When I was growing up we played Cowboys and Indians--how could you not when John Wayne was on the movie screen, larger than life? We carried pop guns, and then BB guns when we were older--and it was drilled into us that you never pointed an actual gun at anyone, loaded or unloaded.
Wayne's characters stood for all the goodness in the world, yet he played being a gruff, blunt man who spanked his wife (in McKlintock) and often drank too much. It was funny at the time, and funny now, but I have a feeling the PC Police these days would have someone in handcuffs for even writing up such a scene. We humans seriously need to laugh at ourselves more.
I appreciate the rise in the Divine Feminine in consciousness as much as the next person....and....rather than allowing it to balance out in partnership with the Divine Masculine, there are those who want to make women the rulers of the world--like women have all the answers and are the better gender.
I'm sick of that bullshit. Women are not meant to do everything that men do better--nor vice versa. They each bring important values to the whole--it's why we have a two-lobed brain that works best when each half is doing what it does best.
The latest transgender trend is appalling--promoting massive manipulation of hormones through chemical means, plus surgeries so awful it's mind boggling. Then top it off with doing it to children....
The whole point of parenting is to be an-all-accepting, boundary-setting guide until the child is fully rounded enough to live on their own, take responsibility for their own lives and make decisions from their own experiences and maturity and conscious awareness of themselves. Who the hell traumatizes their own, or any other child, with the emotionally, spiritually and physically drastic measures involved with gender reassignment? Why is this even an issue in human consciousness? It's's mentally's Dark Age-like torture....
As for the Indians--Native Americans--I always liked them, too. When we played "Let's Pretend," it didn't matter if I was the cowgirl or the Indian. I have some American Indian in my ancestry and have always been proud of that, along with being Finnish, English, Irish--maybe even some German and Mongolian.
I also love having been born in America, a descendant of immigrants on both sides who lawfully came here and chose to get along with their neighbors from other places around the world. They learned to speak the common American English language in order to communicate with one another more clearly. They moved to this Self-sovereignty-founded country in order to simply live more freely and have more opportunity than they could in the countries from whence they came. Yes, there was fighting among the various cultures at first mostly because of fear of their differences, the unknown--but it gradually faded out.
My grandfather, my mom's dad, emigrated from Finland when he was just 16 years old, worked the gold and copper mines, and through the Railroad Act, started a ranch out in the middle of nowhere with an extreme climate--no trees, just a couple of buttes called the Deer's Ears. My mom grew up in a two-room shack and started school at the age of three because her aunt was the teacher at the country school a quarter mile away.
Anyhow--I got off on a tangent that evidently I had to get out of my system. The whole transgender, race, and social justice crap out in mass consciousness is truly "out there," and frankly, I'd like to see some new headlines and take part in some really interesting conversations rather than reading and hearing people spout out hatred and argument for argument's sake on social media. People often are saying things to one another on those platforms that they wouldn't have the heart to say, one-to-one, in person. It's just escalated yelling with nobody actually listening to what the other has to say.
There's a New Game in Town....
Dump all those troubled roles of being a victim of some god, villain, disaster, addiction or disease. Assume the role of being the master creator sovereign of every aspect of your own life--past, present and future.
You can still dabble, if you choose to, in those old roles and stories that you're enjoying playing on some level yet....and....with the conscious awareness that you put it in your own life simply because you wanted to more sensually understand it, I can tell you from my own experiences, that life starts flowing more gracefully and with more gratitude for all the parts played, for me and by me.
I no longer feel stuck in anything. I can be angry and happy and disgusted. I can play the fool and also be smart. I am free to pretty much feel how I authentically feel in the moment....and....because I KNOW I really am okay--we're all okay--life just flows....
I can change course or leave any story at any time....I am free and the sovereign creator of my own life.
I dare you to practice--not just try--it out....throw yourself into the role of acting out being the Sovereign Creator and Experiencer and Wiseperson of your own life--nobody else's. What have you got to lose if you're feeling miserable, and not liking it, in what you're currently play-acting out in the Old Game? Own your freedom to be--deep breaths in and deep breaths out-- regardless of what your outer world circumstances may be. Act out being the beginning- and end-all Soul ruler of You like your life depends on it....and....see how you like what unfolds....