Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Anyone Can Freely Ascend

Consciousness Ascension (awakening to one's true self) is freely--and PRACTICALLY--there for anyone who simply chooses it. Actually, ascension happens naturally, and you just suddenly realize that you're perceiving the world and the old beliefs in it differently--that most of it doesn't really resonate with you. 

You find yourself asking questions about death and god and prophets like Jesus and Buddha and Mohammed and about Satan that religions and government and educational systems don't answer clearly enough for you. You discover you're the only one with the answers solely for you, and preaching and debating things with others flies out the window--there isn't any desire to win an argument at all costs. Others can have their own ideas and beliefs...and that doesn't have to affect you unless you choose to play the victim of someone else's perception of what is real.

You don't have to be spiritually adept, or highly intellectual, nor do you need gobs of money to pay for someone outside of you to teach you. You don't even need to read a special book or follow a step-by-step method. It's simply there the moment you stop your seemingly hamster-wheel busy-ness (where each day looks and feels the same as the last decade of days), and take stock of your life and the things you've been telling yourself matter (most, which in my case, I realized didn't). You just have to ask the question (from your heart), "Is there more to life?" And then desire it with a passion that won't accept anything less than that which resonates within you.

Initially, you'll probably want to spend some quiet time alone--yes, talking with yourself--for the first step out of the old world is simply stepping off the wheel or roller coaster ride. You don't have to fight your way off. If you find yourself in a struggle with another being, that's the universe's helpful reminder reflecting your own inner battle of self-acceptance and love. Usually it's an old aspect of yourself who is trying to keep you on the familiar road. It's just a matter of, standing upright and unwavering inside yourself, saying, "NO MORE!" You might even feel your eyes spark with determination.

The old "I'm just a little insignificant human" mind finds comfort in patterns, so when you walk off that expected path, it will start chattering and yelling at you that you're probably being silly, you're going to get rejected by all your old friends, you've been a bad person and there are so many things to feel guilty about, you'd better be right and not make any stupidly wrong choices--YOU COULD LOSE EVERYTHING!

And you'll probably discover all of that to be true. You'll probably discover that those old friendships that didn't survive the shift in your consciousness were actually really sucky and you don't miss them anyway.

As for having done bad things in the past--we've all done them--but they were done while being unaware and asleep as to who we truly are. And I discovered that when I re-visited my past with my enlightenment, it too became more than I gave those moments credit for; and all the guilt and shame and sorrow fell away to be replaced by gratitude for all of it (everyone and all the parts played), including me. See an example of this in my earlier post by clicking here: Overcoming the Victimhood Addiction.

I realized that all the traumas and losses I experienced in my past I had placed there as a means of shaking myself awake from the hypnosis of mass consciousness. It wasn't something someone did to "poor victim me". It wasn't some outside god punishing me for being a wayward, disgusting child--it was just me trying to come awake so I could discover MORE of ME, of life. So I could actually begin to KNOWINGLY CHOOSE what I desired to experience, and finally truly enjoy this EXPERIENTIAL GIFT I see as my own life.

And with being awake, comes the realization that it doesn't matter what choice you make. Because you're aware now that you can no longer get stuck in an experience you don't like--you just choose again. There's no longer any emotionally-charged guilt or shame about having made a wrong choice, because you realize that every choice is made from a place of naivete--we can't really know fully in advance what will happen. Because we each bring a brand new set of experiences to every single moment, no two moments or breaths or manifestations are ever alike. So the outcome of every choice is potentially different in some respect than the last time that same choice was made.

In short--there is NO SUCH THING as a WRONG (or right) CHOICE! You, no one, has really done anything wrong--ever! It was all just an experience, and when all is said and done--everyone still exists!

And my next greatest desire is to experience it with other awakened sovereigns--relating in ways that are TRULY FREE and way more fun than the wars and the energy-feeding and stealing--the POWER play-acts of the past.

It's a brand new world just waiting for each of us to say, "YES! I choose to be awake, to allow, and to receive and flow all the abundance I can breathe...I AM THAT I AM!--and that's all that matters...."

And so it is....welcome HOME to you!

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