Perhaps this should be Chapter One of all my other blog posts, for I'm going to describe here metaphorically how I view this world as my personally unique reality-world-illusion--and how I am the source and center of its creation.
If you're a Star Trek: The Next Generation fan, you'll remember episodes where the characters went to the holodeck on their spaceship, the Enterprise, to play a virtual reality game. That's how I view my life and world:
I'm in the midst of a virtual reality game hologram that My Soul willingly CHOSE to experience and play. And I'm playing it alongside and with other souls who have freely chosen to play the game, as well.
I am the central pinpoint of conscious self-awareness in a bubble of biology that surrounds me--a hologram of potential experiences.
And that hologram constantly adjusts itself to match--and burst into beingness--whatever I radiate out from the center that I "feelingly"CHOOSE to EXPERIENCE.
That hologram Universe co-creates for me my choices and accepted truths of the moment.
This view is the basis from which I write all the other ideas, and why I act the way I do, and make the choices I currently make.
Before I began awakening to my spiritual/divine self, I viewed myself as an actor on a stage, playing out a role someone else (God out there somewhere) had written for me. Often, I felt like a puppet on a string, with no power over my life or my happiness. All I had was a pre-determined destiny or fate, a path that forked in two different directions, towards the choice between two obscure and esoteric destinations--Heaven or Hell. Where I ended up when I died was determined by how I performed--whether I made "right" or "wrong" choices while I lived.
Then after several life-altering, and often shattering, experiences, I began to ask deeper questions about this stage I was on, the stories I was in, and the roles I was playing. The most important question I found myself asking was, "Who am I, really?"
No one outside of me seemed able to satisfyingly answer any of those questions, and that drove me to constantly go inward to discover my answers. Those were the only ones that I really trusted wholeheartedly.
I suddenly concluded that I wasn't just an actor in someone else's play--I was its author--I wrote the scripts and roles for others to play for me and with me.
I was the co-creator/producer, director, set designer and the STAR of my own show playing roles of my choosing...And I was my best audience!
I realized I'd been UNCONSCIOUSLY writing and co-creating and acting and observing and experiencing my own "Let's pretend" play the entire time.
I began to ponder what I could create when I could do so KNOWINGLY--when I was FULLY AWAKE (not just a bored or upset robot actor going through familiar motions and established patterns--aka, belief systems--over and over again).
I noticed that I'd make a "mental choice" and try to envision it to make it more real, but I couldn't bring it into being if I didn't truly FEEL (actually believe) it as a possibility. Mere visualization techniques didn't work for me--I had to become aware of the emotions I was radiating out when making a choice. I had to get in touch with my heart (deepest desires) and sensuality.
I had a lot of unanswered prayers; and I had things happen (loved ones died) that I, as a lone human, didn't consciously choose but seemingly couldn't avoid or prevent either.
I realized that in order to get a better understanding of the play I had going, all I had to do was take an actual BREATHER from the story, step out of my current acting role on the whole stage and sit above it in the director chair, or back from it in the audience seats, in order to get a clearer view of the dynamics of the illusion.
I simply SHIFTED my PERSPECTIVE of the scene--expanded my awareness of all of it on many different levels.
I began to imagine what identities and roles I could immerse myself in for a bit without getting stuck in an experience I no longer enjoyed--all because NOW I was SELF-AWARE of my being the co-creating/expressing god of my own world of experience. My boxy world was thrown wide open to possibilities I'd never imagined before!
Essentially, I am now writing and creating and acting in a NEW PLAY--a new world. This new hologram is tailored just for me by a divine-human me who is finally AWAKE and in touch with all other aspects of MY SOUL!
I am no longer feeling like an all-alone insignificant little human begging for my little prayers to be answered--or not. And I'm no longer creating my life from that downer of a perspective.
I am the source and center of this Grand Illusion and Gift from the Source of All that I call my own life! And I've been passionately driven for decades to discover how to enjoy it as the gift I believe it was intended to be--and to live it my way, without harming anyone or anything in order to do so...
My blog has been written with this model in mind...
Click here to see related posts:
My Awakening
My Beloved Mirrors
The Blessing of My Dark Side
"I need..." Indicates the Sexual Energy Virus Is Present
What Story Am I Radiating?
We're all quite the characters--actors, that is--role-playing together. These are stories of my awakening, my remembering realization that Home/Heaven is wherever I am. That I am not the puppet on someone else's string. The search is over. I simply FREELY CHOSE to quit searching outside of myself, and realized all my answers have always been within.
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