It's always amazed me that with all the trying-to-perfect-my-human-self religions people seek to practice, so few actually set aside the studying of books and their busy outer "Look At My Deed-doing" long enough to take the time alone to become aware of the Master who lives within each of us. Their sacred books even tell them NOT to study the literal words and to look deeper than the outer deeds. They seem addicted to the grand search and the pretense of being lost and unworthy.
When I say, "The Master," I'm not talking about ascended masters like Jesus/Yeshua, Buddha, Saint-Germain, or any of the others--they each realized their own master self within. They were standards, examples of Self-Mastery Realization for us to see in the flesh. For us to see that enlightenment could be allowed and experienced by all of us. They never wanted to be used as idols or gods or saviors for us to worship.
I'm talking about the real YOU--the Compassionate Observer part--and the knowingness that resides in every single one of us. The realization, on a certain consciousness level--on the SOUL level--that we ALL love and accept unconditionally. That we all practice utmost compassion all the time (and have always been doing so). Even though, on the surface, we may be ACTING like naughty or nice little kids on this sensual and gritty Earthly playground.
But that's the point--we're all just acting.
I read the Bible for myself, and here are the concepts that helped me remember who I really am:
"False prophets and teachers will say, 'Here is the Christ! Jesus is coming! Look over here! Look over there!'... But the true teacher is the one within you. Listen to that one."
I even had a dream where that was made blatantly clear to me:
All around me were big movie screens that captured and held the attention of other fellow humans. They were entranced by commercials and dramas and games and self-perfecting practices. I was throwing out seed to feed the chickens, but only these iridescent, translucent birds (invisible to the other humans) saw it to eat it. Everyone else was too busy looking outside of themselves--watching a metaphorical TV--to realize the beauty and mastery that was always present within themselves.
"Don't throw your pearls before swine." This phrase always comes through with the memory of that vision. It doesn't mean humans are a bunch of pigs. It just means they are so deeply immersed into a hypnotic overlay and into an identity of playing the role of a sinner in a mucky pig-pen, that they aren't seeing themselves for who they truly are. And they won't until they're ready...
The "Song of Solomon" in the "Old Testament" tells the story of the Bridegroom searching all over outside of himself for his Beloved Bride only to realize that she had been with him all along, every step of the way. To me, that was just another way of telling me that everything I need or am is already within me. The true master is right here. "I am here!--Quit searching!"
In the "New Testament," Jesus stated, "There are those who shall come after me, and they shall do all these things I do, and more." Yet, I watch all these people going to church and following the traditions and rituals without any understanding or question. It's like me in the eighth grade having to memorize and recite the poem, "The Charge of the Light Brigade." I did it with ease, but, to this day, I have no idea what the poem was about! Over 2000 years later, few have actually taken Jesus's words to heart and run with it. Instead, they get on the Facebook bandwagon and proclaim, "Jesus is my savior...God loves you" just because someone told them to do it...and I admit it, I grin. Because I felt like a big fake when I tried to do a similar thing back when Facebook wasn't even a thought. For some passionate reason deep inside me I wasn't buying what others were trying to get me to believe and do.
For all those who attend all those Bible studies, how can you read those amazing words and not remember them and not want to experience your own realization? Frankly, my own life was so boring for the most part, that I was ready for something truly new. Other times, I wanted a true, freedom-for-all resolution to the issues that concerned me--not a compromise where someone has to lose in order for another to win. Instead, people get all busy play-acting the role of born sinners who need a god who sends ONLY ONE son to save them from themselves and their devil-dealings...and then he does this by offering himself as a BLOOD SACRIFICE to appease...whom???
In the Christian Bible "Old Testament," God actually stopped Abraham from sacrificing his own son to why would today's humans think a blood sacrifice was necessary? It's not making common sense.
During those years, when I tried to act like a good Christian, I always stumbled over calling Jesus (whom I now know as Yeshua) my "savior." It stuck in my heart and throat. It didn't feel natural or even sincere. Yet, calling him a friend and brother was easy.
Loving him was easy, and I appreciated the stories that portrayed him as an imperfect human just like me. That he could feel and express anger sometimes. That family members and friends could irritate him, too, at times. He wasn't syrupy sweet and self-righteously, turn-the-other-cheek holy. Some interactions with others pushed his last button of tolerance, and he let it show. Imagine it's you trying to deliver the message that the master is within each and every one, and all those hypnotized humans want you to do is perform magic tricks to make them ooh and aah, and maybe feed them fish and bread when they're a bit hungry. Or they still insist on coming to you with sob story, after sob story, after sob story, and expect the performance of a miracle for them when that's not your responsibility!
His message was about recognizing that YOU are always the master and creator of your own life. The compassionate observer is always present in you--"Heaven is right at hand!"--even when you're acting like the singular human being. It's just a matter of you opening into awareness of that part of yourself.
I attended a Good Friday service at a time in my life when I was already feeling at my lowest. I felt guilty that I even existed. It was my first, and last, Good Friday service. They handed us all a nail to hammer into a cross in front of everyone so it was driven home what we did to Jesus. The gory suffering of the Passion Play--the crucifixion of Yeshua--is not where I choose to dwell...And I DID NOT CRUCIFY YESHUA!!! Nor did any of you!
None of us needs saving--none of us ever did--and to slap Jesus on a cross and make people feel guilty about his death is an example of the use of POWER, of idolatry, and of energy stealing done by those who really aren't aware of the Master within himself or herself. They are deep asleep in a hypnosis. Those are the false teachers and prophets. The true, free master is powerless and doesn't need the energies from anyone else in order to exist or to create.
Here are a few realizations I had as I awakened to my own mastery within:
When I was a child--too young for school--I remember not being caught up so emotionally in the stories of others. Talk and stories and gossip flowed around me--but, for the most part, these stories were beyond my little-kid ability to even try to understand or control, and, as a result, my early life had some imagination and magic in it. Life flowed. But as I grew older, I began to feel and see myself in the stories, and I tried to monitor and control myself and my supporting casts of characters. I tried to make myself into a perfect human.
As I immersed more fully into an identity, playing the role of I'm-just-a-Little-Human Penny, I began to internalize suggestions about what kind of world I lived in, and how I should be and feel in it. I got more cynical and judgmental. I created my own reality based on the limited consciousness teachings and examples of admired family members, friends, teachers, and preachers. I began to feel ashamed if I wasn't feeling certain ways about certain situations. I felt wrong if I didn't act like I cared or felt sorry for someone.
But, even when I acted all nice on the outside, part of me always sensed that I didn't really care as much as I believed I should. I knew I was just pretending to be like I thought I was supposed to be.
I had to ask myself, "Why don't I care?" -- My answer, "Because it doesn't really matter. We're all playing a game of Let's Pretend." I actually observed myself acting in the moment. I SAW that we were all just play-acting! We were all drama-queening and -kinging it!
And I knew we were all really okay no matter how our stories played out. I've ALWAYS known this.
I've watched others play out their melodramas as a gift just for me--for example--a poor, pitiful me sob story. And when I looked into their eyes I sensed a conspiratorial wink--a knowingness that BOTH of us shared. We both recognized that no matter what was coming out of the mouth or being enacted by the body language, we both knew it was just an act, and that on some level we were having fun with the play, even though our human aspects were too asleep to see it.
I've become so aware of myself trying to play the poor, pitiful victim me that I can't even convincingly act the part with myself anymore. I cry, but it's hard to do without laughing at myself at the same time, so my famous sob fests have lost their oomph. Oh, I still indulge occasionally, but they don't last long.
"Apologize not, for your own or for another's existence--for it's out of love we ALL come, and it's unto love we ALL return."
The above statement popped into my awareness in the mid 1990s after reading the "Conversations With God" books by Neale Donald Walsh. In the third book, he shared the children's story, "The Little Soul and the Sun." The gist of the story was that we were acting out roles for our own and each other's self discovery, and when, out of love, we agreed to play the dark parts for someone, we hoped that the one we pretended to betray would remember that it was just a play-act, that we role-played that part out as a gift, on a stage where no one ultimately was ever harmed.
My dad had a falling out with his siblings after the death of his dad. I was so mentally and emotionally tugged and torn every which way trying to stay loyal to my dad and still have a loving relationship with my aunts and uncles that it drove me to throw up my hands in frustration and powerless surrender.
When I gave up trying to handle the situation and monitoring myself, I stepped back and out of the story, and became the audience watching their act on the stage. It was then that I finally realized that no matter how judgmental, silly, crazy, and mean they were to one another on the surface of things while on that stage--underneath all that clatter and conniption, I knew, without any doubt, that they actually always loved one another. Unconditional acceptance and compassion were always there on all sides. They were just pretending, and I could then see, too, that they were having fun playing out together a "Dysfunctional Family" story.
With that understanding expanding through the years, I've discovered that I can eventually laugh at all of our I'm-a-blind-and-hypnotized-human antics and let all my mind-based feelings of judgment, guilt, and self-doubt go. I've freed myself from many an old icky story with that simple realization.
"Allow & And": Two Tools of Enlightenment
Yes, I am human, and, because I've been unaware of the master that I am for so many lifetimes, that Little Human still has some tough moments and days. But I now ALLOW myself to be however without monitoring and trying to control that human part. If she's feeling particularly ugly or fat or angry or happy or sad, whatever--I let her be. Because I KNOW I'm just acting, and no matter how hard I humanly struggle to fix her, it's just not going to happen. Because there really isn't anything wrong with me in the first place..."and"...I know I'm also the Master, who has no issues, at the same time.
My human self isn't responsible for my enlightenment and mastery. It doesn't have the equipment for that. It was never intended for that. This human mind allows me to navigate this lovely planet stage, and this human body allows me to have a sensual experience of all that I am.
I ALLOW myself to simply be however my human feels in the moment, and to RELAX into my ENLIGHTENMENT.
My master self sees it all more clearly, more compassionately. She knows enlightenment happens naturally, and she reminds my human self that my job is to just ALLOW and to remember I am more than a singular human--I am many expressions (many STORIES) of the "I am" happening all at the same time. It's awareness of the master within that sets all aspects of my beingness free, because it's taken the pressure off my human aspect of thinking she had to figure out how, and work so hard, to be enlightened.
As the master and the human together, we celebrate all the wisdom gained from all our human stories.
None of us are born sinners.
We each just forgot who we really are while playing in our games of "Let's Pretend."
Ultimately, we are all eternal--our conscious awareness that we exist is forever and always present, regardless of whether or not we are playing about in the costume of a body:
"I am!...I exist!...I am here!"
YOU are the Master of all that you are...
And, regardless of your act, I will always know and recognize that whether you do or not...
As to my first question, "Why aren't more humans choosing an awakened, enlightened life?"
First of all, I don't think any of them are even aware that such a thing is even possible, certainly not for Little ol' Me.
And, most importantly, I see they're still having too much fun on the old POWER playground yet. They love playing on the old equipment. They love the old games being played by all the children there--even the war games, or the ones where they are stuck being the "It" person in a game of tag. They like make-believing that death is real. They like playing sick and opening up their Doctor kits. They like pretending there are accidents, and that they make silly mistakes like getting their tongues stuck to the monkey bars while trying to lick the frost off them. They like the intrigues of the He Said/She Saids, and getting to point a finger at someone while acting out being a Tattle Tale. What a sensual wonderland! As long as you're enjoying the life that you have, there's no desire to look for more...and that's perfectly okay! Enjoy yourself!
I reached a point in my life where I'd had my fill of all those old playground delights. I was tired of POWER plays. I wanted to experience a playground founded on FREEDOM. I wanted something brand new, not just a different version of the same stories. I had this knowing feeling deep down inside that maybe there was more to life than that one playground and my singular identity...
And then I became aware of the Compassionate Observing Master in me who delighted in my acting antics on the stage of human life...
That Master opened me up to allowing experience of potentials that as a human, I never even knew existed before, much less imagined. Things like going beyond the mind, beyond death, beyond time and space, creating realities and dimensions that never existed before--the simple sensual delight of just being in life!
After that, nothing else mattered for me except living a life of conscious embodiment, fully aware of the master that I am while playing in an enlightened physical human costume.
We're all quite the characters--actors, that is--role-playing together. These are stories of my awakening, my remembering realization that Home/Heaven is wherever I am. That I am not the puppet on someone else's string. The search is over. I simply FREELY CHOSE to quit searching outside of myself, and realized all my answers have always been within.
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