Monday, November 3, 2014

Taking the Fear Out of Making a Wrong Choice

In new conscious awareness, you can't make a wrong or bad choice. You can even make a choice that you'd think was obviously a bad one, and have it turn out to be an enjoyable manifested experience. Here's why:

It's all about you consciously RADIATING FULL TRUST of YOURSELF--the energies that serve you will match that radiation of integrity.

Where there is full TRUST of SELF, 
there is NO SELF-DOUBT.


where there is JUDGMENT, 
there is SELF-DOUBT.

A hint of radiated self-doubt, a hint of FEELING as though one's INTEGRITY in any situation is not fully intact--that will warp your point of conscious presence enough that you put up an energetic protective barrier around your field of energy.

The energies coming in to serve you match your radiated consciousness. They feel that friction, that barrier of unease, that attempt to monitor or control them, and they give you something to protect against, some type of conflict then gets created in your experience.

If you are RELAXED, OPEN and consciously ALLOWING--FEELING this--then no matter what choice you make, even if it seems like it could be a bad one, the energies that serve you are flowing to you and through you without hindrance. There are no guards or walls--and because of that openness, they respond in kind. Your body of consciousness is allowed to be at ease without being caught up in some constructed conflict. Simply because your inner pinpoint of awareness is not conflicted in the first place--you're flowing and allowing and at ease.

You cannot choose potentials that you cannot perceive. 

In the first place, you have to open yourself up to the possibility that those OTHER potentials actually exist.

What if we believed we only live in a black and white world because that's all we see, yet there are multitudes of color to select and experience, but we don't open up to the possibility they're there because all we see is black and white? We tell ourselves that either black or white is all we have to work with, so just pick one, dammit! That's just the way it is, and just get used to it.

We're used to our choices seeming to always head down one very narrow path with very limited expectations about the outcome. Judgment (regardless of whether you deem something "good" or "bad"), and the deeply ingrained self-doubt that one feels, also LIMITS the potentials that one can see. A PERCEIVED limited potential set of choices then keeps the outcome limited. Basically, we keep repeating our past experiences over and over again, they're just packaged differently.

For instance, I recently had someone tell me about an investment opportunity they had. They weren't looking for me to invest, but my JUDGMENT of the thing was, "It's a scam." I didn't tell the person that, but I did warn them to beware of such things, all the while knowing I had to honor their sovereignty and choice of experience. I honestly wasn't at ease with our conversation--I was scared for the outcome, afraid I was going to have to allow them to get hurt. But then I became aware that it was JUST MY JUDGMENT of the deal that was the only thing limiting my body of consciousness--MY EXPERIENCE. My friend was simply an actor for a script I HAD WRITTEN.

What I first JUDGED as a BAD CHOICE suddenly opened up. I saw potentials my friend could experience because of making that choice--and instead of the BAD OUTCOME I was first certain was headed his way, I saw really great possibilities for his journey, and grand things that could come out of it. The original, very limited, set of seemingly bad potentials opened quantumly-wide to an infinity of potential experiences. Anything became possible--even something miraculous--and it all originated from the making of what intially seemed like a "WRONG" choice.

In the end, it didn't matter what choice my friend made--all that mattered, ultimately, was really how I perceived it. That was all that mattered all along. By consciously choosing to feel into the situation, and by honestly acknowledging how I felt and that I had indeed been judging the situation and trying to make a right choice--I became aware of my own radiation of consciousness. I then opened up to viewing it from different perspectives--like what could possibly happen across a broader stretch of time, rather than a few singular traumatic moments--and I wrote a new open-ended script for my friend. I set us both free, and my world changed.

For one thing--I got this huge Ah-HAA! out of the deal!

The conversation with my friend was synchronistic for me in that I'd just heard someone ask Adamus Saint-Germain for advice on where to invest a windfall that they'd come into. Adamus said to just avoid anything secretive and to simply make sure they had what they needed in the present moment to enjoy living. A great stock portfolio or having a lot of money in the bank didn't necessarily mean a person was LIVING ABUNDANTLY. His point was that stockpiling anything, even money, wasn't allowing abundance in a person's life. Hauling around and storing loads of anything is a burden--that's not necessarily a joyful living experience. I have observed some wealthy people display paranoid behavior--a fear that everyone was out to steal from them. That didn't look like a fun life to me.

Adamus's point was that each of our inherent abundance is in the present moment--no worries or cares about where it came from--you just have it the moment you need it. And that we've all been abundant always--many of us have just chosen to focus on pretending to have an abundance of a LACK of ABUNDANCE.

I also realized that it was the SECRECY aspect surrounding any investment that Adamus was referring to, more than anything else, that was probably the biggest factor affecting how one gets their financial income. Secrecy implies a LACK of INTEGRITY. And anywhere there is a FEELING of a lack of integrity, you have FEELINGS of SELF-DOUBT.

That self-doubt, lack of self-trust, distorts everything in a twisted way. Self-doubt pretty much equals conflict.

So, it still simply comes down to this:

Don't judge. 
Don't think. 
Don't worry. 
Don't analyze. 
Let go of expectations of an outcome.

Simply be aware of how I'm FEELING inside, and take a simple breath and CHOOSE to:

1. OPEN UP my field of energy...weapons down, armor off...

2. ALLOW the energies to serve me in grace and need to try to figure out how or what...

3. RELAX...take it easy...this enlightenment happens naturally if I stay out of my way...


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