Who needs the helmet or avatar? We're already playing the Ultimate Virtual Reality Game. Only, humans are so immersed in the game--and these other games within the game--that most of us have forgotten we are each an eternal point of consciousness playing in vehicles and costumes we call the human body. Even our bodies aren't moving--they're just Bon, aka Time/Space, flowing in a particular pattern around us. We've forgotten that the world that surrounds us is our own energies arranging themselves in service to us by matching our radiation of conscious awareness.
If our awareness is limited, the energies in service to our consciousness tailor or weave themselves to match that, and so we then have a limited reality to play in. A limited reality is not bad--it's just a narrow slice of what's possible to experience.
This is an incredible and amazing gift we've each given ourselves, and the more I focus on perceiving it all as flowing to me and through or past me, the more I feel myself smiling and laughing and overjoyed at the wonder of it all.
I've been walking and eating and bathing, and being amazed that the Universe is flowing to me and past me, instead of me trudging and struggling through it. I am the constant, the stillness. In service to me, time and space are moving to me. The stairs ascend to and past me instead of my walking down them.
I'm amazed at how real the illusion of walking is for me--the horizon jiggles with the bounce in my step. The winds flow across my eardrums in a low and hollow whumping. My body muscles and nerves and tissue register sensations that say I'm exerting effort, that I'm taking steps that are jarring to my body, sometimes even tripping--and it's so real, it's almost unbelievable that I'm not actually moving.
All of this is happening without the use of computers or technology of any kind. See how remarkable we are?
I've been savoring the experience of eating homemade multigrain toast with lots of butter--the crisp and chewy, toasted, buttery nuttiness of it. The pleasure of it in my mouth, crunched between my teeth, rolled across my taste buds and tongue; the flavors and textures and sounds pulsing through me as I seemingly swallow. I quit worrying about whether or not it will have a good or bad effect on me, and simply enjoy the moment of it.
And when I do that, I see how it is possible for me to enjoy the human experience of eating without needing to eat specific nutrients or to exercise in order to have a resilient body. Suddenly I understand that it will flow through me as long as I don't worry and feel ashamed or guilty about it--as long as I don't analyze the right or wrongness of it--as long as I don't judge it. As long as I lovingly and gracefully ALLOW myself the simple experience of it...period.
Awareness of Bon in my dreams
"(It's) funny how in dreams your feet never touch the Earth..." These Dreams, as sung by Nancy Wilson, of Heart.
Our dreams are real dimensions or realities. They just aren't as gritty, dense, or as sensual as this Earth reality. And our human minds try to interpret these other realities based on our past limited Earthly human experiences. That's why they often don't make sense to us. Many of my dreams don't just border on it--they are bizarre and unsettling sometimes. And sometimes they are so freeing and awesome!
In my dreams, I am more aware of the flow of Time-Space (Bon) to and through or past me. My feet never contact the ground like in this TRULY SENSUAL Earth reality. In my dreams there is no Push-Force contact with the ground or any other surface I might touch. I feel no jarring, no friction, no pain in my feet, limbs or body as Time-Space moves through me.
It's much easier in my dreams to recognize that I never actually move--that Bon moves to me and through me, flowing in patterns that make objects appear to come closer to me and then move past me.
When I jump in my dreams, there is no launching from off the solid ground. I simply spring into the air effortlessly, suspended for lengths of time and distance inconceivable here in the Earth reality. I drive vehicles on roads that narrow until they disappear and I'm suddenly zooming along just a ridgeline too narrow for my wheel-base, and yet I don't tip over or crash. I float on the wind currents like a leaf and the landscape contours flow below me, making it appear as though I am the one flying--as though I am the one moving through the air.
But I am the constant. I never move. I never have.
In my dreams, I float with ease to the peaks of high mountains and tops of buildings and cliffs, and then my Earthly human mind kicks in and suddenly I feel trapped up there with no way of safely getting down the sheer walls and faces without falling to my death, or so I BELIEVE...
I don't get dirty, my clothes don't get soiled--not really. They have the potential of staying clean and unaffected should I walk through a deep mud puddle--if I allow that potential in. My mind and body intelligence has been so programmed to FEELINGLY/ SENSUALLY BELIEVE that I am dirty after a certain amount of TIME and my supposed movement through SPACE (like getting sweaty from the efforting) that I've not been radiating cleanliness from my conscious awareness, thus the energies in service to me, continually flow to manifest the patterns of dirty-ness and the need to wash and clean-up after myself.
In my dreams, I seldom actually feel the sensation of clothing against my skin. I remember a dream of reaching out to grasp another human's hand and being amazed at actually feeling its warmth--that's not something I normally experience in dreams that I remember. The five senses are for this Earthly reality experience, so it's kind of fun when there is a bleed-through of different realities.
So, how do I get beyond that old reality here? How do I realize the Bon here? I allow...
I KNOW this now. I'm aware of it now. So I simply keep my guards lowered and I allow...
No trying to figure out how to do it. No judgment of anything or anyone. I just breathe with ease and gratitude for this truly incredible, amazing and sensual ability of experience in my human costume and my limited human ways...and I allow...
...and when it happens, I won't panic, because now I have enough realization ahead of the actual experience. I know to just let it flow freely, to let myself just--be.
We're all quite the characters--actors, that is--role-playing together. These are stories of my awakening, my remembering realization that Home/Heaven is wherever I am. That I am not the puppet on someone else's string. The search is over. I simply FREELY CHOSE to quit searching outside of myself, and realized all my answers have always been within.
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