"I need..."
"I need something or someone in order to feel happy...to feel SAFE...to feel good about myself...to feel complete...to feel loved...to be accepted, noticed, appreciated..., etc."
A few years ago, this "neediness energy" would be such a bombardment of my senses that it literally stopped me in my tracks in the middle of the shopping mall or Walmart. It was embarrassing. I couldn't move either of my legs forward until I closed my eyes, took a self-compassionate (kind-to-myself) breath and centered myself in me in the moment. All it took was a couple seconds, but it would be frustrating when I would be trying to keep pace with my husband--he'd get exasperated having to slow up and wait for me because he didn't understand it at the time--ha!
My brother experienced the same thing. For a long time neither of us was too enthused about going shopping or into crowded places. While entering the grandstand area for a Taylor Swift concert at the hot and crowded ND State Fair, I found myself asking my husband to help me find a place to sit so I could get my head lower than my knees--I experienced nausea, the sweats, clamminess and dizziness, and nearly fainted. On our passage through the carnival rides on the way to the concert, I'd been meeting people's eyes (windows to souls)--and I was still learning at that time how I was taking on other's energy stories (empathing) and holding them as my own. That was another disconcerting moment which passed once I got a sip of water and some quiet breaths in a quiet spot. I enjoyed the packed concert without any incident afterward.
Thankfully, I've gotten quite adept at just breathing and flowing all energies through me and haven't experienced this phenomenon while out shopping or while in huge crowds in more recent years. I have however, experienced lately that self-masters don't hurry while out walking (they saunter or run for the joy of it, but they don't rush because of time constraints), but that's a whole other upcoming post.
Any time you realize you or others ARE SEARCHING for something OUTSIDE of oneself in order to feel complete, safe, and accepted--you are dealing with what is known as the SEXUAL ENERGY VIRUS that permeates mass consciousness.
The old consciousness energy of humanity has been off-balanced to the masculine and mental--a more aggressive, forceful energy. As the Feminine has come forth to take her place as a FULL PARTNER WITH the Masculine, the consciousness has become more compassionate and intuitive--and FORCE does not work in the new energy. SELF-AWARENESS and ALLOWANCE are the keys in the new world. I keep seeing PASSION as the divine masculine, and COMPASSION as the divine feminine--and the two dancing together in full partnership feels like the most wondrous of celebrations. But that's just my take on things.
The old consciousness energy of humanity has been off-balanced to the masculine and mental--a more aggressive, forceful energy. As the Feminine has come forth to take her place as a FULL PARTNER WITH the Masculine, the consciousness has become more compassionate and intuitive--and FORCE does not work in the new energy. SELF-AWARENESS and ALLOWANCE are the keys in the new world. I keep seeing PASSION as the divine masculine, and COMPASSION as the divine feminine--and the two dancing together in full partnership feels like the most wondrous of celebrations. But that's just my take on things.
Consciousness is Awareness of Self--"I am! I am aware that I exist."
Mass consciousness is a term used to describe the myriad waves of SUGGESTIONS of what is emotionally or passionately believed to be truth by a large number of humans. Ideas like "This is just how it is in the world, and this is how you have to be, and what you have to do" are mass consciousness BELIEFS. These streams of consciousness are flowing all around, and in, and through our individual consciousnesses at all times.
Energy, which serves us unconditionally and abundantly, comes in to match our personally radiated consciousness-- emotions and passions--and pops into manifestation whatever potential we've focused our conscious attention on. This is why not all our thoughts manifest--only the ones that we're emotionally triggering, FEELING, or passionately focused on (even if we're trying to avoid those thoughts and feelings).
This is why it's important to be aware of what is going on inside of oneself at all times: "What am I radiating? Am I OPEN and FLOWING? Or am I barricaded in, closed off, protective of myself?" Most of us have been walking around, tightly wrapped, on the defensive or offensive, in survival mode--thus, we keep getting energies serving us by bringing forth things for us to fight in our manifested realities. If I'm radiating out that I have issues I need to resolve--if I have protective walls up in my energy field----the energies serve me by giving me issues to mess about with.
Mass consciousness is a term used to describe the myriad waves of SUGGESTIONS of what is emotionally or passionately believed to be truth by a large number of humans. Ideas like "This is just how it is in the world, and this is how you have to be, and what you have to do" are mass consciousness BELIEFS. These streams of consciousness are flowing all around, and in, and through our individual consciousnesses at all times.
Energy, which serves us unconditionally and abundantly, comes in to match our personally radiated consciousness-- emotions and passions--and pops into manifestation whatever potential we've focused our conscious attention on. This is why not all our thoughts manifest--only the ones that we're emotionally triggering, FEELING, or passionately focused on (even if we're trying to avoid those thoughts and feelings).
This is why it's important to be aware of what is going on inside of oneself at all times: "What am I radiating? Am I OPEN and FLOWING? Or am I barricaded in, closed off, protective of myself?" Most of us have been walking around, tightly wrapped, on the defensive or offensive, in survival mode--thus, we keep getting energies serving us by bringing forth things for us to fight in our manifested realities. If I'm radiating out that I have issues I need to resolve--if I have protective walls up in my energy field----the energies serve me by giving me issues to mess about with.
Energy Feeding is a symptom of the sexual energy virus, which is just like a physical virus that infiltrates weak spots in a physical body--only this is a virus in CONSCIOUSNESS. Humans feed off the energies of others in order to feel better about themselves or to feel more powerful. The core energy underlying any type of energy-sucking is a personal sense of powerlessness at not feeling able to FREELY live one's own life. It's grasping for CONTROL over one's life by trying to manipulate and handle the external reality. But feeding off others energetically only keeps one imprisoned in that reality landscape.
One of the most frustrating forms of energy feeders for me has been people who insist on being the victims in every aspect of their life. I actually sprint in the opposite direction when I see them approaching me. Ha!
If you contract a viral infection in your physical body, a medical doctor will most likely tell you to go home, drink plenty of fluids, manage the painful symptoms by using foods and symptom medications to keep energies flowing--and get lots of rest until it's run its course.
One of the most frustrating forms of energy feeders for me has been people who insist on being the victims in every aspect of their life. I actually sprint in the opposite direction when I see them approaching me. Ha!
If you contract a viral infection in your physical body, a medical doctor will most likely tell you to go home, drink plenty of fluids, manage the painful symptoms by using foods and symptom medications to keep energies flowing--and get lots of rest until it's run its course.
I would prescribe the same thing (except for the medications or drugs) in the case of realizing the presence of the sexual energy virus in a relationship with another being outside of you. Step back from the relationship--the presence of the others. Give yourself "a rest" from interactions with the party illusion. If you poke and prod around, and fight with a disease, it often just becomes more insidious and pesky and spreads like wild-fire. So it is with this virus.
Instead, disconnect, get out of your head (mind chatter yammering) and don't try to analyze or judge the situation to death. Simply breathe (walk, go for a drive, nap, get out in nature, or go in a room alone) to flow the energies through easier. Stories are less likely to stick to you if you simply CHOOSE TO ALLOW energies and feelings to FREELY FLOW through you, regardless of their form or charge. That means not trying to keep from feeling and thinking things you've judged as being "right" or "wrong." Just allow yourself to immerse in all of it--get the fullness of the experience. That is what our soul is after--simply an honest, authentic experience undiluted by Little Human limitations and programmed expectations of how we think a perfect human should be. Drink a bit of water, and immerse yourself in soothing baths, showers or pools (water is known to help flow consciousness)--literally wash away those troubles and pains.
If you truly want to release yourself from the situation, DO NOT commiserate and tell your stories to others to get sympathy.
First, accept full responsibility for having chosen to give yourself that experience in whatever issue. You don't have to have a justifiable reason--you simply chose an experience to get a better understanding, "just because."
Then, when you can share the story with others from that perspective, you won't be perpetuating the virus through blame.
I know this is a hard one to resist--but commiseration and whining to others will perpetuate the energy-feeding for anyone involved, even those listening to your stuff.
"If it's in my life, I put it there, and I'm deriving some benefit from it."
We all fall off the horse with the venting and commiseration stuff at times, so be kind and self-compassionate--laugh at yourself, with yourself, and others--when you do.
Walk through life with a sense of humor about everything, and you'll realize you've mastered your life.
Give yourself the SAFE and SACRED SPACE time alone in order to help you step back out of the illusion enough to see it from a clearer vantage point. That way you'll become aware of other POTENTIAL CHOICES that you couldn't see while in the midst of the struggle of the energy feeding situation/illusion.
Because I'm confident in each of us having the answers for oneself within oneself, I now find it much easier to gracefully tell a loved one who wants to vent with me (energetically feed off) to just take themselves off for a walk alone and just breathe...and remember your own KNOWINGNESS.
The SEXUAL ENERGY VIRUS is not a conspiracy!
People use the terms "energy feeding" and "energy stealing" interchangeably, but I don't like to use the word "stealing" because it implies that we're "victims" of some "conspirator" or "perpetrator"--and a fight like that actually FEEDS the VIRAL ILLUSION, and keeps it in place LONGER in our reality of the moment.
Most of the time, humans are UNCONSCIOUSLY feeding off other's energies. You know, even the most evil-acting "energy stealers" are simply beings who are deep asleep in their own belief that the identity--the roles they play in this lifetime--is all they are. Please don't pity them or feel sorry for them--that feeds the "evil" story they have going even more. Just be aware that they are asleep, and there is nothing you have to do with them or for them. They're immersed in an experience of their choosing--don't play in it with them if it's not fun for you.
Be aware that people often share stories that instill fear in others in order to feed off those fear-triggered emotional energies--it's why conspiracy theories run so rampantly over the Internet these days.
Be aware that people often share stories that instill fear in others in order to feed off those fear-triggered emotional energies--it's why conspiracy theories run so rampantly over the Internet these days.
You can simply choose to quietly disconnect your relations with energy feeders. Breaking ties with a person doesn't have to involve a knock-down-drag-out fight. If they persist by invading your personal space, just command, "NO MORE! I am done!" What others do outside of you need not affect you--if you CHOOSE. They're just enjoying immersing themselves in an experience--we all are. Keep it as simple as that.
Or you could nip it in the bud, as I've often contemplated, and walk around with a grin on your face and a button pinned to your lapel that reads:
"This boob is all dried up--go suck elsewhere."
Or you could nip it in the bud, as I've often contemplated, and walk around with a grin on your face and a button pinned to your lapel that reads:
"This boob is all dried up--go suck elsewhere."
As I've awakened, I've realized there is no desire, much less any need, to feed off the energy of anyone or anything outside of me. The soap-opera "neediness" just disappears.
When we were kids we used to tease Mom about watching the soap opera, General Hospital, while she ironed piles of our clothes. I even got addicted to watching Days of Our Lives when I went to college--it was a way to relate with fellow students at the time. I don't even watch TV these days, though we do rent movies, but that's beside the point.
I've lately become aware of how many of the people around me are living out these soap operas in their "real" lives. All of this energy feeding tells me that many humans are bored with the status quo about life--they're simply starting to search for more...and that's a good thing. That's exactly what happened with me in my own awakening.
My point is--don't fret! Don't worry about this thing called the sexual energy virus. Don't fight with it. Just be aware that energy feeding exists, and that you become less affected by it simply by realizing you don't "need" anything--everything you desire is right at hand IN YOU!
You just have to DROP the WALLS and open yourself to ALLOWING yourself to RECEIVE it with EASE and GRACE. No thinking, no judging about what's "bad" or "good," no trying to figure out how. Just breathe and open yourself up...breathe and open...flow...
Love yourself first--don't look for someone outside of you to complete and love you first. It just won't be enough for you until you love yourself first. The purpose of the Sexual Energy Virus is to return you to you--the real you, the "I AM" within...
Love and appreciate your own life--and your world, and joyful abundance in all aspects, will simply follow suit...
P.S. Playing in the dramas/traumas of the sexual energy virus is a seductive game--it's easy to get caught up in self-doubt and mental details that keep you worrying over things you can't control (and aren't meant to control). I realized this morning an easy way to pop myself out of playing in drama. Taking a conscious breath, I remembered this:
I KNOW within that we're playing games of
Let's Pretend:
I KNOW that these human bodies are the costumes we don in order to play our pretend games.
I KNOW these human identities are simply an act--they aren't the whole or true me.
I KNOW I am the master creator of my own reality, and that I can simply choose to harmonize with all you other master creators.
I KNOW that All is well in All of Creation...
When we were kids we used to tease Mom about watching the soap opera, General Hospital, while she ironed piles of our clothes. I even got addicted to watching Days of Our Lives when I went to college--it was a way to relate with fellow students at the time. I don't even watch TV these days, though we do rent movies, but that's beside the point.
I've lately become aware of how many of the people around me are living out these soap operas in their "real" lives. All of this energy feeding tells me that many humans are bored with the status quo about life--they're simply starting to search for more...and that's a good thing. That's exactly what happened with me in my own awakening.
My point is--don't fret! Don't worry about this thing called the sexual energy virus. Don't fight with it. Just be aware that energy feeding exists, and that you become less affected by it simply by realizing you don't "need" anything--everything you desire is right at hand IN YOU!
You just have to DROP the WALLS and open yourself to ALLOWING yourself to RECEIVE it with EASE and GRACE. No thinking, no judging about what's "bad" or "good," no trying to figure out how. Just breathe and open yourself up...breathe and open...flow...
Love yourself first--don't look for someone outside of you to complete and love you first. It just won't be enough for you until you love yourself first. The purpose of the Sexual Energy Virus is to return you to you--the real you, the "I AM" within...
Love and appreciate your own life--and your world, and joyful abundance in all aspects, will simply follow suit...
P.S. Playing in the dramas/traumas of the sexual energy virus is a seductive game--it's easy to get caught up in self-doubt and mental details that keep you worrying over things you can't control (and aren't meant to control). I realized this morning an easy way to pop myself out of playing in drama. Taking a conscious breath, I remembered this:
I KNOW within that we're playing games of
Let's Pretend:
- Let's pretend we've got a disease and we're fighting it, trying to cure it...
- Let's pretend so-and-so is dying and leaving us permanently...
- Let's pretend we just can't seem to get along...
- Let's pretend I'm poor and insignificant...
- Let's pretend you have POWER over me...
- Let's pretend we're fighting wars (pretty much like the Cowboys and Indians pretend games from my childhood)...
I KNOW that these human bodies are the costumes we don in order to play our pretend games.
I KNOW these human identities are simply an act--they aren't the whole or true me.
I KNOW I am the master creator of my own reality, and that I can simply choose to harmonize with all you other master creators.
I KNOW that All is well in All of Creation...
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