I am that I am, Penny, of sovereign domain!
What does that statement of My Soul--my entire Body of Consciousness--mean? It simply means that I am accepting full responsibility for my entire life, and beingness, and that no other has any dominion over me. I am a child of our Creator/Source of All That Is/God, Whom has bestowed me with Divine Free Will. I accept that Gift with Honor.
Many of us humans have been playing the game, most of us without consciously knowing it, of giving our sovereignty away on a platter to others who touch our lives—family, friends, neighbors, community, religious and educational institutions, government corporations, businesses. The list goes on and on.
We've all been deeply ingrained with Self Doubt. And our human minds have developed a type of pattern from this cycle of giving our GIFT of FREE CHOICE away, where we’re seduced into feelingly believing that we have to tangle with the web of illusion that’s been in place, for age upon age upon age. Frankly, I’m done being sucked on by some make-believe hairy-scary spider that really can’t touch me at all.
I’m tired of, and done with, playing the game of “who I am not trying to figure out who I am.” No more!
I know who I am—I know what’s in my heart and my intentions—and I know that I come from GOODNESS ITSELF, thus how can I be anything but GOODNESS?
The last twelve months, I had the opportunity to interact with the Census Bureau of the Corporate U.S. government—through one of its slave employees acting like a government agent. One of the ladies showed up ringing my doorbell on a bitterly cold winter day over a year ago. Being the kind person that I am, I invited her in and I answered her survey of very intrusive questions—many of which were about my husband, which I had no business answering. They asked me his salary, how many hours of overtime he worked the previous week, how much money we spent on groceries the previous week, how much we spent eating out that week, how many people lived in our house—I think by now you get the gist.
I didn’t mean to, but I was pulling figures out of the air and she was punching my answers into her long questionnaire. We finished up with this little episode, only for her to tell me as she’s leaving that she will be contacting me over the phone for the next three or four months to interview me some more about the previous weeks.
Okay—I allowed the bullshit to continue through the invasive proceedings into my husband’s and my own life for the following four months. I knew it was all crap and I was amazed at the stupidity of this survey, but I chose not to make waves and I kept telling myself that these women were just trying to keep food on their tables doing this dumb-ass job.
After the four months was up, I was told that they were going to contact me again beginning this past December, and then do four more months of surveys into my husband’s and my life.
December came around and I’d received a letter from the U.S. Census Bureau telling me of the survey starting again and that my participation was “voluntary.” I did not know this before or I would have turned the first person away who appeared on my doorstep. I chose to cooperate rather than make a stink—out of compassion.
So, when Field Representative, Aemilia, called me again to start the surveys over I told her that I realized this was a voluntary act that I chose to no longer be part of it.
And she told me, “You have to call your congressman in order to be taken off the list. Otherwise they’ll keep sending your name to us and we’ll have to keep contacting you.” In the meantime, she interviewed me to fill out her survey for that month—and I kindly allowed her to do so. All of this was after I had told her that the survey absolutely meant nothing to me and that I saw no issue-solving value in it whatsoever. BUT SHE DIDN’T LISTEN!
As we concluded that phone conversation, I told her—and I meant it from my heart—that I would have enjoyed meeting her under other circumstances, that maybe we could simply have a cup of coffee together as friends. I didn’t let my bitch loose on her at any time in any of our interactions.
But evidently, I should have. She contacted me again—and this time, Kelly answered the phone and told her I wasn’t interested in participating anymore. Then she asked him if he would—and he told her he was not interested either.
Evidently the “no” over the phone wasn’t enough. Doesn’t “no” mean anything? After the turndown over the phone on Saturday, I got an overnighted letter via FedEx from Cathy L. Lacy, Regional Director of the Regional Office of the U.S. Census Bureau in Denver, CO, informing me that their field representative will be “calling on me again in the near future.”
No “congressman” ever contacted me to ASK me to “volunteer” for this survey, so why should I have to figure out who he is and then track him down in order to have him take me off a list? A list volunteering me for taking part in something I was never consulted about, by him in the first place. I am a sovereign being—the Corporate U.S. Census Bureau should not even be messing with me using peon employees—they should be sending GOOD WILL AMBASSADORS, if anyone at all, to visit me.
In all their stupid long lists of mindless questions, not one asked the important things about me, and they should never have been asking me questions about my husband’s life--a sovereign being I had no place in speaking for, even if I was "married" to him.
These are the important, world-difference-making things people should know about me. I’m a benevolent sister, neighbor, friend and I’m sometimes that compassionate stranger you might meet while walking, or while out and about on errands. I’m not going to tell you what you should believe, nor am I going to grill you about what you do or don’t do.
I’ll honor your free choice to play out your life however you wish and I won’t pretend to have your answers. I’ll tell you to trust in yourself every time and I’ll remind you to remember the gift that you are--to be kind to, and appreciative and unconditionally loving of, yourself first, so then you can be that way with your neighbor, too.
As to the rest of you who would force yourselves and your ideas upon me—the first time or two, I’ll give you the chance to go on your own way quietly, but if you come back and try to negotiate with me, consider yourself served notice. The bitch will be set loose and you’re not going to gain one thing except an education in honoring sovereignty. And so I am!
We're all quite the characters--actors, that is--role-playing together. These are stories of my awakening, my remembering realization that Home/Heaven is wherever I am. That I am not the puppet on someone else's string. The search is over. I simply FREELY CHOSE to quit searching outside of myself, and realized all my answers have always been within.
Sounds like you were given the Gov. run around. I had to answer questions one time about not only myself but my neighbors too. Unfortunetly, the woman conducting the interview had entered the Navajo community and they don`t open their doors to people unless they know you. At least she had been through this before. She was a nice lady and said she kept trying to get of the 'volunteer' list, but like you, she ended up with her name on a list to conduct the interviews. She didn`t have a specific list of those to interview, but rather was doing a canvassing of all the people.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in college we used the 1900`s census records for history and also for finding things out about Dickinson`s history for their up-coming centennial. :)n.ueno
Thanks, Nadine, for taking the time to read my writing--ha! With you, I felt truly "listened to." You're greatly appreciated, lady!
ReplyDeleteMuch love,