
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Physical Symptoms of My Awakening, Part 2

A friend of mine recently shared with me about having difficulty with being so sensitive to smoke that he was having difficulty sleeping, to the point he was exhausted all the time. He made me aware of some awakening symptoms of my own that I forgot in the first post (Physical Symptoms of My Awakening Self-Awareness) or glossed over. Some of them I've experienced for so many years that I don't even think of them anymore--I just got in the habit of doing things that help me feel better.

I, too, am extra-sensitive to smells and odors--and I've been that way for at least a decade. That's why I didn't remember to mention it before. Smoke bothers me, whether it's tobacco or wood smoke--doesn't matter. And I don't like to make a big deal of it when socializing with people (I grew up around people who smoked cigarettes)--I'm not out with people because of wanting to criticize them. If we go anywhere there is smoke, I take a bath or a shower before even trying to sleep at night.

I can smell cooking odors in my hair--so I wash it every night before bed in order to help me sleep. It may sound almost obsessive-compulsive, but it's not. I don't feel dirty--it's just what I've found helps me keep the energies flowing through me, instead of my holding them. The odors can be a yammering mental distraction that can keep me awake. I take baths to help with sore and aching muscles, too--and it's a time for mental and emotional release, as well.

Often I take a bath or a shower in the morning, too, to help me get moving--we do so much more work in the night, and while we appear to be sleeping during a nap, than a person is aware of. We appear to be resting in this dimension, but we're doing myriads of other things in multiple dimensions while doing so. Just because our bodies appear to be unmoving doesn't mean we're being lazy--our consciousness is always flowing. It's heavy-duty work shifting one's reality landscape and foundation--and that happens on so many different levels of consciousness.

My friend mentioned exhaustion--and that was a HUGE one for me for a number of years, but not so much so anymore. About ten years ago, I remember awakening in the mornings feeling so exhausted I couldn't function. All I could do was manage to lay back down and I'd be asleep for another 2-3 hours easily, only to find myself still struggling to be fully immersed back into my body upon re-awakening, even then.

It wasn't just depression at that time, either--though you do experience, and move through, depression when awakening because your world is shifting and changing and the whole foundation of your reality is being shaken up. I was literally mentally and physically exhausted. I was releasing all kinds of old stories and beliefs that had been a part of me for so long I was unaware they even existed. So I had this mass exodus of energies, some of them stuck in old wounds and scars like a several-car pile-up, while I had this in-flow of brand new consciousness energies, knowingnesses and insights--many which were overwhelming to my human mind. It was a relentless bombardment of the senses, on my entire body of consciousness (body, mind, spirit/divinity, knowingness). To be honest--sometimes I just wanted to die in order to be released from the onslaught.

I encouraged my friend to not fret over the exhaustion thing--to let go of worrying about not getting enough sleep. Just  take everything moment by moment. The less you worry about something, the more you tell your human mind to "shut up" when it gets into yammering "this-and-this-and-this-is-wrong" mode, and focus on breathing and calming yourself, the easier it all is.

I don't experience exhaustion from lack of sleep anymore, and it's not because I'm getting 8 or more hours of sleep a night. I can actually toss and turn with aches all night long every now and then, and still wake up refreshed as if I'd slept soundly. I wake up at least 2 or 3 times a night--seeming to sleep in blocks of 2-3 hours at a time. I always use the bathroom upon coming to--the excretory system (bladder and bowel functions and sweat glands and tear ducts) flows and releases energies from the body. Sometimes I do a couple light yoga stretches; and at least once in the wee hours of the morning, I escort my lover cat down to her food dish. Yes--the kitty has me wrapped around her paw, but she does help me keep my energies flowing.

I also drink about 4-6 ounces of water before going to sleep and first thing every morning--even before my coffee. I drink water and other beverages throughout the day, according to what my body says it wants--and  it's nowhere near the recommendations suggested by "studies." I just listen to my body. I've also found that I can drink too much water or tea to the point I've depleted what feels like the electrolytes that keep me balanced--I experience painful leg cramps and deep bone aches. That's when I let myself enjoy potato chips with sour cream (my latest whimsy--never used to have a chip in the house) or something else salty with some chocolate on the side and tonic water (quinine) tastes refreshing. And then one day something else is the desired food of the moment.

Once when I'd been sick with flu-like symptoms and a cough for a couple months, I found I craved sea-salt water baths--again it felt connected to the electrolyte balance in my body because I'd been drinking a lot of tea and lemon-water in an attempt to keep my sinuses and things flowing. I used sinus rinses, ph-balanced, too. Adamus Saint-Germain, Kryon and The Group have all reminded us over the years to be aware that once or twice a year the body will naturally balance itself--even embodied self-masters experience this--and it'll feel like the flu (influenza).

In June of 2007, I experienced 24 hours of dizzy, clammy, profusive sweating, nausea and diarrhea where I spent the night between sleeping on the bathroom floor or agonizing on the toilet followed by being bed-ridden the next day, even when everyone else in the city was hunkered in basements while the tornado warning sirens went off. I didn't even care. My beloved Max-cat stayed with me the whole time--never left the foot of my bed. He also purred away a very cramped and painful stomach on another occasion--these pets are amazingly intuitive helpers--and their service to all of us should never be over-looked or taken lightly and for granted. There was no flu going around at the time and I hadn't eaten anything that my symptom-free husband hadn't eaten, too. Before the other lightworkers brought up the subject, I had already intuitively concluded it was my body re-balancing itself.

In 2001, I put myself through a traumatic body-cleansing where I learned what a "toxic rush" was after the fact--scared both me and my husband at the time. After eating apples and drinking water for 3 days, I was supposed to drink a 1/2 cup of extra-virgin olive oil and take a sea-salt water bath in order to re-balance my electrolytes. I felt fine until day two, and suddenly was so dizzy I didn't dare get out of bed, and so nauseated that I was afraid to sip any water for fear of vomiting it up. I especially don't like to vomit. It's traumatic for me--ha! Anyway, in desperation, I called my brother and he said it sounded like a toxic rush--which made sense. All of those toxins (lead, for one) that my body had taken in for years were probably not going to be pleasant coming out. And it wasn't pleasant, believe me! I lost all dignity from having to have my husband support me in the bathroom after drinking some water and my finally accepting the fact that I might be sick at both ends. Everything moved out after that--I was cleansed. Shortly after that ride on the toilet, I had energy and clarity like I'd never experienced before. It was euphoric--but I'll NEVER do it again, and I don't recommend it for anyone else!

You don't need to put yourself through that. That was back in the old consciousness days when the energies were pretty dense and stagnant yet. I'm writing about this because I hope you'll choose an easier path of transformation--you can do it quicker, easier and more gently NOW than I did THEN. The consciousness is flowing better, even if it appears extremely chaotic in the world--there are a lot more awakened and awakening people in the world today.

I should also let you know that I used to be very, wholefoods conscious. It began with my parents. My mom used to grind flour and make whole-grain everything from the wheat my dad raised. We lived pretty much off the organic garden vegetables we grew, and the poultry and cattle and pigs that were raised by my family. We were organically inclined back in the days before it was popular. My older sister has a degree in foods and nutrition so that had a tremendous influence on my diet and exercise consciousness.

As I grew the deeper relationship with my own body I starting tossing out all of my old rules on healthly diet and fitness--simplified everything. I had a ton of mental facts and teachings that were obstructing my flow. I was going beyond the old human mind consciousness and beliefs. That stuff is deeply tied into a person's ego identity, too--we use our scholarly (hard-won, lots of efforting) knowledge in order to get people to listen to us and accept us. Who am I then, when I'm no longer a health and diet and plant-growing expert? It's scary to let those identities and roles go--to strip oneself of all those titles. But it's worth it in the end because you don't have to grapple to memorize and then try to recall gads of information from your over-burdened human mind. I'm clearer now and I trust myself in having the answers for myself in the moment I need them.

I discovered whole-wheat breads don't agree with me--I bloat up from them unless the grain or flour has been soaked overnight, which seems to break it down enough so my body can utilize it better. For a long time, orange juice and tomatoes just felt too acidic--I'd notice canker sores in my mouth. I also noticed that with garlic and began lessening that in my diet. Then time passes, and suddenly they're just fine and I feel myself craving them. I've learned to pay attention, to eat only when I feel hungry and what appeals to me in the moment at hand. I don't keep a breakfast, lunch and dinner/supper schedule anymore, nor do I try to fit all the food groups into one meal--it's often more than I want, and my husband knows that and is fine with it. We've been splitting our meals for years. Restaurants could serve me half the food and I'd be more satisfied. My husband is also experiencing symptoms of awakening.

When I'm invited to eat a meal in other people's homes, I can eat whatever is put in front of me--my body will support me in that. There is nothing I hate worse than someone complaining about or telling about their personal issue with some food someone has kindly served them. Don't eat it if you believe it will be harmful to you (like an allergic reaction), but you don't need to make a big deal of it either. It's called sensitivity and common courtesy. I've discovered I can over-eat, but my body is able to naturally balance that, too--simply because I'm enjoying myself and allowing it to support me as it was designed to do, without me getting all analytical and diagnostic over it.

In fact, the more analytical I am about where, what, when and how I eat--the worse my experience with the food--weight gain, indigestion, blood sugar spiking and dropping, etc.

I do best when I just allow myself to be in the present moment SENSUALLY ENJOYING whatever I ingest.

I don't enjoy poison, nor do I have to prove to someone else that I can ingest something I deem poisonous and stay alive--THAT IS STUPIDITY reserved for insane religious nuts.

I also have a strong knowingness that I don't really need to eat in order to healthfully survive--but right now I eat when the notion strikes, and often it's just a way of socializing and connecting with my husband and friends. I let myself garden, bake, cook and eat for the sheer sensual pleasure of it--my enjoyment of my gift of life.

When I feel or think of painful or frustrating symptoms, I think of it as stuck energies looking for the quickest release from my body of consciousness, and I deal with all of it by focusing on FLOWING the ENERGIES.

I keep 5 things in mind to help FLOW consciousness energies:


Breathing: I close my eyes a lot and inhale a breath through my nose deep down into my diaphragm (put your hand on your tummy below your rib cage, making sure your diaphragm pushes your hand up), and I exhale it out of my mouth. That simple little act lowers the heart rate and blood pressure and centers me in the NOW moment. I used to have to make a conscious effort to do this because I was constantly feeling on guard, attacked even. So I breathed to lower my guard and just breathe all energies through. You can breathe it all through you--even the negative and dark stuff. My conscious breathing is pretty automatic these days compared to years ago.
Also, I use focusing on my breathing when I experience the mind-chatters.

Rest: I can't stress this enough--give yourself permission to nap--to lay down when you're feeling the need to get horizontal, whether it's just a few minutes or a few hours. YOU ARE NOT BEING LAZY! You need this in order to get balanced mentally and physically. There is such a bombardment of energies on a person who is going beyond the old mind and physical body that if you don't allow yourself a time-out, you're going to blow your circuits and either go crazy or get mortally sick. You can do that if that's the experience you want to have, but frankly, why put yourself through that if you don't have to?

Exercise (Gentle and Light): You only want to flow the energies, not hurt and stress an already over-whelmed physical body with high-impact exercise. We're already changing from the deepest levels of our DNA on outward--our physical bodies are transforming from caterpillar to butterfly. A few gentle yoga stretches and an easy walk outside in nature are my personal favorites. Swimming, dancing--it doesn't matter what you do--just DO NOT set goals to lose weight or tone muscles because it screws with simply LOVING YOURSELF UNCONDITIONALLY. The toning and well-being happens naturally when you let go of the mental goal-setting. Sometimes I lengthen my stride when my hips and back give me the okay and it feels good to do so, but otherwise I just walk in order to spend some alone time with me, away from my home-life routine. I have my best conversations with myself and insights when I'm walking out in nature. And some days--that nap is more important than the walking.

Water: is one of the best consciousness energy movers and balancers--drink it, bathe in it, and enjoy a swim when you have the opportunity. As I shared above--I use water (fresh and sea-salt) to help me clear and flow energies all the time.

Our Earth is currently experiencing shifts (some are experienced as natural disasters where there is a significant human population to notice it) related to the flow and re-distribution of water throughout the planet. This is happening because it shifted on its axis. She's allowing herself to naturally balance. The Earth, like each of us humans, was created so she could naturally heal and balance herself without needing anyone to fix her--just love her and appreciate her and allow her the freedom to do so. Sending humans on guilt trips for harming her actually stops the flow--just put down the pointing fingers and stop spreading fear-based stories like "global warming," and start focusing on her beauty and love of us instead. Breathe consciously with her, celebrate her while enjoying the gift she is.

Nature: Go for walks, sit on a rock or lay down in the grass, dangle your feet in a pond or wade in a brook. Just get out there and feel the earth and all of her life pulsing and breathing and singing with you. The plant and animal kingdoms are here to connect with us and to enhance our life experience. Those sunrises and sunsets are displayed all for you--laugh and dance in them. If you experience vertigo or dizziness--a common symptom of awakening for me, get yourself down (laying or sitting) onto the ground of the earth, take off the shoes and socks and stick those tootsies and palms in the grass--she will help you get balanced. If all else fails just choose to fall into the experience of the dizziness of the awesomeness and wonder of it all.

While my friend may not think so at the moment because the symptoms of awakening are not fun--I find myself giddy with excitement at discovering there are more people awakening around me. It's thanks to him that I'm writing a bit more on the subject--telling more personal anecdotes. I understand the fears, having gone through many of them myself, but I have come out on the other side of them, and I know it all works out. That there is an appropriateness to everything--and to just breathe that in and trust myself. Adamus reminded us a few months ago that even embodied masters (still physically alive) will probably still experience symptoms at times--and I still do--but I know it all balances eventually. Our bodies are denser than our consciousness, so in essence, though we've already arrived at self-mastery, our bodies are being pushed to catch up with the rest of us. It's just taking more time for them to do so.

Be kind, compassionate and gentle with yourself helps!

Related Posts (Click on the highlighted titles):
Physical Symptoms of My Awakening Self-awareness
I Don't Like Diagnosing or Labeling Dis-Ease: Here's Why...
My Candid Heartfelt Thoughts about Cancer
"I need..." Indicates the Sexual Energy Virus Is Present
All Is Well in All of Creation

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