
Saturday, November 12, 2022

"Once upon a time, I GAVE MYSELF this experience...": I'm Nobody's Victim

Being the creator of my own reality or experiences definitely has its perks.

No matter what story I'm immersed in--whether it's a physical or emotional disease, or a dysfunctional relationship--if it's in my life, I put it there simply to have the experience. When I give it no more meaning other than that, it loses its oomph when I'm done playing in it, and dissolves away. 

I am free and I am the sovereign of my own life--no one else has dominion over me....

When I believe a disease or a bad relationship, or some disaster or tragedy is in my life as some form of punishment doled out by someone or something outside of my body of conscious awareness, then suddenly I'm having to cope with something I have no responsibility for creating, thus I play out the role of being a victim of some circumstance beyond my control. I am at the mercy of someone or something other than myself. I can actually feel myself shrink up into a fetal position when I feel into this perspective. No wonder I used to get the awful and frustrating experiences I got when I had this way of perceiving myself and my life.

Being in a human body is a limited and unnatural state of being for divinity....and....that very limitation is its GIFT to my soul....

In order to have this new viewpoint I had to start seeing myself as spirit or divinity learning who and what it was by lowering its vibration enough to immerse into a biological body so it could play out experiences in an environment of sequences (linearity) and contrasts (duality). 

I think of it as being in a sensual human costume--The Experiencer (I say it and act it out like Arnold Schwarzenegger does The Terminator). And, while in these incredible get-ups, acting out various roles, we play "Let's Pretend" stories out on an amazing and magnificent stage--our beloved Earth.

Much as I think I'd love to dress up more often in costumes just for the fun of it, I don't do it because all the make-up, wigs, and even the clothing can feel so uncomfortable for me--it feels so unnatural and restrictive, itchy.  And that is pretty much how my human body has felt--and it felt the worst when I saw myself as being the victim in a cruel world, at the mercy of someone or something other than myself. I've kind of known that some part of me was free and light enough to fly....

Energies seek to flow and flex--to be without restriction. To be free of its "I'm just a Little Human Puppet" story....We are all so much more....

With this embracing of the idea that I'm a much-loved human gifting its soul with the wisdom its master self distills out from all my TEMPORARY human experiences--well, it changes absolutely everything in my past, in my present, and it opens wide my future possibilities....

Close your eyes, feel into one of your worst experiences, and say, 

"Once upon a time, I GAVE MYSELF this experience...."

This morning, I had the above little tool pop into my awareness as I was feeling into my previous post on the Roundtable Discussions: Practicing Your Own Self-Sovereignty and Embodied Mastery

Try it out, see what happens for you....

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