So, if there is anything that I could give you, it would be to help you to find your own means of self expression, to find your own words...
Blow, Oh Wind!
Song and Lyrics by Steven Richard Lewton
Blow, oh-oh, oh-oh wind--
Blow these broken hearts away, away...
Blow, oh-oh, oh-oh wind--
Blow these broken dreams, I pray.
Whatever happened to the love that we once shared?
Like two links in a chain, no weakness there?
Little by little, the tide breaks away the shore,
And the sands of time become an ocean floor.
Blow, oh-oh, oh-oh wind--
Blow these broken hearts away, away...
Blow, oh-oh, oh-oh wind--
Blow these broken dreams, I pray.
What do we do now, Love, let the sands of time wear us thin?
Or build a new foundation on a rock that won't cave in?
Let's stop this raging river before it tears our lives apart,
And build again that lighthouse in our hearts.
Let's light again that candle in our hearts...
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