Sunday, September 7, 2014

The True "Word of God" is Written Upon YOUR Heart

The true "Word of God"--the expression of God--is written upon each individuals heart.

It's not that corrupted literal book written and translated over and over again by men and women who weren't so pure of heart, and who used it to maintain power and control over others--to energetically feed off others--people who ALLOWED them to do so. 

That game of "Victims and Perpetrators" is a result  of the Sexual Energy Virus in consciousness. Those using that book titled, "The Holy Bible" as the "Word of God" to instill fear, thus feed off people, are still deeply asleep and hypnotized in a belief system--no way would I follow them. They aren't masters, and what they're serving--I wouldn't eat if my life depended on it. Back in the days when I did--they helped me pave a way to living a literal Hell on Earth. I'm done with Hell.

Yes, there are beautiful and inspiring stories in the Christian Holy Bible--I've read it entirely. I read through it like any other novel, and then I set it aside, and when I had questions or struggles with some concept or idea, I let it go--and I got outside in nature, and I walked alone. Revelations of certain passages and stories came to me seemingly out of the blue, but with a tingling and freeing warmth of pure untainted awareness. But this same thing happens when I read novels of any kind. I would not participate in Bible studies with anyone else--it departs too quickly into attempting to mentally control myself and others. I don't study literal words on paper because sometimes words get so twisted by the author's and the reader's biases and personal perceptions, and by mentally complicating things, that true clarity is lost.

Somewhere in those thousands of pages is the warning about listening to false teachers and prophets--that they'd be pointing and telling us, "Jesus Christ is over here! Jesus Christ is over there!" Those false teachers would have us looking for some superhuman, god-like being to worship who was going to show up somewhere in the world outside of oneself, and he'd only save those who believed in him. The rest were doomed--too bad, so sad...

Christ didn't return anywhere outside of me in the form of a man named Jesus--my experience of the coming of Christ was my own increasing clarity of conscious awareness. All I did to get it, was to ask for clarity. I CHOSE CLARITY. The Christ seed--that Divine spark of God is, and always has been, within me--and I finally see it and feel it. And that feels a whole lot more graceful, forgiving, all-accepting and merciful and wise than all that religious nonsense I bought into for a time. It FREED me from all those power and control games from my past--and I'm passionately excited about living a more joyfully abundant, yet benevolent, life than any I've lived before.

I read  passages in those scriptures that said that we were always to rely on the teacher within one's own heart, especially if others outside of me were spouting JUDGMENTS and PREJUDICES and IDEAS that didn't resonate within my heart. Here's what resonates within my heart:

We are ALL Children of God and Goddess/The First Source--and no one is more or less deserving than another--PERIOD!

I'm pissed at hearing self-righteous Christians making judgments that they were advised by their Jesus in their own Holy Bible NOT to do! What happened to "Love thy neighbor as thyself"? That assumes that I actually love myself first--but that's another scripture that's been screwed with up to the point where it's being taught, and believed, that it's wrong and selfish to love and put oneself first. Well, if you appreciate the wonder and value of your own existence, if you're loving yourself first and then naturally, and more easily, loving ALL OTHERS--those energy feeding fire and brimstone preaching fanatics CAN'T FEED OFF OF YOUR FEAR! Their dark and devil filled illusion-worlds will disintegrate if they can't find someone (a victim) who allows them to prey off the guilt- and fear-instilling conspiracies they're dishing out with such gusto.

I've been hearing so damn many crap suggestions urging people to judge other fellow human beings as being abominations because of their culture, religion, race or sexual orientation according some perverse idea of what some book says--a distorted idea of what "The Word of God" is--that I'm fed up to the point of just leaving and letting those choosing that old tiresome game to rip and blow themselves and their individual worlds apart like they obviously want to. They aren't looking for solutions--they want lots of drama and trauma and tragedy and "poor pitiful me" stories instead. They want to feed off the fear of others. They don't want freedom--they want POWER and control. It's pure insane superstitious nonsense, and so archaic that it astounds me that I'm still hearing it as often as I do. They supposedly love the misguided and unrighteous beings, and are leaving all that judging stuff up to their JUDGING God who's going to let the "bad" people fry in eternal hell if they don't shape up and conform--"repent." Those deep-asleep in a hypnosis Little Humans can keep their brand of warped love, thank you very much.

None of it matters to me--not really. I just have my days when I let it affect me more than others--but I am aware of that act, and I do step clear of it. Today, I just decided to let myself freely express on the subject. I know I'm not the only one with clarity--it's just that sometimes I get tired of the noisiness of all those old consciousness aspects. I feel inundated by it.

A judging and cruel Creator does NOT resonate with my heart. Judgment doesn't resonate at all--and I'm done trying to worship any god who sits in judgment.

The more consciously aware--clear--that I've become, the more benevolent, compassionate, and unconditionally loving/forgiving I've become. All my judging ways are falling to the wayside. Others can continue on in the individuals choice of whether or not to judge--but I choose to remove my presence from those situations. I've had more than my fill of those experiences, and I'm done playing judging games.

You don't have to go through a bunch of trauma and drama and guilt and shame to awaken and have more clarity. You just choose CLARITY--and then quit thinking about it and quit trying to figure out what's right or wrong--quit studying LITERAL WORDS of judgmental Little Humans. Go enjoy the GIFT that is YOUR OWN LIFE, your own existence. Clarity on whatever subject matter reveals itself at the most appropriate moment in your life. You can't plan for it or think it into being--and there's NO WRONG WAY.

Don't let yourself be convinced of having done something wrong--EVER! Blind, deep asleep Little Humans commit the dark acts--Awakened, clear and aware humans who've realized their own "I am that I am" within themselves don't. I was once blind and deeply asleep, too--and that Little Human did stuff she wished she could undo. But I love her, and I forgive her, and release her from all judgment, because she was blind and afraid, and we do some awful stuff when we feel trapped and powerless over our own lives. I gained a great deal of compassionate wisdom from the experiences of that blind human--so much so, that any attempt to judge her seems absurd now. It's pretty much synonymous with Jesus's/Yeshua's parable about the Prodigal Son.

In the Prodigal Son parable in that book, The New Testament of the Holy Bible, after the son tired of the Blind Little Human game, he returned to his home--his Divine Source, his father--and his father didn't judge him, or even chastise him, for all his waywardness. Instead, he threw the grandest feast in honor of his son's return. I think of it as his son's return to the Light of God within himself. His brother--a fellow, Blind Little Human (he was a "do-gooder who believed you had to earn your way to Heaven") tried to convince their father to judge him, but the father adamantly refused to even go there with him.


Revelation is what happens when you take a bottle of window cleaner and a rag to a murky, soot and mud-covered window--one that's so dirty you can hardly see any light behind it. Once you begin to wash it, things NATURALLY lighten up, you start to see through it more clearly, and potentials are REVEALED that you couldn't see before because of the previous encrusted grime. You can't choose that which you cannot perceive, but you can choose clarity--and that's where it starts. With clarity comes the revealing of new seeming potential choices. Those potentials always existed, you just couldn't see them before. It's as simple as that.

Just so you know--in the words written upon my heart--Heaven, joyful abundance in life is possible for every single being when each one chooses it. There is no judgment and there are no conditions. If there is a condition, it would be complete forgiveness and acceptance of self first, and then all others. That is completely releasing oneself from the past, and letting go of all personality and identity stories--back into the simple grace of "I am, I exist! I am that I am..."

Your World, Your Life changes when you put the "I am that I am" at the forefront of your NOW and Present Moment consciousness simply by feeling into the FREEDOM of no definition--all that matters is that "I exist! I exist!!"

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