Open and Allow.
I've realized that every story playing in every moment of my present life is an opportunity for me to OPEN myself to going beyond my old limited perception of the drama in front of me. My perception is everything when it comes to manifesting the life I desire. My perception is what determines what flavor of consciousness I radiate out to the energies that serve me in then manifesting the realities I experience.
My Life Is a Gift, Not a Test.
Viewing life from the perspective of it being a gift rather than a proving-ground of self-worth is a key perception in this game.
In realizing that I could CHOOSE to view a seeming dilemma as A GIFT of an opportunity to go beyond an old story rather than being stuck in a same-old, same-old experience--yet again--I felt a blossoming shift in my consciousness and in my personal energy field. I felt my braced shoulders and body loosen up and open up. I felt myself take a deep breath of ease and a smile touch my face.
I have an opportunity to enjoy a trip to another beautiful state, but I felt stuck in feelings of self-doubt, aloneness, and possible failure, with a niggling aspect of lack of abundance. I felt obligation and hurt at past betrayal stories. None of these were really how I personally feel. They were just old and sticky stories cycling back around to see if I wanted to make them mine. They were past experienced possibilities that I could make my truth, my reality. They were haunting me, "Pick me! Pick Me!" they said as they made smirky faces at me.
It was mucking me up. I was feeling stuck, closed in, unable to make any choice with a feeling of graceful ease. And the future date was looming closer and closer without a feeling of resolution other than regretfully having to decline the invitation. I sat on the couch sipping my cappuccino, allowing myself to feel into all of it--all those icky, frustrated old poor-little-me stories. And then it hit me.
Every story is merely a SUGGESTION of potentials I can choose or not choose to make my own experience. Every story is an opportunity to OPEN and ALLOW myself ease and grace in receiving the field of potential energies that serve me. I don't have to plan the logistics--figure out how to make it unfold. I just pick a flavor--like ice cream--something I feel I might enjoy.
I just OPEN myself, my self-awareness, and allow myself to feel at ease; instead of bracing myself in the old way, trying to manipulate and survive what feels like a landscape of emotional and physical landmines out to get me if I make one false move or choice.
Be Grateful--For the Opportunity.
My life is a multitude of opportunities: Replace all my old fears surrounding it with overall gratitude..
View all my stories with GRATITUDE. Instead of trying to figure out how to handle a situation and myself--simply view EVERY MOMENT and EVERY STORY as an OPPORTUNITY to open myself up to receive a GIFT of a life of EASE and GRACE. No weapons wielded offensively or defensively, no armor or protective barriers needed.
Simply open and give heartfelt thanks for the opportunities--even the opportunities clothed as Facebook whines, tantrums, tirades and power games. I have the whole pie, and many pies to play with, instead of just the Little Human sliver I once thought was all that I was. That's a whole lot to be grateful for...and all I have to do is OPEN and ALLOW myself to receive it. No judgment necessary.
We're all quite the characters--actors, that is--role-playing together. These are stories of my awakening, my remembering realization that Home/Heaven is wherever I am. That I am not the puppet on someone else's string. The search is over. I simply FREELY CHOSE to quit searching outside of myself, and realized all my answers have always been within.
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