Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm Going to Be Writing about Everything Under the Sun Here!

I've noticed a strange phenomena lately. Ever since I posted about CHOOSING to cross that threshold into sovereignty and just giving myself that diploma of self-mastery, it's like I dropped all the guards I had in place supposedly protecting me at one time--turns out that was just a Little Human Ego thing--and I torpedoed myself out of hiding.

All because I started expressing myself openly to the public, the world, by writing a simple little blog about my experiences and insights and perspectives. It still doesn't matter if no one else reads what I have to say, and I don't even care if someone rejects me because of what I might write anymore--none of it matters.

All that matters is that I'm ALLOWING myself to FREELY EXPRESS and EXPERIENCE for the first time ever.

With the arrival of warmer weather, I've been walking pretty much on a daily basis, and when I walk, I find myself coming up with titles and topics and anecdotes to share. In the last two walks alone, I have about five post-it-notes filled with writing "reminders" crammed in every which way and two posts in rough drafts here on the blog. Which comes to at least four topics for posting on this blog. And they vary from money to napping to families and the young people and the pets in our lives. And still more keeps flowing in.

I've given myself permission to write about anything and everything--and if anyone reads this and takes anything at all with them from it, I hope it's the encouragement to do your own thing your own way. Give yourself that diploma of Self-Master.

It's like once I opened the spigot of ALLOWANCE, the water of consciousness just came pouring out--but it's coming in a good-feeling way. I'm smiling a lot and I'm not taking things so seriously anymore. I'm having fun and discovering there is so much to enjoy in life.

I'm simply the sovereign master of my own life, now wondering what I was so afraid of by graduating myself. Much of it was because I was afraid others would hear me say those words and would think to themselves, "So--she thinks her shit doesn't stink..."

Yeah, don't we all wish that...

More coming soon!

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