How many lightworkers does it take to change a world?
Just one.
This was a question asked and answered years ago by the entities known as The Group, channeled through Steve and Barbara Rother of And the answer resonates as strongly with me today as it did back then, because it means to me that I can change my world and you can change your world, and neither of us has to preach to the other from pulpits, podiums, street corners or blogs--or try to convince anyone outside of oneself to get on our unique bandwagon in order to do so. It means I can be compassionately hands-off and honor others in the experiencing of their individual lives while loving my own sovereignty--my own gift called life.
That inner knowingness of mine had me aware, for many years, that the only way I was going to change my world was by getting to know myself better first; then, when choosing to make more conscious change in me, my world would naturally follow suit. I've known I shouldn't have to grapple with, and try to force, the world outside of me to fit. I knew it had to be easier than that.
I have watched politically-minded, religious-minded, and legal-minded individuals fight and try to convince the outside world to do it their way, and end up compromising so much that all integrity is lost--freedoms are taken and handed over on platters--and still the struggle to live together in harmony continues. It has been done so for eons.
I encourage you to take a look at all the laws in the books--legal and religious. There are laws that don't even make sense anymore. If you cannot read and understand those letters of the law (even though they're written in what appears to be your first language)--without a lawyer--should you be responsible and accountable for that law? Does it even make sense to try? I used to try to follow all those laws perfectly--and I was a perfect example of a walking ulcer.
And just because you maybe had a traumatic experience due to a certain situation, is it your place to force your fears and beliefs (based on that singular experience) on someone else by making a law that takes away another's freedom, their discernment as to the most appropriate action or reaction in their own unique moment at hand? Have you thought, instead, about sharing your story and insights gained from your experiences in order to increase awareness--that maybe you don't need a frickin' "I'm-on-my-self-righteous-high-horse-because-I'm-feeling-powerless" law to bring about a change?
Laws should be few, simple, flexible and clear--honoring all of life--instead of prolific as rabbits and as whimsical as fashion trends, full of small print and muddy terms.
Of course, we need living-in-harmony guidelines for things such as traffic so everyone knows what to expect and who should go first, etc. so we can reduce the number of collisions with one another--again, that's common sense. But maybe we should start thinking in terms of guidelines in place of lettered, written-in-stone laws.
Have you noticed how uncomfortable a government employee (a trained monkey) is when you give them an answer to a question that doesn't match the ones that can be nicely checked off in a box on an "everybody-else-needs-to-save-a-tree-but-us" pile of paper? Any time I see anyone shuffling a bunch of forms (hard-copy paper or computer) with small-print legalese I think, now there's someone trying to look busy in order to justify keeping their--you know it just has to be miserable--job.
Self-awareness and conscious presence will eventually one day make even those safety guidelines obsolete--we just have to start using it.
Is it just me, or does anyone else notice that mass consciousness ASSUMES everyone is a CRIMINAL first?
Case in point, stop in your local library and check out the ever-changing tax codes and their definitions and wording. And then just breathe that in for a bit and allow your inner knowingness COMMON SENSE to rise to the forefront. There really should be no such things as special legal definitions of commonly used terms such as "person, individual, citizen, employee, official"... Some of those legal terms make YOU--a natural freeborn being--a "subject of" (the slave of) an outside party--that, my friends, is energy-feeding, the sexual energy virus. Someone is asking you to give your personal sovereignty away to them--many don't ask, they just tell you it's "the right thing to do."
Don't be afraid to start asking questions about these things--especially when you can first ask it of yourself, and discover how you really feel and think about your life and the situations you experience. You've got absolutely nothing to lose by asking yourself the question first--except maybe some fears start to fall away. Keep it simple, and allow yourself to make changes and exceptions for different scenarios and situations--be willing to walk a mile in another's moccasins, to shift your viewing perspective around A LOT for the clearest choice with the most integrity and honoring of freedom for all.
Should you be accountable for breaking laws you're unaware of? When you sign a contract, shouldn't the other party have to sign an accountable name for their party, as well--and be held accountable when their practices aren't up to par?
When you enter into a contract shouldn't you do so voluntarily, with full comprehension and knowingness? How many of us were taught that in our formal education in K-12 grades when we were taught how to fill out an income tax form and sign our name to a one-sided contract? I sure wasn't. I wasn't taught anything in all my years of formal schooling about how to be a self-responsible sovereign living in harmony with fellow sovereigns.
I was basically taught to be a slave to the system in place (you know, like get a job that totally defines my identity and worth in this world, and then vote for the lesser of the two or three evils running for some office, supposedly representing me and my views). Most of those perpetuating that belief system aren't doing so with any sense of awareness. They're deep asleep in a belief system--and you don't want to fight with people in the middle of their nightmares. They're like cornered beasts--they do things cruelly and intimidatingly, out of a sense of personal survival and ego identity. And they will do everything in their power to try to keep you afraid and intimidated, to keep you under control--all in hopes of them feeling safe and secure.
In the Old Testament story about Moses, it tells about his big ah-Ha! moment with the burning bush--he walked away from that shrub of awareness realizing, pondering and repeating to himself, "I am that I am...hmmm..."
When I looked into declaring my own sovereignty two decades ago, the top of the documents we were taught to file stated the words, "I am that I am--natural, freeborn..."
So when Adamus Saint Germain of began every shoud/channel with the with words, "I am that I am, Adamus Saint Germain of sovereign domain...,"--I KNEW this was it! This was my key to my own self-sovereignty, and it didn't require filing any documents or arguing or fighting with anybody. It was doing like Moses did--going forward in my life with that as the foundation of every breath I breathe, every self-expression and every experience.
Frankly, self-aware sovereign of my domain that I am, I'm nothing to be afraid of--but I'm nothing to be messed with anymore either. I no longer play the old games--I command sleeping suckers (visible or invisible) to transmute/change/"play nice" or leave my presence.
I love the parables Yeshua/Jesus used to share his messages--two of my favorites have been about the Prodigal Son and the Shepherd Who Brought Home Every Single Sheep. In the story of the shepherd and the scattered sheep, not one sheep was left alone and lost, no matter how long it took to connect with him/her. Time and distance didn't matter.
People who are deep-asleep in their illusion-realities are afraid of their own shadows, and so they try to control everyone and everything around them in order to feel safe--and they often try to do so by making rules for others to follow...
My friends--you're not sheep who need a master shepherd (for instance, someone like a "Savior Jesus"--I honestly don't feel that was his point to the parable) to run to the furthest corners of his pasture in order to find those of you who wandered off, got lost, stuck in a ravine in a flood, hung up in a fence, or trampled over and suffocated in a blizzard while following the blindest sheep--you know, that buck who's only at the head of the flock because he's high on fear adrenaline and running in sheer terror from some unknown evil out there. The rest of the sleepy, yet panic-stricken, sheep are following the raving lunatic simply because he's moving and appears to be headed somewhere.
I've always felt that Jesus was referring to something other than himself as the shepherd of humanity. That he was instead teaching about the CHRISTED ONE WITHIN EACH of US--that Divine Spark that remembers our eternal connectedness to the Source of All that Is. All of his other teachings seem to be saying the same thing. Don't look outside of yourself for teachers. They're going to say, "Look over here, look over there...Do this. Do that." Some of them might put on an entertaining show that provides a bit of distraction, but that's all it is.
Everywhere I've ever been, anything I've ever explored--the one teacher I always and only return to--IS ME--the one inside, the Christed light of god of my life that I am. I have discussions with myself all the time--and I'm damned proud of it!
My BELOVED SOUL has had many lifetimes of myriad expressions and roles--many of them I've spent as a human on this awesome gift of self-discovery on a beloved jewel of life called Earth. In some of those expressions I know my all-alone-feeling human identity was lost, deep asleep, terrified enough to have done some evil acts--but loss of my soul was never an issue.
The Eternal Source made certain FROM THE BEGINNING that NO SOUL would ever be truly and completely lost. No matter how many eons or lifetimes it took, every last one would eventually remember and realize the CHRIST WITHIN ONESELF and would naturally then bring HOME to being wherever she/he is. And that by doing so, she'd also integrate into her whole BODY of CONSCIOUSNESS all those other "once-upon-a-time, lost-sheep soul expressions."
The awakened you is the shepherd who brings home, and integrates, all the other life expressions--the lost and the enlightened--of your ONE SOUL. That's the shepherd Yeshua was talking about in the parable.
In short, there's nothing you have to do (no paperwork to file) to claim your sovereignty--that's what "I am that I am--Sovereign of My Domain" means. You simply live it out.
I worship and bow to no one, but I honor and appreciate all of this gift called LIFE--and I bless it with FREEDOM--and I choose to live in harmony with all that is. And so it becomes...
These are some of my answers to my questions. I encourage everyone to ask and discover your own.
An IMPORTANT reminder:
Are you humorously walking like a master--The Master--of your own life?
You don't have to search for the other life-expressions of your soul in order to integrate them--ALLOW your ENLIGHTENMENT, breathe consciously until you tingle, and just invite them HOME (to you), with hands-off compassion (not pity), while continuing to act like the master that you are.
There are old wounded aspects of your soul who tend to have tantrums and try to take over your life. You'll become aware of the stories and feelings they bring up in your being by the dramas, or sometimes physical or emotional symptoms, happening in your current life. When you do, COMMAND them to integrate peacefully, or leave your presence until they choose to come HOME gracefully. Tantrums don't need to be tolerated...
I had some tantrum-throwers, and they liked to run my show--always chattering in my head, clamouring to be heard above all the others. At first, it was frustrating discerning them because it all felt like it was me, but CLOSING MY EYES and practicing the CONSCIOUS, SELF-AWARE BREATHING-until-I-TINGLED got me centered in my own PRESENCE, and at ease enough so I could separate out the naughty, sometimes self-pitying brats.
The more you BREATHE CONSCIOUSLY and are at EASE in YOUR OWN SKIN, the more, then, you realize who you really are--the steadfast and flowing master of your own life--and the easier it becomes to perceive all other aspects and life expressions of your soul.
YOU ARE the LIGHT of HOME...close your eyes and feel that warm and tingling awareness when you breathe, and say, "I am HOME..."
We're all quite the characters--actors, that is--role-playing together. These are stories of my awakening, my remembering realization that Home/Heaven is wherever I am. That I am not the puppet on someone else's string. The search is over. I simply FREELY CHOSE to quit searching outside of myself, and realized all my answers have always been within.
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