I Don't Know How to Love Him--a song performed by Mary Magdalene's character in the musical, Jesus Christ, Superstar--resonated with me on so many levels. Yet, I was just a kid without an actual religious education.
I always wanted to learn more about him--his entire life--from childhood to death, resurrection, and beyond. The Holy Bible scriptures--dogma-laced stories that made him into a perfect, untouchable God, incarnate in flesh and blood, that I was supposed to worship just because everybody was doing it that way--didn't tell me enough about what Jesus's life was like. I read a book called The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, which told of his travels throughout India, Europe and Egypt, etc.; and I read Celtic, Old World history fiction that referred to him being as far north as what is now known as the United Kingdom.
I read about the history of Earth in a tome called The Urantia Book. It covered the nature of God, spiritual beings--seraphim, cherubim, the Melchizadeks, to name a few--the creation of the planet, the evolution and revelation cycles of human consciousness and physicality, and the start and growth of all the world religions and science. It was heavy, mind-blowing reading at the time--thousands of pages channelled back in 1933, but left unpublished until after World War II. It, too, dedicated a section to the life story of Jesus, and connected it to archangel Michael. I ate it up. I was finally reading something about an actual person--who had feelings, emotions, and human difficulties that I could relate to.
How much of these stories was fact, and how much was fiction? I honestly don't know and don't really care. All that matters is the parts that resonate with my own heart--that resonate with that SAFE and SACRED SPACE that is within me always.
And those parts are more sacred and holy to me than anything that I ever read in the Bible--an account that left a huge gap about what happened to him between the ages of 12 and 30. Plus, I didn't believe his mother Mary was a virgin, especially after reading more about the evolution of religions, and discovering that the Virgin Birth originated in pagan tradition. I also didn't need him to be celibate.
As far as I'm concerned, the scriptures were originally channelled, often from a place of purity, too, but all those words have been taken too literally by too much mental studying (instead of allowance of the heart to translate). The true message has been drastically distorted by those hypnotized and blind-to-who-we-really-are beings through the ages, who had an agenda of attaining power and control over others. I include myself in that latter group, too. I'm certain aspects of my own soul played in all those stories over the ages, dabbling in playing the spectrum of roles, ranging from power-hungry persecutor to victim.
I felt as though a part of me actually knew Yeshua when he walked his story upon the Earth. And inside, I KNOW that another life expression of my soul, actually did. I'm certain many of you who have similar feelings to mine, were there also. It just makes sense.
I call you not father, mother, brother, sister...I call you "Friend."
I've shared, in a few postings in this blog, that calling him my lord and savior, and trying to use him as my telephone to God--well, those approaches just didn't work for me. I found myself uncomfortable and unable to sincerely call him my savior. The words clogged in my throat, they just never resonated with me, even when I thought of myself as being a Christian. In the early 1980s, a much-beloved friend and fine art creator did a portrait of Jesus--and titled it, "Friend." You can see more of the art of Marsha Lehmann by clicking here: Prairie Bleu Studios.
Having done a few drawings of my own, I do know that titles have a way of finding their way into whatever you're working on, long before one's completed the piece. It doesn't come from mentally trying to figure one out--it's just there with a certainty of heart--an inner knowingness.
But, before I knew that, I was certain that Marsha's title fit how I felt about Yeshua--and it seemingly fits not only how Yeshua viewed us, but also how he desired to be perceived.
Friendship doesn't depend on you being a member of a family, a religion, or a country. It's an HONOR to be called a friend. Especially for me to be called so by him, because it means I have it in me to not energetically feed off him. It means that I'm not trying to use him. That I can be with him, just for the joy of being together. I like to think we're laughing--A LOT.
It's been awhile since I've perused the translated scriptures, but here are some of my impressions from them. I'm not speaking literally here--this is how I've perceived them by reading and experiencing through my heart.
I remember someone trying to call Yeshua "Master (Maestro)." But Yeshua said, "No. I'm not your master." To me, this just doesn't feel like Jesus was into having a fancy I'm-better-than-you title, with a ton of "lesser" servants running around trying to guess and do his bidding, nor was he out to have others worship him. I don't get the sense he wanted anyone to place him on a pedestal above them, and then to have them pray to, or through, him--for stuff, or about situations.
I do, however, have the feeling that he likes to visit with us as friends--to compassionately and unconditionally love and encourage us, helping us clarify things--when we ask him to--in order to help us remember the Christ seed within each of us, and to help us bring it into bloom, and to live out that realization.
Too much emphasis has been placed on expecting someone else, other than oneself, to perform miracles. I'd prefer to create my own miracles, rather than be dependent on another to do it for me--where's the fun in that?
I actually had a very profound dream where everyone was oohing and ahhing at huge screens of images, trying to direct my attention to them as though I should be amazed and awestruck by them--that I should worship them. But all the pretty man-made fireworks on the screens meant absolutely nothing to me. It reminded me of that admonition in the scriptures where we're warned to look to the true teacher within, rather than the outer, false and misleading ones who are pointing and saying, "Look here. Look over there. Look outside of yourself for the coming of the Christ..."
Remember the miraculous incident involving the feeding of thousands with a couple of fish and a loaf of bread? Did Yeshua stand up on a rock to perform a miracle to entertain, to woo, and to ooh! and ahh!, a delighted crowd with his antics in order to gain followers? No. These people had been listening to his teachings for hours--he had a bunch of hungry people on his hands. And people with empty stomachs are easily riled by others in the crowd who are up to no good.
I'm certain he was Self-Aware and trusted himself implicitly. He KNEW within HIMSELF--without a hint of doubt--that the universe would manifest what he truly felt, thus radiated out, to be possible. All of it happening without a lot of efforting being done by anyone.
If I recall correctly, he'd had some practice in his own inner knowingess by then--inspired some to heal themselves. I'm not sure where his invitation to Lazarus to return from the dead back to the living fits in the timeline. He did NOT force or demand Lazarus back into his body--ENLIGHTENED CONSCIOUSNESS cannot use force--force does not work.
My point is, Yeshua knew he could create what he wanted, as long as it honored, instead of intruding upon, the free choice of others--just because he embraced and trusted his SELF-MASTERY. He realized he was the master of his own life.
He had a discussion with one of his apostles at that time, encouraging his friend to be aware of, to trust and to have faith in, his own knowingness within. That he, too, could abundantly feed the multitudes, or whatever, as long as he trusted himself.
Yeshua said there would be many more, who would come later, that could move mountains and other seeming impossibilities--and who would accomplish more than even he did.
He showed us that death wasn't real--that there is life after death! I'm not throwing aside the possibility of experiencing that one for myself! He went to a great deal of trouble and difficulty (he experienced a miserable death nailed to a cross, and, in the bargain, got mistakenly perceived as "God's blood sacrifice") in order to lay the groundwork for us. I'm grabbing that baton, and I'm going to run with it--but I'm not feeling guilty about being some "sinner" who he supposedly "lovingly sacrificed his life for." That really screws with my concept of friendship.
I love Yeshua's teaching and messages! I truly feel his messages were meant to inspire personal love and sovereignty--and, yes, friendship with others. I got the warm and tinglies just writing that.
Yeshua's story tells me that personal enlightenment doesn't depend on wealth, the "right" religion, family, government, intelligence, education, orientation, gender, doing the perfect deeds, following all the rules, personal sacrifice or social status. I don't care who you are, or what your stories are--when you're ready, you'll choose to be the master of your own life, in your own way. That's the message, I know from within myself, that he was trying to convey.
Many of his teachings were shared through the use of parables. Hearing a story without you being personally accused in it, is less likely to put your ego fully on the defensive. Yes--if you feel into it, the ego armor is still on, even then. Just not the full metal jacket. When encouraged to step back out of the scene enough, in order to allow a broader perspective of all of it, one is more likely to ponder over the story when observing it from a bit of distance. It's easier, then, to make a connection with a person's opened heart.
I never heard Yeshua campaigning for the job of King of the Jews. I never read anything about him trying to amass an army of soldiers (or voters) to conquer others in order get his point across.
Unawakened people wanted to make him their king in order to have someone take care of them. Sleepy, unscrupulous politicians and agenda-driven religious leaders were trying to use him for their own purposes of keeping power and wealth.
They just couldn't seem to grasp these mentally-confounding new ideas, and ways of being, that this man was not only talking about--but LIVING. And they were scared of him and his ideas. He was blowing huge holes in their belief foundations. So, in their fear, they tried to kill him off...
And yet, HE LIVES!
All of the above is supposition and imagination on my part, and someday, I may look back at this and ask myself, "What were you thinking?!"
But I don't care. I could be TOTALLY WRONG...and it doesn't matter, because I feel good right NOW, inside and out, when I view things this way. I know truth expands, and this just happens to be where I'm perched at this moment...
May you REALIZE the Light of the Christ that is within you, that is you...you precious gift, you!
P.S. If you are like me--yearning and hungering for more about the full life of Yeshua, "Jesus," before and after his physical death--here is the text pdf link to the December 7, 2013, Crimson Circle Shoud where ascended master, Adamus Saint-Germain helped all of us to put together what he called the Yeshua Composite. In short, it's the Yeshua story that joyfully resonated and matched the Christ story within me, and it paralleled my own journey of awakening.
Please note: Adamus is not afraid to provoke a person's anger and shock--and laughter--in order to help one get into FEELING WITHIN, and to step out of an old hypnosis or mindtrap belief. I always watch the video, listen to the audio, and read the text versions at least 3 or more times--because I miss stuff the first couple of times through. While his playing of "The Jesus Game" with us might seem irreverent, his ultimate reason for the game--and getting us to laugh--is the ten-minute message at the end.
I've loved all the Shouds--freely offered every month since 1999--because they encourage me in my INDEPENDENCE and SELF-SOVEREIGNTY and COMPASSION. But this one is probably one of my all-time favorites. May you allow yourself the freedom to feel into it, laugh with us-- celebrate the Yeshua Story--if you so choose, of course.
Also, for links to the FREE audio and video versions of the monthly Shoud, please visit crimsoncircle.com, LIBRARY, The Discovery Series, December 7, 2013 SHOUD.
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